Blaggo gets sentenced to 14 years/has to turn himself in in Feb

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
Will Obama pardon him?

Ps. I don't have a link. I'm at Red Lobster on my phone. Was sitting at the bar having lunch and seen it on Fox News.
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I guess that depends on if Blago has anything on Obama to blackmail him with.
Blagojevich gets 14 years.......

..........because the federal judicial system is corrupt to its core and the populace is zombified

Blagojevich Convicted, But Was He Really Guilty?

by Harvey Silverglate


The conviction of former Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich represents a courtroom victory for United States Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald after a series of defeats, but to get this win, Fitzgerald had to convince a jury that sharp-elbowed politics is something for which a man should spend time in prison."

A few C&P's from the link.......

The twice-elected Democrat is now the second consecutive former Illinois governor to be sentenced to prison, and the fourth Illinois governor in the last four decades. His Republican predecessor, George Ryan, is serving a sentence of 6 1/2 years, also for corruption.

He was initially elected in 2002 on a platform of cleaning up Illinois politics in the midst of federal investigations that led to the prosecution and conviction of Ryan.

Blagojevich's sentencing came just days before his 55th birthday on Saturday, and nearly three years to the day of his arrest at dawn on Dec. 9, 2008, when the startled governor asked one federal agent, "Is this a joke?"

FBI wiretap evidence proved decisive. In the most notorious recording, Blagojevich is heard crowing that his chance to name someone to Obama's seat was "f---ing golden" and he wouldn't let it go "for f---ing nothing."

Blagojevich will have to share a cell with other inmates and he must work an eight-hour-a-day menial job — possibly scrubbing toilets or mopping floors — at just 12 cents an hour.
FBI wiretap evidence proved decisive. In the most notorious recording, Blagojevich is heard crowing that his chance to name someone to Obama's seat was "f---ing golden" and he wouldn't let it go "for f---ing nothing."

Blagojevich Convicted, But Was He Really Guilty?

Had Blagojevich actually followed through with the sale of a Senate seat, Fitzgerald’s heavy-handed prosecutorial approach might have been justified. But in light of the fact that no seat was sold, and that these appointments are regularly used for political benefit, the reasonable doubt that a crime was actually committed would appear to be overwhelming.

While Blago was the very type of politician I despise (a meddling, central planner mentality who thinks he knows what's best for others), I have to wonder what I would have done had I been on that jury. Certainly, I don't know the whole story...I WASN'T on the jury and I haven't even followed the trial. But, from what I've read, two things are true:
1) Blago did not take anything that didn't belong to him; and
2) He did not hurt anyone else, financially or otherwise.
If those things are true, I could certainly agree Blago is an entitled, arrogant dumbshit, but were his statements worthy of 14 years in prison...three hots and a cot on the taxpayer's dime? I'm not so sure.
FBI wiretap evidence proved decisive. In the most notorious recording, Blagojevich is heard crowing that his chance to name someone to Obama's seat was "f---ing golden" and he wouldn't let it go "for f---ing nothing."

Blagojevich Convicted, But Was He Really Guilty?

Had Blagojevich actually followed through with the sale of a Senate seat, Fitzgerald’s heavy-handed prosecutorial approach might have been justified. But in light of the fact that no seat was sold, and that these appointments are regularly used for political benefit, the reasonable doubt that a crime was actually committed would appear to be overwhelming.


I would ALMOST have to agree with that. But his case went before TWO juries with the first being a hung jury voting to convict 11-1. And they heard the testimony first hand.

But I also think Blagojevich should have been allowed to play the WHOLE tapes like he asked, not just what Fitzgerald wanted the jury to hear.

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