Breaking News: EBT To Shut Down Nationwide Starting November (USDA)


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
This is going to be catastrophic on epic levels. People on these EBT's are gonna go slap crazy and loot like we saw at the Walmart's over the weekend. This now makes me believe that the glitch in the EBT system over the past weekend was a test run. All I have to say for you working Americans who have been paying taxes and not living off the government and that is be careful for yourselves and your family when this takes place next month. This news has been confirmed by a letter that you will see in the link below.

States across the country are being told to stop the supplemental nutrition assistance program for the month of November
Utah families on food stamps could be cut off soon |
It's all about increasing the pain and the democrats really putting the screws to people.

If the government had not already greatly expanded the food stamp program, the program itself wouldn't cost as much as it does.
My God, you mean people might have to start buying their own food again? Not that, not that!

If you get EBT money (fuck be upon you), go get some canned goods and rice and cheese and soups and stuff like that and stock up. You should be doing that anyways, but whatever. Maybe start growing your own veggies and learn home canning.
Really?? You better not be yankin' my chain! This may solve our unemployment crisis! On the other hand, this could be bad. There are families who need this to live. Families who legitimately in dire straits financially that need the food. These damned politicians! And back to the other side of the coin. It will get the freeloaders off their asses and looking for work.
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What a disaster for all the freeloaders in America.

Can't say I really give a shit.
maybe this would be a good time for all the koolaid drinkers to chime in and tell us how things have gotten so much better
This is going to be catastrophic on epic levels. People on these EBT's are gonna go slap crazy and loot like we saw at the Walmart's over the weekend. This now makes me believe that the glitch in the EBT system over the past weekend was a test run. All I have to say for you working Americans who have been paying taxes and not living off the government and that is be careful for yourselves and your family when this takes place next month. This news has been confirmed by a letter that you will see in the link below.

States across the country are being told to stop the supplemental nutrition assistance program for the month of November
Utah families on food stamps could be cut off soon |
You wanted to shut down the government.
You were warned what would happen if the government shut down.
You ignored the warning to shut down the government.
You shut down the government.
You cheered when the government shut down.
Now you are bitching about the shut down you wanted and caused.
If there is a dumber and more ignorant group of people in this world I am not aware of them.
Im not skeerd. Things happen, and then we get over them. I welcome this. Hopefully the Govrenment will learn that if they are going to pay people to be stupid, that they BETTER BE ABLE TO PAY !
Guvmint flatbeds, stocked with watermelon and chitlins, should pull into WalMarts nationwide. Feed the unemployed/lazy/uneducated/criminal-minded masses.

Problem solved.
Really?? You better not be yankin' my chain! This may solve our unemployment crisis! On the other hand, this could be bad. There are families who need this to live. Families who legitimately in dire straits financially that need the food. These damned politicians! And back to the other side of the coin. It will get the freeloaders off their asses and looking for work.

where are all these jobs? Oh yeah, the majority of those able to work do, multi-million an billion income companies have cut hours and jobs so those poor CEO's can have more perks.
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Really?? You better not be yankin' my chain! This may solve our unemployment crisis! On the other hand, this could be bad. There are families who need this to live. Families who legitimately in dire straits financially that need the food. These damned politicians! And back to the other side of the coin. It will get the freeloaders off their asses and looking for work.

where are all these jobs?

Sitting on their butts, that's where.
Oh well. This is what the GOP wants.

Reading it though, It strikes me as scare tactics and talking points for slaves like this one^. Both sides of this lack the balls to take it that far. It serves as an example of why they all need to be sent looking for new jobs. But sadly, after the deals are made it will all be forgotten the next time Miley twerks, or Lindsey Lohan gets drunk.

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