Black Americans account for the 13% of the population but commit 50% of the violent crimes


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
This is a well-known statistic that was brought up by a black man who is against Donald Trump who is against the right wing. It was from this podcast

None of us can know what goes through the mind of a criminal. Even a psychologist or a criminologist. Nothing against those folks they are professionals but you often see criminals change their mind sets. So when it comes to this topic it is simply a matter of trying to figure out why is this happening.

blacks commit more violent crimes generally speaking white folks commit white-collar crimes like CEOs looting from their company or similar which causes great pain for so many people.

This is not a topic about going after Black people or white people nor should it be.

What we can only do is look at the facts. And the facts are the prison population in the American past was much less than it is today. We did not have the pornography issue, we did not have the social media, drugs, marijuana legalization all throughout the country like we do today. We did not have that in the past. We also have an issue today that sees politicians mostly Democrats but also Republicans driving anti-American hatred, they drive the false idea that America is “systemically racist” which might play a role in hyping up Black people to commit violent crimes.

It is crystal clear we have problems in America today that politicians are not doing enough to address. The fact that so many young men are single, the fact that the divorce rate is higher than it’s ever been… The fact that huge numbers of young people are staring at their cell phone including children being on their cell phones all day instead of getting out there playing football, playing basketball being healthy. So in order to address all of these issues we have to learn from the American past…. we have to have politicians who care about the country and who drive pro American views.

Have a nice day folks God bless all.
This is a well-known statistic that was brought up by a black man who is against Donald Trump who is against the right wing. It was from this podcast

None of us can know what goes through the mind of a criminal. Even a psychologist or a criminologist. Nothing against those folks they are professionals but you often see criminals change their mind sets. So when it comes to this topic it is simply a matter of trying to figure out why is this happening.

blacks commit more violent crimes generally speaking white folks commit white-collar crimes like CEOs looting from their company or similar which causes great pain for so many people.

This is not a topic about going after Black people or white people nor should it be.

What we can only do is look at the facts. And the facts are the prison population in the American past was much less than it is today. We did not have the pornography issue, we did not have the social media, drugs, marijuana legalization all throughout the country like we do today. We did not have that in the past. We also have an issue today that sees politicians mostly Democrats but also Republicans driving anti-American hatred, they drive the false idea that America is “systemically racist” which might play a role in hyping up Black people to commit violent crimes.

It is crystal clear we have problems in America today that politicians are not doing enough to address. The fact that so many young men are single, the fact that the divorce rate is higher than it’s ever been… The fact that huge numbers of young people are staring at their cell phone including children being on their cell phones all day instead of getting out there playing football, playing basketball being healthy. So in order to address all of these issues we have to learn from the American past…. we have to have politicians who care about the country and who drive pro American views.

Have a nice day folks God bless all.

Not according to the DOJ/FBI.
Racist realist.

This is a well-known statistic that was brought up by a black man who is against Donald Trump who is against the right wing. It was from this podcast

None of us can know what goes through the mind of a criminal. Even a psychologist or a criminologist. Nothing against those folks they are professionals but you often see criminals change their mind sets. So when it comes to this topic it is simply a matter of trying to figure out why is this happening.

blacks commit more violent crimes generally speaking white folks commit white-collar crimes like CEOs looting from their company or similar which causes great pain for so many people.

This is not a topic about going after Black people or white people nor should it be.

What we can only do is look at the facts. And the facts are the prison population in the American past was much less than it is today. We did not have the pornography issue, we did not have the social media, drugs, marijuana legalization all throughout the country like we do today. We did not have that in the past. We also have an issue today that sees politicians mostly Democrats but also Republicans driving anti-American hatred, they drive the false idea that America is “systemically racist” which might play a role in hyping up Black people to commit violent crimes.

It is crystal clear we have problems in America today that politicians are not doing enough to address. The fact that so many young men are single, the fact that the divorce rate is higher than it’s ever been… The fact that huge numbers of young people are staring at their cell phone including children being on their cell phones all day instead of getting out there playing football, playing basketball being healthy. So in order to address all of these issues we have to learn from the American past…. we have to have politicians who care about the country and who drive pro American views.

Have a nice day folks God bless all.

Marijuana has been in use for two thousand years including North America.
Crime, cops 'n robbers, are part of our culture (we love our culture). :)
Statistics that have been repeated time after time. But it's only true for America, and the conversation never progresses to answering the question on what white America did wrong?

Maybe this time?
I don't think that they are even 13% anymore (some say just a peck above 11%) given the way they kill each other off and abort themselves in wholesale lots.....That said I don't know how they count mulattos.
This fact will be pretzel twisted to racism

Yes for a loud but a tiny percentage of white people or Black people who are so brainwashed right now that they don’t realize our country is headed toward disaster. But don’t worry the country had a lot worse struggles World War I , World War II the dust bowl , the great depression America always prevails.

I was just at BJ’s wholesale club they had the Claritin locked up it’s a sort of allergy medicine. And this is in the suburbs by the way they had it locked up because of theft. This was not an issue like this here even five years ago. So the politicians in our country are doing a horrible job. We just need better leader ship at practically all levels.
This is a well-known statistic that was brought up by a black man who is against Donald Trump who is against the right wing. It was from this podcast

None of us can know what goes through the mind of a criminal. Even a psychologist or a criminologist. Nothing against those folks they are professionals but you often see criminals change their mind sets. So when it comes to this topic it is simply a matter of trying to figure out why is this happening.

blacks commit more violent crimes generally speaking white folks commit white-collar crimes like CEOs looting from their company or similar which causes great pain for so many people.

This is not a topic about going after Black people or white people nor should it be.

What we can only do is look at the facts. And the facts are the prison population in the American past was much less than it is today. We did not have the pornography issue, we did not have the social media, drugs, marijuana legalization all throughout the country like we do today. We did not have that in the past. We also have an issue today that sees politicians mostly Democrats but also Republicans driving anti-American hatred, they drive the false idea that America is “systemically racist” which might play a role in hyping up Black people to commit violent crimes.

It is crystal clear we have problems in America today that politicians are not doing enough to address. The fact that so many young men are single, the fact that the divorce rate is higher than it’s ever been… The fact that huge numbers of young people are staring at their cell phone including children being on their cell phones all day instead of getting out there playing football, playing basketball being healthy. So in order to address all of these issues we have to learn from the American past…. we have to have politicians who care about the country and who drive pro American views.

Have a nice day folks God bless all.

if you watch TV or go to the movies you would think that Blacks were 90% of the population and never committed any crimes.
My G-Grandmother (devout Pentecostal) during the height of the depression would feed the "boxcar bums" coffee, soup, and cornbread off her front porch. Black, white, it did not matter.

She was poor as a church mouse herself but somehow found the wherewithal to feed them.

My mom said that she had the neatest yard (and garden) because the guys she fed insisted on doing work for her like spitting wood, cutting grass, pulling weeds, and such.....Even destitute and riding the rails they had pride.

Contrast that to the average POS that walks into your local food bank.
if you watch TV or go to the movies you would think that Blacks were 90% of the population and never committed any crimes.
True. Also, the media and businesses are loading their ads with fat people in an obvious attempt to make obesity 'normal'.

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