Zone1 Blacks should not resent other persecuted yet successful minorities but instead emulate their choices and actions that led to their success


Diamond Member
Oct 12, 2021
I’ve noticed a sad phenomenon: Many Blacks (and sometimes their enabling white leftists) have hostility toward Jews and Asians, which can range from attacking them on the street or subway to looking for articles that show the flaws of these two groups.

This of course is a defense mechanism, since they resent, or are even angry at, persecuted minorities that succeed - to above the average - despite bigotry against them. Instead, would it not be more productive for blacks to acknowledge the two key lifestyle choices/values that have led to the success of these two groups?

1) Waiting until marriage to have children, and then only when at least one of the marriage partners is gainfully employed in a job that allows them to afford them, and

2) A very strong emphasis that education is the key to success - including higher education in a marketable field - that is instilled beginning in elementary school.

Of course, there are other traits that contribute to one’s degree of success - motivation, ability, intelligence, discipline, etc. - but the two above, if followed, practically guarantees that one will become at least lower-middle class, and likely higher.

1) It’s perfectly respectable, snob.

2) The complaints have been that a high percentage of blacks remain mired in poverty. To move into the middle class is an achievable, and admirable, goal for just about everyone.
The middle class has nothing more to offer human existence than any other level of wealth if all you care about is wealth accumulation. I myself do not want to work to make a CEO's golden parachute a reality. Blacks have themselves to blame for the bad attitude just like any other ethnic group. Asians are the highest earning demographic because of higher education diplomas and that group is mostly centered around the people from India, the middle-aged and the elderly.
What is so big about being middle class?

It's a typical stepping stone to being upper class ... unless you skip that step ...

The middle class has nothing more to offer human existence than any other level of wealth if all you care about is wealth accumulation. I myself do not want to work to make a CEO's golden parachute a reality. Blacks have themselves to blame for the bad attitude just like any other ethnic group. Asians are the highest earning demographic because of higher education diplomas and that group is mostly centered around the people from India, the middle-aged and the elderly.
Who is talking about wealth accumulation? I am talking about what it takes to move from poverty to a self-supporting middle class person (or family).

You have somehow switched this to your anger over highly paid CEOs, when the topic is emulating the choices made by successful minorities - most notably Jews and Asians - who have succeeded despite bigotry against them.
Who is talking about wealth accumulation? I am talking about what it takes to move from poverty to a self-supporting middle class person (or family).

You have somehow switched this to your anger over highly paid CEOs, when the topic is emulating the choices made by successful minorities - most notably Jews and Asians - who have succeeded despite bigotry against them.
Wealth accumulation is how one moves through the social tiers that do not exist in the USA.
Who is talking about wealth accumulation? I am talking about what it takes to move from poverty to a self-supporting middle class person (or family).

You have somehow switched this to your anger over highly paid CEOs, when the topic is emulating the choices made by successful minorities - most notably Jews and Asians - who have succeeded despite bigotry against them.
You only value people who earn high incomes I value humans as they are no matter what position they inhabit on the wealth chart. You are not black nor are you living in abject poverty so you are not speaking for blacks you are speaking to blacks from your level of perspective.
The middle class has nothing more to offer human existence than any other level of wealth if all you care about is wealth accumulation. I myself do not want to work to make a CEO's golden parachute a reality. Blacks have themselves to blame for the bad attitude just like any other ethnic group. Asians are the highest earning demographic because of higher education diplomas and that group is mostly centered around the people from India, the middle-aged and the elderly.
That makes no sense moonie.
If all you care about is wealth accumulation, then of course the middle class lifestyle offers much more than the poverty stricken living off the govt & much less than the uber wealthy.
It traditionally meant you could afford to own a home, a decent car, have a decent job, afford vacations & give your family a higher standard of living.
Left wing collectivism always results in a very small class of elites with the rest of the population living & working to support them at barely above subsistence levels
You only value people who earn high incomes I value humans as they are no matter what position they inhabit on the wealth chart. You are not black nor are you living in abject poverty so you are not speaking for blacks you are speaking to blacks from your level of perspective.
Such a leftist - out with the personal insults!

Where did I say I only value people who earn a high income? I specifically said in my OP that those who follow the two steps outlined are practically guaranteed to move from poverty to at least the lower-middle class.

Why do you keep diverting to “high incomes” and overpaid CEOs? Seems like you’re desperate to move away from the topic - which is how being responsible and finishing school enable one to be self-supporting. That means at least lower-middle class.
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That makes no sense moonie.
If all you care about is wealth accumulation, then of course the middle class lifestyle offers much more than the poverty stricken living off the govt & much less than the uber wealthy.
It traditionally meant you could afford to own a home, a decent car, have a decent job, afford vacations & give your family a higher standard of living.
Left wing collectivism always results in a very small class of elites with the rest of the population living & working to support them at barely above subsistence levels
True. The leftist you are responding to is doing a quite a job of demeaning the middle class, isn’t he? I say that moving from poverty (and resentment of others who do better) to a place where one can afford a decent home, a modest vacation for your family, and plenty of healthy food on the table is a worthwhile and very achievable goal - IF one makes the right choices.
I’ve noticed a sad phenomenon: Many Blacks (and sometimes their enabling white leftists) have hostility toward Jews and Asians, which can range from attacking them on the street or subway to looking for articles that show the flaws of these two groups.

This of course is a defense mechanism, since they resent, or are even angry at, persecuted minorities that succeed - to above the average - despite bigotry against them. Instead, would it not be more productive for blacks to acknowledge the two key lifestyle choices/values that have led to the success of these two groups?

1) Waiting until marriage to have children, and then only when at least one of the marriage partners is gainfully employed in a job that allows them to afford them, and

2) A very strong emphasis that education is the key to success - including higher education in a marketable field - that is instilled beginning in elementary school.

Of course, there are other traits that contribute to one’s degree of success - motivation, ability, intelligence, discipline, etc. - but the two above, if followed, practically guarantees that one will become at least lower-middle class, and likely higher.

Its not your place to tell other people how they should feel.
DEMAGOGUERY 101 - convince people that their life sucks, that they are a victim, and the reason they are a victim is because of THOSE people over there.

This has become the message of the entire democrat party which uses the demagoguery quite cynically in order to get votes. By creating a permanent underclass, they guarantee their own election.

OF COURSE education, hard work and proper values lead to success, but it is just so much easier to blame others that such advice falls on deaf ears.
Its not your place to tell other people how they should feel.
It’s not your place to tell me what I should post, which in this case was good advice.

And YES, I do have standing to object to how people feel when their “feelings” lead them to resentment of my people, and leads in turn to more antisemitism.

P.S. I see you couldn’t argue the point I raised in my OP, so you did the Alinsky thing: attack the messenger.
No you do not any more than I have a right to tell you how to feel about antisemitism.
You are turning this into a personal argument with me, rather than addressing the topic.

And yes, I have every right to try to assuage the resentment so many blacks have toward Jews since it exacerbates antisemitism, and as a Jew, antisemitism is unpleasant for me and my people.

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