Black Panthers Target Gateway Arch, Top Cops

But the plot went deeper than that. The two bought what they thought was a pipe bomb in a federal sting, and were thwarted from buying more because they needed to wait to get more cash on one man’s girlfriend’s Electronic Benefit Transfer card,

The article leads one to believe that they've got the little beggars, lock, stock and barrel - video and audio.

If true, they're screwed, and deserve everything that the Feds can conjure-up to throw at them.
DigitalDrifter said:
Lol !! The idiots couldn't figure out how to make a pipe bomb on their own !
Good grief. Even the white Seattle hippy protesters know how to make those!
The Mighty Black Panthers get their power from their girlfriends EBT cards :lol: That has to be the ultimate embarrassing insult, besides being to stupid to build a bomb.

LOL Great Moments in Black History: The Time Black People Protested the Building of the Gateway Arch in St. Louis Stuff Black People Don t Like - SBPDL Great Moments in Black History The Time Black People Protested the Building of the Gateway Arch in St. Louis

They seem to have always heated great feats of mankind.
The Arch construction was originally awarded to minority bidders. Their superior intellect and engineering skills didn't work out so superior so it was repurposed as an Air Force memorial and the Arch job had to be redone...


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