Breaking News: Obama Announces Plan To Release Another 17 Gitmo Jihadists

If there was anything to hold them on, surely they would have been tried by now.
They were captured on the battlefield.............aka prisoners of a War that is still ongoing.............just because they are not formally part of a country to country War doesn't mean they aren't prisoners of War.

Our Troops don't stop to take evidence and DNA samples, or put up crime scenes on the battlefield...................That isn't their purpose or job.....................and is completely different to the rights of citizens in this country to a trial.

Your statement is BS.

If they are prisoners of war, they would have had to be treated according to the Geneva Convention.
They were captured on the battlefield.............aka prisoners of a War that is still ongoing.............just because they are not formally part of a country to country War doesn't mean they aren't prisoners of War.

Our Troops don't stop to take evidence and DNA samples, or put up crime scenes on the battlefield...................That isn't their purpose or job.....................and is completely different to the rights of citizens in this country to a trial.

Your statement is BS.

You have no idea where they were 'captured' and that is the issue. No transparency. They could have been shooting at coalition soldiers because they loved Saddam and hated the US. They might have been shooting at US soldiers because they saw them as invaders and they were just trying to protect their home and family (something you would do if they invaded the US, right?). Or they might have been some sheep herder whose neighbour wanted their land so dropped a dime to the US armed forces saying they were terrorists.

That's the problem with Gitmo. Nobody has any idea what the fuck is going on other than the govt. And that is the real kicker - the ones who hate govt interference the most - the rabid right - give them a free pass on Gitmo? Why? Because at their very heart most conservatives love to be in control at any cost. Even others' freedom.
From the military, they have stated that these people were taken from the battlefield as enemy combatants................Many have been released over time that they stated were not classified as enemy combatants..............The remaining ones are the hard core according to the military over the last decade....................

I'm just repeating what they have said about this over the last decade...........
From the military, they have stated that these people were taken from the battlefield as enemy combatants................Many have been released over time that they stated were not classified as enemy combatants..............The remaining ones are the hard core according to the military over the last decade....................

I'm just repeating what they have said about this over the last decade...........

So they say....I don't trust any of them.
From the military, they have stated that these people were taken from the battlefield as enemy combatants................Many have been released over time that they stated were not classified as enemy combatants..............The remaining ones are the hard core according to the military over the last decade....................

I'm just repeating what they have said about this over the last decade...........

So they say....I don't trust any of them.
To each his own............most of them were taken prisoner by front line troops......not the pentagon..........I'll take their word over your BS.
In a time of war, this is something a true constitutional natural born citizen president would never do. Unfortunately, we have a president ineligible for Article 2 Section 1 who waa born without sole allegiance to America and its founding principles, a person who should have never been elected. This is proof he stands with the enemy as he said he would if the winds changed in an ugly direction.

Obama White House to Release Another 17 Gitmo Jihadists So They Can Kill More Americans - The Gateway Pundit

Birthers should be locked up at Gitmo.
"Obama Announces Plan To Release Another 17 Gitmo Jihadists"


Those are detainees unlawfully held by the Bush administration – the consequence of Bush's incompetence and failure to indict and try the detainees, the direct result of Bush's failed, illegal wars.

It's yet another Bush mess the president is forced to clean up.

And should the detainees be released – in accordance with the Constitution and rule of law – and should they commit an act of terror, that's solely on Bush, not the president or anyone else.

Obama has been President for 7 years and you still blame Bush. It really doesn't get any more pathetic than that. What is even more sickening is the fact that you call the invasion of Iraq illegal. The US Congress voted to give Bush the authority to attack Iraq and the UN agreed they were in material breach of the UN mandated cease fire.

And, if they commit an act of terror or rejoin Al queda or join ISIS it will be on solely on Obama. They can't do any harm as long as they are in Gitmo. They are POW's and should be released when there are no more attacks on Americans by there fellow JIhadists.

Even a damned fool know this is nothing but an attempt by Obama to save face on his campaign promise to close Gitmo during his first year in office.
Why is every right wing post based on a lie? I wouldn't be surprised if they became radicalized after so long being unlawfully imprisoned, but they are innocent of any crimes, and should have been released long ago.

It is not unlawful to take prisoners during a time of war, dipshit!
"Obama Announces Plan To Release Another 17 Gitmo Jihadists"


Those are detainees unlawfully held by the Bush administration – the consequence of Bush's incompetence and failure to indict and try the detainees, the direct result of Bush's failed, illegal wars.

It's yet another Bush mess the president is forced to clean up.

And should the detainees be released – in accordance with the Constitution and rule of law – and should they commit an act of terror, that's solely on Bush, not the president or anyone else.

Obama has been President for 7 years and you still blame Bush. It really doesn't get any more pathetic than that. What is even more sickening is the fact that you call the invasion of Iraq illegal. The US Congress voted to give Bush the authority to attack Iraq and the UN agreed they were in material breach of the UN mandated cease fire.

And, if they commit an act of terror or rejoin Al queda or join ISIS it will be on solely on Obama. They can't do any harm as long as they are in Gitmo. They are POW's and should be released when there are no more attacks on Americans by there fellow JIhadists.

Even a damned fool know this is nothing but an attempt by Obama to save face on his campaign promise to close Gitmo during his first year in office.

they call it "illegal" because that not only spits on Bush but spits on our Military at the same time. so they get two hates off their chest with one spit. UnAmercan is what it is
Why is every right wing post based on a lie? I wouldn't be surprised if they became radicalized after so long being unlawfully imprisoned, but they are innocent of any crimes, and should have been released long ago.

It is not unlawful to take prisoners during a time of war, dipshit!

Link to the declaration of war, please.
Why is every right wing post based on a lie? I wouldn't be surprised if they became radicalized after so long being unlawfully imprisoned, but they are innocent of any crimes, and should have been released long ago.

I would of preferred if they all had been shot

"Obama Announces Plan To Release Another 17 Gitmo Jihadists"


Those are detainees unlawfully held by the Bush administration – the consequence of Bush's incompetence and failure to indict and try the detainees, the direct result of Bush's failed, illegal wars.

It's yet another Bush mess the president is forced to clean up.

And should the detainees be released – in accordance with the Constitution and rule of law – and should they commit an act of terror, that's solely on Bush, not the president or anyone else.

Obama has been President for 7 years and you still blame Bush. It really doesn't get any more pathetic than that. What is even more sickening is the fact that you call the invasion of Iraq illegal. The US Congress voted to give Bush the authority to attack Iraq and the UN agreed they were in material breach of the UN mandated cease fire.

And, if they commit an act of terror or rejoin Al queda or join ISIS it will be on solely on Obama. They can't do any harm as long as they are in Gitmo. They are POW's and should be released when there are no more attacks on Americans by there fellow JIhadists.

Even a damned fool know this is nothing but an attempt by Obama to save face on his campaign promise to close Gitmo during his first year in office.

they call it "illegal" because that not only spits on Bush but spits on our Military at the same time. so they get two hates off their chest with one spit. UnAmercan is what it is

How does being opposed to Bush's unnecessary invasion of Iraq equate to "spits on our Military" exactly? And who is it, precisely, that "hates" the military in your estimation?
Why is every right wing post based on a lie? I wouldn't be surprised if they became radicalized after so long being unlawfully imprisoned, but they are innocent of any crimes, and should have been released long ago.

It is not unlawful to take prisoners during a time of war, dipshit!

Link to the declaration of war, please.

Congress has not made a declaration of war since 1941. I sure am glad that we didn't really have Korean War and a Vietnam War, aren't you?
"Obama Announces Plan To Release Another 17 Gitmo Jihadists"


Those are detainees unlawfully held by the Bush administration – the consequence of Bush's incompetence and failure to indict and try the detainees, the direct result of Bush's failed, illegal wars.

It's yet another Bush mess the president is forced to clean up.

And should the detainees be released – in accordance with the Constitution and rule of law – and should they commit an act of terror, that's solely on Bush, not the president or anyone else.
Bush? Seriously? If they were illegally detained, then why did it take Obama seven years to release them?
"Obama Announces Plan To Release Another 17 Gitmo Jihadists"


Those are detainees unlawfully held by the Bush administration – the consequence of Bush's incompetence and failure to indict and try the detainees, the direct result of Bush's failed, illegal wars.

It's yet another Bush mess the president is forced to clean up.

And should the detainees be released – in accordance with the Constitution and rule of law – and should they commit an act of terror, that's solely on Bush, not the president or anyone else.

Obama has been President for 7 years and you still blame Bush. It really doesn't get any more pathetic than that. What is even more sickening is the fact that you call the invasion of Iraq illegal. The US Congress voted to give Bush the authority to attack Iraq and the UN agreed they were in material breach of the UN mandated cease fire.

And, if they commit an act of terror or rejoin Al queda or join ISIS it will be on solely on Obama. They can't do any harm as long as they are in Gitmo. They are POW's and should be released when there are no more attacks on Americans by there fellow JIhadists.

Even a damned fool know this is nothing but an attempt by Obama to save face on his campaign promise to close Gitmo during his first year in office.

they call it "illegal" because that not only spits on Bush but spits on our Military at the same time. so they get two hates off their chest with one spit. UnAmercan is what it is

How does being opposed to Bush's unnecessary invasion of Iraq equate to "spits on our Military" exactly? And who is it, precisely, that "hates" the military in your estimation?

Unnecessary is a matter of opinion and everyone has one.
"Obama Announces Plan To Release Another 17 Gitmo Jihadists"


Those are detainees unlawfully held by the Bush administration – the consequence of Bush's incompetence and failure to indict and try the detainees, the direct result of Bush's failed, illegal wars.

It's yet another Bush mess the president is forced to clean up.

And should the detainees be released – in accordance with the Constitution and rule of law – and should they commit an act of terror, that's solely on Bush, not the president or anyone else.

Obama has been President for 7 years and you still blame Bush. It really doesn't get any more pathetic than that. What is even more sickening is the fact that you call the invasion of Iraq illegal. The US Congress voted to give Bush the authority to attack Iraq and the UN agreed they were in material breach of the UN mandated cease fire.

And, if they commit an act of terror or rejoin Al queda or join ISIS it will be on solely on Obama. They can't do any harm as long as they are in Gitmo. They are POW's and should be released when there are no more attacks on Americans by there fellow JIhadists.

Even a damned fool know this is nothing but an attempt by Obama to save face on his campaign promise to close Gitmo during his first year in office.

they call it "illegal" because that not only spits on Bush but spits on our Military at the same time. so they get two hates off their chest with one spit. UnAmercan is what it is

How does being opposed to Bush's unnecessary invasion of Iraq equate to "spits on our Military" exactly? And who is it, precisely, that "hates" the military in your estimation?
Tell me will you start counting soldiers deaths again, when Trump is sworn in as president?

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