Blind Faith in Obama

You name it, economy, jobs, national debt, foreign policy et all., all headed in the wrong direction since the Democratic party took over Congress in 2007 and Obama took over the Presidency in 2009. Yet Democrats still hold out hope for positive change, I just can't figure out why..? What is making them so hopeful? I mean, I like to be hopeful that all this is going to turn around but logically, I just don't see how. What's the secret?

George W. Bush and the GOP controlled Congress....

Well.. Bush brought us out of the Clinton recession, got us through 9/11 , he did start the Iraqi and Afghanistan war with the American people and Democratic Party support.

I would agree Republicans spent their way out of control of the Congress and the Presidency but in comparison things are a hell of a lot worse now. In comparison Bush was far superior to the road we're on now and yet Democrats keep the faith in Obama... what gives?

You need to refresh your memory by reading some old polls. You can archive back ten years, here. Scroll all the way to the bottom of each topic page, and you'll see the same type of trending for Bush as is currently occurring with Obama:
As long as you have a breath to breathe, there is always hope.

It doesn't matter which party brings about the change. We can and should hold out hope for a better America and I believe there is yet hope.


I also see Obama as being much more conciliatory than Bush, and if a new batch of Republicans are more willing to sit down and discuss serious differences together with workable solutions, I think Obama will be willing to back off on a lot of things. It's telling that Scott Brown has more access to Obama than Mitch McConnell.
Wake up dude!! I think you're dreaming.

Hope sure beats fearmongering. At least in my book.

Look at the facts, Obama's attempt to shut down deep sea drilling, is a job killer, cap and trade another job killer, now explain to me what Obama is doing to help the economy. And please be specific.

The oil spill is creating jobs. By your logic, plugging the leak is a bad idea because it's a job killer.
Liberals sat around for 8 years contemplating why conservatives wouldn't give up on Bush. It boggled their minds.

Why do "conservatives" INSIST on BEING so ill-informed??!!!!


Hey asshole, feel free to highlight, bold, center, and make sections of my posts sparkle that you quote, but don't fucking abbreviate them.

Liberals sat around for 8 years contemplating why conservatives wouldn't give up on Bush. It boggled their minds. Many did eventually give up on him. You'd think the left would wake up faster than the right did. Fortunately there were so many in the middle who voted for Obama, and they are already snapping out of it.
As long as you have a breath to breathe, there is always hope.

It doesn't matter which party brings about the change. We can and should hold out hope for a better America and I believe there is yet hope.


So do I believe there's still hope but my hope is wrapped up in disillusionment at the present. I'm trying to understand why there's this blind faith that things are going to turn around under this present situation.

Regarding the economy, all the experts have said from the outset that getting back on track would be a long, hard slog and that employment would be the last measurement. Those who still have faith read the reports that all the other measurements ARE showing improvement. The naysayers only read THE SKY IS FALLING headlines published nonstop by those factions who truly hope the economy does NOT rebound, because it's more politically expedient for them in the near term if it doesn't.
So do I believe there's still hope but my hope is wrapped up in disillusionment at the present. I'm trying to understand why there's this blind faith that's things are going to turn around under this present situation.

Well, my answer to that is simple... it always does and it will again.

The economy is bound to recover and the odds are good that it will be during the Obama Presidency. Therefore, I can guarantee you that we will be hearing the left bragging about Obama having saved the nation. Count on it.

However, the simple fact of the matter is that things always do bottom out and then improve. The next technological breakthrough that will spur a recovery is just a heartbeat away.


Wake up dude!! I think you're dreaming.

What good does negative thinking do?
As long as you have a breath to breathe, there is always hope.

It doesn't matter which party brings about the change. We can and should hold out hope for a better America and I believe there is yet hope.


I also see Obama as being much more conciliatory than Bush, and if a new batch of Republicans are more willing to sit down and discuss serious differences together with workable solutions, I think Obama will be willing to back off on a lot of things. It's telling that Scott Brown has more access to Obama than Mitch McConnell.

How many of Bush's bills had Democrats also voting for them?
How many of Obama's bills have passed with zero Republican votes?
That says everything about who is more conciliatory.
You are an ugly troll and need to lay off the Obama Koolaid.
Well, my answer to that is simple... it always does and it will again.

The economy is bound to recover and the odds are good that it will be during the Obama Presidency. Therefore, I can guarantee you that we will be hearing the left bragging about Obama having saved the nation. Count on it.

However, the simple fact of the matter is that things always do bottom out and then improve. The next technological breakthrough that will spur a recovery is just a heartbeat away.


Wake up dude!! I think you're dreaming.

What good does negative thinking do?

Brings one to the right answer. Try it sometime. Just close your eyes and say "Barack Obama is not the answer" about 20 times. You'll be a whole new person.
Well, my answer to that is simple... it always does and it will again.

The economy is bound to recover and the odds are good that it will be during the Obama Presidency. Therefore, I can guarantee you that we will be hearing the left bragging about Obama having saved the nation. Count on it.

However, the simple fact of the matter is that things always do bottom out and then improve. The next technological breakthrough that will spur a recovery is just a heartbeat away.


Wake up dude!! I think you're dreaming.

What good does negative thinking do?

I believe this has more to do with being realistic.. whether you can accept the reality of Obama and Democratic Party rule.. from my perspective a dismal and far reaching failure by any standard. On the positive side it with end...the sooner the better..
Wake up dude!! I think you're dreaming.

Hope sure beats fearmongering. At least in my book.

Look at the facts, Obama's attempt to shut down deep sea drilling, is a job killer, cap and trade another job killer, now explain to me what Obama is doing to help the economy. And please be specific.

The ban imposed on deep water drilling was lifted by court order, so none of the other rigs has yet been shut down. According to the Interior Department, there are 3,500 drilling rigs and platforms in the Gulf, 79 of them deepwater wells, and they are operating at 97% capacity.

And I fail to see how cap and trade will be a job killer when production will go on as usual.
Hope sure beats fearmongering. At least in my book.

Look at the facts, Obama's attempt to shut down deep sea drilling, is a job killer, cap and trade another job killer, now explain to me what Obama is doing to help the economy. And please be specific.

The ban imposed on deep water drilling was lifted by court order, so none of the other rigs has yet been shut down. According to the Interior Department, there are 3,500 drilling rigs and platforms in the Gulf, 79 of them deepwater wells, and they are operating at 97% capacity.

And I fail to see how cap and trade will be a job killer when production will go on as usual.

(This is from another post I wrote, perhaps you should read the link)

The Obama way... I take full responsibility but blame everyone else. This recognized Obama method of leadership just might not be working out so well with the Gulf oil spill dilemma..The oily pelicans are washing up on the White House steps..


Less than four months after President Barack Obama took office, his new administration received a forceful warning about the dangers of offshore oil drilling.

The alarm was rung by a federal appeals court in Washington, D.C., which found that the government was unprepared for a major spill at sea, relying on an "irrational" environmental analysis of the risks of offshore drilling.

The April 2009 ruling stunned both the administration and the oil industry, and threatened to delay or cancel dozens of offshore projects in Alaska and the Gulf of Mexico.

Despite its pro-environment pledges, the Obama administration urged the court to revisit the decision. Politically, it needed to push ahead with conventional oil production while it expanded support for renewable energy.

Another reason: money. In its arguments to the court, the government said that the loss of royalties on the oil, estimated at almost $10 billion, "may have significant financial consequences for the federal government."

The U.S. Court of Appeals reversed its decision and allowed drilling in the Gulf to proceed—including on BP PLC's now-infamous Macondo well, 50 miles off the Louisiana coast.

Obama Decried, Then Used, Some Bush Drilling Policies -
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Lumpy, I feel bad for you. You asked an honest, valid question, fairly, with no name calling or mean spirited remarks. And it's a very good, valid question. But you were only given the typical liberal drool of an answer from the left wingers on here. Thats what you get for trying to have an honest debate with left wingers who suffer from the mental disorder of liberalism.

SO......I'll answer the question on their behalf for you.

They still support him because they have so much invested emotionally in him and the left wing cause. See, the modern progressive doesn't place much faith in the things that we Americans traditionally did: God, the nuclear family, patriotism, honest work, etc.

They place faith in left wing "causes". Thats why they wanted God out of schools, and the traditional family model to come apart. Because as tribal animals, we humans need a cause to be passionate about. The causes the left wing gripped to became global warming, social justice, and a whole host of feel good liberal causes.

Obama and the left wing represent all those things. A black president and massive welfare and healthcare for social justice. A huge wealth redistribution scheme disguised as global warming. They watched and bowed to Al Gore's movie. They preached to us the ills of our American ways.

Now, the left wing utopia is crumbling. First in Greece and Europe. Well, really, first in East Germany and the USSR, but then on to Greece, Europe, and coming soon the collapse of California, Illinois, NY, NJ. But no fear, the other 45 states will bail out the 5 far left bankrupt ones.

But anyhow, much like a hurt, scorned girlfriend who found out her boyfriend has been cheating and lying to her, the progressives are in shock and denial. They have so much emotion and self-worth tied into the left wing cause, that the thought of that falling apart leaves them with nothing but personal and emotional isolation.

So there you go. Where many of us find faith, belief, comfort and loyalty to our religion and family, the left wingers often find that in social justice and environmentalism. Imagine your family and church falling apart. It would be a very long time before allegiance to either would go away. Same for a progressive with far left politicians and their policies.

Lotta God stuff in there, which of course is compounded by bullshit. Your philosophizing doesn't pass the smell test.

Ironically, I wasn't one who contributed any "liberal drool" until I saw your dribbling drivel, so now you have some from me too.
You name it, economy, jobs, national debt, foreign policy et all., all headed in the wrong direction since the Democratic party took over Congress in 2007 and Obama took over the Presidency in 2009. Yet Democrats still hold out hope for positive change, I just can't figure out why..? What is making them so hopeful? I mean, I'd like to be hopeful that all this is going to turn around but logically, I just don't see how. What's the secret?

Its a bad idea to have blind faith in anyone or anything.

Hope sure beats fearmongering. At least in my book.

Look at the facts, Obama's attempt to shut down deep sea drilling, is a job killer, cap and trade another job killer, now explain to me what Obama is doing to help the economy. And please be specific.

The ban imposed on deep water drilling was lifted by court order, so none of the other rigs has yet been shut down. According to the Interior Department, there are 3,500 drilling rigs and platforms in the Gulf, 79 of them deepwater wells, and they are operating at 97% capacity.

And I fail to see how cap and trade will be a job killer when production will go on as usual.
The Obama Administration is seeking ways around the court order.
Production cannot go on "as usual" with significantly higher prices for energy. Unless the laws of supply and demand have been repealed, higher prices will mean reduced production.
Look at the facts, Obama's attempt to shut down deep sea drilling, is a job killer, cap and trade another job killer, now explain to me what Obama is doing to help the economy. And please be specific.

No. BP's oil leak is a job killer. Cap and trade is not in effect and hasn't killed any jobs. Obama is pushing green energy and jobs. Obama and the Democrat led Congress just recently passed a jobs bill as well as a small business lending intiative.

How can something that's not in effect be blamed for killing jobs? The oil leak hasn't killed one job... Obama's knee-jerk reaction of using it to further his gullible warming agenda IS killing jobs.

How's that jobs bill working? Yep... 40+ million unemployed.

Republicans killed the jobs bill, or haven't you heard. They also killed unemployment compensation extensions.
You name it, economy, jobs, national debt, foreign policy et all., all headed in the wrong direction since the Democratic party took over Congress in 2007 and Obama took over the Presidency in 2009. Yet Democrats still hold out hope for positive change, I just can't figure out why..? What is making them so hopeful? I mean, I'd like to be hopeful that all this is going to turn around but logically, I just don't see how. What's the secret?
I believe your notion that the Democrats are responsible for our country's many problems is as wrong as two left feet. It was the elitist sonofabitch, Bush, and his criminal administration that manipulated us into near bankruptcy by involving us in two massively costly and unlawful invasions and occupations.

But while the Democrats can't be blamed for causing the problem I will say they have done very little in the way of repairing the damage done by the Republicans, beginning with the Reagan Administration.
Well, my answer to that is simple... it always does and it will again.

The economy is bound to recover and the odds are good that it will be during the Obama Presidency. Therefore, I can guarantee you that we will be hearing the left bragging about Obama having saved the nation. Count on it.

However, the simple fact of the matter is that things always do bottom out and then improve. The next technological breakthrough that will spur a recovery is just a heartbeat away.


"Not only was the entire national deficit eliminated after raising taxes on the wealthy in 1993, but the economy grew so fast for the remainder of the decade that many conservative economists thought that the Fed should raise the prime interest rate in order to slow it down."

You know Bill Clinton didn't pass any of those rates. Presidents don't pass laws. He simply didn't veto them. A Republican controlled Congress ushered in that success. Clinton was a smart politican, however, and wisely didn't veto it. For that, of course, he gets credit as it was under his watch.

There was a lot of behind the scenes compromising between Clinton and Gingrich. Something sadly lacking between the current presidency and legislative minority leadership.
Look at the facts, Obama's attempt to shut down deep sea drilling, is a job killer, cap and trade another job killer, now explain to me what Obama is doing to help the economy. And please be specific.

No. BP's oil leak is a job killer. Cap and trade is not in effect and hasn't killed any jobs. Obama is pushing green energy and jobs. Obama and the Democrat led Congress just recently passed a jobs bill as well as a small business lending intiative.

BP is actually hiring 2000+ people to help with the cleanup and has not laid anyone off. Cap and trade will kill jobs if it ever passes. What specifically has Obama done to create jobs, and where are these jobs? Unemployment rate is in fact rising, so again what specific jobs in the private sector has Obama created.

Again, how do you figure cap and trade will kill jobs? Currently, it's beginning to look as though cap and trade will be strictly an energy initiative and have nothing to do with promoting global warming projects. So show me your proof that it will "kill" jobs.

As for Obama creating jobs in the private sector, he cannot FORCE businesses to hire. He has provided a slew of tax credits and hiring initiatives, which is the extent of authority the executive branch has over "creating jobs" for the private sector. Another reality is that private businesses have discovered that using temporary help keeps their costs down and still maintains productivity, so it's possible many of the old jobs won't be coming back at all. What should Obama do about that? Does he have some special authority to demand that businesses re-employ laid off workers? Of course not. What would a Republican president do in that situation?

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