“Black National Anthem” to be Sung at NFL Games This Year — Was Written by Black Republican Who Denounced Democrats for Lynching Blacks


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
“Black National Anthem” to be Sung at NFL Games This Year

Was Written by Black Republican Who Denounced Democrats for Lynching Blacks

5 July 2020 ~~ By Jim Hoft

James Weldon Johnson was an American civil rights activist, school principal and writer.
According to Grand Ole Partisan, in 1900, he wrote the poem Lift Every Voice and Sing to honor Republican activist Booker T. Washington when the civil rights leader visited his school.
His brother set the words to music, resulting in what became known as the ‘Negro National Anthem’.
Johnson’s political activism began with denouncing Democrats for lynching African-Americans.

Most Black Anericans know little of Booker t. Washington, Frederick Douglas, or James Weldon Johnson Republicans all. Rather they are well versed in the teachings of Marx, Lenin, and Mao as preached to them by Leftist teachers rather than teaching them the three "R's". It’s good to hear the truth about this song, but certainly no Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftist, or # BLM protester ever vetted it and would not have selected it.
The main point for the PMS/DSA Democrats is not whether they know the truth, but whether they can hide the truth as they push their Big Lie a la Goebbels.
They have already successfully filled the minds and convinced the young and blacks that Republicans are racists and responsible for slavery and pretty much everything that is bad in this country. Yet, when you stop and view the condition of Blue cities controlled for decades by the Left, you have to wonder what type of logic they have attatined, because those same leftist nuts belong to the same party that still worship KKK leaders like Wallace, Maddox, Gore, Byrd and call him a hero!
These young people are ignorant of the fact that Democrats voted against every piece of civil rights legislation in Congress from 1866 to 1966 – a whopping 100 years. That is a dismal record for today's Democrats who would like you to believe that history has been on their side on this issue. The big change occurred when anothe racist Democrat LBJ changed the playing field.
So this is how you make a minority into the majority through fear mongering and lies....Your rhetorical propaganda misses out on several points of which your hate can't hide.
You people who seem to actually buy the argument that there has been no ideological/geographic shift in the parties are retarded. You want to keep the statues of the racist dixiecrats? You inherit their legacy.
You people who seem to actually buy the argument that there has been no ideological/geographic shift in the parties are retarded. You want to keep the statues of the racist dixiecrats? You inherit their legacy.
Their fear of change and loss of control will cause them to commit mass murder before it is over.
You people who seem to actually buy the argument that there has been no ideological/geographic shift in the parties are retarded. You want to keep the statues of the racist dixiecrats? You inherit their legacy.
People can argue that the South isn't full of racists--maybe it's not. But to say they haven't switched to Republican? How can they possibly say that? 2016: we've seen it all a thousand times...
You people who seem to actually buy the argument that there has been no ideological/geographic shift in the parties are retarded. You want to keep the statues of the racist dixiecrats? You inherit their legacy.

If you had read your history you could understand the reasoning....
"In writing his second inaugural address, Lincoln spent many months trying to make sense of the war and find a way to ease the hatred that divided the states. When did this process start and how did he craft his thesis? Lincoln seemed haunted by the question of what this hellish war meant. How could a just God permit so much death and agony? How could He not side with North, which in Lincoln’s view was fighting to save the last best hope on Earth for human freedom? How could He seemingly be against both sides? In 1862, he wrote down some of these thoughts and concluded that God’s purpose might be “something different from the purpose of either party.” He mined these thoughts in the Second Inaugural Address, concluding that the war was God’s judgment on America for the evil of slavery, and the country was obligated to use all necessary means — however horrific — to finally root it out.

Lincoln believed that God would punish America—North and South—for the great sin of slavery and that he owed the country an explanation for the price it had to pay. Talk about how his religious beliefs were expressed in the inaugural address. Lincoln’s address was remarkable. He had struggled to save America at great cost, and stood on the brink of finally winning this ghastly war. Yet there is no hint of triumphalism in his words. The speech is all about the suffering that both North and South had endured. One of the few things still uniting Americans in early 1865 was their intense Christian faith, including the belief that a just God watched over them. Lincoln tapped into that to make the argument that neither side had triumphed — that the war had been in God’s hands, since no human could have imagined its magnitude. And God, Lincoln speculated, was using the war to end slavery. As he poignantly put it, if God willed the war to continue “until every drop of blood drawn with the lash” applied against the enslaved “shall be paid by another drawn by the sword,” the judgments of God could be deemed “true and righteous together.” It is in this context that Lincoln spoke so beautifully of binding up the nation’s wounds and proceeding “with malice toward none, with charity for all.” Both sides had been wrong. Both sides had perpetuated slavery. Both sides had to come together and move on".

You people who seem to actually buy the argument that there has been no ideological/geographic shift in the parties are retarded. You want to keep the statues of the racist dixiecrats? You inherit their legacy.

If you had read your history you could understand the reasoning....
"In writing his second inaugural address, Lincoln spent many months trying to make sense of the war and find a way to ease the hatred that divided the states. When did this process start and how did he craft his thesis? Lincoln seemed haunted by the question of what this hellish war meant. How could a just God permit so much death and agony? How could He not side with North, which in Lincoln’s view was fighting to save the last best hope on Earth for human freedom? How could He seemingly be against both sides? In 1862, he wrote down some of these thoughts and concluded that God’s purpose might be “something different from the purpose of either party.” He mined these thoughts in the Second Inaugural Address, concluding that the war was God’s judgment on America for the evil of slavery, and the country was obligated to use all necessary means — however horrific — to finally root it out.

Lincoln believed that God would punish America—North and South—for the great sin of slavery and that he owed the country an explanation for the price it had to pay. Talk about how his religious beliefs were expressed in the inaugural address. Lincoln’s address was remarkable. He had struggled to save America at great cost, and stood on the brink of finally winning this ghastly war. Yet there is no hint of triumphalism in his words. The speech is all about the suffering that both North and South had endured. One of the few things still uniting Americans in early 1865 was their intense Christian faith, including the belief that a just God watched over them. Lincoln tapped into that to make the argument that neither side had triumphed — that the war had been in God’s hands, since no human could have imagined its magnitude. And God, Lincoln speculated, was using the war to end slavery. As he poignantly put it, if God willed the war to continue “until every drop of blood drawn with the lash” applied against the enslaved “shall be paid by another drawn by the sword,” the judgments of God could be deemed “true and righteous together.” It is in this context that Lincoln spoke so beautifully of binding up the nation’s wounds and proceeding “with malice toward none, with charity for all.” Both sides had been wrong. Both sides had perpetuated slavery. Both sides had to come together and move on".

It's been plenty long enough to have moved on from the vestiges of slavery and civil war but instead we have people who have clung to the "lost cause" of southern white supremacy because there is great power in scapegoating and division. It has to end. History now has to reflect that we were mature enough to quit nursing the hurt feelings of the decendents of people who made war on the United States.
Democrats today are joining hands with blacks as they sing this beautiful song.

Republicans today are fretting over the song being sung at American games and are busy working on figuring out how to stop as many black Americans from voting come November.

That's all you need to know about who is really doing what in regards to this issue.
Johnson’s political activism began with denouncing Democrats for lynching African-Americans.

Linky, Blinky?

I must say I have yet to encounter any lynching anywhere any time that actually required a political affiliation.

So whatcha got?
You people who seem to actually buy the argument that there has been no ideological/geographic shift in the parties are retarded. You want to keep the statues of the racist dixiecrats? You inherit their legacy.
People can argue that the South isn't full of racists--maybe it's not. But to say they haven't switched to Republican? How can they possibly say that? 2016: we've seen it all a thousand times...
View attachment 360038

It's a proven fact that Democrats are completely racist.

You people who seem to actually buy the argument that there has been no ideological/geographic shift in the parties are retarded. You want to keep the statues of the racist dixiecrats? You inherit their legacy.
Their fear of change and loss of control will cause them to commit mass murder before it is over.
hahahahahah ''fear'' hahahhahaahah
....no, we are not like the nazis [blacks/you/lefties ] who could not accept a legal election/etc etc
..it's not change--BLM/lefties want to make criminality legal....they LOVE criminals and hate brave men who were hard working and industrious
.....they-you-- want statues of a common thug criminal who robbed a lady vs Washington who founded the greatest country in earth---or Columbus who bravely sailed around the world
--that's not change-that's IDIOCY
..you and blacks value criminals over hard working Americans--not change but idiocy
..we don't want our communities to be like shithole Africa and the US black communities
Democrats today are joining hands with blacks as they sing this beautiful song.

Republicans today are fretting over the song being sung at American games and are busy working on figuring out how to stop as many black Americans from voting come November.

That's all you need to know about who is really doing what in regards to this issue.
....no, we are not like the nazis [blacks/you/lefties ] who could not accept a legal election/etc etc
..it's not change--BLM/lefties want to make criminality legal....they LOVE criminals and hate brave men who were hard working and industrious
.....they-you-- want statues of a common thug criminal who robbed a lady vs Washington who founded the greatest country in earth---or Columbus who bravely sailed around the world
--that's not change-that's IDIOCY
..you and blacks value criminals over hard working Americans--not change but idiocy
..we don't want our communities to be like shithole Africa and the US black communities

proof?? black crime levels high and graduation levels low......black communities are shitholes
“Black National Anthem” to be Sung at NFL Games This Year

Was Written by Black Republican Who Denounced Democrats for Lynching Blacks

5 July 2020 ~~ By Jim Hoft
View attachment 359785

James Weldon Johnson was an American civil rights activist, school principal and writer.
According to Grand Ole Partisan, in 1900, he wrote the poem Lift Every Voice and Sing to honor Republican activist Booker T. Washington when the civil rights leader visited his school.
His brother set the words to music, resulting in what became known as the ‘Negro National Anthem’.
Johnson’s political activism began with denouncing Democrats for lynching African-Americans.

Most Black Anericans know little of Booker t. Washington, Frederick Douglas, or James Weldon Johnson Republicans all. Rather they are well versed in the teachings of Marx, Lenin, and Mao as preached to them by Leftist teachers rather than teaching them the three "R's". It’s good to hear the truth about this song, but certainly no Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftist, or # BLM protester ever vetted it and would not have selected it.
The main point for the PMS/DSA Democrats is not whether they know the truth, but whether they can hide the truth as they push their Big Lie a la Goebbels.
They have already successfully filled the minds and convinced the young and blacks that Republicans are racists and responsible for slavery and pretty much everything that is bad in this country. Yet, when you stop and view the condition of Blue cities controlled for decades by the Left, you have to wonder what type of logic they have attatined, because those same leftist nuts belong to the same party that still worship KKK leaders like Wallace, Maddox, Gore, Byrd and call him a hero!
These young people are ignorant of the fact that Democrats voted against every piece of civil rights legislation in Congress from 1866 to 1966 – a whopping 100 years. That is a dismal record for today's Democrats who would like you to believe that history has been on their side on this issue. The big change occurred when anothe racist Democrat LBJ changed the playing field.
This was before the republicans started the southern strategy to get racist whites such as yourself voting for them. We know this to be true because the GOP admitted to it at least twice.
NOTHING... could be MORE RACIST... than playing a song written ONLY for BLACKS at a football game.

This is the final nail in the NFL coffin.
The entire football league will be NFL. The Negro Football League. And no one will care.
“Black National Anthem” to be Sung at NFL Games This Year

Was Written by Black Republican Who Denounced Democrats for Lynching Blacks

5 July 2020 ~~ By Jim Hoft
View attachment 359785

James Weldon Johnson was an American civil rights activist, school principal and writer.
According to Grand Ole Partisan, in 1900, he wrote the poem Lift Every Voice and Sing to honor Republican activist Booker T. Washington when the civil rights leader visited his school.
His brother set the words to music, resulting in what became known as the ‘Negro National Anthem’.
Johnson’s political activism began with denouncing Democrats for lynching African-Americans.

Most Black Anericans know little of Booker t. Washington, Frederick Douglas, or James Weldon Johnson Republicans all. Rather they are well versed in the teachings of Marx, Lenin, and Mao as preached to them by Leftist teachers rather than teaching them the three "R's". It’s good to hear the truth about this song, but certainly no Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftist, or # BLM protester ever vetted it and would not have selected it.
The main point for the PMS/DSA Democrats is not whether they know the truth, but whether they can hide the truth as they push their Big Lie a la Goebbels.
They have already successfully filled the minds and convinced the young and blacks that Republicans are racists and responsible for slavery and pretty much everything that is bad in this country. Yet, when you stop and view the condition of Blue cities controlled for decades by the Left, you have to wonder what type of logic they have attatined, because those same leftist nuts belong to the same party that still worship KKK leaders like Wallace, Maddox, Gore, Byrd and call him a hero!
These young people are ignorant of the fact that Democrats voted against every piece of civil rights legislation in Congress from 1866 to 1966 – a whopping 100 years. That is a dismal record for today's Democrats who would like you to believe that history has been on their side on this issue. The big change occurred when anothe racist Democrat LBJ changed the playing field.
How times have changed! You're not seriously counting this as a win, are you? :auiqs.jpg:

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