Obama Sees Protests as ‘Tailor-Made’ to Help Biden’s Election Chances: Report


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Obama Sees Protests as ‘Tailor - Made’ to Help Biden’s Election Chances: Report

29 Jun 2020 ~~ By Tobias Hoonhout
Former President Barack Obama told aides this month that the nationwide protests following the death of George Floyd are “a tailor-made moment” to help his former vice president Joe Biden defeat Donald Trump in November.
According to a New York Times story based on interviews with more than 50 Obama confidants, the former president was made anxious after riots and looting rocked many American cities in the days following Floyd’s death and Trump began trumpeting “law and order” in response.
“Let’s not excuse violence, or rationalize it, or participate in it. If we want our criminal justice system, and American society at large, to operate on a higher ethical code, then we have to model that code ourselves,” Obama wrote in a Medium post earlier this month.
But Obama’s confidence has since grown as the protests have continued and Trump’s polling numbers have dipped. The Times cited sources who claim the former president does not challenge his former attorney general Eric Holder, who says Trump is a racist, and believes Trump engages in “racial demagoguery.”
“I don’t want a country in which the president of the United States is actively trying to promote anti-Asian sentiment and thinks it’s funny. I don’t want that. That still shocks and pisses me off,” Obama reportedly said in a private fundraiser last week, after Trump called the coronavirus “kung flu” during a Tulsa rally.

So, will white conservatives riot, burn and loot if Biden is elected president?
Obviously those DSA Marxist Leftists handling their dementia ridden Biden would round them up and send them to re-education camps ala their ally the CCP.
Given the actions of the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Left since the election of 2016, the gloves are off and if they attain the presidency in 2020 there will definitely be a transformation unlike ever seen before in America. If those believe slavery ended by admendments to the Constitution we can be assured it will return under Democrats in 2020 big time. This time all Americans will be made slaves of the Marxist Socialists verifying what Nikita Khrushchev predicted.
I dunno, all this rioting and looting doesn't sit well with a whole lot of people. I don't think they're going to blame Trump for this shit, they're going to put the blame squarely where it belongs: on the Democrats. People are sick and tired of all these protests, and I doubt very much they like the idea of destroying monuments and statues. The Democrats have been running our major cities for decades, so whose fault is it if their police force does not get rid of the bad cops? It is the Democrats who were in charge and the Democrats who fucked up.
I dunno, all this rioting and looting doesn't sit well with a whole lot of people. I don't think they're going to blame Trump for this shit, they're going to put the blame squarely where it belongs: on the Democrats. People are sick and tired of all these protests, and I doubt very much they like the idea of destroying monuments and statues. The Democrats have been running our major cities for decades, so whose fault is it if their police force does not get rid of the bad cops? It is the Democrats who were in charge and the Democrats who fucked up.
Great point, task. Thank you.
Obama Sees Protests as ‘Tailor - Made’ to Help Biden’s Election Chances: Report

29 Jun 2020 ~~ By Tobias Hoonhout
Former President Barack Obama told aides this month that the nationwide protests following the death of George Floyd are “a tailor-made moment” to help his former vice president Joe Biden defeat Donald Trump in November.
According to a New York Times story based on interviews with more than 50 Obama confidants, the former president was made anxious after riots and looting rocked many American cities in the days following Floyd’s death and Trump began trumpeting “law and order” in response.
“Let’s not excuse violence, or rationalize it, or participate in it. If we want our criminal justice system, and American society at large, to operate on a higher ethical code, then we have to model that code ourselves,” Obama wrote in a Medium post earlier this month.
But Obama’s confidence has since grown as the protests have continued and Trump’s polling numbers have dipped. The Times cited sources who claim the former president does not challenge his former attorney general Eric Holder, who says Trump is a racist, and believes Trump engages in “racial demagoguery.”
“I don’t want a country in which the president of the United States is actively trying to promote anti-Asian sentiment and thinks it’s funny. I don’t want that. That still shocks and pisses me off,” Obama reportedly said in a private fundraiser last week, after Trump called the coronavirus “kung flu” during a Tulsa rally.

So, will white conservatives riot, burn and loot if Biden is elected president?
Obviously those DSA Marxist Leftists handling their dementia ridden Biden would round them up and send them to re-education camps ala their ally the CCP.
Given the actions of the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Left since the election of 2016, the gloves are off and if they attain the presidency in 2020 there will definitely be a transformation unlike ever seen before in America. If those believe slavery ended by admendments to the Constitution we can be assured it will return under Democrats in 2020 big time. This time all Americans will be made slaves of the Marxist Socialists verifying what Nikita Khrushchev predicted.
Thank you for ANOTHER fine post, Doc.
I dunno, all this rioting and looting doesn't sit well with a whole lot of people. I don't think they're going to blame Trump for this shit, they're going to put the blame squarely where it belongs: on the Democrats. People are sick and tired of all these protests, and I doubt very much they like the idea of destroying monuments and statues. The Democrats have been running our major cities for decades, so whose fault is it if their police force does not get rid of the bad cops? It is the Democrats who were in charge and the Democrats who fucked up.

I agree!! The rioting is the result of decades of Democrats controlling and creating Plantation ghettos in their blue cities. The silent majority will not elect Democats that continue to promise and never deliver to the people.
What is needed before the coming election is another TEA Party in Washington showing our strength in comparison to the violent mobs offered by the Leftists.
Massive protest sure helped LBJs chances at re-election
But THOSE protests were certainly different, since the hippies weren't looting, burning down buildings, and shooting each other...
Kent State?
Chicago Democratic Convention?

Liberal College and a Deep, deep blue city with one of the highest murder rates even when the Convention was held. Indeed it was thesame ideology of the Democrats that created theviolence then as it is happening now. It's all funded by the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Left aka Communist Party USA, aka CPUSA....
BLM has links to Maduro. BLM co-founders state that they are 'trained marxists.' Trained rather than educated? At the point where necessary labor and surplus labor coverge, socialism becomes impossible. Do these girls know this yet?

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