"Black" Names

I have written in this space previously that much of Black "inequality" can be reasonably attributed to voluntary behaviors by individual Blacks - mainly bastardy, school drop-out tendency, and petty criminality - and I have recently come upon another one, also a total mystery to me.

It is "common knowledge" in the Black community that having a "Black" name can often lead to, for example, employment applications being discarded, and other similar forms of discrimination. Indeed, I have read some first-person accounts of white people having Black-sounding names (e.g., "Jamal") and experiencing such discrimination "unfairly"(?).

And yet, the trend toward bizarre Christian names among Blacks seems to be increasing as time goes by.

Malik. LaShonda. Trayvon. LaToya. Names with mis-placed capital letters, and apostrophes. I pity the inner-city Kindergarten teacher who must address these children in school for the first time, trying to figure out how to pronounce some of these bizarre names, and to do so without laughing. I have occasionally thought that mothers invent them in the hope that one day the child will be a mega-super-star of one form or another who can be known simply by that first name. Shaquille. OJ. Michael. Et cetera. (Oops. Has anybody used that one?)

But seriously, is this not an utterly stupid thing to do? Why would you - even potentially - saddle your kid with a name that will label him/her as Black, sight unseen, for the rest of his or her life, knowing that it is likely that the name will result in negative discrimination in at least some circumstances? You might as well put a tattoo on your child's forehead saying, "My Mother is an Idiot."

Were I a Black parent, I would go to the other extreme, naming my kid with the most Wasp-ish name I could imagine ("Chatsworth Osborne Smith"), in the hope that it might open a door somewhere in the future. If you want to CALL your kid something more creative, knock yourself out. But to put "D'boneHead" on a Birth Certificate is almost criminally stupid.

"Christian" names?

I have no problem with Malik or Trayvon. But when a set of parents deliberately names their son "Plaxico" I do have to question what the fuck they were thinking.
You really might want to examine the range of white peoples names before talking.

Obviously she's a cigarette smoker. It's a PSA.
1. I suggested that EITHER he lied about his practices, which would actually make him look less worse, OR that he didn't lie and is thereby in a worse position than if he made it all up.

2. I made no such assumption --- you did. My assumption is that among X number of applicants (he doesn't say how many), it is impossible to ass-sume that certain names do not have positive potential based on what their friggin' NAME IS. And that's not an assumption, it's a simple FACT.

3. Again on the contrary, the narrowmindedness is what I JUST POINTED OUT.

4. What attracts your attention cannot possibly be more meaningless. I simply observed what kind of position you came in to white-knight for. It speaks volumes.

Oh? A name doesn't reveal something about the cultural or mindset of the background of the person?

INteresting. Please, go on.

No, it doesn't tell you much about anything relating to that person.

Hi, my name is Bernie. What does that tell you about me?


I could be Montgomery from the UK that fought in two world wars.

Obama, the half brother of Barak.
Sanders, a communist US politician.
Madoff, a ponzi schemer.
Scott, a football player
Claesen Speirdyke a Dutch pirate

Famous People Named Bernie & Bernard

Hundreds on hundreds of Bernies. Do tell, what mindset can you tell from that name, that applies to all these people? Catholics, protestants, Jews, atheists, and I wager some other cultist views in there.

What does that name explain to you about that entire group of people?

Nothing. Absolutely nothing. You can't learn one single thing from their name alone. Not one.

Now if you want to look up the history of the name.. that's fine. And you can learn something about the culture that the name came from. I agree with that.

But as it applies to individuals, you can learn absolutely nothing. You will learn more about me, in talking to me for 5 minutes, then you ever will by seeing my name tag and a decade of research on that name.

People in interviews, are working hard to present themselves to make a good impression. That is not always the real them.

True, "Bernie" might not tell you much about where the person came from.

A really stupid "black" name, does.

Maybe the person rebelled against their parents and is trying to walk away from that culture.

But you do have an idea of their starting point.

That is a valid decision making factor.

So I would agree with that. And that's kind of my point.

A good name.... or a 'common' name, may tell someone nothing about you. But a difficult name, or ridiculous name, will unavoidably give a negative first impression.

Which is completely reasonable.

You got some poor smuch named, "Sunbeam" and you are probably pretty safe thinking they grew up handicapped by hippie parents.

If you have a negative view of hippies, and who doesn't? THat is a reasonable thing to consider when hiring.

Are you hiring Sumbeam, or Sunbeam's parents?

You DO understand those are two different entities ---- do you not?
Oh? A name doesn't reveal something about the cultural or mindset of the background of the person?

INteresting. Please, go on.

No, it doesn't tell you much about anything relating to that person.

Hi, my name is Bernie. What does that tell you about me?


I could be Montgomery from the UK that fought in two world wars.

Obama, the half brother of Barak.
Sanders, a communist US politician.
Madoff, a ponzi schemer.
Scott, a football player
Claesen Speirdyke a Dutch pirate

Famous People Named Bernie & Bernard

Hundreds on hundreds of Bernies. Do tell, what mindset can you tell from that name, that applies to all these people? Catholics, protestants, Jews, atheists, and I wager some other cultist views in there.

What does that name explain to you about that entire group of people?

Nothing. Absolutely nothing. You can't learn one single thing from their name alone. Not one.

Now if you want to look up the history of the name.. that's fine. And you can learn something about the culture that the name came from. I agree with that.

But as it applies to individuals, you can learn absolutely nothing. You will learn more about me, in talking to me for 5 minutes, then you ever will by seeing my name tag and a decade of research on that name.

People in interviews, are working hard to present themselves to make a good impression. That is not always the real them.

True, "Bernie" might not tell you much about where the person came from.

A really stupid "black" name, does.

Maybe the person rebelled against their parents and is trying to walk away from that culture.

But you do have an idea of their starting point.

That is a valid decision making factor.

So I would agree with that. And that's kind of my point.

A good name.... or a 'common' name, may tell someone nothing about you. But a difficult name, or ridiculous name, will unavoidably give a negative first impression.

Which is completely reasonable.

You got some poor smuch named, "Sunbeam" and you are probably pretty safe thinking they grew up handicapped by hippie parents.

If you have a negative view of hippies, and who doesn't? THat is a reasonable thing to consider when hiring.

Are you hiring Sumbeam, or Sunbeam's parents?

You DO understand those are two different entities ---- do you not?

I already addressed that.

Your pretense that I did not, is accepted as an admission that you could not refute it, thus my point stands, and I win.

We agree, stupid "black" names, are a valid reason to not hire someone.
No, it doesn't tell you much about anything relating to that person.

Hi, my name is Bernie. What does that tell you about me?


I could be Montgomery from the UK that fought in two world wars.

Obama, the half brother of Barak.
Sanders, a communist US politician.
Madoff, a ponzi schemer.
Scott, a football player
Claesen Speirdyke a Dutch pirate

Famous People Named Bernie & Bernard

Hundreds on hundreds of Bernies. Do tell, what mindset can you tell from that name, that applies to all these people? Catholics, protestants, Jews, atheists, and I wager some other cultist views in there.

What does that name explain to you about that entire group of people?

Nothing. Absolutely nothing. You can't learn one single thing from their name alone. Not one.

Now if you want to look up the history of the name.. that's fine. And you can learn something about the culture that the name came from. I agree with that.

But as it applies to individuals, you can learn absolutely nothing. You will learn more about me, in talking to me for 5 minutes, then you ever will by seeing my name tag and a decade of research on that name.

People in interviews, are working hard to present themselves to make a good impression. That is not always the real them.

True, "Bernie" might not tell you much about where the person came from.

A really stupid "black" name, does.

Maybe the person rebelled against their parents and is trying to walk away from that culture.

But you do have an idea of their starting point.

That is a valid decision making factor.

So I would agree with that. And that's kind of my point.

A good name.... or a 'common' name, may tell someone nothing about you. But a difficult name, or ridiculous name, will unavoidably give a negative first impression.

Which is completely reasonable.

You got some poor smuch named, "Sunbeam" and you are probably pretty safe thinking they grew up handicapped by hippie parents.

If you have a negative view of hippies, and who doesn't? THat is a reasonable thing to consider when hiring.

Are you hiring Sumbeam, or Sunbeam's parents?

You DO understand those are two different entities ---- do you not?

I already addressed that.

Your pretense that I did not, is accepted as an admission that you could not refute it, thus my point stands, and I win.

We agree, stupid "black" names, are a valid reason to not hire someone.

A valiant try Danth, but no Cheroot. You posted a flawed premise and I pointed to the flaw, ergo you lose.
People in interviews, are working hard to present themselves to make a good impression. That is not always the real them.

True, "Bernie" might not tell you much about where the person came from.

A really stupid "black" name, does.

Maybe the person rebelled against their parents and is trying to walk away from that culture.

But you do have an idea of their starting point.

That is a valid decision making factor.

So I would agree with that. And that's kind of my point.

A good name.... or a 'common' name, may tell someone nothing about you. But a difficult name, or ridiculous name, will unavoidably give a negative first impression.

Which is completely reasonable.

You got some poor smuch named, "Sunbeam" and you are probably pretty safe thinking they grew up handicapped by hippie parents.

If you have a negative view of hippies, and who doesn't? THat is a reasonable thing to consider when hiring.

Are you hiring Sumbeam, or Sunbeam's parents?

You DO understand those are two different entities ---- do you not?

I already addressed that.

Your pretense that I did not, is accepted as an admission that you could not refute it, thus my point stands, and I win.

We agree, stupid "black" names, are a valid reason to not hire someone.

A valiant try Danth, but no Cheroot. You posted a flawed premise and I pointed to the flaw, ergo you lose.

Except I already addressed that. At least twice.

So, you had an opportunity to try to counter my counter point, and instead you dodged.

That is what you do, if you are trying to use dishonest tactics to avoid the point, instead of truly believing your position is correct.

YOur actions, reveal your belief that I am right and you are wrong.
Let's go back to the good old days. Gracie!

(sometimes spelled couverture) was a legal doctrine whereby, upon marriage, a woman's legal rights and obligations were subsumed by those of her husband, in accordance with the wife's legal status of feme covert. An unmarried woman, a feme sole, had the right to own property and make contracts in her own name. Coverture arises from the legal fiction that a husband and wife are one person.

Coverture - Wikipedia


Coverture: The Word You Probably Don't Know But Should

Coverture is a long-standing legal practice that is part of our colonial heritage. Though Spanish and French versions of coverture existed in the new world, United States coverture is based in English law. Coverture held that no female person had a legal identity. At birth, a female baby was covered by her father’s identity, and then, when she married, by her husband’s. The husband and wife became one–and that one was the husband. As a symbol of this subsuming of identity, women took the last names of their husbands. They were “feme coverts,” covered women. Because they did not legally exist, married women could not make contracts or be sued, so they could not own or work in businesses. Married women owned nothing, not even the clothes on their backs. They had no rights to their children, so that if a wife divorced or left a husband, she would not see her children again.

Married women had no rights to their bodies. That meant that not only would a husband have a claim to any wages generated by his wife’s labor or to the fruits of her body (her children), but he also had an absolute right to sexual access. Within marriage, a wife’s consent was implied, so under the law, all sex-related activity, including rape, was legitimate. His total mastery of this fellow human being stopped short, but just short, of death. Of course, a man wasn’t allowed to beat his wife to death, but he could beat her.

So what happened to coverture? The short answer is that it has been eroded bit by bit. But it has never been fully abolished.
The ghost of coverture has always haunted women’s lives and continues to do so. Coverture is why women weren’t regularly allowed on juries until the 1960s, and marital rape wasn’t a crime until the 1980s. Today’s women encounter coverture during real estate transactions, as I did, in tax matters, and in a myriad of other situations around employment and housing. Encounters with coverture can be serious, but often they are just puzzling annoyances, one more hoop to jump. Still, the remnants of coverture are holding us back in unsuspected ways.

Coverture: The Word You Probably Don't Know But Should

You really don't have any rights Gracie. But hey, at least you won't hire Ladianian or LaKeisha.


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"Anyway I practiced what you pussy Moon Bats call discrimination and I am proud of it and I profited from it so if that upsets you Moon Bats then go put on your pink pussy hat and howl at the sky. I don't give a shit."

Stop living in the past we are told. This proud to be racist white example of a failed human destroys the lie of racism is gone. And there are a few million more like him out there right now.

Just a "few million"? I would multiply that in double digits.
1. Ah, correct. YOu merely suggested he lied about his practices. LOL!!!!

2. Nope. YOu are making the assumption that there can be no connection between "black names" and poor work. That is your assumption to support or not.

3. LOL!!! Silly word games noted and accepted as an admission that you are narrow minded.

4. Indeed, the stupidity of you liberals, when combined with the utter lack of self awareness of you liberals, does indeed tend to attract my attention.

1. I suggested that EITHER he lied about his practices, which would actually make him look less worse, OR that he didn't lie and is thereby in a worse position than if he made it all up.

2. I made no such assumption --- you did. My assumption is that among X number of applicants (he doesn't say how many), it is impossible to ass-sume that certain names do not have positive potential based on what their friggin' NAME IS. And that's not an assumption, it's a simple FACT.

3. Again on the contrary, the narrowmindedness is what I JUST POINTED OUT.

4. What attracts your attention cannot possibly be more meaningless. I simply observed what kind of position you came in to white-knight for. It speaks volumes.

Oh? A name doesn't reveal something about the cultural or mindset of the background of the person?

INteresting. Please, go on.

No, it doesn't tell you much about anything relating to that person.

Hi, my name is Bernie. What does that tell you about me?


I could be Montgomery from the UK that fought in two world wars.

Obama, the half brother of Barak.
Sanders, a communist US politician.
Madoff, a ponzi schemer.
Scott, a football player
Claesen Speirdyke a Dutch pirate

Famous People Named Bernie & Bernard

Hundreds on hundreds of Bernies. Do tell, what mindset can you tell from that name, that applies to all these people? Catholics, protestants, Jews, atheists, and I wager some other cultist views in there.

What does that name explain to you about that entire group of people?

Nothing. Absolutely nothing. You can't learn one single thing from their name alone. Not one.

Now if you want to look up the history of the name.. that's fine. And you can learn something about the culture that the name came from. I agree with that.

But as it applies to individuals, you can learn absolutely nothing. You will learn more about me, in talking to me for 5 minutes, then you ever will by seeing my name tag and a decade of research on that name.

People in interviews, are working hard to present themselves to make a good impression. That is not always the real them.

True, "Bernie" might not tell you much about where the person came from.

A really stupid "black" name, does.

Maybe the person rebelled against their parents and is trying to walk away from that culture.

But you do have an idea of their starting point.

That is a valid decision making factor.

So I would agree with that. And that's kind of my point.

A good name.... or a 'common' name, may tell someone nothing about you. But a difficult name, or ridiculous name, will unavoidably give a negative first impression.
Thanks John

Your racism is a display of your failure.

What silly Moon Bats like you call racism produced some damn good results.

Worthless dumbass ghetto Neggras would have fucked up the work we needed to do.

Stupid worthless affirmative action Neggras would have fucked up the work we needed to do.

The right thing to do was hire good people. The wrong thing would have been to succumb to filthy white guilt and hired worthless Neggras to meet some stupid diversity EOC goals.

Anyway I practiced what you pussy Moon Bats call discrimination and I am proud of it and I profited from it so if that upsets you Moon Bats then go put on your pink pussy hat and howl at the sky. I don't give a shit.

Actually it has produced a huge wealth gap, countless recessions, one depression, nearly a second one, huge federal debt and deficits and a country in consistent internal conflict. The trillion dollar deficit would not exist if not for racism and studies prove it.

On October 24, 2013, the Kellogg Foundation sent out a press release about a report they had done entitled, “The Business Case for Racial Equity”. This was a study done by the Kellogg Foundation, using information it had studied and assessed from the Center for American Progress, National Urban League Policy Institute, Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies and the U.S. Department of Justice.

“Striving for racial equity – a world where race is no longer a factor in the distribution of opportunity – is a matter of social justice. But moving toward racial equity can generate significant economic returns as well. When people face barriers to achieving their full potential, the loss of talent, creativity, energy, and productivity is a burden not only for those disadvantaged, but for communities, businesses, governments, and the economy as a whole. Initial research on the magnitude of this burden in the United States (U.S.), as highlighted in this brief, reveals impacts in the trillions of dollars in lost earnings, avoidable public expenditures, and lost economic output.”

People like you are responsible for this. So whites like you who want to bitch about government assistance programs you made happen because of your racism need to shut the fuck up.

You are confused about this.

Fuck the government protecting voting blocks.

When you take away my ability to hire and fire whoever I want then you are taking away my Liberty and that is despicable.

It is wrong for the government to be in the business of kissing the ass of dumbass minorities for filthy social justice reasons.

I don't give a shit if your ancestors were slaves. I don't give a shit if you fucking grandma had to sit on the back of the bus or drink out of a Colored Only fountain. I don't give a shit that the only way for you to be successful is for the government to make me hire you. If you are a dumbass Neggra I don't want you working for me and I don't want the government giving you protection just because the politicians voting for the law wanted to get Negroes to vote for them.

It is all about Liberty and you are confused about it. I should have the right to discminate against whoever I want. I don't need the filthy government infringing upon my Liberty.

By the way, this is not a racial issue. It is an individual Liberty issue.

Sounds like it’s a YOU being a low-life scumbag issue.

Sorry Moon Bat but you are confused.

I am a Libertarian and I don't like the filthy government telling me that I have to kiss the ass of minorities. ....


It means you’re an infantile dimwit who wants to be selfish and stupid while expecting the protections he has always lived under but would deny to others.

99% of people who say “I’m libertarian” are just too stupid and lazy to understand Political Science and have the infantile impulses of wannabe anarchists.
1. I suggested that EITHER he lied about his practices, which would actually make him look less worse, OR that he didn't lie and is thereby in a worse position than if he made it all up.

2. I made no such assumption --- you did. My assumption is that among X number of applicants (he doesn't say how many), it is impossible to ass-sume that certain names do not have positive potential based on what their friggin' NAME IS. And that's not an assumption, it's a simple FACT.

3. Again on the contrary, the narrowmindedness is what I JUST POINTED OUT.

4. What attracts your attention cannot possibly be more meaningless. I simply observed what kind of position you came in to white-knight for. It speaks volumes.

Oh? A name doesn't reveal something about the cultural or mindset of the background of the person?

INteresting. Please, go on.

No, it doesn't tell you much about anything relating to that person.

Hi, my name is Bernie. What does that tell you about me?


I could be Montgomery from the UK that fought in two world wars.

Obama, the half brother of Barak.
Sanders, a communist US politician.
Madoff, a ponzi schemer.
Scott, a football player
Claesen Speirdyke a Dutch pirate

Famous People Named Bernie & Bernard

Hundreds on hundreds of Bernies. Do tell, what mindset can you tell from that name, that applies to all these people? Catholics, protestants, Jews, atheists, and I wager some other cultist views in there.

What does that name explain to you about that entire group of people?

Nothing. Absolutely nothing. You can't learn one single thing from their name alone. Not one.

Now if you want to look up the history of the name.. that's fine. And you can learn something about the culture that the name came from. I agree with that.

But as it applies to individuals, you can learn absolutely nothing. You will learn more about me, in talking to me for 5 minutes, then you ever will by seeing my name tag and a decade of research on that name.

People in interviews, are working hard to present themselves to make a good impression. That is not always the real them.

True, "Bernie" might not tell you much about where the person came from.

A really stupid "black" name, does.

Maybe the person rebelled against their parents and is trying to walk away from that culture.

But you do have an idea of their starting point.

That is a valid decision making factor.

So I would agree with that. And that's kind of my point.

A good name.... or a 'common' name, may tell someone nothing about you. But a difficult name, or ridiculous name, will unavoidably give a negative first impression.
Thanks John

Is that John Miller or John Baron?

Btw I figured out why Rump dropped the first pseudonym and changed to a Baron. "Miller" means a guy who runs a mill, and that's like actual work. :shok:
What silly Moon Bats like you call racism produced some damn good results.

Worthless dumbass ghetto Neggras would have fucked up the work we needed to do.

Stupid worthless affirmative action Neggras would have fucked up the work we needed to do.

The right thing to do was hire good people. The wrong thing would have been to succumb to filthy white guilt and hired worthless Neggras to meet some stupid diversity EOC goals.

Anyway I practiced what you pussy Moon Bats call discrimination and I am proud of it and I profited from it so if that upsets you Moon Bats then go put on your pink pussy hat and howl at the sky. I don't give a shit.

Actually it has produced a huge wealth gap, countless recessions, one depression, nearly a second one, huge federal debt and deficits and a country in consistent internal conflict. The trillion dollar deficit would not exist if not for racism and studies prove it.

On October 24, 2013, the Kellogg Foundation sent out a press release about a report they had done entitled, “The Business Case for Racial Equity”. This was a study done by the Kellogg Foundation, using information it had studied and assessed from the Center for American Progress, National Urban League Policy Institute, Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies and the U.S. Department of Justice.

“Striving for racial equity – a world where race is no longer a factor in the distribution of opportunity – is a matter of social justice. But moving toward racial equity can generate significant economic returns as well. When people face barriers to achieving their full potential, the loss of talent, creativity, energy, and productivity is a burden not only for those disadvantaged, but for communities, businesses, governments, and the economy as a whole. Initial research on the magnitude of this burden in the United States (U.S.), as highlighted in this brief, reveals impacts in the trillions of dollars in lost earnings, avoidable public expenditures, and lost economic output.”

People like you are responsible for this. So whites like you who want to bitch about government assistance programs you made happen because of your racism need to shut the fuck up.

You are confused about this.

Fuck the government protecting voting blocks.

When you take away my ability to hire and fire whoever I want then you are taking away my Liberty and that is despicable.

It is wrong for the government to be in the business of kissing the ass of dumbass minorities for filthy social justice reasons.

I don't give a shit if your ancestors were slaves. I don't give a shit if you fucking grandma had to sit on the back of the bus or drink out of a Colored Only fountain. I don't give a shit that the only way for you to be successful is for the government to make me hire you. If you are a dumbass Neggra I don't want you working for me and I don't want the government giving you protection just because the politicians voting for the law wanted to get Negroes to vote for them.

It is all about Liberty and you are confused about it. I should have the right to discminate against whoever I want. I don't need the filthy government infringing upon my Liberty.

By the way, this is not a racial issue. It is an individual Liberty issue.

Sounds like it’s a YOU being a low-life scumbag issue.

Sorry Moon Bat but you are confused.

I am a Libertarian and I don't like the filthy government telling me that I have to kiss the ass of minorities. ....


It means you’re an infantile dimwit who wants to be selfish and stupid while expecting the protections he has always lived under but would deny to others.

99% of people who say “I’m libertarian” are just too stupid and lazy to understand Political Science and have the infantile impulses of wannabe anarchists.

Your confusion is amazing.

If you want to kiss the ass of the minorities then go ahead and do it. I don't give a shit if you are that pathetic and that misguided.

However, it is morally wrong for the filthy government to take away my liberty in order to protect a bunch of sorry ass shitheads that just happens to be a large voting block.

Stereotypically Negroes in this country are sorry assholes and I should not be forced by the filthy government to accommodate them. They commit most of the crimes, they are almost all on some kind kind of welfare and they they don't take care of their families. They get through school without learning anything and they are given jobs not on merit by because of affirmative action and stupid EEOC goals. Disgusting, isn't it?

You really need to pull you head out of your Libtard ass. You are embarrassing yourself with your ignorance.

Be on the side of Liberty every once in awhile. We don't need the filthy government telling us who we have to hire and fire.
"Anyway I practiced what you pussy Moon Bats call discrimination and I am proud of it and I profited from it so if that upsets you Moon Bats then go put on your pink pussy hat and howl at the sky. I don't give a shit."

Stop living in the past we are told. This proud to be racist white example of a failed human destroys the lie of racism is gone. And there are a few million more like him out there right now.

Just a "few million"? I would multiply that in double digits.
True. I was trying to be nice.
Actually it has produced a huge wealth gap, countless recessions, one depression, nearly a second one, huge federal debt and deficits and a country in consistent internal conflict. The trillion dollar deficit would not exist if not for racism and studies prove it.

On October 24, 2013, the Kellogg Foundation sent out a press release about a report they had done entitled, “The Business Case for Racial Equity”. This was a study done by the Kellogg Foundation, using information it had studied and assessed from the Center for American Progress, National Urban League Policy Institute, Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies and the U.S. Department of Justice.

“Striving for racial equity – a world where race is no longer a factor in the distribution of opportunity – is a matter of social justice. But moving toward racial equity can generate significant economic returns as well. When people face barriers to achieving their full potential, the loss of talent, creativity, energy, and productivity is a burden not only for those disadvantaged, but for communities, businesses, governments, and the economy as a whole. Initial research on the magnitude of this burden in the United States (U.S.), as highlighted in this brief, reveals impacts in the trillions of dollars in lost earnings, avoidable public expenditures, and lost economic output.”

People like you are responsible for this. So whites like you who want to bitch about government assistance programs you made happen because of your racism need to shut the fuck up.

You are confused about this.

Fuck the government protecting voting blocks.

When you take away my ability to hire and fire whoever I want then you are taking away my Liberty and that is despicable.

It is wrong for the government to be in the business of kissing the ass of dumbass minorities for filthy social justice reasons.

I don't give a shit if your ancestors were slaves. I don't give a shit if you fucking grandma had to sit on the back of the bus or drink out of a Colored Only fountain. I don't give a shit that the only way for you to be successful is for the government to make me hire you. If you are a dumbass Neggra I don't want you working for me and I don't want the government giving you protection just because the politicians voting for the law wanted to get Negroes to vote for them.

It is all about Liberty and you are confused about it. I should have the right to discminate against whoever I want. I don't need the filthy government infringing upon my Liberty.

By the way, this is not a racial issue. It is an individual Liberty issue.

Sounds like it’s a YOU being a low-life scumbag issue.

Sorry Moon Bat but you are confused.

I am a Libertarian and I don't like the filthy government telling me that I have to kiss the ass of minorities. ....


It means you’re an infantile dimwit who wants to be selfish and stupid while expecting the protections he has always lived under but would deny to others.

99% of people who say “I’m libertarian” are just too stupid and lazy to understand Political Science and have the infantile impulses of wannabe anarchists.

Your confusion is amazing.

If you want to kiss the ass of the minorities then go ahead and do it. I don't give a shit if you are that pathetic and that misguided.

However, it is morally wrong for the filthy government to take away my liberty in order to protect a bunch of sorry ass shitheads that just happens to be a large voting block.

Stereotypically Negroes in this country are sorry assholes and I should not be forced by the filthy government to accommodate them. They commit most of the crimes, they are almost all on some kind kind of welfare and they they don't take care of their families. They get through school without learning anything and they are given jobs not on merit by because of affirmative action and stupid EEOC goals. Disgusting, isn't it?

You really need to pull you head out of your Libtard ass. You are embarrassing yourself with your ignorance.

Be on the side of Liberty every once in awhile. We don't need the filthy government telling us who we have to hire and fire.
And it is wrong for the government to continue taking my liberty because they allow asshole like you to be decision makers. Your company did not reach it's full potential because you wasted talent. You think you were successful, but in reality your company was maybe a little better than mediocre. I know that your company hired many white failures who it let go and maybe if you weren't a racist, that would not have happened.
1. I suggested that EITHER he lied about his practices, which would actually make him look less worse, OR that he didn't lie and is thereby in a worse position than if he made it all up.

2. I made no such assumption --- you did. My assumption is that among X number of applicants (he doesn't say how many), it is impossible to ass-sume that certain names do not have positive potential based on what their friggin' NAME IS. And that's not an assumption, it's a simple FACT.

3. Again on the contrary, the narrowmindedness is what I JUST POINTED OUT.

4. What attracts your attention cannot possibly be more meaningless. I simply observed what kind of position you came in to white-knight for. It speaks volumes.

Oh? A name doesn't reveal something about the cultural or mindset of the background of the person?

INteresting. Please, go on.

No, it doesn't tell you much about anything relating to that person.

Hi, my name is Bernie. What does that tell you about me?


I could be Montgomery from the UK that fought in two world wars.

Obama, the half brother of Barak.
Sanders, a communist US politician.
Madoff, a ponzi schemer.
Scott, a football player
Claesen Speirdyke a Dutch pirate

Famous People Named Bernie & Bernard

Hundreds on hundreds of Bernies. Do tell, what mindset can you tell from that name, that applies to all these people? Catholics, protestants, Jews, atheists, and I wager some other cultist views in there.

What does that name explain to you about that entire group of people?

Nothing. Absolutely nothing. You can't learn one single thing from their name alone. Not one.

Now if you want to look up the history of the name.. that's fine. And you can learn something about the culture that the name came from. I agree with that.

But as it applies to individuals, you can learn absolutely nothing. You will learn more about me, in talking to me for 5 minutes, then you ever will by seeing my name tag and a decade of research on that name.

People in interviews, are working hard to present themselves to make a good impression. That is not always the real them.

True, "Bernie" might not tell you much about where the person came from.

A really stupid "black" name, does.

Maybe the person rebelled against their parents and is trying to walk away from that culture.

But you do have an idea of their starting point.

That is a valid decision making factor.

So I would agree with that. And that's kind of my point.

A good name.... or a 'common' name, may tell someone nothing about you. But a difficult name, or ridiculous name, will unavoidably give a negative first impression.
Thanks John

I'm not applying for a job, or pushing for a promotion on a forum dude. Do you think I put "Andylusion" on a resume, and complain when I don't get hired, or that society is biased against me?
You are confused about this.

Fuck the government protecting voting blocks.

When you take away my ability to hire and fire whoever I want then you are taking away my Liberty and that is despicable.

It is wrong for the government to be in the business of kissing the ass of dumbass minorities for filthy social justice reasons.

I don't give a shit if your ancestors were slaves. I don't give a shit if you fucking grandma had to sit on the back of the bus or drink out of a Colored Only fountain. I don't give a shit that the only way for you to be successful is for the government to make me hire you. If you are a dumbass Neggra I don't want you working for me and I don't want the government giving you protection just because the politicians voting for the law wanted to get Negroes to vote for them.

It is all about Liberty and you are confused about it. I should have the right to discminate against whoever I want. I don't need the filthy government infringing upon my Liberty.

By the way, this is not a racial issue. It is an individual Liberty issue.

Sounds like it’s a YOU being a low-life scumbag issue.

Sorry Moon Bat but you are confused.

I am a Libertarian and I don't like the filthy government telling me that I have to kiss the ass of minorities. ....


It means you’re an infantile dimwit who wants to be selfish and stupid while expecting the protections he has always lived under but would deny to others.

99% of people who say “I’m libertarian” are just too stupid and lazy to understand Political Science and have the infantile impulses of wannabe anarchists.

Your confusion is amazing.

If you want to kiss the ass of the minorities then go ahead and do it. I don't give a shit if you are that pathetic and that misguided.

However, it is morally wrong for the filthy government to take away my liberty in order to protect a bunch of sorry ass shitheads that just happens to be a large voting block.

Stereotypically Negroes in this country are sorry assholes and I should not be forced by the filthy government to accommodate them. They commit most of the crimes, they are almost all on some kind kind of welfare and they they don't take care of their families. They get through school without learning anything and they are given jobs not on merit by because of affirmative action and stupid EEOC goals. Disgusting, isn't it?

You really need to pull you head out of your Libtard ass. You are embarrassing yourself with your ignorance.

Be on the side of Liberty every once in awhile. We don't need the filthy government telling us who we have to hire and fire.
And it is wrong for the government to continue taking my liberty because they allow asshole like you to be decision makers. Your company did not reach it's full potential because you wasted talent. You think you were successful, but in reality your company was maybe a little better than mediocre. I know that your company hired many white failures who it let go and maybe if you weren't a racist, that would not have happened.

Probably just some shit pit, redneck, family owned company in some shithole state south of the Mason Dixon line, selling cow manure, hayseed and farm tools, just trying to survive.

A mainstream fortune 500 company would have discovered and stopped such backward practices in their tracks.
Sounds like it’s a YOU being a low-life scumbag issue.

Sorry Moon Bat but you are confused.

I am a Libertarian and I don't like the filthy government telling me that I have to kiss the ass of minorities. ....


It means you’re an infantile dimwit who wants to be selfish and stupid while expecting the protections he has always lived under but would deny to others.

99% of people who say “I’m libertarian” are just too stupid and lazy to understand Political Science and have the infantile impulses of wannabe anarchists.

Your confusion is amazing.

If you want to kiss the ass of the minorities then go ahead and do it. I don't give a shit if you are that pathetic and that misguided.

However, it is morally wrong for the filthy government to take away my liberty in order to protect a bunch of sorry ass shitheads that just happens to be a large voting block.

Stereotypically Negroes in this country are sorry assholes and I should not be forced by the filthy government to accommodate them. They commit most of the crimes, they are almost all on some kind kind of welfare and they they don't take care of their families. They get through school without learning anything and they are given jobs not on merit by because of affirmative action and stupid EEOC goals. Disgusting, isn't it?

You really need to pull you head out of your Libtard ass. You are embarrassing yourself with your ignorance.

Be on the side of Liberty every once in awhile. We don't need the filthy government telling us who we have to hire and fire.
And it is wrong for the government to continue taking my liberty because they allow asshole like you to be decision makers. Your company did not reach it's full potential because you wasted talent. You think you were successful, but in reality your company was maybe a little better than mediocre. I know that your company hired many white failures who it let go and maybe if you weren't a racist, that would not have happened.

Probably just some shit pit, redneck, family owned company in some shithole state south of the Mason Dixon line, selling cow manure, hayseed and farm tools, just trying to survive.

A mainstream fortune 500 company would have discovered and stopped such backward practices in their tracks.

I agree. There is no HR department in any major company that would not catch this.
Doesn't matter if it is your job or not.

That's not the point.

You can do whatever you want to do. Just understand there is going to some consequences for choices made. Just like the white girl that made choices that effected her future, so to do all people.

If you don't blend in, there are consequences to that.

Again, does not matter if "it's your job" to do so or not. You are free to make your own choices. Just like your boss is free to make his choice on who to promote, and who not to promote. And often, I would even say 100%, is based on the choices you make to blend in, or not to.

You have complete control on how you live your life.

The problem is, you seem to fail to realize that everyone else also has complete control on how they live their life.

If I don't want someone that has purple hair, working as a manager in my company, and you want to dye your hair purple.....

Well... that's your choice... and this is mine.... and that's going to be bad for you. Not my problem. I have just as much right to determine who I promote, as you do on what color you dye your hair.

That's life dude.

You need to stop whining about other people using the freedoms that you use. There are consequences to actions. An adult realizes this, and adjusts for it.
I want you to state it. It's black people's job to blend in to white society, right?

Say it coward.
Facts, and your opinion, are statistically not matching up.

I've read two different research papers, both suggesting that there is a statistical difference in hiring patterns, and promotional patterns, between those with more common American names, and those who don't have common American names.

Now that isn't to say that you can not overcome those biases. You absolutely can. But nevertheless, having a goofy un-american name, does in fact put you at a disadvantage to those who have American names, OR.. those who choose to have an American nick name that they go by. Again, Weichun, had no problem because she went by "Jessica" as her name.

You people need to stop living in your fantasy world, where because it is publicly acceptable, that there are no consequences. There are consequences, no matter how 'acceptable' it is in public.

Just because no one goes up to a guy covered head to foot in tattoos and beats them, doesn't mean that if a guy covered head to foot in tattoos can walk into a bank and expect to get job.

And no, of course they are not going to turn down someone because "We don't hire people with blue hair, and tattoos and piercings". Instead it's "We've decided to go a different direction to fill this position." or "You are just not what we're looking for", or any of the other methods for not hiring someone they don't want.

Regardless, the facts are clear. If you have a goofy name, or act in a counter-cultural fashion, you are less likely to get hired and promoted.

That's the reality, no matter what your opinion is on who we have "evolved" as a society. The only thing that has evolved is that people are far more clever about how they hide their preferences.

And by the way, that will never change. It's idiotic to think you'll ever reach a point where anything goes, and there is never a consequence to bucking the culture.
Where can one find this approved list of American names?

And is BARON a name on that list?
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