Bobby Jindal to deny health care to over 1 in 10 Louisianians


Gold Member
May 11, 2011
N'Awlins Mid-City
Jindal move causes stir | News | The Advocate — Baton Rouge, LA

As many as 500,000 Louisiana residents — mainly working adults — won’t get government health insurance as a result of Gov. Bobby Jindal’s decision to reject a Medicaid expansion in the law overhauling the federal health care system.

Good job Piyush! That's sure to advance the Republican Party of Louisiana! Way to stand on your principles! You're right, we can't afford healthcare for those people, but we can afford a multi-million dollar overhaul for the state's Capitol building!

La. State Capitol getting $14.7 million overhaul | News | The Advocate — Baton Rouge, LA
A $14.7 million project to upgrade the heating and air-conditioning system is in the fourth of five planned phases.

Upgrade the HEATING and air conditioning? sorry - but having HEAT in the Capitol of Louisiana is a higher priority than health insurance for over 10% of its residents?
Bobby Jindal to deny health care to over 1 in 10 Louisianians

Likely not, he’ll be forced to capitulate. But for now it appeases the radical right.

It also makes him look like a total douchebag.

He'll look worse when Louisianians realize the governor can only "opt out" of the benefits the program offers.
The liabilities the program incurs - the penalty tax for not having health care, or the increased Medicare tax on those making more than 200k/250k, etc. - are enforced via the IRS. And they have agents everywhere and the force of the federal government to enforce the tax code. He's trying to look like Huey Long defying the federal government and all but he's picking the wrong battle.
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Why is Jindal suddenly the target of every two bit left wing editorial posted by the left? There are dozens of other states that decided to reject provisions of the 3,000 monstrosity that few democrats even read before they used intimidation and bribes to get it passed. The democrat speaker of the house even looked Americans in the eye and said" you will know what's in it after it is passed".
Let the moochers move to Fornicalia to get their handouts.

I hear that they're absolutely flush with cash!
They will be if they get a big bundle from Obama for the speeding bullet train. Meanwhile, they just keep raising people's taxes.
Why is Jindal suddenly the target of every two bit left wing editorial posted by the left? There are dozens of other states that decided to reject provisions of the 3,000 monstrosity that few democrats even read before they used intimidation and bribes to get it passed. The democrat speaker of the house even looked Americans in the eye and said" you will know what's in it after it is passed".

That's easy! Jindal has been named as a possible VP candidate. SOP for Democrats.
Well yea. Republicans hate the middle class and the poor even more. Let them die. Funny, so many Republicans on Social Security, Medicare and disability. Rather odd that.
A $14.7 million project to upgrade the heating and air-conditioning system is in the fourth of five planned phases.
Upgrade the HEATING and air conditioning? sorry - but having HEAT in the Capitol of Louisiana is a higher priority than health insurance for over 10% of its residents?
Wouldn't you Liberals call that "infrastructure spending"?

From the article:
Some of the air conditioning system dates to 1952 while other parts are 40 years old, Pickens said.“It’s old. It’s antiquated, inefficient,” he said.
The renovations were funded through the state construction, or capital outlay, budget over MORE THAN A DECADE.
How long has Bobby Jindahl been Governor? :confused:
Jindal move causes stir | News | The Advocate — Baton Rouge, LA

As many as 500,000 Louisiana residents — mainly working adults — won’t get government health insurance as a result of Gov. Bobby Jindal’s decision to reject a Medicaid expansion in the law overhauling the federal health care system.
Good job Piyush! That's sure to advance the Republican Party of Louisiana! Way to stand on your principles! You're right, we can't afford healthcare for those people, but we can afford a multi-million dollar overhaul for the state's Capitol building!

La. State Capitol getting $14.7 million overhaul | News | The Advocate — Baton Rouge, LA
A $14.7 million project to upgrade the heating and air-conditioning system is in the fourth of five planned phases.
Upgrade the HEATING and air conditioning? sorry - but having HEAT in the Capitol of Louisiana is a higher priority than health insurance for over 10% of its residents?

Florida's refusing it too. So?
Jindal move causes stir | News | The Advocate — Baton Rouge, LA

As many as 500,000 Louisiana residents — mainly working adults — won’t get government health insurance as a result of Gov. Bobby Jindal’s decision to reject a Medicaid expansion in the law overhauling the federal health care system.
Good job Piyush! That's sure to advance the Republican Party of Louisiana! Way to stand on your principles! You're right, we can't afford healthcare for those people, but we can afford a multi-million dollar overhaul for the state's Capitol building!

La. State Capitol getting $14.7 million overhaul | News | The Advocate — Baton Rouge, LA
A $14.7 million project to upgrade the heating and air-conditioning system is in the fourth of five planned phases.
Upgrade the HEATING and air conditioning? sorry - but having HEAT in the Capitol of Louisiana is a higher priority than health insurance for over 10% of its residents?
You forget one thing, OohPooPahDoo. Even poor people are still citizens who need to work and take care of their primal needs. Government was not created to do anything but set the stage for people's success. Some people want to be successful and go for it. If you give them everything, they have no need to do any go-getting and will cause societal decay. You have to let people learn their own lessons. You can't learn it for them.

That $14.7 million upgrade? That will employ contractors who hire quality helpers at a good rate to do the work. Those people can have jobs and take home money for their work. They can work in that capacity and earn a decent living.

Handouts without responsibility do not make people responsible. Handouts with responsibility of repayment is better than decay.

We don't want to see a repeat of another Bolshevik Russia floundering around, murdering dissidents by the millions, starving "undesirable" people to death, etc. in this country.

We want people to learn trades and make something of themselves. Their hard work is what built America into the land of opportunity it is.

Government wisdom is needed to pick people up and keep them up. Jindahl has it.
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Why is Jindal suddenly the target of every two bit left wing editorial posted by the left? There are dozens of other states that decided to reject provisions of the 3,000 monstrosity that few democrats even read before they used intimidation and bribes to get it passed. The democrat speaker of the house even looked Americans in the eye and said" you will know what's in it after it is passed".

Have any of those other governors also transferred state dollars to private "schools" that stick students in front of televisions all day watching bible TV?
Why is Jindal suddenly the target of every two bit left wing editorial posted by the left? There are dozens of other states that decided to reject provisions of the 3,000 monstrosity that few democrats even read before they used intimidation and bribes to get it passed. The democrat speaker of the house even looked Americans in the eye and said" you will know what's in it after it is passed".

That's easy! Jindal has been named as a possible VP candidate. SOP for Democrats.

A $14.7 million project to upgrade the heating and air-conditioning system is in the fourth of five planned phases.
Upgrade the HEATING and air conditioning? sorry - but having HEAT in the Capitol of Louisiana is a higher priority than health insurance for over 10% of its residents?
Wouldn't you Liberals call that "infrastructure spending"?

Upgrading the heat in a building that the Louisiana legislature uses for less than 3 months a year? No, that's not infrastructure, that's stupid. "Winter" lasts like 2 days down here.

From the article:
Some of the air conditioning system dates to 1952 while other parts are 40 years old, Pickens said.“It’s old. It’s antiquated, inefficient,” he said.
The renovations were funded through the state construction, or capital outlay, budget over MORE THAN A DECADE.
How long has Bobby Jindahl been Governor? :confused:
Long enough to change past budgets you flippin' idiot. Funny how the "principle" of "fiscal conservatism" prevents Piyush from extending Medicaid to half a million poor people and at the same time prevents him from repealing a budget that wastefully upgrades HEAT to a legislative building at 30.5 degrees latitude. I guess we can't let our self-important legislators suffer through 60 degree temperatures for 2 weeks a year - but hey, half a million poor folks without health insurance - that's no problem. Let them fucking eat cake.
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You forget one thing, OohPooPahDoo. Even poor people are still citizens who need to work and take care of their primal needs. Government was not created to do anything but set the stage for people's success. Some people want to be successful and go for it. If you give them everything, they have no need to do any go-getting and will cause societal decay. You have to let people learn their own lessons. You can't learn it for them.

What lesson will they be learning, exactly? That its wrong to be young and unable to find a job that provides health insurance? And we 'teach' them their lesson - that they should never have started at the bottom - by allowing them to die of a disease or injury that's treatable? Or by waiting until that disease or injury is critical, saddling them with a debt they will never pay off, and allowing the taxpayers to ultimately pick up the tab anyway? Is that the appropriate penalty for having to start at the bottom? I guess they should have started midway up or at the top, Fucking morons.

I suppose society has no need for unskilled farm labor, burger flippers, ditch diggers, lawn care guys, garbage men, or retail store clerks. Its the poor people's fault these jobs even exist. if they just worked harder and learned their lesson, the only jobs available would be ones with health insurance.

That $14.7 million upgrade? That will employ contractors who hire quality helpers at a good rate to do the work.
And health insurance for the poor won't employ health care workers? Jeez, you're seriously a fucking idiot. Hey why don't we buy some snow plows to keep the snow off the Capitol grounds, while we're at it? Half a million poor people can't afford even an appendectomy but hey, we got to keep the snow off the grounds of the Capitol, right? Funny how the right applauds the jobs created out of wasting money by heating a near tropical paradise but boos the jobs that would be created treating the poor of their disease and injury. You guys are seriously fucked in the head.
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You forget one thing, OohPooPahDoo. Even poor people are still citizens who need to work and take care of their primal needs. Government was not created to do anything but set the stage for people's success. Some people want to be successful and go for it. If you give them everything, they have no need to do any go-getting and will cause societal decay. You have to let people learn their own lessons. You can't learn it for them.

What lesson will they be learning, exactly? That its wrong to be young and unable to find a job that provides health insurance? And we 'teach' them their lesson - that they should never have started at the bottom - by allowing them to die of a disease or injury that's treatable? Or by waiting until that disease or injury is critical, saddling them with a debt they will never pay off, and allowing the taxpayers to ultimately pick up the tab anyway? Is that the appropriate penalty for having to start at the bottom? I guess they should have started midway up or at the top, Fucking morons.

I suppose society has no need for unskilled farm labor, burger flippers, ditch diggers, lawn care guys, garbage men, or retail store clerks. Its the poor people's fault these jobs even exist. if they just worked harder and learned their lesson, the only jobs available would be ones with health insurance.

That $14.7 million upgrade? That will employ contractors who hire quality helpers at a good rate to do the work.
And health insurance for the poor won't employ health care workers? Jeez, you're seriously a fucking idiot. Hey why don't we buy some snow plows to keep the snow off the Capitol grounds, while we're at it? Half a million poor people can't afford even an appendectomy but hey, we got to keep the snow off the grounds of the Capitol, right? Funny how the right applauds the jobs created out of wasting money by heating a near tropical paradise but boos the jobs that would be created treating the poor of their disease and injury. You guys are seriously fucked in the head.
I'm convinced the founders of America had it right and the royals of the European countries whose extreme gentility caused tremendous gaps in society didn't.

When you beat up on a small percentage of people left working after loafers decide the life of Riley and letting others pay their way makes them "feel good" and so what if hard workers work, you're going to get strong people mad, who will rise up and squelch the loafers and close mouths of their defenders by whatever means it takes. And I do mean by whatever means it takes.

Don't push the working man to supporting loafers. Reward hard workers, and do not reward the slobbovian house-apes who privately smear success and hard work in their hustle to get out of doing what their neglect causes others to do.

You can't handle the revolt you would have on your hands if you carry on with pampering poopers and nagging/berating/overtaxing doers. Nobody could.
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Well yea. Republicans hate the middle class and the poor even more. Let them die. Funny, so many Republicans on Social Security, Medicare and disability. Rather odd that.
That little speech deserves a kick in your royal bohighness.
Here comes the new spin..

Now people are going to be DENYED HEALTH CARE

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