Blind Faith in Obama

Just to give you a chance to disprove any obvious hypocricies on your part. (And I don't know why the fuck I'm even allowing you to do so.) What are your thoughts on Rev. Wright?

I've got NO time for ANY Clerics!!

Preying-on-the-ignorant is hardly an honorable-pursuit....


Nice dodge you fucking troll. You are seriously one load your mom should have swallowed.
Look at the facts, Obama's attempt to shut down deep sea drilling, is a job killer, cap and trade another job killer, now explain to me what Obama is doing to help the economy. And please be specific.

No. BP's oil leak is a job killer. Cap and trade is not in effect and hasn't killed any jobs. Obama is pushing green energy and jobs. Obama and the Democrat led Congress just recently passed a jobs bill as well as a small business lending intiative.

How can something that's not in effect be blamed for killing jobs? The oil leak hasn't killed one job... Obama's knee-jerk reaction of using it to further his gullible warming agenda IS killing jobs.

How's that jobs bill working? Yep... 40+ million unemployed.

REALLY? So NO fishermen are out of work due to the oil leak in the Gulf?:cuckoo:
Look at the facts, Obama's attempt to shut down deep sea drilling, is a job killer, cap and trade another job killer, now explain to me what Obama is doing to help the economy. And please be specific.

No. BP's oil leak is a job killer. Cap and trade is not in effect and hasn't killed any jobs. Obama is pushing green energy and jobs. Obama and the Democrat led Congress just recently passed a jobs bill as well as a small business lending intiative.

BP is actually hiring 2000+ people to help with the cleanup and has not laid anyone off. Cap and trade will kill jobs if it ever passes. What specifically has Obama done to create jobs, and where are these jobs? Unemployment rate is in fact rising, so again what specific jobs in the private sector has Obama created.

So NOW, you want the Fedewral government to create jobs? I thought you guys called that Socialism?
Lumpy, I feel bad for you. You asked an honest, valid question, fairly, with no name calling or mean spirited remarks. And it's a very good, valid question. But you were only given the typical liberal drool of an answer from the left wingers on here. Thats what you get for trying to have an honest debate with left wingers who suffer from the mental disorder of liberalism.

SO......I'll answer the question on their behalf for you.

Where many of us find faith, belief, comfort and loyalty to our religion and family....
Yeah.....we've heard-about-that......

[ame=]YouTube - Sarah Palin's pastor exorcises witches, condemns Jew Bankers[/ame]


Hey.............wait a minute..............didn't someone else's preacher condemn Jews....and Zionists, and all white people, and Israel, and "White man's greed runs a world in need"??? Someone sat in a church like that for 20 years, but somehow missed all that, and we were told it didn't matter anyway. So, your point invalid. Sorry.
No. BP's oil leak is a job killer. Cap and trade is not in effect and hasn't killed any jobs. Obama is pushing green energy and jobs. Obama and the Democrat led Congress just recently passed a jobs bill as well as a small business lending intiative.

BP is actually hiring 2000+ people to help with the cleanup and has not laid anyone off.
....Except those who wanna wear respirators.

Yeah.....we heard.....

[ame=]YouTube - BP Tells Cleanup Workers They'll Be Fired If They Wear Respirators[/ame]


How about something from a BP official. I can tell you that there are many types of respirators and each one serves a different purpose. How do you or she know that the repirators being used were the right ones?

But hey go ahead and believe some idiot on olberfucks show.'s called The CLINTON TAX-RATES!!!!!!!!!!!!


You know Bill Clinton didn't pass any of those rates. Presidents don't pass laws. He simply didn't veto them. A Republican controlled Congress ushered in that success.

Yeah.....they were BIG FANS OF IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here’s what conservative politicians said about the 1993 deficit reduction legislation that raised taxes on the top 1.2% of our wealthiest citizens:

"Clearly, this is a job-killer in the short-run. The impact on job creation is going to be devastating." - Rep. Dick Armey, (Republican, Texas)

"The tax increase will…lead to a recession…and will actually increase the deficit." - Rep. Newt Gingrich (Republican, Georgia)

"I will make you this bet. I am willing to risk the mortgage on it…the deficit will be up; unemployment will be up; in my judgment, inflation will be up." - Sen. Robert Packwood (Republican, Oregon)

"The deficit four years from today will be higher than it is today, not lower." - Sen. Phil Gramm (Republican, Texas)

"The President promised a middle-class tax cut, yet he and his party imposed the largest tax increase in American history. We hope his higher taxes will not cut short the economic recovery and declining interest rates he inherited… Instead of stifling growth through higher taxes and increased government regulations, Republicans would take America in a different direction." - Sen. Robert Dole (Republican, Kansas)



Well, they passed it. So rather than being the "Party of no" as you like to call them, they did pass it. Had they not, Clinton would've been powerless to pass it himself, because he can't. President's don't pass laws.

And, yes, it did lead to a recession that Bush inherited, did it not?

But do you really want to dig deep into the Clinton tax plans? You do know the Fannie/Freddie travesty is rooted in the mid 90's, right? That the ideal of pressuring banks to make risky loans to people who shouldn't be getting them was pushed HARD by the Clintons, right? You do know that part of the idea of raising taxes in the 90's was to help fund that risky Fannie/Freddie gamble, right? And of course, we see the long term effects of what happens when banks are pressured by the left into making risky loans to people who shouldn't be getting them.........right?

The right should be using the root of the housing collapse, and our current economic situation, as a talking point. But they won't and can't. Because the population and voter pool of America is dumbed down. Thus, blaming today's mess on what people did in 1995 won't fly.
No. BP's oil leak is a job killer. Cap and trade is not in effect and hasn't killed any jobs. Obama is pushing green energy and jobs. Obama and the Democrat led Congress just recently passed a jobs bill as well as a small business lending intiative.

BP is actually hiring 2000+ people to help with the cleanup and has not laid anyone off. Cap and trade will kill jobs if it ever passes. What specifically has Obama done to create jobs, and where are these jobs? Unemployment rate is in fact rising, so again what specific jobs in the private sector has Obama created.

So NOW, you want the Fedewral government to create jobs? I thought you guys called that Socialism?

Nice dodge. Just admit you can't give any specific jobs that Obama's adminstration has created. Which was what he said the last stimulus package would do. I'm smart enough to know that the government cannot create private sector jobs despite what Obama has told you, what they can and should do is ease the tax burdens on corporations so that they will hire more people.

Obama: Stimulus will create 4.1 million jobs

Obama's Job No. 1: Create Jobs, Strengthen the Economy
In his State of the Union address, Obama laid out his proposals for creating jobs

Obama: Let’s spend $2 billion to create 5100 jobs

So again I ask, where are these jobs Obama has created? And please be specific.
Wake up dude!! I think you're dreaming.

Hope sure beats fearmongering. At least in my book.

Look at the facts, Obama's attempt to shut down deep sea drilling, is a job killer, cap and trade another job killer, now explain to me what Obama is doing to help the economy. And please be specific.

Those aren't "Facts." Those are hyperbole. Job shifters at best. Our consumption of energy is not going to evaporate due to either of those things. Cap and trade may even create new economic sectors in the areas of engineering (For greater efficiencies), alternative energies, and carbon consumption (Firms that produce ways to consume carbon, creating credits that could then be sold).

What exactly do you want him to do? Republicans will block anything he tries, even if (and perhaps "especially if") it's legislation that will ease economic suffering. You don't grasp how badly vested your corporate masters are in this man's failure.
George W. Bush and the GOP controlled Congress....

That seems to be your answer for every criticism. At what point will the Obamabots take responsibility for their man's actions or lack thereof?

Slow down there, Skippy....I am simply pointing out the very honest and real reasons why people WANTED and continue to WANT to believe in Obama. McCain and Palin basically ran on a platform to continue Bush's policies. Many people voted against Bush and the GOP policies. That is fact.

And they ended up with Obama, who continued Bush's policies.
Hope sure beats fearmongering. At least in my book.

Look at the facts, Obama's attempt to shut down deep sea drilling, is a job killer, cap and trade another job killer, now explain to me what Obama is doing to help the economy. And please be specific.

Those aren't "Facts." Those are hyperbole. Job shifters at best. Our consumption of energy is not going to evaporate due to either of those things. Cap and trade may even create new economic sectors in the areas of engineering (For greater efficiencies), alternative energies, and carbon consumption (Firms that produce ways to consume carbon, creating credits that could then be sold).

What exactly do you want him to do? Republicans will block anything he tries, even if (and perhaps "especially if") it's legislation that will ease economic suffering. You don't grasp how badly vested your corporate masters are in this man's failure.

A six month moratorium on deepwater drilling would kill jobs, that is a fact, even though your dumbass won't admit it.

As for the cap and trade? Study: Cap and trade would hurt economy About 35 percent of crude-oil-related jobs and 40 percent of coal-related jobs would be lost in 2025, according to the analysis. It assumes that the majority of workers would find new jobs, but the net job loss would be 0.5 percent over the first 10 years that the legislation is in effect.

Perhaps you can tell me which specific private sector jobs Obama has created since the last stimulus package was passed.
You name it, economy, jobs, national debt, foreign policy et all., all headed in the wrong direction since the Democratic party took over Congress in 2007 and Obama took over the Presidency in 2009. Yet Democrats still hold out hope for positive change, I just can't figure out why..? What is making them so hopeful? I mean, I'd like to be hopeful that all this is going to turn around but logically, I just don't see how. What's the secret?

Unfortunately for your premise, everything you list except national debt has NOT headed in the wrong direction since Obama became president, and the national debt has been going in the wrong direction for 40 years.

The national debt actually went down under both Carter and Clinton. I am pretty sure that was less 40 years ago.
George W. Bush and the GOP controlled Congress....

That seems to be your answer for every criticism. At what point will the Obamabots take responsibility for their man's actions or lack thereof?

Slow down there, Skippy....I am simply pointing out the very honest and real reasons why people WANTED and continue to WANT to believe in Obama. McCain and Palin basically ran on a platform to continue Bush's policies. Many people voted against Bush and the GOP policies. That is fact.

Barry ran on "Hopey Changey".... You suckers bought it...
Look at the facts, Obama's attempt to shut down deep sea drilling, is a job killer, cap and trade another job killer, now explain to me what Obama is doing to help the economy. And please be specific.

Those aren't "Facts." Those are hyperbole. Job shifters at best. Our consumption of energy is not going to evaporate due to either of those things. Cap and trade may even create new economic sectors in the areas of engineering (For greater efficiencies), alternative energies, and carbon consumption (Firms that produce ways to consume carbon, creating credits that could then be sold).

What exactly do you want him to do? Republicans will block anything he tries, even if (and perhaps "especially if") it's legislation that will ease economic suffering. You don't grasp how badly vested your corporate masters are in this man's failure.

A six month moratorium on deepwater drilling would kill jobs, that is a fact, even though your dumbass won't admit it.

As for the cap and trade? Study: Cap and trade would hurt economy About 35 percent of crude-oil-related jobs and 40 percent of coal-related jobs would be lost in 2025, according to the analysis. It assumes that the majority of workers would find new jobs, but the net job loss would be 0.5 percent over the first 10 years that the legislation is in effect.

Perhaps you can tell me which specific private sector jobs Obama has created since the last stimulus package was passed.

You only consider it "Fact" because you're an insufferable troll who will believe anything you hear that casts Obama in a negative light.

What do you think a moratorium would do? How do you think companies would respond? Just hang up their hats and give up on the oil industry? No of course not, they'd shift their resources to find reserves elsewhere, or focus on improving other aspects of their industry, or what-have-you. This is basic economics here amigo. There's a need for energy. Neither cap and trade nor a drilling moratorium is going to kill that need hook line and sinker. The economy will evolve to compensate.

If the overall fossil fuel need is reduced as a result, it will be because of reduced consumption for a number of reasons; People will drive more economic cars, or move closer to work or work closer to home, whatever. The result will be more money in their pocket, which they'll spend on leisure industries, or fixing up their house, or taking a vacation, and those economies will benefit. What you're espousing here is what's known as a broken window parable... Jesus I don't have all day to teach you economics. Take your head out of Hannity's ass once in awhile, and prepare yourself to accept that maybe, JUST maybe, Obama is not wrong every single fuckin time.
George W. Bush and the GOP controlled Congress....

That seems to be your answer for every criticism. At what point will the Obamabots take responsibility for their man's actions or lack thereof?

Slow down there, Skippy....I am simply pointing out the very honest and real reasons why people WANTED and continue to WANT to believe in Obama. McCain and Palin basically ran on a platform to continue Bush's policies. Many people voted against Bush and the GOP policies. That is fact.

That is of course anything but honest and real.
And Obama seems to have continued Bush's "failed policies."
Those aren't "Facts." Those are hyperbole. Job shifters at best. Our consumption of energy is not going to evaporate due to either of those things. Cap and trade may even create new economic sectors in the areas of engineering (For greater efficiencies), alternative energies, and carbon consumption (Firms that produce ways to consume carbon, creating credits that could then be sold).

What exactly do you want him to do? Republicans will block anything he tries, even if (and perhaps "especially if") it's legislation that will ease economic suffering. You don't grasp how badly vested your corporate masters are in this man's failure.

A six month moratorium on deepwater drilling would kill jobs, that is a fact, even though your dumbass won't admit it.

As for the cap and trade? Study: Cap and trade would hurt economy About 35 percent of crude-oil-related jobs and 40 percent of coal-related jobs would be lost in 2025, according to the analysis. It assumes that the majority of workers would find new jobs, but the net job loss would be 0.5 percent over the first 10 years that the legislation is in effect.

Perhaps you can tell me which specific private sector jobs Obama has created since the last stimulus package was passed.

You only consider it "Fact" because you're an insufferable troll who will believe anything you hear that casts Obama in a negative light.

What do you think a moratorium would do? How do you think companies would respond? Just hang up their hats and give up on the oil industry? No of course not, they'd shift their resources to find reserves elsewhere, or focus on improving other aspects of their industry, or what-have-you. This is basic economics here amigo. There's a need for energy. Neither cap and trade nor a drilling moratorium is going to kill that need hook line and sinker. The economy will evolve to compensate.

If the overall fossil fuel need is reduced as a result, it will be because of reduced consumption for a number of reasons; People will drive more economic cars, or move closer to work or work closer to home, whatever. The result will be more money in their pocket, which they'll spend on leisure industries, or fixing up their house, or taking a vacation, and those economies will benefit. What you're espousing here is what's known as a broken window parable... Jesus I don't have all day to teach you economics. Take your head out of Hannity's ass once in awhile, and prepare yourself to accept that maybe, JUST maybe, Obama is not wrong every single fuckin time.

Exactly they would find resources elsewhere besides the US! You're a fucking idiot if you think no American jobs would be lost due to a drilling moratorium.

Fact is dumbass, America's need for oil is not nor will it be reduced for a long time, as a matter of fact our demand for oil is increasing. And with about one-third of U.S.-produced oil and gas coming from the Gulf, and 80% of oil coming from deep-water wells, according to the Louisiana Mid-Continent Oil and Gas Association, we need those rigs to keep producing.

The American Petroleum Institute forecasts that if the drilling ban continues, more than 120,000 jobs could be lost in the Gulf Coast and key resources abandoned or moved elsewhere.

The Washington Times reports that “Oil company executives told Congress last week they would have to move their rigs to other countries because they lose up to $1 million a day per idle rig, and said there are opportunities elsewhere.” And let’s not forget the president’s pro-offshore drilling announcement included new bans on access to American energy, such as in Alaska’s Bristol Bay, where some lease sales were already pending.

Those who support the ban on offshore drilling warn about the risks of another disaster, but that’s why Department of Interior Secretary Ken Salazar had his list of recommendations for the president reviewed by the seven experts from the National Academy of Engineering. Their recommendation?

"A blanket moratorium is not the answer. It will not measurably reduce risk further and it will have a lasting impact on the nation’s economy which may be greater than that of the oil spill. We do not believe punishing the innocent is the right thing to do".
You name it, economy, jobs, national debt, foreign policy et all., all headed in the wrong direction since the Democratic party took over Congress in 2007 and Obama took over the Presidency in 2009. Yet Democrats still hold out hope for positive change, I just can't figure out why..? What is making them so hopeful? I mean, I'd like to be hopeful that all this is going to turn around but logically, I just don't see how. What's the secret?

You almost got it right. It should read:

You name it, economy, jobs, national debt, foreign policy et all., all headed in the wrong direction WHEN the Democratic party took over Congress in 2007 and Obama took over the Presidency in 2009.

Fortunately, it looks like things are finally headed in the right direction.

The problem isn't "blind faith" in Obama, it's "blind hate" for Obama from the lemmings on the right.
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You name it, economy, jobs, national debt, foreign policy et all., all headed in the wrong direction since the Democratic party took over Congress in 2007 and Obama took over the Presidency in 2009. Yet Democrats still hold out hope for positive change, I just can't figure out why..? What is making them so hopeful? I mean, I'd like to be hopeful that all this is going to turn around but logically, I just don't see how. What's the secret?

Foreign policy isn't something we'll ever see a dramatic change in overnight. Other hot button issues like immigration took a back seat to what became that national #1 priority and that was the collapse of the economy and resulting monumental job loss which, of course, is bound to be laid at the feet of any presidency. "It's the economy, stupid" is the mantra heard far and wide and people generally aren't interested in causes, only results.
You name it, economy, jobs, national debt, foreign policy et all., all headed in the wrong direction since the Democratic party took over Congress in 2007 and Obama took over the Presidency in 2009. Yet Democrats still hold out hope for positive change, I just can't figure out why..? What is making them so hopeful? I mean, I'd like to be hopeful that all this is going to turn around but logically, I just don't see how. What's the secret?

You almost got it right. It should read:

You name it, economy, jobs, national debt, foreign policy et all., all headed in the wrong direction WHEN the Democratic party took over Congress in 2007 and Obama took over the Presidency in 2009.

Fortunately, it looks like things are finally headed in the right direction.

The problem isn't "blind faith" in Obama, it's "blind hate" for Obama from the lemmings on the right.

Well... it would be fortunate if it was true and not.... I M A G I N A T I O N...

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