Breaking News: Obama Announces Plan To Release Another 17 Gitmo Jihadists

Why is every right wing post based on a lie? I wouldn't be surprised if they became radicalized after so long being unlawfully imprisoned, but they are innocent of any crimes, and should have been released long ago.

I DO consider them to be "radicalized". The way they always side against their own country and damn - the constant lies. They are no longer Americans.

The OP is a lie. The title of the article is a lie. If you read the article, part of which human garbage Steve_McGarrett posted but obviously did not read, states "transfer" even though the title says "release". Or maybe Steve DID read it but knew the other RWNJ traitors would not read it and would just pile on with agreement with the lie. Or, also possible is that the RWNJ traitors simply don't know the meaning of the two words - "release" and "transfer".

Whatever - this thread is typical of the RW lies and willful ignorance, and its the reason I don't post here any more.

I miss Conservatives.
"Obama Announces Plan To Release Another 17 Gitmo Jihadists"


Those are detainees unlawfully held by the Bush administration – the consequence of Bush's incompetence and failure to indict and try the detainees, the direct result of Bush's failed, illegal wars.

So not wrong, Coward_Clayton_jones, Obammy is indeed letting more Jihadists go.

It's yet another Bush mess the president is forced to clean up.

And should the detainees be released – in accordance with the Constitution and rule of law – and should they commit an act of terror, that's solely on Bush, not the president or anyone else.

So you think terrorists should always be released?

Oh wait, you won't answer, you're a fucking coward who at least understands that you are FAR too fucking stupid to defend yourself in rational debate.
"Obama Announces Plan To Release Another 17 Gitmo Jihadists"


Those are detainees unlawfully held by the Bush administration – the consequence of Bush's incompetence and failure to indict and try the detainees, the direct result of Bush's failed, illegal wars.

So not wrong, Coward_Clayton_jones, Obammy is indeed letting more Jihadists go.

It's yet another Bush mess the president is forced to clean up.

And should the detainees be released – in accordance with the Constitution and rule of law – and should they commit an act of terror, that's solely on Bush, not the president or anyone else.

So you think terrorists should always be released?

Oh wait, you won't answer, you're a fucking coward who at least understands that you are FAR too fucking stupid to defend yourself in rational debate.

The OP is a LIE.

Read the article and then follow it to its source.

They are being TRANSFERRED.

Oh fuck it. Never mind.

Why is every right wing post based on a lie? I wouldn't be surprised if they became radicalized after so long being unlawfully imprisoned, but they are innocent of any crimes, and should have been released long ago.

I DO consider them to be "radicalized". The way they always side against their own country and damn - the constant lies. They are no longer Americans.

The OP is a lie. The title of the article is a lie. If you read the article, part of which human garbage Steve_McGarrett posted but obviously did not read, states "transfer" even though the title says "release". Or maybe Steve DID read it but knew the other RWNJ traitors would not read it and would just pile on with agreement with the lie. Or, also possible is that the RWNJ traitors simply don't know the meaning of the two words - "release" and "transfer".

Whatever - this thread is typical of the RW lies and willful ignorance, and its the reason I don't post here any more.

I miss Conservatives.

Puddly Pillowbite, you have an IQ somewhat less than the average Turnip. Still, these Jihadist "side" with Islam. They target non_muslims to engage in terrorism against. Now the democratic party and radical Islam have a common enemy, America. So you are programmed by your masters to defend and promote radical Islam. You support the release of terrorists because they are "on your side" in the war to end America.
The OP is a LIE.

Read the article and then follow it to its source.

They are being TRANSFERRED.

Oh fuck it. Never mind.


{Former Guantanamo detainee, Ibrahim Qosi, who is also known as Sheikh Khubayb al Sudani, is now an al-Qaeda leader in Yemen.Earlier this week Stephen Hayes from The Weekly Standard broked down Obama’s shocking Gitmo lie. Of the 653 jihadist detainees who have been released, 196 have gone back to terror or are suspected of being active in the jihad since their release.}

You must be so proud of your little tin god. 196 active terrorist back in the field to murder in the name of Allah. :thup:

{His administration has stepped up efforts to find countries to take 48 detainees on a transfer list and moved to speed up the work of a parole-like board that might approve the release of others who are currently recommended for indefinite detention.}

The OP isn't lying, you are.
"Obama Announces Plan To Release Another 17 Gitmo Jihadists"


Those are detainees unlawfully held by the Bush administration – the consequence of Bush's incompetence and failure to indict and try the detainees, the direct result of Bush's failed, illegal wars.

So not wrong, Coward_Clayton_jones, Obammy is indeed letting more Jihadists go.

It's yet another Bush mess the president is forced to clean up.

And should the detainees be released – in accordance with the Constitution and rule of law – and should they commit an act of terror, that's solely on Bush, not the president or anyone else.

So you think terrorists should always be released?

Oh wait, you won't answer, you're a fucking coward who at least understands that you are FAR too fucking stupid to defend yourself in rational debate.

The OP is a LIE.

Read the article and then follow it to its source.

They are being TRANSFERRED.

Oh fuck it. Never mind.

Maybe you're not aware that Obozo doesn't even necessarily stand with Muslims...

At least not the MODERATES, who reject CAIR...

You DO know that Obungles welcomes CAIR, which has terrorists ties, to the White House, don't you???
White House Opens Door to CAIR Rep, Ignores Muslim Reformers - Breitbart

'They don't speak for me': New Muslim groups reject CAIR representation | Fox News
In a time of war, this is something a true constitutional natural born citizen president would never do. Unfortunately, we have a president ineligible for Article 2 Section 1 who waa born without sole allegiance to America and its founding principles, a person who should have never been elected. This is proof he stands with the enemy as he said he would if the winds changed in an ugly direction.

Obama White House to Release Another 17 Gitmo Jihadists So They Can Kill More Americans - The Gateway Pundit

they have never been charged with a crime. they have never had a trial.
They don't have to be. They're enemy combatants.
Is he going to give them one way tickets to Turkey so Erdogan can give them a personal escort to the Caliphate? Snappy new uniforms and flags to carry into their new home?

Coupons for free beheading lessons? Or how to crucify a Christian lessons?
thread after thread, day after day libs siding with terrorists.

yep, they bring up the constitution while doing it. It's a sight to see isn't it?
but then say nothing of how Obama has crapped all over our constitution.
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Obama has had every intention of releasing them all and closing Gitmo........he's been pushing that since the beginning............He may very well let them all out before leaving office...............The only one's left are HARD CORE.................who will go back to the battlefield........................

"Obama Announces Plan To Release Another 17 Gitmo Jihadists"


Those are detainees unlawfully held by the Bush administration – the consequence of Bush's incompetence and failure to indict and try the detainees, the direct result of Bush's failed, illegal wars.

It's yet another Bush mess the president is forced to clean up.

And should the detainees be released – in accordance with the Constitution and rule of law – and should they commit an act of terror, that's solely on Bush, not the president or anyone else.
I "once" thought the dems really didn't want isis to win the war.
"Obama Announces Plan To Release Another 17 Gitmo Jihadists"


Those are detainees unlawfully held by the Bush administration – the consequence of Bush's incompetence and failure to indict and try the detainees, the direct result of Bush's failed, illegal wars.

It's yet another Bush mess the president is forced to clean up.

And should the detainees be released – in accordance with the Constitution and rule of law – and should they commit an act of terror, that's solely on Bush, not the president or anyone else.
Glad to hear you're a 2nd ammendment supporter. We could always use a little help
If there was anything to hold them on, surely they would have been tried by now.
If there was anything to hold them on, surely they would have been tried by now.
They were captured on the battlefield.............aka prisoners of a War that is still ongoing.............just because they are not formally part of a country to country War doesn't mean they aren't prisoners of War.

Our Troops don't stop to take evidence and DNA samples, or put up crime scenes on the battlefield...................That isn't their purpose or job.....................and is completely different to the rights of citizens in this country to a trial.

Your statement is BS.
They were captured on the battlefield.............aka prisoners of a War that is still ongoing.............just because they are not formally part of a country to country War doesn't mean they aren't prisoners of War.

Our Troops don't stop to take evidence and DNA samples, or put up crime scenes on the battlefield...................That isn't their purpose or job.....................and is completely different to the rights of citizens in this country to a trial.

Your statement is BS.

You have no idea where they were 'captured' and that is the issue. No transparency. They could have been shooting at coalition soldiers because they loved Saddam and hated the US. They might have been shooting at US soldiers because they saw them as invaders and they were just trying to protect their home and family (something you would do if they invaded the US, right?). Or they might have been some sheep herder whose neighbour wanted their land so dropped a dime to the US armed forces saying they were terrorists.

That's the problem with Gitmo. Nobody has any idea what the fuck is going on other than the govt. And that is the real kicker - the ones who hate govt interference the most - the rabid right - give them a free pass on Gitmo? Why? Because at their very heart most conservatives love to be in control at any cost. Even others' freedom.

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