Breaking! Merrick Garland informs Trump he will be indicted next week.


You mean the documents you DIDN'T say were stored in his home or office?

Man, you really are confused. Where did I say anything about where Barry Hussein's documents were stored?
Man, you really are confused. Where did I say anything about where Barry Hussein's documents were stored?

Well the news reported where they were found. So if you say Biden took them, where else do you contend they were found?

Hey Joe - (Biden) -

Listen up.

If you want us to believe you, MAKE THE BANK RECORDS PUBLIC.

Let's see what you've been up to these last few years.

Then we'll decide for ourselves.
Well the news reported where they were found. So if you say Biden took them, where else do you contend they were found?

Holy shit! Grow a brain and learn to read, you raving moron.:cuckoo:
Holy shit! Grow a brain and learn to read, you raving moron.:cuckoo:

Moron, we know where his documents were found. Claiming you never said they were in his home or office is irrelevant when you claim he took them since claiming he took them can only mean he took them to his home or office.

Are you ever not a dumbfuck?

ever?? :ack-1:
Moron, we know where his documents were found. Claiming you never said they were in his home or office is irrelevant when you claim he took them since claiming he took them can only mean he took them to his home or office.

Are you ever not a dumbfuck?

ever?? :ack-1:
Senator biden's documents
According to some, Trump committed a crime. Are you saying he should not be investigated?
According to the majority in this country, Hillary committed huge amounts of crime (cricket's), and so has Biden (cricket's), but TRUMP, TRUMP, TRUMP, TRUMP, TRUMP ad nauseam.

He should be treated the same as the other's (left alone), by an out of control Democrat rampaging government that wants to tell everyone "hey do as I say, but not as I do".
I heard this Smith guy for the first time today in some sort of briefing, and he was running his mouth regarding his so called case against Trump, but what shocked me was seeing that he was appointed by Trump maybe(?), and that wildly he sounded like one of these leftist big time. A little biased maybe ?? He sure sounded like it.... The whole thing is politically biased, so what it all comes down to with these people, is that they won't stop their lustful get Trump bull crap no matter what goes on.
Hey Joe - (Biden) -

Listen up.

If you want us to believe you, MAKE THE BANK RECORDS PUBLIC.

Let's see what you've been up to these last few years.

Then we'll decide for ourselves.
You mean the last 40+ year's.
Trump had Iranian war plans.
And ? If the Pentagon doesn't have a plan to fight every country on the planet somebody is not doing their jobs. If you think the Biden Administration doesn't have war plans calling you are a blind, deaf, and dumb moron.

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