Bin Laden is DEAD, thread from Hell

What do you think about the government's released information?

  • I believe all of it, of course some stuff is withheld for security's sake

    Votes: 39 39.8%
  • I believe none of it, seems like b-s to me

    Votes: 13 13.3%
  • I'm not sure yet

    Votes: 17 17.3%
  • I believe most of it, some stuff fabricated for political reasons

    Votes: 29 29.6%

  • Total voters
LMAO! not even remotely believable

I'm not here to convince a partisan hack that I'm not a partisan hack. Keep bitching.

please. libs jumped on bush for doing even the right thing. Remember the whole pet goat joke? That fat ass michael more even put it in a movie. but the kids who were part of that moment remember it favorably. lmao at the left not being partisan hacks


My name is not Michael Moore nor am I responsible for the behavior of all people you classify as liberals.

Please stfu and make a note of it.
"Let me briefly acknowledge tonight’s distinguished honorees. Admiral James Stavridis is a, is the real deal. He can tell you more about and understands the incredible, the phenomenal, the just almost unbelievable capacity of his Navy SEALs and what they did last Sunday."

:clap2: Dumb fuck!

Joe Biden opens his mouth about US Navy SEALs – Telegraph Blogs
Aw, gee......a Murdoch Publication being critical of Obama.

Whatta shocker.....


Obama is Commander in Chief. He ordered the operation and bears responsibility for its outcome, good or bad. Obama holds the responsibility for the death of Osama bin Laden.

I don't hesitate in criticizing Obama, I will not deny him credit for his successes.

So the next terrorist attack to get even with the person responsible for killing Osama will be at Obama's house?

Don't think for a second that if they could; they would. I kept waiting for some kook to open fire outside of the White House during the celebration on Sunday night. Thank God they didn't. I'm sure there were many in and around DC that wanted to do just that.

There will be blowback (if thats the proper term) for may effect one, both, or neither of us just on the basis of our being in this country--if in fact you're in the U.S.

I would have more respect for the annointed one if he popped the cap personally.
"Let me briefly acknowledge tonight’s distinguished honorees. Admiral James Stavridis is a, is the real deal. He can tell you more about and understands the incredible, the phenomenal, the just almost unbelievable capacity of his Navy SEALs and what they did last Sunday."

:clap2: Dumb fuck!

Joe Biden opens his mouth about US Navy SEALs – Telegraph Blogs

What did he say that we didn't already know or were told in the media? The only dumb fucks I see are those who'd put any weight on what you have to say. :eusa_hand:

He said I just told everyone you know where you're at and what you did.

Asshole. Try walking a mile in my boots before opening that hole under your nose.
"Let me briefly acknowledge tonight’s distinguished honorees. Admiral James Stavridis is a, is the real deal. He can tell you more about and understands the incredible, the phenomenal, the just almost unbelievable capacity of his Navy SEALs and what they did last Sunday."

:clap2: Dumb fuck!

Joe Biden opens his mouth about US Navy SEALs – Telegraph Blogs

What did he say that we didn't already know or were told in the media? The only dumb fucks I see are those who'd put any weight on what you have to say. :eusa_hand:

You're either completely blind, cannot read English, or a simply DENSE and/or mildly retarded.

Which is it?

Yes. :eusa_angel:
I never thought of that before, but that has got to be a weird issue to deal with....

Everyone wants to congratulate them; but anonymity is their best defense.

Seals ROCK!!!

I foresee a whole truckload of movies about seals and other erstwhile heroes!!

I know a retired seal quite well.

They prefer the anonymity...not just for defense.
They do not want to be worshiped.
Their only concern is their wingman...above their own lives...their wingman comes first.
When their job is done, it is in the past and they move on.

A true hero is one that does not want to be considered a hero. A Seal is a true Hero.
Ok so what was done right about this misson. Germany is claiming we violated international law. Muslims are claiming we disgraced them by burrying the slob wrong. We shot an unarmend man and didn't give him a fair trial. Can we not trust obama to do anything right?

The world's most wanted man is dead and not a single US soldier was harmed.

What else do you need to know?

In WW2, Hitler was found dead at the price of 418,000 American lives. Was it worth it?

Pro'ly not.
Ask the families of the 3,000+ murdered on September 11, 2001 how they feel about convicting first.

I think most, if not all would be fine with it. A military tribunal is just fine for a legal preceding, BTW.

The US Military has to do it like they did it to UBL: quick and efficient kill.
Shoot first. No need to ask questions later.

The military follows orders. Obama violated at least three laws with this order. IF we say Bush was a war criminal for waterboarding, then we cannot deny that Obama is for assassination.
Remember when Hillary and McCain slammed Obama during the primaries for saying he'd go after bin laden in Pakistan and then the righwingloons jumped aboard in saying what an idiot Obama was?

I guess he showed them.


Did Obama lead the raid?Actually he did

Did Obama shoot bin Laden?He authorized it

Did Obama get blood on his carefully manicured hands?No; his hands fit golf clubs; not assault weapons

What are they celibrating? That they are smart enough to spell celebrating without an "i" most likely; that and the death of the most notorious terrorist in the world

America is still being invaded from the south? Many of whom can spell celebrating correctly in 2 languages compared to your not being able to spell it in one

Obama didn't authorize shit. At most, it went to JCS. Try being a dumbshit somewhere else.
I never thought of that before, but that has got to be a weird issue to deal with....

Everyone wants to congratulate them; but anonymity is their best defense.

Seals ROCK!!!

I foresee a whole truckload of movies about seals and other erstwhile heroes!!

I know a retired seal quite well.

They prefer the anonymity...not just for defense.
They do not want to be worshiped.
Their only concern is their wingman...above their own lives...their wingman comes first.
When their job is done, it is in the past and they move on.

A true hero is one that does not want to be considered a hero. A Seal is a true Hero.

And I thought the Green Berets were supposed to be the toughest, most highly trained soldiers.
Ok so what was done right about this misson. Germany is claiming we violated international law. Muslims are claiming we disgraced them by burrying the slob wrong. We shot an unarmend man and didn't give him a fair trial. Can we not trust obama to do anything right?

The world's most wanted man is dead and not a single US soldier was harmed.

What else do you need to know?

In WW2, Hitler was found dead at the price of 418,000 American lives. Was it worth it?

I don't know, What the fuck is YOUR freedom worth?
The world's most wanted man is dead and not a single US soldier was harmed.

What else do you need to know?

yea sure. if it was bush you would be screaming about all kinds of human rights violations. So much for the rest of the world loving us right? :lol:

I love this. Anytime there was a thread about the economy, or unemployment, or the debt, there'd be a whole horde of rightwingers that would pile in an mock any leftwinger who mentions Bush.

Now you stupid bitches can't mention Bush's name fast enough. It's a fucking circus. :lol:

Really. Where's this horde? You left-creeps make people with brains not want to post here. They want an actual intellectual discussion.
"Let me briefly acknowledge tonight’s distinguished honorees. Admiral James Stavridis is a, is the real deal. He can tell you more about and understands the incredible, the phenomenal, the just almost unbelievable capacity of his Navy SEALs and what they did last Sunday."

:clap2: Dumb fuck!

Joe Biden opens his mouth about US Navy SEALs – Telegraph Blogs

What a surprise. Joe Biden opened his mouth and he spilled confidential info. What a shock. But it's okay if you're a registered Dem to make people with balls targets.
What a surprise, Gumby believes everything negative about a Democrat simply because he suffers from confirmation bias.
I never thought of that before, but that has got to be a weird issue to deal with....

Everyone wants to congratulate them; but anonymity is their best defense.

Seals ROCK!!!

I foresee a whole truckload of movies about seals and other erstwhile heroes!!

I know a retired seal quite well.

They prefer the anonymity...not just for defense.
They do not want to be worshiped.
Their only concern is their wingman...above their own lives...their wingman comes first.
When their job is done, it is in the past and they move on.

A true hero is one that does not want to be considered a hero. A Seal is a true Hero.

And I thought the Green Berets were supposed to be the toughest, most highly trained soldiers.

Only in their dreams. ;) ( a little esprit de corps ribbing, folks)
I never thought of that before, but that has got to be a weird issue to deal with....

Everyone wants to congratulate them; but anonymity is their best defense.

Seals ROCK!!!

I foresee a whole truckload of movies about seals and other erstwhile heroes!!

I know a retired seal quite well.

They prefer the anonymity...not just for defense.
They do not want to be worshiped.
Their only concern is their wingman...above their own lives...their wingman comes first.
When their job is done, it is in the past and they move on.

A true hero is one that does not want to be considered a hero. A Seal is a true Hero.

And I thought the Green Berets were supposed to be the toughest, most highly trained soldiers.

They are an elite group....but they run third.
Amazing how Hollywood misrepresents reality....isnt it.

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