Bite Marks On Hillary’s Derrière


Sep 23, 2010
Having some fun with cartoons is fair game. Unfortunately, Clinton’s serious crimes are gradually being reduced to a trivial burglary. Note that Sandy Berger’s theft benefitting the Clintons was quickly washed away.



After I read the Berger story I asked myself why he would do such a stupid thing? and get caught at it to boot! I don’t know for certain why Berger did what he did. The spin at the time said he did it to:

Save what’s left of the Clinton legacy.

‘Legacy’ is plausible if you sit on your brain. The fun part was that Berger’s burglary annoyed top Democrats because they had no defense for the Clintons.

Allow me to digress for a bit.

When it was big story in 2003, who did the job is where the emphasis resided for many of us. Berger was knowledgeable enough, loyal enough to the Clintons, and high enough to send out on a black job mission, but not so high he couldn’t be sacrificed if things went sour. After all, the Clintons couldn’t very well send in former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright to do a sneak job for such a shallow reason like legacy which was floated at the time. Do a little research on Berger and you’ll find that Berger’s questionable honesty fit the gig to perfection.

NOTE: Imagine where the Hamberger would be in the Clinton hierarchy today had he not been caught!

Stealing documents to whitewash then-Senator Clinton did make sense after she made her move up in 2008. By then Berger was hardly mentioned —— possibly because he was allowed to plead to a misdemeanor. There were no firing squads involved in any of the various scandals unless Communist China could somehow be tied to stolen classified documents —— the Clinton White House was tight with Peking. The only thing the public ever learned was that classified documents went missing.

Déjà vu all over again

Hillary’s word decided which e-mails she erased much like Berger’s word decided which documents disappeared.

After the theft leaked out in 2003, my first speculative offering was that Berger’s theft was critical because there was something in the missing papers that would damage the UN. (You have to give me some leeway on this one when you realize who I am talking about.)

Before the Chicago sewer rat moved into the White House, the Clintonistas were the most disease-carrying, anti-America, administration to ever control the federal government.

Trivializing Clinton personally because he enjoyed interns nibbling on his joint like an ear of corn did the Clintons a favor. Who fears a fool? Clinton is a lot of things but he is not a fool. He was the first full-blown, dedicated, committed, UN-loving Communist to ever become president. His hatred of a non-Communist America goes back to the Vietnam Era when he was speaking in the former Soviet Union against his own country.

You can bet that anyone who was in the Clinton inner circle was, and is, just as devoted to worldwide Communist domination implemented by an omnipotent UN as are the Clintons. The UN is their universe; their future; their hopes; their dreams of a brave new world with them in charge. Their goal of tax-dollar-funded capitalism for the faithful, and totalitarian Communism for everyone else, seemed so attainable when they were in the White House. That’s why I will always believe that the UN was threatened enough by a few documents for Berger to risk losing his reputation, and possibly doing some jail time, just to remove those documents.

It also occurred to me that any number of legitimate documents damaging the Clinton Administration’s global government crowd could have long ago been inserted in the record to replace the stolen ones. Who would challenge the Clintons, or Sandy Berger, should they call them forgeries? Who would believe anybody from the Clinton White House years no matter what they say now?

Parenthetically, John Kerry’s never-ending insistence on submitting to the UN is right in line with the Clinton program for an America controlled by the UN.

Finally, I’ll close with a gentle reminder.

Unlike 2008, Sandy Berger’s missing documents, and Richard Nixon’s missing 18 minutes, can bite Hillary on the ass now that her e-mails are in play:


Holding Hillary Accountable For Criminal Acts Will Depend On This One Thing Says Judge Nap

Back in the Watergate scandal, Richard Nixon was pilloried by Democrats due to an 18 minute gap in an incriminating audio tape. It was assumed that Nixon discussed details of the Watergate cover-up during that infamous gap. In comparison, Hillary Clinton makes Richard Nixon look like an amateur. According to former Judge Andrew Napolitano, a Fox News contributor, “she could have taught Richard Nixon a lesson.”

Instead of the State Department determining the nature of her emails, Clinton made the decision herself. In Napolitano’s view, “she disabled the record keeper from doing it because she was the record keeper.” Napolitano urged a prosecutor to have “enough courage” to charge the former Secretary of State with obstruction of justice and destruction of documents. Of course, the Eric Holder Justice Department will not charge Hillary Clinton with anything.

Nixon an amateur compared to Hillary
By Jeff Crouere April 2, 2015

Nixon an amateur compared to Hillary
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