Boycott Kerry!


Gold Supporting Member
Dec 5, 2008
Ft Worth,TX
Mr. Vietnam Hero Howdy Doody Kerry and the Obmama Administration getting more shifty and sneaky by the minute. :evil:

It would appear as though the Obama Administration is rescinding its earlier support for Israel’s peace condition that the Palestinian Authority officially recognize it as the Jewish state.

In a interview with the Palestinian newspaper Al-Quds on Saturday, US State Department Spokeswoman Jan Psaki explained that “the American position is clear, Israel is a Jewish state. However, we do not see a need that both sides recognize this position as part of the final agreement.”

However, in late January, New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman, who is close to the White House, wrote that Secretary of State John Kerry’s Middle East peace proposal would call on the Palestinians to “recognize Israel as the nation state of the Jewish people” as one of the core concessions necessary for a final status peace agreement.

Washington's About Face on the Jewish State? - Israel Today | Israel News
Its a stupid requirement, meant to ruin negotiations.

The Oslo Accords didn't require the Palestinians recognize Israel as a Jewish State.

Nor was this mentioned in the Camp David negotiations, the negotiatians at Taba, etc.

Its just a new attempt to kill peace.
Mr. Vietnam Hero Howdy Doody Kerry and the Obmama Administration getting more shifty and sneaky by the minute. :evil:

It would appear as though the Obama Administration is rescinding its earlier support for Israel’s peace condition that the Palestinian Authority officially recognize it as the Jewish state.

In a interview with the Palestinian newspaper Al-Quds on Saturday, US State Department Spokeswoman Jan Psaki explained that “the American position is clear, Israel is a Jewish state. However, we do not see a need that both sides recognize this position as part of the final agreement.”

However, in late January, New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman, who is close to the White House, wrote that Secretary of State John Kerry’s Middle East peace proposal would call on the Palestinians to “recognize Israel as the nation state of the Jewish people” as one of the core concessions necessary for a final status peace agreement.

I know there will be stupid questions such as "Why is it necessary? " The answer is simple. If Palestinians are recognized to have their own " Palestinian State" why isn't Israel entitled to the same consideration? Besides, in " negotiating" there is room for change. That is what " negotiation" is supposed to be about.
How come this wasn't an issue during the Camp David or Taba negotiations?

How come Olmert didn't demand this with his plan?
IS there a reason that Israel thinks only Jews live there????

The Irish Republic has lots of non-Irish people.

Nothing bigoted about still calling it the "Irish Republic".

Nothing bigoted about calling it the Jewish State.

The issue, is this suddenly becoming a make or break issue.
IS there a reason that Israel thinks only Jews live there????

Israel has Arabs and has no intention of kicking them out. Is there a reason why Abbas believes that Palestine should be a No Israelis Allowed State? ( Israeli Jews and Arab Jews)

Abbas wants 'not a single Israeli' in future Palestinian state | Reuters

Abbas wants 'not a single Israeli' in future Palestinian state

By Noah Browning

CAIRO Mon Jul 29, 2013 8:54pm EDT

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas attends a meeting with Egypt's interim President Adli Mansour (not seen) at El-Thadiya presidential palace in Cairo, July 29, 2013. REUTERS/Amr Abdallah Dalsh

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas attends a meeting with Egypt's interim President Adli Mansour (not seen) at El-Thadiya presidential palace in Cairo, July 29, 2013.

Credit: Reuters/Amr Abdallah Dalsh

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Kerry seeks 'reasonable compromises' in Israeli-Palestinian talks

(Reuters) - Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas laid out his vision on Monday for the final status of Israeli-Palestinian relations ahead of peace talks due to resume in Washington for the first time in nearly three years.

Abbas said that no Israeli settlers or border forces could remain in a future Palestinian state and that Palestinians deem illegal all Jewish settlement building within the land occupied in the 1967 Middle East war.

The forceful statements appeared to challenge mediator U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry's hopes that the terms of the talks, scheduled to begin Monday night over dinner, be kept secret.

"In a final resolution, we would not see the presence of a single Israeli - civilian or soldier - on our lands," Abbas said in a briefing to mostly Egyptian journalists.
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This isn't about Palestine being "Jew-free".

This is about drawing a line in the sand and saying "no, we will not give legitimacy to the illegal settlements".

No doubt Palestine will allow Jews to move there, after they become a state.
This isn't about Palestine being "Jew-free".

This is about drawing a line in the sand and saying "no, we will not give legitimacy to the illegal settlements".

No doubt Palestine will allow Jews to move there, after they become a state.

Illegal settlements? You have learned nothing in your short time here cherrieKKKins.
This isn't about Palestine being "Jew-free".

This is about drawing a line in the sand and saying "no, we will not give legitimacy to the illegal settlements".

No doubt Palestine will allow Jews to move there, after they become a state.

Sorry, but that is not what Abbas said . Try to read He wants a Jew free/ Israeli Free Palestine . Israel will never go back to the 67 Borders that they never recognized in the first place
This isn't about Palestine being "Jew-free".

This is about drawing a line in the sand and saying "no, we will not give legitimacy to the illegal settlements".

No doubt Palestine will allow Jews to move there, after they become a state.

No Jews with Israeli citizenship however
IS there a reason that Israel thinks only Jews live there????

The Irish Republic has lots of non-Irish people.

Nothing bigoted about still calling it the "Irish Republic".

Nothing bigoted about calling it the Jewish State.

The issue, is this suddenly becoming a make or break issue.
It's always been the issue, dipstick. You just can't keep up. They either refuse to amend their charter that calls for the total destruction of Israel, or they refuse to accept it as a Jewish state.

End of the day who gives a crap, really? Palestinians will continue to never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity (until there will be no opportunities to miss) and Israel will continue to prosper and get stronger and eventually annex the land in question as part of Israel. Finito.

Now repeat after me, Israel Akbar!
IS there a reason that Israel thinks only Jews live there????

The Irish Republic has lots of non-Irish people.

Nothing bigoted about still calling it the "Irish Republic".

Nothing bigoted about calling it the Jewish State.

The issue, is this suddenly becoming a make or break issue.
It's always been the issue, dipstick. You just can't keep up. They either refuse to amend their charter that calls for the total destruction of Israel, or they refuse to accept it as a Jewish state.

End of the day who gives a crap, really? Palestinians will continue to never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity (until there will be no opportunities to miss) and Israel will continue to prosper and get stronger and eventually annex the land in question as part of Israel. Finito.

Now repeat after me, Israel Akbar!

the PLO charter was amended.
The Irish Republic has lots of non-Irish people.

Nothing bigoted about still calling it the "Irish Republic".

Nothing bigoted about calling it the Jewish State.

The issue, is this suddenly becoming a make or break issue.
It's always been the issue, dipstick. You just can't keep up. They either refuse to amend their charter that calls for the total destruction of Israel, or they refuse to accept it as a Jewish state.

End of the day who gives a crap, really? Palestinians will continue to never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity (until there will be no opportunities to miss) and Israel will continue to prosper and get stronger and eventually annex the land in question as part of Israel. Finito.

Now repeat after me, Israel Akbar!

the PLO charter was amended.
Oh, has it now?
The Irish Republic has lots of non-Irish people.

Nothing bigoted about still calling it the "Irish Republic".

Nothing bigoted about calling it the Jewish State.

The issue, is this suddenly becoming a make or break issue.
It's always been the issue, dipstick. You just can't keep up. They either refuse to amend their charter that calls for the total destruction of Israel, or they refuse to accept it as a Jewish state.

End of the day who gives a crap, really? Palestinians will continue to never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity (until there will be no opportunities to miss) and Israel will continue to prosper and get stronger and eventually annex the land in question as part of Israel. Finito.

Now repeat after me, Israel Akbar!

the PLO charter was amended.
Yada yada. Not the Hamas charter. The same asshole terrorists that keep lobbing rockets into Israel. Remember those guys.

You act like you know a lot about the situation. I wonder why, could it be "because you just know"? LOL
It's always been the issue, dipstick. You just can't keep up. They either refuse to amend their charter that calls for the total destruction of Israel, or they refuse to accept it as a Jewish state.

End of the day who gives a crap, really? Palestinians will continue to never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity (until there will be no opportunities to miss) and Israel will continue to prosper and get stronger and eventually annex the land in question as part of Israel. Finito.

Now repeat after me, Israel Akbar!

the PLO charter was amended.
Oh, has it now?
Yeah, they just refuse to call it a Jewish state. Same shit different animal.
Mr. Vietnam Hero Howdy Doody Kerry and the Obmama Administration getting more shifty and sneaky by the minute. :evil:

It would appear as though the Obama Administration is rescinding its earlier support for Israel’s peace condition that the Palestinian Authority officially recognize it as the Jewish state.

In a interview with the Palestinian newspaper Al-Quds on Saturday, US State Department Spokeswoman Jan Psaki explained that “the American position is clear, Israel is a Jewish state. However, we do not see a need that both sides recognize this position as part of the final agreement.”

However, in late January, New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman, who is close to the White House, wrote that Secretary of State John Kerry’s Middle East peace proposal would call on the Palestinians to “recognize Israel as the nation state of the Jewish people” as one of the core concessions necessary for a final status peace agreement.

Washington's About Face on the Jewish State? - Israel Today | Israel News

Just something to think about: It's very possible that the American Indians see the government of the USA in a similar way that Palestinians see the Israeli government. I have a feeling that many American Indians will NEVER recognize America as anything but Indian land. I may not agree with them but I certainly won't attempt to force them to see things my way.
Mr. Vietnam Hero Howdy Doody Kerry and the Obmama Administration getting more shifty and sneaky by the minute. :evil:

It would appear as though the Obama Administration is rescinding its earlier support for Israel’s peace condition that the Palestinian Authority officially recognize it as the Jewish state.

In a interview with the Palestinian newspaper Al-Quds on Saturday, US State Department Spokeswoman Jan Psaki explained that “the American position is clear, Israel is a Jewish state. However, we do not see a need that both sides recognize this position as part of the final agreement.”

However, in late January, New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman, who is close to the White House, wrote that Secretary of State John Kerry’s Middle East peace proposal would call on the Palestinians to “recognize Israel as the nation state of the Jewish people” as one of the core concessions necessary for a final status peace agreement.

Washington's About Face on the Jewish State? - Israel Today | Israel News

Just something to think about: It's very possible that the American Indians see the government of the USA in a similar way that Palestinians see the Israeli government. I have a feeling that many American Indians will NEVER recognize America as anything but Indian land. I may not agree with them but I certainly won't attempt to force them to see things my way.
Big differences though. The Palestinians are not natives. They are recent 20th century invaders. The Jews are the ones who can trace their ancestors to the ancient inhabiters of the land.

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