"Black" Names

Urban blacks are not credited with much education
But they do come up with original names

The best that highly educated whites can come up with are John, James, Theresa, Mary

But that is a negative. It's a fact, that easier to say names, that are common to American culture, naturally get hired more than crazy names no one can say.

This is why you see many Asians come to the US, and change their name to something people can say.

I knew a girl whose Asian name was Weichun. Way-Choon. Her name here in the US, was "Jessica".

She had no problem landing a job and making friends in the US.

This is normal and natural.

People that come here, and try and blend in with society do better, than those who go out of their way to be counter-cultural.

And this is true of all people, not just blacks. White people that try and buck the social norms, tend to do poorly.

We have a white girl here at this company. She had long blonde hair, and came in working her butt off. She got promoted several times, lead tech, then Engineer in training and so on.

Then she cut all her hair off, got some piercings in her nose, dyed her hair black, and started dressing like a witch from a B-rated movie. The everyone who wanted her to join their team, stopped asking her to join. They even tried at one point, to put her back in the lab, but she refused to leave the engineering group.

She still doesn't seem to have any idea why her upward momentum stopped.

The same is true in call countries, and all cultures.

If I go live in japan [sic], I'll have a harder time getting a job, if I go by the name Andrew. If I changed my name to Haruto in Japan, I would have a better chance of being hired.

Now if the black people of the US want to keep having crazy names like Trayvon, then they need to stop complaining they are not succeeding in life. This is why Asians do better economically than even white Americans, because they have as part of their mentality, to blend in with society.

But you changing your name to Haruto, or Wei Chun changing her name to Jessica, isn't honest about who either of you are. And in a sense it shuts others off from knowing that much about who you are.

A name that's "hard to pronounce" is so only because the person learning it doesn't have it in their experience. Such is the case with any new name one is hearing for the first time. I had a hard time remembering the name Didier when I lived in France, just because it has no English cognate. But that's the responsibility of the person learning the name, not that of the person who bears it. So I didn't ask, or expect, Didier to give me a substitute name I could handle --- I just learned the name.
Andy is exactly right. Adopting a common name is a indicator that you want to integrate. Being a native of a culture but using an exotic name indicates a wish for alienation from mainstream culture. I still don't get why French-sounding names are sp popular with blacks.

"French-sounding names"?

You mean popular with blacks who live in Morocco? Or Haiti? Or New Orleans?
La Queisha? She can be found in droves in any American shit hole.

Whelp -- who would know better than a resident of Prague.

Anyway, if she's that common you should have figured out how to pronounce it by now. You know, like you did with Czech.
Urban blacks are not credited with much education
But they do come up with original names

The best that highly educated whites can come up with are John, James, Theresa, Mary

But that is a negative. It's a fact, that easier to say names, that are common to American culture, naturally get hired more than crazy names no one can say.

This is why you see many Asians come to the US, and change their name to something people can say.

I knew a girl whose Asian name was Weichun. Way-Choon. Her name here in the US, was "Jessica".

She had no problem landing a job and making friends in the US.

This is normal and natural.

People that come here, and try and blend in with society do better, than those who go out of their way to be counter-cultural.

And this is true of all people, not just blacks. White people that try and buck the social norms, tend to do poorly.

We have a white girl here at this company. She had long blonde hair, and came in working her butt off. She got promoted several times, lead tech, then Engineer in training and so on.

Then she cut all her hair off, got some piercings in her nose, dyed her hair black, and started dressing like a witch from a B-rated movie. The everyone who wanted her to join their team, stopped asking her to join. They even tried at one point, to put her back in the lab, but she refused to leave the engineering group.

She still doesn't seem to have any idea why her upward momentum stopped.

The same is true in call countries, and all cultures.

If I go live in japan [sic], I'll have a harder time getting a job, if I go by the name Andrew. If I changed my name to Haruto in Japan, I would have a better chance of being hired.

Now if the black people of the US want to keep having crazy names like Trayvon, then they need to stop complaining they are not succeeding in life. This is why Asians do better economically than even white Americans, because they have as part of their mentality, to blend in with society.

But you changing your name to Haruto, or Wei Chun changing her name to Jessica, isn't honest about who either of you are. And in a sense it shuts others off from knowing that much about who you are.

A name that's "hard to pronounce" is so only because the person learning it doesn't have it in their experience. Such is the case with any new name one is hearing for the first time. I had a hard time remembering the name Didier when I lived in France, just because it has no English cognate. But that's the responsibility of the person learning the name, not that of the person who bears it. So I didn't ask, or expect, Didier to give me a substitute name I could handle --- I just learned the name.
Andy is exactly right. Adopting a common name is a indicator that you want to integrate. Being a native of a culture but using an exotic name indicates a wish for alienation from mainstream culture. I still don't get why French-sounding names are sp popular with blacks.
Americans who move to other countries do not adopt their names
They hardly try to learn the language
No indeed. Very few call their kids Bohumir or Kvetoslavova any more. David, Jakob, Martina and Andrea are far more common these days in CZ as they attempt to assimilate with the west of Europe.

No one in their right mind is going to name a kid La Queisha because it's not going to make their lives any easier.
Urban blacks are not credited with much education
But they do come up with original names

The best that highly educated whites can come up with are John, James, Theresa, Mary

But that is a negative. It's a fact, that easier to say names, that are common to American culture, naturally get hired more than crazy names no one can say.

This is why you see many Asians come to the US, and change their name to something people can say.

I knew a girl whose Asian name was Weichun. Way-Choon. Her name here in the US, was "Jessica".

She had no problem landing a job and making friends in the US.

This is normal and natural.

People that come here, and try and blend in with society do better, than those who go out of their way to be counter-cultural.

And this is true of all people, not just blacks. White people that try and buck the social norms, tend to do poorly.

We have a white girl here at this company. She had long blonde hair, and came in working her butt off. She got promoted several times, lead tech, then Engineer in training and so on.

Then she cut all her hair off, got some piercings in her nose, dyed her hair black, and started dressing like a witch from a B-rated movie. The everyone who wanted her to join their team, stopped asking her to join. They even tried at one point, to put her back in the lab, but she refused to leave the engineering group.

She still doesn't seem to have any idea why her upward momentum stopped.

The same is true in call countries, and all cultures.

If I go live in japan [sic], I'll have a harder time getting a job, if I go by the name Andrew. If I changed my name to Haruto in Japan, I would have a better chance of being hired.

Now if the black people of the US want to keep having crazy names like Trayvon, then they need to stop complaining they are not succeeding in life. This is why Asians do better economically than even white Americans, because they have as part of their mentality, to blend in with society.

But you changing your name to Haruto, or Wei Chun changing her name to Jessica, isn't honest about who either of you are. And in a sense it shuts others off from knowing that much about who you are.

A name that's "hard to pronounce" is so only because the person learning it doesn't have it in their experience. Such is the case with any new name one is hearing for the first time. I had a hard time remembering the name Didier when I lived in France, just because it has no English cognate. But that's the responsibility of the person learning the name, not that of the person who bears it. So I didn't ask, or expect, Didier to give me a substitute name I could handle --- I just learned the name.
Andy is exactly right. Adopting a common name is a indicator that you want to integrate. Being a native of a culture but using an exotic name indicates a wish for alienation from mainstream culture. I still don't get why French-sounding names are sp popular with blacks.
Americans who move to other countries do not adopt their names
They hardly try to learn the language

And there is a backlash to that. Americans that do not blend in with the cultures they are in, often have consequences.

The one difference is, those consequences are minor, because most Americans that move abroad, often go to countries that are friendly to Americans already. Or alternatively they are moving abroad to work in skilled fields.

One is Japan. Japan is very pro-American, and Americans are viewed somewhat highly in Japanese culture.

Another would be if you already have established credentials. For example, an engineer for an oil company, will never need to change his name in a foreign country, because he already is well established in his abilities as an oil engineer. That's why he's there.

That would be entirely different, if for example I myself showed up with zero credentials, no degree, no experience in anything, and started at the bottom, working a McJob type employment in a foreign country, and needed to work my way up.

The fact is, in that situation, changing my name to a more culturally acceptable name, would benefit me. Blending into the culture, and acting and living like a native of that culture, would benefit me.
That's a racist stereotype.

Blacks make up silly sounding names to make themselves stick out. Instead of being wallflowers they peacock.
Sounds right

They want their children to be unique rather than adopt vanilla names
.....they don't want to be like white people--who graduate and commit crimes at lower rates
MUCH lower rates

Whites commit more crime.

Including, but not limited to, culling job applications on the basis of "names".
...you people discredit yourselves by not accepting that blacks as a group are far worse than whites
That's a racist stereotype.

Blacks make up silly sounding names to make themselves stick out. Instead of being wallflowers they peacock.
Sounds right

They want their children to be unique rather than adopt vanilla names
.....they don't want to be like white people--who graduate and commit crimes at lower rates
MUCH lower rates

Whites commit more crime.
At exorbitant rates.

Sent from my SM-N976V using Tapatalk
blacks commit hate crimes at twice the rate:
murder four times:
African-American Homicide Rate Nearly Quadruple the National Average
rape twice the rate:
Perpetrators of Sexual Violence: Statistics | RAINN
etc etc etc
So why are whites so intimidated by blacks choosing non traditional names?
That's a racist stereotype.

Blacks make up silly sounding names to make themselves stick out. Instead of being wallflowers they peacock.
Sounds right

They want their children to be unique rather than adopt vanilla names
Racists like that one want blacks to be seen and not heard, preferably groveling on their knees. Unfortunately for that son of a bitch, blacks are standing and walking tall like never before!

Sent from my SM-N976V using Tapatalk
Yup...showing their asses and wearing their skin color on their sleeves.
White people that do this are called assholes. Blacks that do it are called prideful....which in the Bible is a sin.
So why are whites so intimidated by blacks choosing non traditional names?
That's a racist stereotype.

Blacks make up silly sounding names to make themselves stick out. Instead of being wallflowers they peacock.
Sounds right

They want their children to be unique rather than adopt vanilla names
Racists like that one want blacks to be seen and not heard, preferably groveling on their knees. Unfortunately for that son of a bitch, blacks are standing and walking tall like never before!

Sent from my SM-N976V using Tapatalk
Yup...showing their asses and wearing their skin color on their sleeves.
White people that do this are called assholes. Blacks that do it are called prideful....which in the Bible is a sin.

Well then we must have a POTUS of biblical proportions huh.
His "racism" does not seem to have negatively impacted his results.

Indeed, he has explained his reasoning behind his actions. His results seem to validate it. YOur claim that there was some failure from it, does not seem supported by his results.

On the contrary, his results are not at all enviable. If he's lying about his practices, highly likely since this is the internet where I'm a qualified brain surgeon, then he's impugned his own character and done so voluntarily; if he's not lying, then he's impugned hos own character and done so voluntarily, PLUS he's done disservices to the applicants, AND he's cheated his employer out of immeasurable unknowable potential. There is no scenario where it's a positive thing to dump your own options just because you can't handle them.. If I caught an employee doing that he'd be out on his ass wid a quickness.

So his results, if they be real, are that he cost his employer unknown potential; if they be unreal then he's a liar.

1. Your assumption that he must be lying about his results, reflects on your character, not his.

2. Your assumption that there was hidden potential that he was cheating his employer of, is unsupported. And is the crux of the matter. You can't just assume that your view is right and expect to be taken seriously.

3. Your pretense that him disagreeing with you on racial or cultural issues, makes him a bad person, is just you being narrow minded.

1. I don't suggest he's lying about his results. I wouldn't know what those results are. I'm suggesting he could be lying about what he did. Or even that he ever even held such a position.

Hate to bring you this crushing news but I'm not a qualified brain surgeon either. That was supposed to be an analogy. It wasn't supposed to sail over anybody's hood though.

2. I'm afraid it IS supported, unless you can show the class that X list of names are scientifically proven to have less potential than Y list of names.

3. I said nothing about being a "bad person". I noted that he's impugned his own character and possibly done others, including his own employer, a disservice, which is a matter of stating the obvious from simply reading his own posts. "Bad person" is a value judgment, which I leave to the reader, but in any case, as noted, what he allegedly did cannot be interpreted as either "successful" or "positive results" by definition.

4. It's illustrative what you choose to rush in to defend. Isn't it.

1. Ah, correct. YOu merely suggested he lied about his practices. LOL!!!!

2. Nope. YOu are making the assumption that there can be no connection between "black names" and poor work. That is your assumption to support or not.

3. LOL!!! Silly word games noted and accepted as an admission that you are narrow minded.

4. Indeed, the stupidity of you liberals, when combined with the utter lack of self awareness of you liberals, does indeed tend to attract my attention.

1. I suggested that EITHER he lied about his practices, which would actually make him look less worse, OR that he didn't lie and is thereby in a worse position than if he made it all up.

2. I made no such assumption --- you did. My assumption is that among X number of applicants (he doesn't say how many), it is impossible to ass-sume that certain names do not have positive potential based on what their friggin' NAME IS. And that's not an assumption, it's a simple FACT.

3. Again on the contrary, the narrowmindedness is what I JUST POINTED OUT.

4. What attracts your attention cannot possibly be more meaningless. I simply observed what kind of position you came in to white-knight for. It speaks volumes.

Oh? A name doesn't reveal something about the cultural or mindset of the background of the person?

INteresting. Please, go on.
Urban blacks are not credited with much education
But they do come up with original names

The best that highly educated whites can come up with are John, James, Theresa, Mary

But that is a negative. It's a fact, that easier to say names, that are common to American culture, naturally get hired more than crazy names no one can say.

This is why you see many Asians come to the US, and change their name to something people can say.

I knew a girl whose Asian name was Weichun. Way-Choon. Her name here in the US, was "Jessica".

She had no problem landing a job and making friends in the US.

This is normal and natural.

People that come here, and try and blend in with society do better, than those who go out of their way to be counter-cultural.

And this is true of all people, not just blacks. White people that try and buck the social norms, tend to do poorly.

We have a white girl here at this company. She had long blonde hair, and came in working her butt off. She got promoted several times, lead tech, then Engineer in training and so on.

Then she cut all her hair off, got some piercings in her nose, dyed her hair black, and started dressing like a witch from a B-rated movie. The everyone who wanted her to join their team, stopped asking her to join. They even tried at one point, to put her back in the lab, but she refused to leave the engineering group.

She still doesn't seem to have any idea why her upward momentum stopped.

The same is true in call countries, and all cultures.

If I go live in japan [sic], I'll have a harder time getting a job, if I go by the name Andrew. If I changed my name to Haruto in Japan, I would have a better chance of being hired.

Now if the black people of the US want to keep having crazy names like Trayvon, then they need to stop complaining they are not succeeding in life. This is why Asians do better economically than even white Americans, because they have as part of their mentality, to blend in with society.

But you changing your name to Haruto, or Wei Chun changing her name to Jessica, isn't honest about who either of you are. And in a sense it shuts others off from knowing that much about who you are.

A name that's "hard to pronounce" is so only because the person learning it doesn't have it in their experience. Such is the case with any new name one is hearing for the first time. I had a hard time remembering the name Didier when I lived in France, just because it has no English cognate. But that's the responsibility of the person learning the name, not that of the person who bears it. So I didn't ask, or expect, Didier to give me a substitute name I could handle --- I just learned the name.

But you changing your name to Haruto, or Wei Chun changing her name to Jessica, isn't honest about who either of you are.

So we're walking into the realm of opinion, over the statistical facts. There is nothing wrong with that, and by all means your opinion is your opinion.

That's fine.

I've heard that from a few other people, and honestly anyone who thinks this way, to me, is nuts. Truthfully, you are all crazy to think that. Just my opinion. You have a right to yours, but ya'll crazy, and that's my opinion.

My full name is Andrew, middle name is Lee. I have not once in my entire life, gone by either. No one anywhere has ever called me by either of those names.

Andy, Drew, Sparky, Sparkles, and a few other nick names and such. I earned the name Sparky at my first job, where on the first day, I plugged in a computer, and sparks flew out of it, and it died. I was called Sparky for 2 years working at that job.

And people routinely go by nick names, and shortened names, and other names. Happens all the time everywhere in the world. A girl named Chinatsu in Japan, will be called "Chi-Chan".

If you go into the military, nearly everyone has a nick name. Some people never learn their best military friends real name, because they always knew them from their nick name.

We do this all the time. Mag, Magdalene. Cait, Caityln.

And then you get online, and everyone has a handle they go by. Everyone has a twitter name. I have a relative that goes by Chimera. Not even close to her real name.

We do this all the time, throughout all the world, constantly.

But if I go to Japan, and go by Harotu, suddenly no one will ever know the real me, because I don't go by Andrew? Ridiculous. Absolutely Ridiculous.

Yeah if I married Weichun, maybe I'd use her real name, and maybe she'd use mine. But even married couples who know each other the most, often use pet names.

So, no. You, and all those who believe as you do.... it's your opinion, but I think you all are nuts.
So why are whites so intimidated by blacks choosing non traditional names?
That's a racist stereotype.

Blacks make up silly sounding names to make themselves stick out. Instead of being wallflowers they peacock.
Sounds right

They want their children to be unique rather than adopt vanilla names
Racists like that one want blacks to be seen and not heard, preferably groveling on their knees. Unfortunately for that son of a bitch, blacks are standing and walking tall like never before!

Sent from my SM-N976V using Tapatalk
Yup...showing their asses and wearing their skin color on their sleeves.
White people that do this are called assholes. Blacks that do it are called prideful....which in the Bible is a sin.

I never thought about it, but that's dead on true. If white people do that, I think they are jerks, and need someone to smack sense into them.

Black people do that, and they act like it's something to be proud of.
But if I go to Japan, and go by Harotu, suddenly no one will ever know the real me, because I don't go by Andrew? Ridiculous. Absolutely Ridiculous.

Uhhh nnnnnnnno. I'm saying it's not honest because now you're playing a character. A character who does not exist.

You yourself just described it as changing to a "more culturally acceptable" name. You have no reason to do that. It's up to them to learn your name, not you to change it.
  • Thanks
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But if I go to Japan, and go by Harotu, suddenly no one will ever know the real me, because I don't go by Andrew? Ridiculous. Absolutely Ridiculous.

Uhhh nnnnnnnno. I'm saying it's not honest because now you're playing a character. A character who does not exist.

It's just me. I'm me. I'll be me, whether people say "hi Andy" or "hey Sparks" or "Hey Haruto!"

I'll be me regardless of what name I go by.

You really disagree with that?
On the contrary, his results are not at all enviable. If he's lying about his practices, highly likely since this is the internet where I'm a qualified brain surgeon, then he's impugned his own character and done so voluntarily; if he's not lying, then he's impugned hos own character and done so voluntarily, PLUS he's done disservices to the applicants, AND he's cheated his employer out of immeasurable unknowable potential. There is no scenario where it's a positive thing to dump your own options just because you can't handle them.. If I caught an employee doing that he'd be out on his ass wid a quickness.

So his results, if they be real, are that he cost his employer unknown potential; if they be unreal then he's a liar.

1. Your assumption that he must be lying about his results, reflects on your character, not his.

2. Your assumption that there was hidden potential that he was cheating his employer of, is unsupported. And is the crux of the matter. You can't just assume that your view is right and expect to be taken seriously.

3. Your pretense that him disagreeing with you on racial or cultural issues, makes him a bad person, is just you being narrow minded.

1. I don't suggest he's lying about his results. I wouldn't know what those results are. I'm suggesting he could be lying about what he did. Or even that he ever even held such a position.

Hate to bring you this crushing news but I'm not a qualified brain surgeon either. That was supposed to be an analogy. It wasn't supposed to sail over anybody's hood though.

2. I'm afraid it IS supported, unless you can show the class that X list of names are scientifically proven to have less potential than Y list of names.

3. I said nothing about being a "bad person". I noted that he's impugned his own character and possibly done others, including his own employer, a disservice, which is a matter of stating the obvious from simply reading his own posts. "Bad person" is a value judgment, which I leave to the reader, but in any case, as noted, what he allegedly did cannot be interpreted as either "successful" or "positive results" by definition.

4. It's illustrative what you choose to rush in to defend. Isn't it.

1. Ah, correct. YOu merely suggested he lied about his practices. LOL!!!!

2. Nope. YOu are making the assumption that there can be no connection between "black names" and poor work. That is your assumption to support or not.

3. LOL!!! Silly word games noted and accepted as an admission that you are narrow minded.

4. Indeed, the stupidity of you liberals, when combined with the utter lack of self awareness of you liberals, does indeed tend to attract my attention.

1. I suggested that EITHER he lied about his practices, which would actually make him look less worse, OR that he didn't lie and is thereby in a worse position than if he made it all up.

2. I made no such assumption --- you did. My assumption is that among X number of applicants (he doesn't say how many), it is impossible to ass-sume that certain names do not have positive potential based on what their friggin' NAME IS. And that's not an assumption, it's a simple FACT.

3. Again on the contrary, the narrowmindedness is what I JUST POINTED OUT.

4. What attracts your attention cannot possibly be more meaningless. I simply observed what kind of position you came in to white-knight for. It speaks volumes.

Oh? A name doesn't reveal something about the cultural or mindset of the background of the person?

INteresting. Please, go on.

On the contrary, it does. Interestingly enough I just got done saying that to "Harotu" up there.
Go ahead. Tell me a person needing to hire sees those names and refuses to hire them because they are "afraid". G'wan. Insist, so I can laugh at you.
Your affirmative action education and white fragility has you living in a constant state of psychosis. How do you look at a resume and determine that Tyrone or Latriece are unqualified based on their names but Tom and Jane are more qualified? Don't you saltines even call references?
Poor IM2. Resorting to name calling means I win. :D
Urban blacks are not credited with much education
But they do come up with original names

The best that highly educated whites can come up with are John, James, Theresa, Mary

But that is a negative. It's a fact, that easier to say names, that are common to American culture, naturally get hired more than crazy names no one can say.

This is why you see many Asians come to the US, and change their name to something people can say.

I knew a girl whose Asian name was Weichun. Way-Choon. Her name here in the US, was "Jessica".

She had no problem landing a job and making friends in the US.

This is normal and natural.

People that come here, and try and blend in with society do better, than those who go out of their way to be counter-cultural.

And this is true of all people, not just blacks. White people that try and buck the social norms, tend to do poorly.

We have a white girl here at this company. She had long blonde hair, and came in working her butt off. She got promoted several times, lead tech, then Engineer in training and so on.

Then she cut all her hair off, got some piercings in her nose, dyed her hair black, and started dressing like a witch from a B-rated movie. The everyone who wanted her to join their team, stopped asking her to join. They even tried at one point, to put her back in the lab, but she refused to leave the engineering group.

She still doesn't seem to have any idea why her upward momentum stopped.

The same is true in call countries, and all cultures.

If I go live in japan, I'll have a harder time getting a job, if I go by the name Andrew. If I changed my name to Haruto in Japan, I would have a better chance of being hired.

Now if the black people of the US want to keep having crazy names like Trayvon, then they need to stop complaining they are not succeeding in life. This is why Asians do better economically than even white Americans, because they have as part of their mentality, to blend in with society.
Its everyone's job to blend in with white society, right?

Sent from my SM-N976V using Tapatalk

Doesn't matter if it is your job or not.

That's not the point.

You can do whatever you want to do. Just understand there is going to some consequences for choices made. Just like the white girl that made choices that effected her future, so to do all people.

If you don't blend in, there are consequences to that.

Again, does not matter if "it's your job" to do so or not. You are free to make your own choices. Just like your boss is free to make his choice on who to promote, and who not to promote. And often, I would even say 100%, is based on the choices you make to blend in, or not to.

You have complete control on how you live your life.

The problem is, you seem to fail to realize that everyone else also has complete control on how they live their life.

If I don't want someone that has purple hair, working as a manager in my company, and you want to dye your hair purple.....

Well... that's your choice... and this is mine.... and that's going to be bad for you. Not my problem. I have just as much right to determine who I promote, as you do on what color you dye your hair.

That's life dude.

You need to stop whining about other people using the freedoms that you use. There are consequences to actions. An adult realizes this, and adjusts for it.
Same with hiring someone that is nothing but tatts all over their face and body. If they can be hidden with a blouse or shirt or pants or long skirt..fine. On the face? Unless I own a tattoo parlor...hell no will I hire someone that marked up. This includes piercings. This includes Laquisha. Period. Name your kid something stupid, thats the price they will pay. Too many others..black, brown, white or yellow, are just as able to fulfill the job that don't have thuggish, stupid names, piercings, tatts, green hair. Also that includes someone with a face full of pimples or other damages/problems that takes away from the product/services I offer. And that's MY choice.
Go ahead. Tell me a person needing to hire sees those names and refuses to hire them because they are "afraid". G'wan. Insist, so I can laugh at you.
Your affirmative action education and white fragility has you living in a constant state of psychosis. How do you look at a resume and determine that Tyrone or Latriece are unqualified based on their names but Tom and Jane are more qualified? Don't you saltines even call references?
Poor IM2. Resorting to name calling means I win. :D

I put IM2 on ignore almost a year ago. I forget he's even still on this forum, until someone replies to him.
Go ahead. Tell me a person needing to hire sees those names and refuses to hire them because they are "afraid". G'wan. Insist, so I can laugh at you.
Your affirmative action education and white fragility has you living in a constant state of psychosis. How do you look at a resume and determine that Tyrone or Latriece are unqualified based on their names but Tom and Jane are more qualified? Don't you saltines even call references?
Poor IM2. Resorting to name calling means I win. :D

I put IM2 on ignore almost a year ago. I forget he's even still on this forum, until someone replies to him.
I outta do the same, but I enjoy watching him freak out and have a hissy every time he posts.
On the contrary, his results are not at all enviable. If he's lying about his practices, highly likely since this is the internet where I'm a qualified brain surgeon, then he's impugned his own character and done so voluntarily; if he's not lying, then he's impugned hos own character and done so voluntarily, PLUS he's done disservices to the applicants, AND he's cheated his employer out of immeasurable unknowable potential. There is no scenario where it's a positive thing to dump your own options just because you can't handle them.. If I caught an employee doing that he'd be out on his ass wid a quickness.

So his results, if they be real, are that he cost his employer unknown potential; if they be unreal then he's a liar.

1. Your assumption that he must be lying about his results, reflects on your character, not his.

2. Your assumption that there was hidden potential that he was cheating his employer of, is unsupported. And is the crux of the matter. You can't just assume that your view is right and expect to be taken seriously.

3. Your pretense that him disagreeing with you on racial or cultural issues, makes him a bad person, is just you being narrow minded.

1. I don't suggest he's lying about his results. I wouldn't know what those results are. I'm suggesting he could be lying about what he did. Or even that he ever even held such a position.

Hate to bring you this crushing news but I'm not a qualified brain surgeon either. That was supposed to be an analogy. It wasn't supposed to sail over anybody's hood though.

2. I'm afraid it IS supported, unless you can show the class that X list of names are scientifically proven to have less potential than Y list of names.

3. I said nothing about being a "bad person". I noted that he's impugned his own character and possibly done others, including his own employer, a disservice, which is a matter of stating the obvious from simply reading his own posts. "Bad person" is a value judgment, which I leave to the reader, but in any case, as noted, what he allegedly did cannot be interpreted as either "successful" or "positive results" by definition.

4. It's illustrative what you choose to rush in to defend. Isn't it.

1. Ah, correct. YOu merely suggested he lied about his practices. LOL!!!!

2. Nope. YOu are making the assumption that there can be no connection between "black names" and poor work. That is your assumption to support or not.

3. LOL!!! Silly word games noted and accepted as an admission that you are narrow minded.

4. Indeed, the stupidity of you liberals, when combined with the utter lack of self awareness of you liberals, does indeed tend to attract my attention.

1. I suggested that EITHER he lied about his practices, which would actually make him look less worse, OR that he didn't lie and is thereby in a worse position than if he made it all up.

2. I made no such assumption --- you did. My assumption is that among X number of applicants (he doesn't say how many), it is impossible to ass-sume that certain names do not have positive potential based on what their friggin' NAME IS. And that's not an assumption, it's a simple FACT.

3. Again on the contrary, the narrowmindedness is what I JUST POINTED OUT.

4. What attracts your attention cannot possibly be more meaningless. I simply observed what kind of position you came in to white-knight for. It speaks volumes.

Oh? A name doesn't reveal something about the cultural or mindset of the background of the person?

INteresting. Please, go on.

No, it doesn't tell you much about anything relating to that person.

Hi, my name is Bernie. What does that tell you about me?


I could be Montgomery from the UK that fought in two world wars.

Obama, the half brother of Barak.
Sanders, a communist US politician.
Madoff, a ponzi schemer.
Scott, a football player
Claesen Speirdyke a Dutch pirate

Famous People Named Bernie & Bernard

Hundreds on hundreds of Bernies. Do tell, what mindset can you tell from that name, that applies to all these people? Catholics, protestants, Jews, atheists, and I wager some other cultist views in there.

What does that name explain to you about that entire group of people?

Nothing. Absolutely nothing. You can't learn one single thing from their name alone. Not one.

Now if you want to look up the history of the name.. that's fine. And you can learn something about the culture that the name came from. I agree with that.

But as it applies to individuals, you can learn absolutely nothing. You will learn more about me, in talking to me for 5 minutes, then you ever will by seeing my name tag and a decade of research on that name.
Go ahead. Tell me a person needing to hire sees those names and refuses to hire them because they are "afraid". G'wan. Insist, so I can laugh at you.
Your affirmative action education and white fragility has you living in a constant state of psychosis. How do you look at a resume and determine that Tyrone or Latriece are unqualified based on their names but Tom and Jane are more qualified? Don't you saltines even call references?
Poor IM2. Resorting to name calling means I win. :D

I put IM2 on ignore almost a year ago. I forget he's even still on this forum, until someone replies to him.
I outta do the same, but I enjoy watching him freak out and have a hissy every time he posts.

I suppose. As long as you can just laugh at him and roll with it. But I think most people are better of with limiting their exposure to mentally damaged people.
Go ahead. Tell me a person needing to hire sees those names and refuses to hire them because they are "afraid". G'wan. Insist, so I can laugh at you.
Your affirmative action education and white fragility has you living in a constant state of psychosis. How do you look at a resume and determine that Tyrone or Latriece are unqualified based on their names but Tom and Jane are more qualified? Don't you saltines even call references?
Poor IM2. Resorting to name calling means I win. :D
Not really. In a debate facts win. And since you can't present any, you lose the debate. Every time. Now the thing about white fragility is it leads whites who can't face the truth on racial matters to run away and hide when they face the opposite of what they have chosen to believe. So every white racist that runs to ignore is a victory.

YOU, make me laugh. You're a racist white female. You either leech off a man, or have made it because of affirmative action. You have what you have for rights because blacks fought for civil rights. So you're a joke and because you are, I treat you like one.

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