Black Trump supporters called 'racist', 'Uncle Tom' speak out. A call for unity.

I will do exactly as I choose and you can kiss my ass if you don't like it you racist clown.

Good grief they're becoming unhinged! WHEN Trump wins, do you think these angry lemmings will go quietly into the night?

The burning of our cities will begin on election night. Unfortunately, Obama will still be President so he'll let the cities burn.

THIS is what he'll Turn over to President Trump -- unless he can institute Martial Law.

We may need REVOLUTION to get our country back from rabid blacks and white Communists!
Because that peace it's not asked for .. the numbers demand it.

Because all white people aren't you and a great many don't vote for republicans.

Because we don't give a fuck about what you think.

Your problem is that republicans NEED our votes .. we don't need republicans.

Republicans made this bed .. what's the problem now?

Don't need your vote, you are only 13-14 percent of the population. Obama needed whites to vote for him. If I were a Republican running for office I would write the black vote off as a lost cause. There are no handouts that could be promised more than the democrats have promised and not delivered.

Trump as least says he offers everyone opportunity, Hillary just offers the same old same old democrat promises.

Vote democrat, it is expected of you.

:lol: You can sing that song when Trump gets his ass destroyed in the election. Only the really stupid can't see that Trump is playing you like a cheap whore.

You're a racist .. and voting for someone pretending to be a racist is exactly what's expected of you.

:lol: You vote for whomever you want .. I will do the same.

F..k you and your racist insults. I treat everyone the same, YOU truly are a racist. Democrats in general are racist. Republicans are too scared to be racists. Democrats have no need to care.

Just vote democrat as you have been directed.

I will do exactly as I choose and you can kiss my ass if you don't like it you racist clown.

Most of us don't give a shit how you vote, who you vote for.. if you follow the plantation dems down the nasty drain of government handouts,socialism, etc.. Most of us know you're a lost cause because you're so blinded by your perpetual victim mentality that it's a noose around your foolish neck.. I honestly don't know why some Conservatives still continue to try to talk to racist JERKS like yourself.. but at least they try... even when met with sheer nastyazz people like you..

Then kiss my as you dumb ass bitch.

Of course you dummies care about who black people vote for .. look at the fucking board that you're posting on.

You don't have shit to say about the nastiness that comes from your side .. but felt the need to chime in on my response to all the hate demonstrated on this board.

Let me give you an example of democrat racism as I directly witnessed.

I served in an elected position within the community that I lived. I was the one Republican (then) in a sea of democrats. In the community was a dump that was in the middle of the town and quite an eyesore waithing to be developed.

A company approached the community wanted to build housing on the property. They did all the studies and did the research on how they could do it for a profit, as do all companies.

The community was at first all for it but then the rumors started about it being section 8 housing. Even to the point of one democrat stating that section 8 housing was on the title. I went to the courthouse to look for myself and yes it was on the title, as a tax imposed for all title transfers. So that was the first lie. Then a democrat came to a meeting and said they wanted to keep the community residential. it was pointed out to him that that was exactly what was going to be done.

But when push came to shove there was only one vote yes, the rest were too scared that section 8 housing (low income) would bring undesireables into the community. So it didn't pass and here we are 10 years later and it is still a dump. All that tax revenue lost because the democrats were racist.

They will to this day claim that wasn't their reason but there can be no other.
Don't need your vote, you are only 13-14 percent of the population. Obama needed whites to vote for him. If I were a Republican running for office I would write the black vote off as a lost cause. There are no handouts that could be promised more than the democrats have promised and not delivered.

Trump as least says he offers everyone opportunity, Hillary just offers the same old same old democrat promises.

Vote democrat, it is expected of you.

:lol: You can sing that song when Trump gets his ass destroyed in the election. Only the really stupid can't see that Trump is playing you like a cheap whore.

You're a racist .. and voting for someone pretending to be a racist is exactly what's expected of you.

:lol: You vote for whomever you want .. I will do the same.

F..k you and your racist insults. I treat everyone the same, YOU truly are a racist. Democrats in general are racist. Republicans are too scared to be racists. Democrats have no need to care.

Just vote democrat as you have been directed.

I will do exactly as I choose and you can kiss my ass if you don't like it you racist clown.

Most of us don't give a shit how you vote, who you vote for.. if you follow the plantation dems down the nasty drain of government handouts,socialism, etc.. Most of us know you're a lost cause because you're so blinded by your perpetual victim mentality that it's a noose around your foolish neck.. I honestly don't know why some Conservatives still continue to try to talk to racist JERKS like yourself.. but at least they try... even when met with sheer nastyazz people like you..

Then kiss my as you dumb ass bitch.

Of course you dummies care about who black people vote for .. look at the fucking board that you're posting on.

You don't have shit to say about the nastiness that comes from your side .. but felt the need to chime in on my response to all the hate demonstrated on this board.


Kiss your "As?" LMAO Hahahahahaha
Don't need your vote, you are only 13-14 percent of the population. Obama needed whites to vote for him. If I were a Republican running for office I would write the black vote off as a lost cause. There are no handouts that could be promised more than the democrats have promised and not delivered.

Trump as least says he offers everyone opportunity, Hillary just offers the same old same old democrat promises.

Vote democrat, it is expected of you.

:lol: You can sing that song when Trump gets his ass destroyed in the election. Only the really stupid can't see that Trump is playing you like a cheap whore.

You're a racist .. and voting for someone pretending to be a racist is exactly what's expected of you.

:lol: You vote for whomever you want .. I will do the same.

F..k you and your racist insults. I treat everyone the same, YOU truly are a racist. Democrats in general are racist. Republicans are too scared to be racists. Democrats have no need to care.

Just vote democrat as you have been directed.

I will do exactly as I choose and you can kiss my ass if you don't like it you racist clown.

Most of us don't give a shit how you vote, who you vote for.. if you follow the plantation dems down the nasty drain of government handouts,socialism, etc.. Most of us know you're a lost cause because you're so blinded by your perpetual victim mentality that it's a noose around your foolish neck.. I honestly don't know why some Conservatives still continue to try to talk to racist JERKS like yourself.. but at least they try... even when met with sheer nastyazz people like you..

Then kiss my as you dumb ass bitch.

Of course you dummies care about who black people vote for .. look at the fucking board that you're posting on.

You don't have shit to say about the nastiness that comes from your side .. but felt the need to chime in on my response to all the hate demonstrated on this board.

Oh and actually.. I don't give a FUCK who you vote for.. I don't pander to race.. I don't obsess over color.. that's for lowlife trash like yourself to thug around in. Swim in it, you own it victim.
Don't need your vote, you are only 13-14 percent of the population. Obama needed whites to vote for him. If I were a Republican running for office I would write the black vote off as a lost cause. There are no handouts that could be promised more than the democrats have promised and not delivered.

Trump as least says he offers everyone opportunity, Hillary just offers the same old same old democrat promises.

Vote democrat, it is expected of you.

:lol: You can sing that song when Trump gets his ass destroyed in the election. Only the really stupid can't see that Trump is playing you like a cheap whore.

You're a racist .. and voting for someone pretending to be a racist is exactly what's expected of you.

:lol: You vote for whomever you want .. I will do the same.

F..k you and your racist insults. I treat everyone the same, YOU truly are a racist. Democrats in general are racist. Republicans are too scared to be racists. Democrats have no need to care.

Just vote democrat as you have been directed.

I will do exactly as I choose and you can kiss my ass if you don't like it you racist clown.

Most of us don't give a shit how you vote, who you vote for.. if you follow the plantation dems down the nasty drain of government handouts,socialism, etc.. Most of us know you're a lost cause because you're so blinded by your perpetual victim mentality that it's a noose around your foolish neck.. I honestly don't know why some Conservatives still continue to try to talk to racist JERKS like yourself.. but at least they try... even when met with sheer nastyazz people like you..

Then kiss my as you dumb ass bitch.

Of course you dummies care about who black people vote for .. look at the fucking board that you're posting on.

You don't have shit to say about the nastiness that comes from your side .. but felt the need to chime in on my response to all the hate demonstrated on this board.


Was your point to show true nastiness in one post? If so you did yourself proud. (sic)
Last edited:
Interesting, so why do you think Democrats should find peace in white communities? See the division that you preach?

Because that peace it's not asked for .. the numbers demand it.

Because all white people aren't you and a great many don't vote for republicans.

Because we don't give a fuck about what you think.

Your problem is that republicans NEED our votes .. we don't need republicans.

Republicans made this bed .. what's the problem now?

Don't need your vote, you are only 13-14 percent of the population. Obama needed whites to vote for him. If I were a Republican running for office I would write the black vote off as a lost cause. There are no handouts that could be promised more than the democrats have promised and not delivered.

Trump as least says he offers everyone opportunity, Hillary just offers the same old same old democrat promises.

Vote democrat, it is expected of you.

:lol: You can sing that song when Trump gets his ass destroyed in the election. Only the really stupid can't see that Trump is playing you like a cheap whore.

You're a racist .. and voting for someone pretending to be a racist is exactly what's expected of you.

:lol: You vote for whomever you want .. I will do the same.

F..k you and your racist insults. I treat everyone the same, YOU truly are a racist. Democrats in general are racist. Republicans are too scared to be racists. Democrats have no need to care.

Just vote democrat as you have been directed.

I will do exactly as I choose and you can kiss my ass if you don't like it you racist clown.

The only racist on this thread appears to be you. You have got this massive chip on your shoulder...why? I can only guess if I were to actually give a fuck as to why you are such a disgusting POS. Elections are rigged, we live in a banana republic and those that control the money supply control the process. Your puny little vote doesn't mean shit.
Don't need your vote, you are only 13-14 percent of the population. Obama needed whites to vote for him. If I were a Republican running for office I would write the black vote off as a lost cause. There are no handouts that could be promised more than the democrats have promised and not delivered.

Trump as least says he offers everyone opportunity, Hillary just offers the same old same old democrat promises.

Vote democrat, it is expected of you.

:lol: You can sing that song when Trump gets his ass destroyed in the election. Only the really stupid can't see that Trump is playing you like a cheap whore.

You're a racist .. and voting for someone pretending to be a racist is exactly what's expected of you.

:lol: You vote for whomever you want .. I will do the same.

F..k you and your racist insults. I treat everyone the same, YOU truly are a racist. Democrats in general are racist. Republicans are too scared to be racists. Democrats have no need to care.

Just vote democrat as you have been directed.

I will do exactly as I choose and you can kiss my ass if you don't like it you racist clown.

Of course you can do exactly what you want that is my point. But what you want is is to bow down and vote democrat regardless of who they throw at you. Apparently anyone who doesn't is a racist in your eyes. I am thinking you might want to look up the definition. You don't have to do what the democrats tell you, think for yourself, that is all that is asked.

Even your name on this board indicates your racism.

Sure, you racist clown. :0)

If you feel you can't talk to democrats .. then don't.


I started this thread, you joined in with your racism driven insults. So if you can't respond intelligently then I suggest you ignore these threads.
For many in Black communities it isn't the last 8 years, or the 8 years before that. It is the last 40 or 50 years, generational poverty, generational incarceration courtesy of Democratic policies designed to do exactly that.
Meanwhile Republican policies have turned the middle class into the working poor and the rich are richer than ever.

And do you mean Reagan's war on drugs that disproportionately affected blacks?
I would replace the word 'republican' in your first sentence to 'democrat.' As for your second sentence, one, democrat or republican, has come up with a solution to this terrible disease. Also, Hillary is white as hell.
It wasn't our policy to send jobs to mexico India and China for the cheap labor. That was a decades old goal of the Republicans.

Now you'll say Clinton signed NAFTA but then you aren't being honest as to which party pushed it.

That would be YOU not being honest. Bill Clinton pushed NAFTA through Congress. Although it wasn't signed until Bush got in office, Bubba was its biggest fan. Further, 102 Democrat members of the House voted for it as did 27 Senators, including Hillary. Several of those Dems are still in office.

And when we see ceo's are making 300 times or 600 times what the employees make and we suggest that's not fair you Republicans say it is fair.

So stop complaining. If you want more money become a CEO.

Fair? Who in the hell told you life was fair? Who cares how much a CEO makes? It's not like wealth is a finite pile of cash from which we all must draw! By your twisted logic, a fat man standing next to a skinny man must have necessarily taken the skinny man's food. Ridiculous!
For many in Black communities it isn't the last 8 years, or the 8 years before that. It is the last 40 or 50 years, generational poverty, generational incarceration courtesy of Democratic policies designed to do exactly that.
Meanwhile Republican policies have turned the middle class into the working poor and the rich are richer than ever.

And do you mean Reagan's war on drugs that disproportionately affected blacks?
I would replace the word 'republican' in your first sentence to 'democrat.' As for your second sentence, one, democrat or republican, has come up with a solution to this terrible disease. Also, Hillary is white as hell.
It wasn't our policy to send jobs to mexico India and China for the cheap labor. That was a decades old goal of the Republicans.

Now you'll say Clinton signed NAFTA but then you aren't being honest as to which party pushed it.

That would be YOU not being honest. Bill Clinton pushed NAFTA through Congress. Although it wasn't signed until Bush got in office, Bubba was its biggest fan. Further, 102 Democrat members of the House voted for it as did 27 Senators, including Hillary. Several of those Dems are still in office.

And when we see ceo's are making 300 times or 600 times what the employees make and we suggest that's not fair you Republicans say it is fair.

So stop complaining. If you want more money become a CEO.

Fair? Who in the hell told you life was fair? Who cares how much a CEO makes? It's not like wealth is a finite pile of cash from which we all must draw! By your twisted logic, a fat man standing next to a skinny man must have necessarily taken the skinny man's food. Ridiculous!

Bush one signed NAFTA, Clinton signed NAFTA into law.
For many in Black communities it isn't the last 8 years, or the 8 years before that. It is the last 40 or 50 years, generational poverty, generational incarceration courtesy of Democratic policies designed to do exactly that.
Meanwhile Republican policies have turned the middle class into the working poor and the rich are richer than ever.

And do you mean Reagan's war on drugs that disproportionately affected blacks?
I would replace the word 'republican' in your first sentence to 'democrat.' As for your second sentence, one, democrat or republican, has come up with a solution to this terrible disease. Also, Hillary is white as hell.
It wasn't our policy to send jobs to mexico India and China for the cheap labor. That was a decades old goal of the Republicans.

Now you'll say Clinton signed NAFTA but then you aren't being honest as to which party pushed it.

That would be YOU not being honest. Bill Clinton pushed NAFTA through Congress. Although it wasn't signed until Bush got in office, Bubba was its biggest fan. Further, 102 Democrat members of the House voted for it as did 27 Senators, including Hillary. Several of those Dems are still in office.

And when we see ceo's are making 300 times or 600 times what the employees make and we suggest that's not fair you Republicans say it is fair.

So stop complaining. If you want more money become a CEO.

Fair? Who in the hell told you life was fair? Who cares how much a CEO makes? It's not like wealth is a finite pile of cash from which we all must draw! By your twisted logic, a fat man standing next to a skinny man must have necessarily taken the skinny man's food. Ridiculous!

Bush one signed NAFTA, Clinton signed NAFTA into law.

I stand corrected.
Because that peace it's not asked for .. the numbers demand it.

Because all white people aren't you and a great many don't vote for republicans.

Because we don't give a fuck about what you think.

Your problem is that republicans NEED our votes .. we don't need republicans.

Republicans made this bed .. what's the problem now?

Don't need your vote, you are only 13-14 percent of the population. Obama needed whites to vote for him. If I were a Republican running for office I would write the black vote off as a lost cause. There are no handouts that could be promised more than the democrats have promised and not delivered.

Trump as least says he offers everyone opportunity, Hillary just offers the same old same old democrat promises.

Vote democrat, it is expected of you.

:lol: You can sing that song when Trump gets his ass destroyed in the election. Only the really stupid can't see that Trump is playing you like a cheap whore.

You're a racist .. and voting for someone pretending to be a racist is exactly what's expected of you.

:lol: You vote for whomever you want .. I will do the same.

F..k you and your racist insults. I treat everyone the same, YOU truly are a racist. Democrats in general are racist. Republicans are too scared to be racists. Democrats have no need to care.

Just vote democrat as you have been directed.

I will do exactly as I choose and you can kiss my ass if you don't like it you racist clown.

The only racist on this thread appears to be you. You have got this massive chip on your shoulder...why? I can only guess if I were to actually give a fuck as to why you are such a disgusting POS. Elections are rigged, we live in a banana republic and those that control the money supply control the process. Your puny little vote doesn't mean shit.

What I think and hope, is that he is playing a "Malcolm X" role. The outraged black against the man. No one can be like he is on this board and actually function in society. At least I hope he is putting us on.
Meanwhile Republican policies have turned the middle class into the working poor and the rich are richer than ever.

And do you mean Reagan's war on drugs that disproportionately affected blacks?
I would replace the word 'republican' in your first sentence to 'democrat.' As for your second sentence, one, democrat or republican, has come up with a solution to this terrible disease. Also, Hillary is white as hell.
It wasn't our policy to send jobs to mexico India and China for the cheap labor. That was a decades old goal of the Republicans.

Now you'll say Clinton signed NAFTA but then you aren't being honest as to which party pushed it.

That would be YOU not being honest. Bill Clinton pushed NAFTA through Congress. Although it wasn't signed until Bush got in office, Bubba was its biggest fan. Further, 102 Democrat members of the House voted for it as did 27 Senators, including Hillary. Several of those Dems are still in office.

And when we see ceo's are making 300 times or 600 times what the employees make and we suggest that's not fair you Republicans say it is fair.

So stop complaining. If you want more money become a CEO.

Fair? Who in the hell told you life was fair? Who cares how much a CEO makes? It's not like wealth is a finite pile of cash from which we all must draw! By your twisted logic, a fat man standing next to a skinny man must have necessarily taken the skinny man's food. Ridiculous!

Bush one signed NAFTA, Clinton signed NAFTA into law.

I stand corrected.

Everything else you said was right on. I just didn't want folks to think that Clinton did nothing. He pushed for NAFTA harder than anything else during his terms. The results were predicted and that rooster has come home to roost.
I will do exactly as I choose and you can kiss my ass if you don't like it you racist clown.

Good grief they're becoming unhinged! WHEN Trump wins, do you think these angry lemmings will go quietly into the night?

The burning of our cities will begin on election night. Unfortunately, Obama will still be President so he'll let the cities burn.

THIS is what he'll Turn over to President Trump -- unless he can institute Martial Law.

We may need REVOLUTION to get our country back from rabid blacks and white Communists!

Then what the fuck are you waiting on?

Trump will lose .. as everybody knows that he will.

Clinton will be elected President of the United States ... Democrats will control the Senate .. Clinton may appoint Obama to the Supreme Court .. republicans fall into disarray
Big deal .. where's the news?

You morons have all manner of silly ass names for black democrats .. but you somehow believe the miserably FEW black republicans should go unchallenged. :lol::lol:

... good luck with that.

I don't have any silly names for blacks who are democrats. Democrat says it all. Go ahead, go down the same rabbit hole you think will bring you peace. It has worked so well the last 8 years.

Thank you .. it had indeed worked well.

You are well aware of RW republican attacks on black people voting for democrats .. it's all over this board.
I am not aware of any 'attacks'. I am well aware of the very reasonable QUESTIONS of why on earth after 50+ years of status quo blacks continue to vote for libs who do nothing to improve their status while libs' own leaked e-mails show they are racist and mock blacks.
Big deal .. where's the news?

You morons have all manner of silly ass names for black democrats .. but you somehow believe the miserably FEW black republicans should go unchallenged. :lol::lol:

... good luck with that.

I don't have any silly names for blacks who are democrats. Democrat says it all. Go ahead, go down the same rabbit hole you think will bring you peace. It has worked so well the last 8 years.

Thank you .. it had indeed worked well.

You are well aware of RW republican attacks on black people voting for democrats .. it's all over this board.
I am not aware of any 'attacks'. I am well aware of the very reasonable QUESTIONS of why on earth after 50+ years of status quo blacks continue to vote for libs who do nothing to improve their status while libs' own leaked e-mails show they are racist and mock blacks.

Yet another spineless RW republican playing blind.

Those attacks are evident right here in this thread and threads all over this board.

I've stated why Blacks vote for democrats many times .. and if I state them here again, you'll just do what all your ilk does and just run away. You won't even attempt to intellectually challenge what I say.

.. but it doesn't matter if you acknowledge the clearly obvious or not .. the hate hate synergy between Blacks and RW republicans is welcomed.

Let's see who wins. :0)
You've already lost. Both politically and on this board. Obama didn't help blacks in America, and neither will Hillary. You'll never figure that out as long as you're looking for handouts from one political party.
You've already lost. Both politically and on this board. Obama didn't help blacks in America, and neither will Hillary. You'll never figure that out as long as you're looking for handouts from one political party.

Yet ANOTHER stupid ass RWer.

WRONG, you've lost you fucking clown. It's you dummies who are whining about who Black people vote for .. not the other way around.

You and your ilk couldn't do shit about Obama being the president EITHER TIME HE RAN. YOU LOSE.

You clowns have lost virtually every social issue you care about .. you're about to get your dumb asses stomped in the election .. you'll lose the Senate .. and Obama could be appointed to the Supreme Court where republicans will have no effect on who gets appointed.

YOU lose.
I will do exactly as I choose and you can kiss my ass if you don't like it you racist clown.

Good grief they're becoming unhinged! WHEN Trump wins, do you think these angry lemmings will go quietly into the night?

The burning of our cities will begin on election night. Unfortunately, Obama will still be President so he'll let the cities burn.

THIS is what he'll Turn over to President Trump -- unless he can institute Martial Law.

We may need REVOLUTION to get our country back from rabid blacks and white Communists!

Then what the fuck are you waiting on?

Trump will lose .. as everybody knows that he will.

Clinton will be elected President of the United States ... Democrats will control the Senate .. Clinton may appoint Obama to the Supreme Court .. republicans fall into disarray
I sure hope she appoints Obama's nominee

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