BOTTOM LINE: Democrats Support Illegals, Criminals, Human Traffickers, Violating US Law - Trump NOT


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
The situation that we have right now, that we have had for decades, is a continuing all-out war between supporters of the Constitution and Rule of Law and protectors of American citizens and those who have and continue to support violent criminals, human traffickers, drug cartels, and the violation of US Constitution and US Law.

It is undeniable that there are unapologetic enemies of the US Constitution, of the US Rule of law, who have placed Open Borders and the welfare of violent criminals and enemies of this country. Barak Obama was the 'Poster Child' and the harbinger of the on-going destruction of this country, the attempted destruction of the idea that the United States as a sovereign nation has the right to control its borders, enforce its own Immigration laws, and decide who comes into this country.

President Obama OPENLY violated both US Constitution and US Law. After publicly acknowledging he did not have the Constitutional authority to effect Immigration Law, President Obama did just that through Presidential 'EDICT', attempting to make non-existent 'DACA' a law based on his own desire that it be so. He completely by-passed Congress...without as much as blinking, demonstrating he believed he had dictatorial powers as President.

Obama did not just refuse enforce US Immigration Law, he VIOLATED it and CREATED his own 'Laws'.
- At one point Obama ordered the DOJ NOT to arrest, detain, charge, or convict any Illegal in this country as a result of violating our laws who did not have a Felony, no matter what the crime was. In essence, Obama created a Non-Constitutional RIGHT' resulting in the protection of illegals who broke US laws, a 'Right' US citizens were not even afforded.

Obama did not only protect Human Traffickers, he made the US government engage in Human Trafficking, bringing illegals into the United States and then dispersing them across the country without informing local and state authorities / representatives they were even coming. He and his administration just DUMPED them in the states, kept no record of how many or who they were, and never followed back up with any of them so there would be no way to track them and / or collect them back up to deport them.

Obama supported and protected US Law-Violating Sanctuary Cities that provided / provides protection to violent criminals who prey on US citizens, who are SUPPOSED TO BE our politicians priority. As the body count of US citizens murdered by illegals racked up Democrats openly opposed laws that provided for the increased protection of US citizens and for illegals being held accountable for crimes against US citizens, Bills like Kate's Law were openly opposed by Democrat, who were more interested in the welfare of the criminals committing the crimes against UIS citizens.

The living personification of the phrase 'over the top', Democrats have gone BAT-SHIT CRAZY in defense of EXTREMELY violent criminal illegals, such as the infamous MS-13. Nancy Pelosi and other Democrats actually made RIDICULOUS comments in defending the 'animals' who commit heinous crimes, such as beheading or even lighting their living victims on fire.

Snowflakes have been manipulated into parroting the unbelievable claims by the Democratic party, such as the recent claims that the policy of separating illegal family members at the border is somehow a Trump-created policy when the FACT is Obama and his administration initiated it in 2014 / 2015.

In fact, in 2015 Judge Dolly M. Gee of Federal District Court for the Central District of California ruled that in detaining illegal children the Obama administration had violated a 20 year old policy that had set the standard on how to deal with immigrant children, McGee described the holding facilities the children were in as concentration camps'...
-- Judge Orders Release of Immigrant Children Detained by U.S.

(Gee, the same terms the snowflakes / Democrats are trying to use to falsely accuse President Trump of doing. Once again we see Liberals trying to accuse others of doing what THEY do and of being who THEY are....)

The Obama administration went on to try to FIGHT the Judge's ruling and to continue separating illegal children and holding them in those 'concentration camps' by pushing back on the court's ruling. Not only was Obama DOING it, he was AGGRESSIVELY DEFENDING his administration's treatment of kids this way.

So instead of buying the bullshit and parroting the Liberals' propaganda, perhaps snowflakes should educate themselves, find out the truth instead of relying on the DNC to feed them 'the truth, and ask WHY the Democratic party has demonstrated it has become the party that stands for:

- Violating the US Constitution

- Violating the Rule of Law

- Defending / Protecting Violent Illegals, Mexican Drug cartels, Human Traffickers, etc...

- Making criminals who prey on US citizens a higher priority that actual legal US citizens

- Making the US a 3rd World country by taking in millions and millions of uneducated, unskilled soon-to-be Medicare/Welfare/Food Stamp enrollees, violent criminals, and MS-13 members.

Obama's daddy wanted to see the US eliminated as a world power and a world influence......the Democrats are well on their lawless way to doing that by making the US a 3rd-World country.

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