Boehner Huge failure

Remember how the right blasted Nancy Pelosi for everything she did while Speaker of the House?

Well...maybe that was all true, but she COULD get her own party to pass anything she wanted. She DID lead the House, instead of the House leading her.

In comparison to Pelosi, Boehner looks like a wimp.

She did not lead, she forced the conservative and moderate Dem's to vote for anything she and far left like her wanted to pass. She did it with threats, like not giving them their funding for their political re-elections and taking them off of their political positions that they held. This how she got the Health Care bill passed.

At least Boehner gives them the freedom to choose how they vote, like it's suppose to be.

That is the way things get done in Washington

Boehner is timid

Indeed. Things like trillion dollar deficits, a myriad of wars abroad and an energy plan to continue to use fossil fuels, only, just use less.

What would we do without them?
Remember how the right blasted Nancy Pelosi for everything she did while Speaker of the House?

Well...maybe that was all true, but she COULD get her own party to pass anything she wanted. She DID lead the House, instead of the House leading her.

In comparison to Pelosi, Boehner looks like a wimp.

She did not lead, she forced the conservative and moderate Dem's to vote for anything she and far left like her wanted to pass. She did it with threats, like not giving them their funding for their political re-elections and taking them off of their political positions that they held. This how she got the Health Care bill passed.

At least Boehner gives them the freedom to choose how they vote, like it's suppose to be.


What exactly do you think leadership is?

Paying Congressmen to vote for your legislation like the Cornhusker Kickback and the Lousianna Purchase. That is the sign of a true leader. :clap2:
That is the way things get done in Washington

Boehner is timid

A good place to start would be the career of Sam Rayburn, who served as Speaker of the House for 17 years, a record which still stands. Learn how HE managed the House and how he came to be relied upon by both parties to deliver the goods.

Then, go back in our history further and you can find a dozen more just like him, all the way back to the 1st Congress. Arm twisting, back-slapping and butt-kicking in politics didn't just start 3 years ago!

And look where it has left us, bankrupt, economically screwed, divided, and at war with the world.

Do you think it is time for a change?
That is the way things get done in Washington

Boehner is timid

No it isn't.
Not till the far left of the Democratic party took over in 2009, was the Moderate and Conservatives not allowed to vote for the people they represent.
This is why so many Democrats left the party. They saw that the Dem's no longer represent conservatives or moderates.

Good Lord! Have you studied NO history AT ALL?

A good place to start would be the career of Sam Rayburn, who served as Speaker of the House for 17 years, a record which still stands. Learn how HE managed the House and how he came to be relied upon by both parties to deliver the goods.

Then, go back in our history further and you can find a dozen more just like him, all the way back to the 1st Congress. Arm twisting, back-slapping and butt-kicking in politics didn't just start 3 years ago!

The same Sam Rayburn, when he became the minority leader in 47-49 and 53-55 so hated the term minority leader that he asked to be referred to as the Democrat Leader.

Yes we have always had arm twisting, back slapping and butt kicking, but it was done by compromising, not threats.
No it isn't.
Not till the far left of the Democratic party took over in 2009, was the Moderate and Conservatives not allowed to vote for the people they represent.
This is why so many Democrats left the party. They saw that the Dem's no longer represent conservatives or moderates.

Good Lord! Have you studied NO history AT ALL?

A good place to start would be the career of Sam Rayburn, who served as Speaker of the House for 17 years, a record which still stands. Learn how HE managed the House and how he came to be relied upon by both parties to deliver the goods.

Then, go back in our history further and you can find a dozen more just like him, all the way back to the 1st Congress. Arm twisting, back-slapping and butt-kicking in politics didn't just start 3 years ago!

The same Sam Rayburn, when he became the minority leader in 47-49 and 53-55 so hated the term minority leader that he asked to be referred to as the Democrat Leader.

Yes we have always had arm twisting, back slapping and butt kicking, but it was done by compromising, not threats.

What strikes me odd, especially for people who espouse to love democracy, is why a political body like Congress has only 13% approval rating, and falling, yet they keep getting elected and we still have peoeple defending the status quo?

State rights anyone? It worked till the progressives mucked it all up by usurping state rights.

The gig is up. Conservatives just don't care about the GOP anymore.
Remember how the right blasted Nancy Pelosi for everything she did while Speaker of the House?

Well...maybe that was all true, but she COULD get her own party to pass anything she wanted. She DID lead the House, instead of the House leading her.

In comparison to Pelosi, Boehner looks like a wimp.

Total BS. Pelosi had both Reid and Obama in her carry on purse for two years and passed nothing other than Obamacare....and she had to pass it in order to find out what was in it. Is there a word for someone stupider than an 'imbecile'?
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No it isn't.
Not till the far left of the Democratic party took over in 2009, was the Moderate and Conservatives not allowed to vote for the people they represent.
This is why so many Democrats left the party. They saw that the Dem's no longer represent conservatives or moderates.

Good Lord! Have you studied NO history AT ALL?

A good place to start would be the career of Sam Rayburn, who served as Speaker of the House for 17 years, a record which still stands. Learn how HE managed the House and how he came to be relied upon by both parties to deliver the goods.

Then, go back in our history further and you can find a dozen more just like him, all the way back to the 1st Congress. Arm twisting, back-slapping and butt-kicking in politics didn't just start 3 years ago!

The same Sam Rayburn, when he became the minority leader in 47-49 and 53-55 so hated the term minority leader that he asked to be referred to as the Democrat Leader.

Yes we have always had arm twisting, back slapping and butt kicking, but it was done by compromising, not threats.

So naive about our political process

Threats, paybacks, backroom deals, payoffs........grease that makes our political machine run
Remember how the right blasted Nancy Pelosi for everything she did while Speaker of the House?

Well...maybe that was all true, but she COULD get her own party to pass anything she wanted. She DID lead the House, instead of the House leading her.

In comparison to Pelosi, Boehner looks like a wimp.

Total BS. Pelosi had both Reid and Obama in her carry on purse for two years and passed nothing other than Obamacare....and she had to pass it in order to find out what was in it. Is there a word for someone stupider than an 'imbicile'?

Stimulus Package
Repeal of DADT
Lily Ledbetter Act
Financial Reform
Credit Card reform
START Treaty

All passed by Pelosi

Other than protecting tax cuts for billionaires, Boehner has no legislative accomplishments
Remember how the right blasted Nancy Pelosi for everything she did while Speaker of the House?

Well...maybe that was all true, but she COULD get her own party to pass anything she wanted. She DID lead the House, instead of the House leading her.

In comparison to Pelosi, Boehner looks like a wimp.

Total BS. Pelosi had both Reid and Obama in her carry on purse for two years and passed nothing other than Obamacare....and she had to pass it in order to find out what was in it. Is there a word for someone stupider than an 'imbicile'?

Stimulus Package
Repeal of DADT
Lily Ledbetter Act
Financial Reform
Credit Card reform
START Treaty

All passed by Pelosi

Other than protecting tax cuts for billionaires, Boehner has no legislative accomplishments

Before she had Obama in her carry on purse. I stand corrected on porkulus.
Good Lord! Have you studied NO history AT ALL?

A good place to start would be the career of Sam Rayburn, who served as Speaker of the House for 17 years, a record which still stands. Learn how HE managed the House and how he came to be relied upon by both parties to deliver the goods.

Then, go back in our history further and you can find a dozen more just like him, all the way back to the 1st Congress. Arm twisting, back-slapping and butt-kicking in politics didn't just start 3 years ago!

The same Sam Rayburn, when he became the minority leader in 47-49 and 53-55 so hated the term minority leader that he asked to be referred to as the Democrat Leader.

Yes we have always had arm twisting, back slapping and butt kicking, but it was done by compromising, not threats.

So naive about our political process

Threats, paybacks, backroom deals, payoffs........grease that makes our political machine run

Sam Rayburn lead by exerting his influence through skillful persuasion and humor rather than arbitrary rule.
Pelosi used arbitrary rule. In other words she was a dictator.
Remember how the right blasted Nancy Pelosi for everything she did while Speaker of the House?

Well...maybe that was all true, but she COULD get her own party to pass anything she wanted. She DID lead the House, instead of the House leading her.

In comparison to Pelosi, Boehner looks like a wimp.

Total BS. Pelosi had both Reid and Obama in her carry on purse for two years and passed nothing other than Obamacare....and she had to pass it in order to find out what was in it. Is there a word for someone stupider than an 'imbicile'?

Stimulus Package
Repeal of DADT
Lily Ledbetter Act
Financial Reform
Credit Card reform
START Treaty

All passed by Pelosi

Other than protecting tax cuts for billionaires, Boehner has no legislative accomplishments
all democrat agenda bills passed by a democrat majotity in house and senate. The house has passed many bills the last two years that have not seen the light of day in the senate....So you dishonest fuck try using context.
Total BS. Pelosi had both Reid and Obama in her carry on purse for two years and passed nothing other than Obamacare....and she had to pass it in order to find out what was in it. Is there a word for someone stupider than an 'imbicile'?

Stimulus Package
Repeal of DADT
Lily Ledbetter Act
Financial Reform
Credit Card reform
START Treaty

All passed by Pelosi

Other than protecting tax cuts for billionaires, Boehner has no legislative accomplishments
all democrat agenda bills passed by a democrat majotity in house and senate. The house has passed many bills the last two years that have not seen the light of day in the senate....So you dishonest fuck try using context.

So it is all Harry Reids fault? I thought these people were supposed to work together.
...veto what? The House GOP couldn't muster the votes to pass their own plan.

It wasn't their plan. It was Boehner's plan. He was trying to compromise. Republican's are in no mood for compromise. Anyone who does, will find themselves replaced by someone who won't.
Remember how the right blasted Nancy Pelosi for everything she did while Speaker of the House?

Well...maybe that was all true, but she COULD get her own party to pass anything she wanted. She DID lead the House, instead of the House leading her.

In comparison to Pelosi, Boehner looks like a wimp.

Total BS. Pelosi had both Reid and Obama in her carry on purse for two years and passed nothing other than Obamacare....and she had to pass it in order to find out what was in it. Is there a word for someone stupider than an 'imbicile'?

Stimulus Package
Repeal of DADT
Lily Ledbetter Act
Financial Reform
Credit Card reform
START Treaty

All passed by Pelosi

Other than protecting tax cuts for billionaires, Boehner has no legislative accomplishments

He would, if Harry Reid would not be sitting on all the bills passed in the house since 2011.
...veto what? The House GOP couldn't muster the votes to pass their own plan.

It wasn't their plan. It was Boehner's plan. He was trying to compromise. Republican's are in no mood for compromise. Anyone who does, will find themselves replaced by someone who won't.

so the fiscal cliff IS the republicans fault huh

Obama owns the fiscal cliff.

Unless the Mayan calendar is accurate anyway...
Total BS. Pelosi had both Reid and Obama in her carry on purse for two years and passed nothing other than Obamacare....and she had to pass it in order to find out what was in it. Is there a word for someone stupider than an 'imbicile'?

Stimulus Package
Repeal of DADT
Lily Ledbetter Act
Financial Reform
Credit Card reform
START Treaty

All passed by Pelosi

Other than protecting tax cuts for billionaires, Boehner has no legislative accomplishments
all democrat agenda bills passed by a democrat majotity in house and senate. The house has passed many bills the last two years that have not seen the light of day in the senate....So you dishonest fuck try using context.

Pelosi still got things done

Boehner has presided over the most impotent House in modern history. Zero legislative accomplishments. Faced with an economic cliff....Boehners House goes home for a six week vacation.

Boehner is an embarassment and has no clue on how to pass legislation
The same Sam Rayburn, when he became the minority leader in 47-49 and 53-55 so hated the term minority leader that he asked to be referred to as the Democrat Leader.

Yes we have always had arm twisting, back slapping and butt kicking, but it was done by compromising, not threats.

So naive about our political process

Threats, paybacks, backroom deals, payoffs........grease that makes our political machine run

Sam Rayburn lead by exerting his influence through skillful persuasion and humor rather than arbitrary rule.
Pelosi used arbitrary rule. In other words she was a dictator.

She ruled with skilled and GOT things done.

boner has never led here.

he is always waiting to find out from someone what hes allowed to do.

the NRA
the heritage foundation

he is not a leader

he just proved that to the entire world
...veto what? The House GOP couldn't muster the votes to pass their own plan.

It wasn't their plan. It was Boehner's plan. He was trying to compromise. Republican's are in no mood for compromise. Anyone who does, will find themselves replaced by someone who won't.

Republicans are serious on getting spending cuts.
The Dem's will not cut much of anything.
Remember how the right blasted Nancy Pelosi for everything she did while Speaker of the House?

Well...maybe that was all true, but she COULD get her own party to pass anything she wanted. She DID lead the House, instead of the House leading her.

In comparison to Pelosi, Boehner looks like a wimp.

Total BS. Pelosi had both Reid and Obama in her carry on purse for two years and passed nothing other than Obamacare....and she had to pass it in order to find out what was in it. Is there a word for someone stupider than an 'imbicile'?

Stimulus Package
Repeal of DADT
Lily Ledbetter Act
Financial Reform
Credit Card reform
START Treaty

All passed by Pelosi

Other than protecting tax cuts for billionaires, Boehner has no legislative accomplishments

Obamacare was patterned after Romneycare.

Plan B was patterned after Pelosi's tax millionaires and billionaires plan.

Nobody likes it.

Now it's up to Obama and Harry Reid to do something or they own this disaster.

Purhaps Obama governs by chaos and doesn't want a solution.

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