Bloomberg To Force Flu Vaccines For All NYC Children...

Of course.

Flu shots can only protect you from whatever Flu is going around that year. There is no all-encompassing influenza vaccine.

One other thing, the harmful effects of DDT have been thoroughly debunked but millions of people, mostly children, die every year from preventable malaria.

The difference is..... One side (liberal scum) is not at all reasonable and will NEVER admit to being wrong.... Never. Even if it means the deaths of millions of children.

While the other side (libertarians and conservatives) is reasonable and will listen.

And Malaria isn't even contagious. Flu is. Highly.

Unfortunately, the effects of many of these current Vaccines will not be known for many years from now. And as you so succinctly stated, most who force Vaccinations will never admit it when they're wrong. I think it's anything but 'Anti-American' to question Government-Forced Vaccinations. In fact, i think it's the exact opposite. It's a Patriotic Duty.

I question the motives of those who would force vaccinations on those among us who have the strongest immune systems -- Children.

I never had the Flu in my life until I joined the Army and got a Flu shot.... :dunno:

My wife is north of 50 and won't get a Flu Shot -- For which I may have to spank her if she doesn't cooperate.

Because her immune system isn't what it used to be. I get one every year when I think about it. Last year I didn't and, hoo-boy, did I ever pay for it. Ouch.

Got one this year. Betcha.

I guess, maybe, in a City as crowded as New Yawk, maybe I could see the necessity for mandatory Flu Shots.

Or if you work with kids. Or in the Health Care Industry. Or in the Food Service Industry.

If it were me? I'd take a wait and see approach. If my kid showed a proclivity to catch the Flu, I'd start getting him/her a Flu shot from then on. If he or she was strongly resistant to Flu? :dunno:

Just my opinion. Follow it at your own peril

I hear ya. You're expressing your appreciation of the freedom to choose your own path. I'm with you on that. Thanks.
Of course.

Flu shots can only protect you from whatever Flu is going around that year. There is no all-encompassing influenza vaccine.

One other thing, the harmful effects of DDT have been thoroughly debunked but millions of people, mostly children, die every year from preventable malaria.

The difference is..... One side (liberal scum) is not at all reasonable and will NEVER admit to being wrong.... Never. Even if it means the deaths of millions of children.

While the other side (libertarians and conservatives) is reasonable and will listen.

And Malaria isn't even contagious. Flu is. Highly.

Unfortunately, the effects of many of these current Vaccines will not be known for many years from now. And as you so succinctly stated, most who force Vaccinations will never admit it when they're wrong. I think it's anything but 'Anti-American' to question Government-Forced Vaccinations. In fact, i think it's the exact opposite. It's a Patriotic Duty.

I question the motives of those who would force vaccinations on those among us who have the strongest immune systems -- Children.

I never had the Flu in my life until I joined the Army and got a Flu shot.... :dunno:

My wife is north of 50 and won't get a Flu Shot -- For which I may have to spank her if she doesn't cooperate.

Because her immune system isn't what it used to be. I get one every year when I think about it. Last year I didn't and, hoo-boy, did I ever pay for it. Ouch.

Got one this year. Betcha.

I guess, maybe, in a City as crowded as New Yawk, maybe I could see the necessity for mandatory Flu Shots.

Or if you work with kids. Or in the Health Care Industry. Or in the Food Service Industry.

If it were me? I'd take a wait and see approach. If my kid showed a proclivity to catch the Flu, I'd start getting him/her a Flu shot from then on. If he or she was strongly resistant to Flu? :dunno:

Just my opinion. Follow it at your own peril

It's an ignorant opinion formed without the benefit of actual scientific knowledge.

Children are at the highest risk of death from influenza. Educate yourself. By the time you know your child has a "proclivity" to influenza (which is ridiculous in and of itself...the influenza viruses are different and mutating all the time) your child could quite possibly be dead.
I'm in my late 40's and never got a flu shot until this year, because last year I got the flu and was more ill than I have ever been in my life. It was nightmarish and I probably should have been hospitalized at one point because my kidneys felt like they had been beaten with sledge hammers.

If this story was Giuliani and not Bloomberg, I think a lot less people would take issue.

I take issue with any and all mandates the government makes.

I take issue with any politician who believes he knows what's better for me and my family than I do.

I take issue with anyone attempting to take my freedoms away.

SO in 40 years you have never had a flu shot and exhibited good health. The one time you get the flu you immediately forget the past 40 years of good health and rely on a vaccine that will not prevent you from getting the flu again. Where is the logic?

The logic is weighing the choices- take a flu shot and likely bypass 5 days in bed and possible death, or keep taking my chances.

Seems pretty logical to me.
"Flu is more dangerous than the common cold for children. Each year, flu places a large burden on the health and well-being of children and families. An influenza vaccination is the best method for preventing flu and its potentially severe complications in children. CDC recommends that all children 6 months and older get a flu vaccine."
CDC - Flu Information for Parents with Young Children | Seasonal Influenza (Flu)

  • Children commonly need medical care because of influenza, especially before they turn 5 years old.
  • Severe influenza complications are most common in children younger than 2 years old.
  • Children with chronic health problems like asthma, diabetes and disorders of the brain or nervous system are at especially high risk of developing serious flu complications.
  • Each year an average of 20,000 children under the age of 5 are hospitalized because of influenza complications.
  • Flu seasons vary in severity, however some children die from flu each year. During the 2012-2013 influenza season, more than 165 flu-related pediatric deaths were reported. More information about pediatric deaths since the 2004-2005 flu season is available in the interactive pediatric death web application."
The seasonal flu vaccine protects against the influenza viruses that research indicates will be most common during the upcoming season. Traditional flu vaccines (called trivalent vaccines) are made to protect against three flu viruses; an influenza A (H1N1) virus, an influenza A (H3N2) virus, and an influenza B virus. In addition, this season, there are flu vaccines made to protect against four flu viruses (called “quadrivalent” vaccines). These vaccines protect against the same three viruses as the trivalent vaccine and an additional B virus."

CDC - Children, the Flu, and the Flu Vaccine | Seasonal Influenza (Flu)
Some children are at especially high risk

Children at greatest risk of serious flu-related complications include the following:
  1. Children younger than 6 months old
    These children are too young to be vaccinated. The best way to protect them is to make sure people around them are vaccinated<LI sizcache="5" sizset="27">Children aged 6 months up to their 5th birthday
    It is estimated that each year in the United States, there are more than 20,000 children1 younger than 5 years old who are hospitalized due to flu. Even children in this age group who are otherwise healthy are at risk simply because of their age. In addition, children 2 years of age up to their 5th birthday are more likely than healthy older children to be taken to a doctor, an urgent care center, or the emergency room because of flu. To protect their health, all children 6 months and older should be vaccinated against the flu each year. Vaccinating young children, their families, and other caregivers can also help protect them from getting sick. 1Thompson W, Shay D, J, Weintraub E, et al. Influenza-Associated Hospitalization in the United States. JAMA 2004; 292 (11):1333-1340.
  2. American Indian and Alaskan Native children
    These children are more likely to have severe flu illness that results in hospitalization or death.2,3 2CDC. Deaths Related to 2009 Pandemic Influenza A (H1N1) Among American Indian/Alaskan Natives --- 12 States, 2009. MMWR. 2009;58(48);1341-1344.
    3CDC. Prevention and Control of Influenza with Vaccines: Recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), 2010. MMWR. 2010; 59(No.RR-8)."
CDC - Children, the Flu, and the Flu Vaccine | Seasonal Influenza (Flu)
Unfortunately, the effects of many of these current Vaccines will not be known for many years from now. And as you so succinctly stated, most who force Vaccinations will never admit it when they're wrong. I think it's anything but 'Anti-American' to question Government-Forced Vaccinations. In fact, i think it's the exact opposite. It's a Patriotic Duty.

I question the motives of those who would force vaccinations on those among us who have the strongest immune systems -- Children.

I never had the Flu in my life until I joined the Army and got a Flu shot.... :dunno:

My wife is north of 50 and won't get a Flu Shot -- For which I may have to spank her if she doesn't cooperate.

Because her immune system isn't what it used to be. I get one every year when I think about it. Last year I didn't and, hoo-boy, did I ever pay for it. Ouch.

Got one this year. Betcha.

I guess, maybe, in a City as crowded as New Yawk, maybe I could see the necessity for mandatory Flu Shots.

Or if you work with kids. Or in the Health Care Industry. Or in the Food Service Industry.

If it were me? I'd take a wait and see approach. If my kid showed a proclivity to catch the Flu, I'd start getting him/her a Flu shot from then on. If he or she was strongly resistant to Flu? :dunno:

Just my opinion. Follow it at your own peril

It's an ignorant opinion formed without the benefit of actual scientific knowledge.

Children are at the highest risk of death from influenza. Educate yourself. By the time you know your child has a "proclivity" to influenza (which is ridiculous in and of itself...the influenza viruses are different and mutating all the time) your child could quite possibly be dead.

I think we get it by now. You fully support Government-Forced Vaccinations. But it is still America. People have the right to disagree. Unfortunately, you represent exactly what's wrong with our Nation. You like so many others, want to force your agendas on people. You just can't stand the idea of anyone disagreeing and opposing your agendas. Therefore, you use Government as your weapon of force. I'm not singling you out though. You're just one of many Millions out there.
"The number of influenza-associated pediatric deaths reported to CDC during the current season surpassed 100 this week as an additional 6 deaths were reported in FluView. This brings the total number of influenza-associated pediatric deaths reported to CDC, to date, to 105 for the 2012-2013 season.
Pediatric deaths are defined as flu-associated deaths that occur in people younger than 18 years. An early look at this season&#8217;s reports indicates that about 90 percent occurred in children who had not received a flu vaccination this season.
This review also indicated that 60 percent of deaths occurred in children who were at high risk of developing serious flu-related complications, but 40 percent of these children had no recognized chronic health problems."

CDC - CDC Reports About 90 Percent of Children Who Died From Flu This Season Not Vaccinated | News and Spotlights | Influenza (Flu)

Please don't be stupid. Get your kids vaccinated. The people who work in the field sure as shit do.
Famous Big Brother last words..."It's for the Children. It's for your own good." Can't argue with that, right?
You have a right to disagree to the point where you aren't putting others at risk.

In this case, you are putting others at risk, except that you live in an isolated area. So kiss my ass, loon. You know as well as I do I don't support government interference in our day to day lives, but in the case of pandemic and epidemic, all those niceties go out the window. Because I have worked in human services (including health services) and because I have family members who have worked decades in the medical field, I know the REAL threat of influenza. I understand that we have people who enjoy good health all their lives and who therefore believe all the stupid wives tales they heard about influenza, and buy into the urban legends about the evil of immunizations...but anyone who has actually studied the topic or has any understanding of the real health issues knows...there are killers (in the form of viruses) among us, and all they need is a toe hold.

And while your brain may tell you meh, I'm not at risk so I don't care, it's false hubris and you will care if small pox or measles or a particularly nasty flu bug takes a step into your living room, and you have 3 kids laid up and then dead in a day or two, and you're sitting there going, wtf? How on earth did this happen?

I can tell you how it happens. It happens when people are stupid about taking the precautions that are the REASON you enjoy good health. You owe your hearty constitution and your inexperience with epidemia to the fact that in the past, there have been forced immunizations, and people have been good about stepping up to the plate.
I'd love you to point to government overthrow that has taken place behind the point of forced immunization.

I'll wait.
Were people implanted with tracking devices against their will and knowledge, under the *guise* of fake immunizations?

Fucking nut.
Unfortunately, the effects of many of these current Vaccines will not be known for many years from now. And as you so succinctly stated, most who force Vaccinations will never admit it when they're wrong. I think it's anything but 'Anti-American' to question Government-Forced Vaccinations. In fact, i think it's the exact opposite. It's a Patriotic Duty.

I question the motives of those who would force vaccinations on those among us who have the strongest immune systems -- Children.

I never had the Flu in my life until I joined the Army and got a Flu shot.... :dunno:

My wife is north of 50 and won't get a Flu Shot -- For which I may have to spank her if she doesn't cooperate.

Because her immune system isn't what it used to be. I get one every year when I think about it. Last year I didn't and, hoo-boy, did I ever pay for it. Ouch.

Got one this year. Betcha.

I guess, maybe, in a City as crowded as New Yawk, maybe I could see the necessity for mandatory Flu Shots.

Or if you work with kids. Or in the Health Care Industry. Or in the Food Service Industry.

If it were me? I'd take a wait and see approach. If my kid showed a proclivity to catch the Flu, I'd start getting him/her a Flu shot from then on. If he or she was strongly resistant to Flu? :dunno:

Just my opinion. Follow it at your own peril

It's an ignorant opinion formed without the benefit of actual scientific knowledge.

Children are at the highest risk of death from influenza. Educate yourself. By the time you know your child has a "proclivity" to influenza (which is ridiculous in and of itself...the influenza viruses are different and mutating all the time) your child could quite possibly be dead.

It doesn't matter anymore. My kids are grown and gone.

And I value you my opinion over that of the CDC. Got your H1N1 vaccination yet? How about that SARS thingie? Or bird flu? Or whatever disaster is certain to befall us next?

The CDC is a government bureaucracy and bureaucracies serve one master -- Themselves.

You want to run out and get your kid vaccinated every time something farts in your general direction? Go for it.

My kid is 6'1" and 220lbs of solid muscle who looks like a muscular Keanu Reeves

I must have done something right :dunno:
One other thing, KG....

According to the CDC's own figures, only 165 pediatric deaths related to "Flu-Like" symptoms were reported last year.

CDC - Children, the Flu, and the Flu Vaccine | Seasonal Influenza (Flu)

And I will guarantee you this.... If you look into it deep enough, I think you'll find that most of those kids had an underlying illness of one sort or another that weakened them.

Like, umm, AIDS, maybe? Or heart disease? Or cancer? Or other chronic respiratory and/or pulmonary conditions?

Oh..... How many kids in the US are there under the age of 18?

USA QuickFacts from the US Census Bureau

Try 75,000,000 (seventy-five Million).

Pretty good odds.

But I'm ignorant. Thanks, girl
Ah, you're one of those parents who likes to parade his kids past mean dogs...saying "if that dog bites my kid it'll be the last thing it does". Oooh..the kids are an extension of you, I see, and that seems to be their primary purpose in make you look good.

As I said, good on you for being grown and healthy. It's great that you don't get sick. But what doesn't make you die could very well make the little kid next to you at the check out stand die.

I had H1N1, btw. And I also went to the meetings where the county health department acted like they were on speed because they'd all been up for many, many days and nights dealing with an outbreak at a camp where there weren't enough beds for the dozens of children who were very, very ill and who were being bundled onto planes, sick, and jetted back to their parents regardless. Those people were afraid.

My father had diptheria, my mother had whooping cough, and one of my childhood friends lost a sister to chicken pox..and my grandfather lived through the smallpox epidemic at the beginning of the 20th century. I'm not a fan of the CDC, but these viruses pose a very real threat, and it's assholes like you who spread them.

Typhoid Mary was never terribly ill, either. That's the point, jackass.
My uncle had a flu shot, and 1 month later developed ALS which has absolutely no genetic history in my family. If someone ever jabs my kid without permission they're going to pay 1 way or another.
One other thing, KG....

According to the CDC's own figures, only 165 pediatric deaths related to "Flu-Like" symptoms were reported last year.

CDC - Children, the Flu, and the Flu Vaccine | Seasonal Influenza (Flu)

And I will guarantee you this.... If you look into it deep enough, I think you'll find that most of those kids had an underlying illness of one sort or another that weakened them.

Like, umm, AIDS, maybe? Or heart disease? Or cancer? Or other chronic respiratory and/or pulmonary conditions?

Oh..... How many kids in the US are there under the age of 18?

USA QuickFacts from the US Census Bureau

Try 75,000,000 (seventy-five Million).

Pretty good odds.

But I'm ignorant. Thanks, girl

You are ignorant.
"...researchers also found that otherwise healthy children were almost twice as likely to die before hospital admission as their high-risk counterparts (relative risk [RR], 1.9; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.6 - 2.4) and were 1.6 times more likely to die within 3 days of symptom onset (95% CI, 1.3 - 2.0)."
Yes, the odds are great for you. Not so great for kids.

Anyway, you guys are the reason measles are making a resurgence. It's great to be smug because you missed the bullet. Not so funny if you happen to have a child too young to vaccinate who is killed because the pig who bags groceries thinks immunizations are a conspiracy against freedom.

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I'll just keeping posting the information. Hopefully you lunatics live isolated existences.

CDC began tracking flu-associated pediatric deaths after the 2003-2004 flu season &#8211; a season that, like the current flu season, started early and was intense. In addition, it took a high toll on children. In the 2003-2004 season, 153 pediatric deaths were reported to CDC from 40 states. Flu-associated pediatric deaths became nationally reportable the following season. Since that time, reported pediatric deaths during regular influenza seasons have ranged from 35 deaths (during 2011-2012) to 122 deaths (during 2010-2011). However, during the 2009 H1N1 influenza pandemic, which lasted from April 15, 2009 to October 2, 2010, 348 pediatric deaths were reported to CDC."

CDC - CDC Reports About 90 Percent of Children Who Died From Flu This Season Not Vaccinated | News and Spotlights | Influenza (Flu)

Rickets made a comeback too, when retards became complacent and bought all the bad press about feeding kids milk. Low information health guys give epidemiologists a job!
And ps...children do NOT have stronger immune systems, nitwits:

"Children are at higher risk for the flu because their immune systems are not fully developed."

Cripes. They enjoy a brief period (allegedly) when they get a boost from their MOTHER'S immune system via pregnancy and then breast milk in the early days...but it wears off.

One of the reasons children are at HIGHER risk of dying from influenza.

Children & Infants at Risk for the Flu |
I'm in my late 40's and never got a flu shot until this year, because last year I got the flu and was more ill than I have ever been in my life. It was nightmarish and I probably should have been hospitalized at one point because my kidneys felt like they had been beaten with sledge hammers.

If this story was Giuliani and not Bloomberg, I think a lot less people would take issue.

I take issue with any and all mandates the government makes.

I take issue with any politician who believes he knows what's better for me and my family than I do.

I take issue with anyone attempting to take my freedoms away.

SO in 40 years you have never had a flu shot and exhibited good health. The one time you get the flu you immediately forget the past 40 years of good health and rely on a vaccine that will not prevent you from getting the flu again. Where is the logic?

The logic is weighing the choices- take a flu shot and likely bypass 5 days in bed and possible death, or keep taking my chances.

Seems pretty logical to me.

Taking 40 years to come that decision doesn't sound very logical to me. But, to each their own.

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