Zone1 Blacks ..least oppressed but the most whiney ..

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Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
If you go by world population and the natural oppression of the least fortunate, Asians the middle eastern (India,Indians) top the list followed by whites and ending up with blacks and indigenous Indians..

In other words, why are elitist American Black leadership pimping everyone else for reparations other than greed?
If you go by world population and the natural oppression of the least fortunate, Asians the middle eastern (India,Indians) top the list followed by whites and ending up with blacks and indigenous Indians..

In other words, why are elitist American Black leadership pimping everyone else for reparations other than greed?
food stamps will only buy so much beer and lottery tickets
If you go by world population and the natural oppression of the least fortunate, Asians the middle eastern (India,Indians) top the list followed by whites and ending up with blacks and indigenous Indians..

In other words, why are elitist American Black leadership pimping everyone else for reparations other than greed?

I blame white people. We murdered each other so they wouldn't have to be slaves, then we gave them everything they wanted to make up for it: Special concessions like Affirmative Action, welfare, food stamps, public adoration by the media, movies, television, and music industries, special holidays, and calls for "reparations." The truth is, Black folks have become pampered, spoiled, fragile, and needy.
I blame white people. We murdered each other so they wouldn't have to be slaves, then we gave them everything they wanted to make up for it: Special concessions like Affirmative Action, welfare, food stamps, public adoration by the media, movies, television, and music industries, special holidays, and calls for "reparations." The truth is, Black folks have become pampered, spoiled, fragile, and needy.
It’s interesting that the not so smart and greedy black leadership sold their souls to America’s slave party and ghetto slumlords to line their own pockets and pimp for more and still get away with it.
It could be rooted in two enduring characteristics, which make up the American character. I think it is incumbent upon most Americans to remember, that most black folks ancestry goes back further than most all other American ancestry, other than WASPS of course. Black folks ancestors were even here before most Irish.

The majority of white folks in America, have had at least one ancestor that came over during the great migration period, toward the end of the 19th, and beginning of the 20th century.

In a matter of just a few years, nearly five million were added. Today that doesn't seem like much, but when the population is under 80 million, it really is, quite astounding.

Those two enduring characteristics, are, enlightenment values;

And of course, Christianity. Especially the Anabaptists and Quakers. Folks that fled Europe to escape oppression and hierarchical persecution, and the "authorities," dictating to them how to interpret the word of god, could easily find empathy for all of god's children in the good book.

Thus, were American Blacks empowered against humanity's, and indeed, all of mother nature's inclinations, the fear of the other. America has always been the least bigoted and prejudiced place on Earth because of this. . . Yes, a Toleration, Empathy, Liberalism, and a Sense of fair play, along with the Sermon on the Mount, have allowed the elitist black leaders to be as effective as they are. Americans are the best folks in the world.

But we can't really fault diverse interest groups and communities for taking advantage of this. It is only human. Whites would do the same thing were they in the same position.

If you go by world population and the natural oppression of the least fortunate, Asians the middle eastern (India,Indians) top the list followed by whites and ending up with blacks and indigenous Indians..

In other words, why are elitist American Black leadership pimping everyone else for reparations other than greed?
Nah, not greed. I say the ghetto Blacks have been primed for the victimization gimmick so now they just want everything under the sun for absolutely free of charge. Oh, I almost forgot, they also want a free song & dance to go along with all the other free stuff that they get. Elitist Black leadership does = pimperstiltskin for sure!
Nah, not greed. I say the ghetto Blacks have been primed for the victimization gimmick so now they just want everything under the sun for absolutely free of charge. Oh, I almost forgot, they also want a free song & dance to go along with all the other free stuff that they get. Elitist Black leadership does = pimperstiltskin for sure!
It could be rooted in two enduring characteristics, which make up the American character. I think it is incumbent upon most Americans to remember, that most black folks ancestry goes back further than most all other American ancestry, other than WASPS of course. Black folks ancestors were even here before most Irish.

The majority of white folks in America, have had at least one ancestor that came over during the great migration period, toward the end of the 19th, and beginning of the 20th century.

In a matter of just a few years, nearly five million were added. Today that doesn't seem like much, but when the population is under 80 million, it really is, quite astounding.

Those two enduring characteristics, are, enlightenment values;
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And of course, Christianity. Especially the Anabaptists and Quakers. Folks that fled Europe to escape oppression and hierarchical persecution, and the "authorities," dictating to them how to interpret the word of god, could easily find empathy for all of god's children in the good book.

Thus, were American Blacks empowered against humanity's, and indeed, all of mother nature's inclinations, the fear of the other. America has always been the least bigoted and prejudiced place on Earth because of this. . . Yes, a Toleration, Empathy, Liberalism, and a Sense of fair play, along with the Sermon on the Mount, have allowed the elitist black leaders to be as effective as they are. Americans are the best folks in the world.

But we can't really fault diverse interest groups and communities for taking advantage of this. It is only human. Whites would do the same thing were they in the same position.

Thanks and a great read.. 😉
I blame white people. We murdered each other so they wouldn't have to be slaves, then we gave them everything they wanted to make up for it: Special concessions like Affirmative Action, welfare, food stamps, public adoration by the media, movies, television, and music industries, special holidays, and calls for "reparations." The truth is, Black folks have become pampered, spoiled, fragile, and needy.
Blacks are responsible for their problems and many of ours.
I blame white people. We murdered each other so they wouldn't have to be slaves, then we gave them everything they wanted to make up for it: Special concessions like Affirmative Action, welfare, food stamps, public adoration by the media, movies, television, and music industries, special holidays, and calls for "reparations." The truth is, Black folks have become pampered, spoiled, fragile, and needy.
American blacks have been trained to view themselves as victims. Therefore they have a built in excuse for failure. Why try hard to succeed if there is little or no chance you can because the white man Will keep you down.

Blacks who immigrate from Africa are very successful but their children are not.

White males have no excuse for failure so when they stumble they pick themselves up and try again and again. Each time they learn something valuable and sometimes that experience turns into success.

Victimization is a ball and chain around the ankle of the American black. This is a land of opportunity. You can succeed.

Having said this I should add that one of the most important factors in being successful is the basic skills taught in elementary and high schools. Unfortunately in many of our big cities our education system is failing badly In reading and math. We must all, black, white and Hispanic, find some way to better educate our children.

It is not that teachers in Chicago are poorly paid. …

The Chinese are way ahead of us.

I blame white people. We murdered each other so they wouldn't have to be slaves, then we gave them everything they wanted to make up for it: Special concessions like Affirmative Action, welfare, food stamps, public adoration by the media, movies, television, and music industries, special holidays, and calls for "reparations." The truth is, Black folks have become pampered, spoiled, fragile, and needy.
And in their hearts, they know it. Blacks know that in any city in this country, they will be hired or promoted over a more qualified white (in the majority of cases); and that in any tier #2 or above university, they will be accepted over better qualified whites, Asians, or Jews.

The reason they keep whining is to keep the concessions going - and now, to steal white people’s money via reparations.
Wow .. there’s some impressive common sense posting going on here and I’m learning a lot.. um .. so thanks.. 😃
Blacks have every opportunity to excel in this country. But they choose to whine and moan and beg for ever more free stuff. Why? Because it's easier than working for a living.

There are some good blacks, but most are worthless. As a group they commit the highest number of crimes and the most damage to our society. Most of them add absolutely nothing of value to our society. Sadly, that seems to be the case in every country having a large number of blacks among their population.

Will that ever change? Lotsa luck.
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Blacks have every opportunity to excel in this country. But they choose to whine and moan and beg for ever more free stuff. Why? Because it's easier than working for a living.

There are some good blacks, but most are worthless. As a group they commit the highest number of crimes and the most damage to our society. Most of them add absolutely nothing of value to our society. Sadly, that seems to be the case in every country having a large number of blacks among their population.

Will that ever change? Lotsa luck.

This forum always seems to be about the poor victimized black folks, as if they're the only ones who deserve any attention. What about the Jews? Despite thousands of years of horrific bigotry against them including a holocaust that murdered 6 million of them, you never hear them bitching and moaning about "reparations." They don't demand special treatment, welfare, food stamps, Affirmative Action programs, or a whole month devoted to the celebration of their heritage.

And they don't commit a disproportional amount of crime either. When was the last time you ever heard about Jewish drug dealers, car jackers, muggers, drive-by shootings, or gangs of Jewish yutes committing smash and grab robberies on Jewelry stores? Where are all the TikTock videos of loud, fat Jewish women fighting over an order of Chicken McNuggets at the McDonald's?
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