Boobs, butts or legs

Beauty of course which is relative, then comes a healthy body, then come brain cells and sense of humor then I like someone with strong artist tendencies. Nice breasts or butts do not necessarily translate into a perfect bed
partner which is the deciding factor.

Last but not least does the lady like to bike, power walk and have a meatless diet.

No smoking!!!!!
Design flaw.
Booberz. 1 back, the other in front.
I mean, whatcha suppose to occupy your hands with when doing the german sheperd type dance ? ?
What attracts you to women?

Id say all parts of a woman. Legs, hips, boobs, a pretty face, her perfume. I get too attracted to females that's my problem.

I made the mistake of telling my wife that I get attracted to all kinds of women fat, skinny, young, older, sane, insane. Female attraction is too much a problem for me unfortunately. A day at the beach and I tend to go crazy with the wife screaming at me for checking out all the women. on my 3rd wife now, been divorced twice. I could of saw myself as becoming a predator when I was younger in my 20's if I wasn't careful. I been too attracted to females in my life in a crazy scary way almost. Thankfully as I got older that calmed down a bit.
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Intelligence, then eyes, then smile, then child bearing hips.

Physically, I'm a total sucker for child bearing hips. But nothing turns me on more than smarts.

I don't give a hoot about boobs.

What the BBL looks like is a mystery but what we can see is amazing. This is what woman looks like from the turn of the century. Gaze upon her and know what a woman is. :) 🥃

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