Boehner Huge failure

...veto what? The House GOP couldn't muster the votes to pass their own plan.

It wasn't their plan. It was Boehner's plan. He was trying to compromise. Republican's are in no mood for compromise. Anyone who does, will find themselves replaced by someone who won't.

You fuking idiot. Bohenr was at least trying to do his job. But for the first time ever, I do agree with you. Repubs who do not compromise will find themselves replaced. By a Democrat. Won't it be great.

This rethug thing is like watching a slow motion suicide. Kinda like watching the guy on the building ledge. Some of the crowd is yelling; jump jump. The other part is just watching in horror. But you know something bad is gonna happen. For the rethugs anyway. I say; jump. Who needs you anyway.
Stimulus Package
Repeal of DADT
Lily Ledbetter Act
Financial Reform
Credit Card reform
START Treaty

All passed by Pelosi

Other than protecting tax cuts for billionaires, Boehner has no legislative accomplishments
all democrat agenda bills passed by a democrat majotity in house and senate. The house has passed many bills the last two years that have not seen the light of day in the senate....So you dishonest fuck try using context.

Pelosi still got things done

Boehner has presided over the most impotent House in modern history. Zero legislative accomplishments. Faced with an economic cliff....Boehners House goes home for a six week vacation.

Boehner is an embarassment and has no clue on how to pass legislation

Boehner at least reads bills before he signs them. How dumb is that?
Do Republicans think Boehner is a failure?

What did Boehner promise them?

Protect tax cuts
Repeal Obamacare
Protect Gun ownership
Make Obama a one term President
Balance the budget

How is he doing?

Even Republicans think he is a failure
Stimulus Package
Repeal of DADT
Lily Ledbetter Act
Financial Reform
Credit Card reform
START Treaty

All passed by Pelosi

Other than protecting tax cuts for billionaires, Boehner has no legislative accomplishments
all democrat agenda bills passed by a democrat majotity in house and senate. The house has passed many bills the last two years that have not seen the light of day in the senate....So you dishonest fuck try using context.

So it is all Harry Reids fault? I thought these people were supposed to work together.

Fascist democrats dont work with people they demand people do as they say.
...veto what? The House GOP couldn't muster the votes to pass their own plan.

It wasn't their plan. It was Boehner's plan. He was trying to compromise. Republican's are in no mood for compromise. Anyone who does, will find themselves replaced by someone who won't.

Republicans are serious on getting spending cuts.
The Dem's will not cut much of anything.

true what they do is steal it from one programs such as medicare and give it to the welfare queens.
all democrat agenda bills passed by a democrat majotity in house and senate. The house has passed many bills the last two years that have not seen the light of day in the senate....So you dishonest fuck try using context.

Pelosi still got things done

Boehner has presided over the most impotent House in modern history. Zero legislative accomplishments. Faced with an economic cliff....Boehners House goes home for a six week vacation.

Boehner is an embarassment and has no clue on how to pass legislation

Boehner at least reads bills before he signs them. How dumb is that?

Pelosi has always read bills before they are voted on
Do Republicans think Boehner is a failure?

What did Boehner promise them?

Protect tax cuts
Repeal Obamacare
Protect Gun ownership
Make Obama a one term President
Balance the budget

How is he doing?

Even Republicans think he is a failure

Why do you even care? Your not smart enough to understand any of it anyway?
So naive about our political process

Threats, paybacks, backroom deals, payoffs........grease that makes our political machine run

Sam Rayburn lead by exerting his influence through skillful persuasion and humor rather than arbitrary rule.
Pelosi used arbitrary rule. In other words she was a dictator.

She ruled with skilled and GOT things done.

boner has never led here.

he is always waiting to find out from someone what hes allowed to do.

the NRA
the heritage foundation

he is not a leader

he just proved that to the entire world

Neither is Obama, he should take control of the situation, but he hasn't.
Well, when the House comes back after Christmas, they still have to pass some legislation to address the debt ceiling.

This is how they brought Owecommie to his knees in '11. Time to bitchslap him again.
...veto what? The House GOP couldn't muster the votes to pass their own plan.

It wasn't their plan. It was Boehner's plan. He was trying to compromise. Republican's are in no mood for compromise. Anyone who does, will find themselves replaced by someone who won't.

You fuking idiot. Bohenr was at least trying to do his job. But for the first time ever, I do agree with you. Repubs who do not compromise will find themselves replaced. By a Democrat. Won't it be great.

This rethug thing is like watching a slow motion suicide. Kinda like watching the guy on the building ledge. Some of the crowd is yelling; jump jump. The other part is just watching in horror. But you know something bad is gonna happen. For the rethugs anyway. I say; jump. Who needs you anyway.

You make the same mistake so many other democrats do. Democrats are not elected in republican districts. Republicans who act like democrats won't be elected in republican districts. Republicans who compromise with democrats will be replaced by a republican that won't.

What you are seeing isn't a slow motion suicide. What you are seeing is republicans hardening their positions. Not political republicans because there are still too many willing to compromise.
Pelosi still got things done

Boehner has presided over the most impotent House in modern history. Zero legislative accomplishments. Faced with an economic cliff....Boehners House goes home for a six week vacation.

Boehner is an embarassment and has no clue on how to pass legislation

Boehner at least reads bills before he signs them. How dumb is that?

Pelosi has always read bills before they are voted on

You want the youtube version, or just the transcript?
The same Sam Rayburn, when he became the minority leader in 47-49 and 53-55 so hated the term minority leader that he asked to be referred to as the Democrat Leader.

Yes we have always had arm twisting, back slapping and butt kicking, but it was done by compromising, not threats.

So naive about our political process

Threats, paybacks, backroom deals, payoffs........grease that makes our political machine run

Sam Rayburn lead by exerting his influence through skillful persuasion and humor rather than arbitrary rule.
Pelosi used arbitrary rule. In other words she was a dictator.

Wow! You really DON'T know anything about politics in general or Washington in particular, do you?

Here's another example for you to research: Can you tell me why Lyndon Johnson was the most feared man in Washington? (Hint: It ain't cuz' he was a nice guy who told dirty jokes.)
So naive about our political process

Threats, paybacks, backroom deals, payoffs........grease that makes our political machine run

Sam Rayburn lead by exerting his influence through skillful persuasion and humor rather than arbitrary rule.
Pelosi used arbitrary rule. In other words she was a dictator.

Wow! You really DON'T know anything about politics in general or Washington in particular, do you?

Here's another example for you to research: Can you tell me why Lyndon Johnson was the most feared man in Washington? (Hint: It ain't cuz' he was a nice guy who told dirty jokes.)

I hear it was because he had the biggest Johnson in Washington and liked to show it off

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