Birthright Citizenship Causes Illegal Immigration

Independent thinker

Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2015
I'm so sick and tired of the lefty myth that illegals only come here because US employers give them jobs (only Republican businesses of course, not Democratic run businesses).

Illegals come here because:

Democrats are for open borders

Democrats have sanctuary cities and states

Democrats will let them have driver's licenses

Democrats will give them free room, board, and healthcare

Democrats let them vote in local elections

Democrats will give government benefits to the illegals and their children


Democrats allow their children born in the US to be automatic citizens
The 14th Amendment Birthright Citizenship was meant for freed slaves, not for the offspring of illegal aliens.
There were no illegal aliens. Immigration laws came after the 14th. If you clowns want to carve out an exception to birth right citizenship in the Constitution for the children of illegal immigrants then you're going to have to carve it yourselves with an Amendment of your own. Good luck with that Soys. :funnyface:
There were no illegal aliens. Immigration laws came after the 14th. If you clowns want to carve out an exception to birth right citizenship in the Constitution for the children of illegal immigrants then you're going to have to carve it yourselves with an Amendment of your own. Good luck with that Soys. :funnyface:
Why don't we bring this up in front of the Supreme Court to decide? Can we at least agree to do that?
I think it is time to put an end to all immigration. At 330 million we are full. Don't need any more.

Only have immigration to accommodate legitimate marriages and adoption. Maybe a few hundred slots to allow real high earners to come in.
I'm so sick and tired of the lefty myth that illegals only come here because US employers give them jobs (only Republican businesses of course, not Democratic run businesses).

Illegals come here because:

Democrats are for open borders

Democrats have sanctuary cities and states

Democrats will let them have driver's licenses

Democrats will give them free room, board, and healthcare

Democrats let them vote in local elections

Democrats will give government benefits to the illegals and their children


Democrats allow their children born in the US to be automatic citizens
The 14h amendment was written with the rights of newly freed slaves in mind, NOT undocumented people from other countries entering the US.
The 14h amendment was written with the rights of newly freed slaves in mind, NOT undocumented people from other countries entering the US.
The 14th Amendment doesn't give American citizenship to undocumented immigrants. It gives it to every child born in the United States.
So, just to be clear, you're joining in my cause to have this brought up in front of the Court?
No..... learn to read. I recognize the power of the Court to see whatever cases it wants. If they never care to hear a challenge to birth right citizenship then that should tell you something.
No, it doesnt. Interpretations of it do.
The intent of the amendment is well documented.
You clowns saying the intent of the amendment is well documented only want to look at a narrow set of documented facts but unfortunately for you clowns, yes, the intent and context surrounding that intent, are well documented. Children of slaves had to be expressly granted citizinship because their children had previously been expressly forbidden it unlike every other immigrant child. This was a country of immigrants. There was no such thing as an illegal immigrant. Every person's child, many of whom were immigrants, were given citizenship except for the children of slaves. If there was no such thing as an illegal immigrant, it's hard to argue the 14th's intent was to exclude them. The context of the 14th is that it finally ensured all children born here, other than those of diplomats of sovereign nations, be treated equally under the law. Good luck challenging that you Bingos. 😄
The 14th Amendment doesn't give American citizenship to undocumented immigrants. It gives it to every child born in the United States.
The 14th Amendment was not worded clearly and thus has been used by the Democrats to justify birthright citizenship for a children born to pregnant mothers who managed to stumble into the country. The amendment was written the year after the Civil War ended and was obviously intended to insure the rights of newly freed American slaves and their offspring.

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