Boehner, debt ceiling threats

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Debt Ceiling Showdown: GOP Pledges To Extract Cuts From Obama

Here we go again. Never mind how it will harm the country because THAT is what the R wants. They actually plan to (partially?) shut down the government even though it would have world-wide consequences.

The Rs want it both ways - no increase in taxes AND cut spending.

We now have some taxes raised and its time to cut spending.

But, that has nothing to do with PAST spending which is what the debt ceiling is.

The Rs won't stop until our country is in ruins.

I think Obama and the Democrats should go with the 14 Amendment argument of "The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law, including debts incurred for payment of pensions and bounties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be questioned."

What higher Authority is there? You'll have the upper hand.

But then again that's a double edged sword because the American People may then start questioning everything else the Gov't does in a Constitutional way. Which doesn't bode well for Obama's CIA Wars, the NDAA, Patriot Act, Fast and Furious and Drone Surveillance.
Debt Ceiling Showdown: GOP Pledges To Extract Cuts From Obama

Here we go again. Never mind how it will harm the country because THAT is what the R wants. They actually plan to (partially?) shut down the government even though it would have world-wide consequences.

The Rs want it both ways - no increase in taxes AND cut spending.

We now have some taxes raised and its time to cut spending.

But, that has nothing to do with PAST spending which is what the debt ceiling is.

The Rs won't stop until our country is in ruins.

Obamaturd and the dimwits didn't care how obamacare would harm the country and they crammed it down our throats. Good for Boehner and the republicans, stand up to the socialist pos.
Fed buyin' up our debt...
$1,728,477,000,000: Fed’s Holdings of U.S. Debt Hit Another Record
February 15, 2013 - The Federal Reserve's holdings of U.S. government debt climbed to yet another record this week, hitting $1,728,477,000,000.00 by the close of business Wednesday, Feb. 13, according to data released late Thursday by the Fed.
That was an increase of $10,734,000,000.00 from the close of business on the previous Wednesday. As of Wednesday, the total debt of the federal government was $16,524,304,599,079.04. That included $11,668,602,027,147.93 in debt held by the public and $4,855,702,571,931.11 in intragovernmental debt, which is money the Treasury has taken out of government trust funds—such as the Social Security Trust Fund—and spent on other government programs.

Since Jan. 2 of this year, the Federal Reserve has increased its holdings of U.S. government debt by $62,359,000,000.00 At the same time, the Treasury has increased the overall debt held by the public by $87,084,476,752.86. Thus, the Federal Reserve has bought up the equivalent of 71.6 percent of the publicly held debt that has been issued by the Treasury so far this calendar year, and 14.8 percent of all of the U.S. government's publicly held debt that is now extant. On Jan. 30, the Fed said it intended to buy $45 billion in federal government debt per month with the aim of helping to insure economic growth at what it called a “moderate pace” as well as an unemployment rate that would “gradually decline.”

In the fourth quarter of 2012, the U.S. economy did not grow, according to the Bureau of Economic Analsysis. On the contrary real GDP declined by 0.1 percent. In January, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, unemployment did not decline. In fact, it ticked up from 7.8 percent in December to 7.9 percent in January. “The Committee expects that, with appropriate policy accommodation, economic growth will proceed at a moderate pace and the unemployment rate will gradually decline toward levels the Committee judges consistent with its dual mandate,” the Federal Open Market Committee said in a press release.


See also:

Harkin: ‘Is It a Spending Problem? No ... It's a Misallocation of Wealth'
February 14, 2013 – Sen. Tom Harkin (D-Iowa) said on Thursday that U.S. government does not have a spending problem, but America suffers from "a misallocation of wealth."
“I look at it this way,” Harkin said at a Senate Appropriations Committee hearing on the Budget Control Act of 2011 (the law that includes the automatic spending cuts referred to as "sequestration"). “We’re the richest nation in the history of the world. That kind of begs the question doesn’t it? If we’re so rich, why are we so broke?” “Is it a spending problem? Harkin said. “No, it’s because we have a misallocation of capital, a misallocation of wealth.” “All of this wealth that’s been built up by hard-working Americans has been accumulated into fewer and fewer and fewer hands all the time,” Harkin said.

Harkin, who sits on the Appropriations Committee, criticized a U.S. tax code he said benefits wealthy people. “I tell you we’ve got to get back to a better, rationale system of revenues and spending in this country and back to our obligations,” Harkin said. “I just feel very strongly, that it’s not just appropriations that’s causing this problem. “It’s the lack of the revenue that we should be taking in to meet our obligations as a country,” Harkin said.

But Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine), who said she supported tax increases for the wealthy and opposed letting sequestration commence, took issue with Harkin’s views on federal spending. “It’s very difficult to follow the eloquence of my colleague from Iowa,” Collins said. “The fact is, however, I believe we do have a spending problem and the $16.4 trillion dollar debt is ample evidence of that.”

Hey Nuddie, didn't anybody ever tell you that in order for a joke like that to be funny, there has to be an element of truth to it?
Debt Ceiling Showdown: GOP Pledges To Extract Cuts From Obama

Here we go again. Never mind how it will harm the country because THAT is what the R wants. They actually plan to (partially?) shut down the government even though it would have world-wide consequences.

The Rs want it both ways - no increase in taxes AND cut spending.

We now have some taxes raised and its time to cut spending.

But, that has nothing to do with PAST spending which is what the debt ceiling is.

The Rs won't stop until our country is in ruins.

You are, of course, incorrect.

The greatest harm to this country has come from the unchallenged raising of the debt ceiling for the past 40 years.

The only way we can keep from harming this country is to enforce the debt ceiling and force the Debt Masters to write and adhere to a balanced budget.
Debt Ceiling Showdown: GOP Pledges To Extract Cuts From Obama

Here we go again. Never mind how it will harm the country because THAT is what the R wants. They actually plan to (partially?) shut down the government even though it would have world-wide consequences.

The Rs want it both ways - no increase in taxes AND cut spending.

We now have some taxes raised and its time to cut spending.

But, that has nothing to do with PAST spending which is what the debt ceiling is.

The Rs won't stop until our country is in ruins.


When I noticed your link was to the Huffington Post, I did not even bother wasting my time clicking the link to that radical left-wing hactivist site. Next, I couldn't help but notice the interesting image you added to your post. The leftist who put this together is a perfect example of how leftists have destroyed the American education system. Look at the pathetic attempt at humor with the statement above the man portrayed as a redneck. Anyone notice the word socialist?? The idiot who created this didn't bother to proof read their failed attempt at humor. The correct terminology should be socialists. Typical left-wing idiot, just like the original poster.

That is not all that is wrong with that image. I am going to assume the man in the tie is portrayed as a rich, Wall Street, capitalist Republican. I highly doubt the original poster, nor the imbecile who created this image has a clue as to how Wall Street works, let alone knows who Lloyd Blankfein is, and ShoreBank....ahh will never get it...
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I can't borrow money with no plan on how I intend to pay it back --- niether should our gov't!

What socialists, er, the American left, always fail to understand is that there is only so much of other peoples money you can spend. We are now spending the money of our children (who haven't even started earning it yet). How many generations deep do we have to go before the libs begin to see the light?
I can't borrow money with no plan on how I intend to pay it back --- niether should our gov't!

What socialists, er, the American left, always fail to understand is that there is only so much of other peoples money you can spend. We are now spending the money of our children (who haven't even started earning it yet). How many generations deep do we have to go before the libs begin to see the light?
They can't see what they don't WANT to see.
Debt Ceiling Showdown: GOP Pledges To Extract Cuts From Obama

Here we go again. Never mind how it will harm the country because THAT is what the R wants. They actually plan to (partially?) shut down the government even though it would have world-wide consequences.

The Rs want it both ways - no increase in taxes AND cut spending.

We now have some taxes raised and its time to cut spending.

But, that has nothing to do with PAST spending which is what the debt ceiling is.

The Rs won't stop until our country is in ruins.

Awesome picture ... the cons are screwing the middle class while pretending to be patriotic.

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