Black guy who killed white guy avoids jail because the white guy had called him a racial slur

He can still go to prison too. Manslaughter in Florida carries a maximum sentence of 15 years, and a judge is REQUIRED to give the killer 9.5 years minimum, unless (insert legal mumbo jumbo here),

This black kid should be sent to prison for at least 9.5 years. Yet he gets house arrest for killing someone, and white protestors on the 6th are getting 60 years?

The anger is growing. The reckoning is coming.
What a truly sad but true comment.

There are some really, really, really nice ones.

But the disproportionate number of bad ones makes all good people determined to keep their distance from them as much as possible.
They want every gun owner to be accountable every time someone with a gun does wrong. They want every white person to be responsible for everything bad every white person has ever done. Let a highly pigmented person act a fool and suddenly you got a sea of dindu's.
I do not support the death penalty. I do not believe anyone has the right to take the life of another outside of direct self defense which is why I support the prison sentence here.

And I'm not asking anyone to forgive what he did.
I agree with you, but only because I do not believe Government has the capacity to handle such a grave responsibility. It's too easy to influence and use as a tool of the elite.

Supposedly a 77 yr old white man called him a racial slur. Supposedly! There is no proof of it. Regardless if he did, words do not allow you to attack someone, unless they are viewed as threats of immediate violence. Then he punches a 77 year old man and kills him. He punched him as hard as he could breaking him jaw and sending him falling to the ground where he hit his head and died! 2nd degree murder for sure.

Yet, he was charged with involuntary manslaughter, which got plea down to house arrest. HOUSE ARREST!!! They say he didn’t mean to kill an elderly man he punch in the face as hard as he could!!! You have to be kidding me!

This is ridiculous. They sentence a cop to 1st degree murder for holding down a black criminal who is ODing on fentanyl and resisting arrests. But a black kid who kills a white man is given house arrest. This country is going to hell!
The racist right doesn’t even bother to hide its racism anymore.
“Black guy who killed white guy avoids jail because the white guy had called him a racial slur”

This is how a 12-year-old would express himself.

Rightwing racists and bigots have the mentality of a dull child.

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