Bin Laden is DEAD, thread from Hell

What do you think about the government's released information?

  • I believe all of it, of course some stuff is withheld for security's sake

    Votes: 39 39.8%
  • I believe none of it, seems like b-s to me

    Votes: 13 13.3%
  • I'm not sure yet

    Votes: 17 17.3%
  • I believe most of it, some stuff fabricated for political reasons

    Votes: 29 29.6%

  • Total voters
"Let me briefly acknowledge tonight’s distinguished honorees. Admiral James Stavridis is a, is the real deal. He can tell you more about and understands the incredible, the phenomenal, the just almost unbelievable capacity of his Navy SEALs and what they did last Sunday."

:clap2: Dumb fuck!

Joe Biden opens his mouth about US Navy SEALs – Telegraph Blogs

What did he say that we didn't already know or were told in the media? The only dumb fucks I see are those who'd put any weight on what you have to say. :eusa_hand:

You're either completely blind, cannot read English, or a simply DENSE and/or mildly retarded.

Which is it?

Hmmm...funny how you don't answer the clear question put to you.
Biden was a useful idiot during the election, but can you imagine - this idiot is one heartbeat away from being President?

What was useful about him? He wastes oxygen, IMO.

Get ovet it.......

[ame=]YouTube - Right America Feeling Wronged pt1[/ame]​

According to the US Constitution, he won unlawfully. But that doesn't matter to unuseful idiots like you, does it?

Just so long as you can force your stupid, socialist bullshit down everyone's throats.

Let me guess, you're an inner-city sewer dweller that's too afraid to grow some balls and actually earn a place in life. You think it's a right granted by Obama.

Try and find some actual peers you can argue with.
Did Obama lead the raid?Actually he did

Did Obama shoot bin Laden?He authorized it

Did Obama get blood on his carefully manicured hands?No; his hands fit golf clubs; not assault weapons

What are they celibrating? That they are smart enough to spell celebrating without an "i" most likely; that and the death of the most notorious terrorist in the world

America is still being invaded from the south? Many of whom can spell celebrating correctly in 2 languages compared to your not being able to spell it in one

Obama didn't authorize shit. At most, it went to JCS. Try being a dumbshit somewhere else.

How you are saying this raid into a foreign allied country was authorized.....not by the CinC.

Not how my chain of command worked when I was in.....has it changed that much?
I know a retired seal quite well.

They prefer the anonymity...not just for defense.
They do not want to be worshiped.
Their only concern is their wingman...above their own lives...their wingman comes first.
When their job is done, it is in the past and they move on.

A true hero is one that does not want to be considered a hero. A Seal is a true Hero.

And I thought the Green Berets were supposed to be the toughest, most highly trained soldiers.

They are an elite group....but they run third.
Amazing how Hollywood misrepresents reality....isnt it.

Who's second? Hillary?
Obama didn't authorize shit. At most, it went to JCS. Try being a dumbshit somewhere else.

That will come as quite a surprise to all of the military and admin officials that state that Obama authorized it.

Try being a dumbshit somewhere else.
Gumby is melting down over the fact that Obama followed through on a campaign promise.

But at least Gumblebee can be comforted by knowing he's not the only one.
Ok so what was done right about this misson. Germany is claiming we violated international law. Muslims are claiming we disgraced them by burrying the slob wrong. We shot an unarmend man and didn't give him a fair trial. Can we not trust obama to do anything right?

The world's most wanted man is dead and not a single US soldier was harmed.

What else do you need to know?

In WW2, Hitler was found dead at the price of 418,000 American lives. Was it worth it?

It was more in the order of 20 million lives.......And yes it was worth it
Quote: Originally Posted by JimH52
So, we should believe the far right, after years they shouted that Nicotine was not additive.

Ah JimH52 - hate to break it to you but nicotine isn't an additive. It is naturally occuring in the tobacco. infact the amount is regulated by the FDA. In the processing of tobacco it is removed and then added back in to the approved levels for each brand and type and at consistent levels.

See this is why we don't believe the left. They make shit up
Initially, one might not see the connection between the events on May 1st and the traditional notion of May Day. After all, May Day has been promoted as the real Labor Day, a celebration of those who fought for the right to unionize and for worker’s rights such as the eight hour work day. Indeed, these are things that should be celebrated. However, the real May Day is not rooted in Labor, but in the Occult.
The Occultic version of May Day has been referred to as “the Illuminati’s second most sacred holiday.” On this day, human sacrifice is required. The ritual also involves fire and dancing and is one of many “witches’ Sabbaths.” [These “celebrations” are often promoted as rituals to keep evil spirits away. This attracts wider participation among those who are unaware of the ritual’s true meaning.] It is said that, in the human sacrifice part of the ritual, the sacrifice must feel terror, trauma, and pain. The victim must also die from some form of conflagration.
With this in mind, the events of May 1st 2011 make a bit more sense. Regardless of the truth or falsity surrounding Osama bin Laden’s death, the PERCEPTION was that he was killed and, for the purposes of the ritual, the perception is all that is needed. It is therefore important to note that bin Laden was “killed” as an act of war (read conflagration)which, by its very nature, inflicts pain, trauma, and suffering.
When the announcement of bin Laden’s “death” was made late in the night of May 1st, (a timely revelation if one’s purpose was to produce a multitude of people outside at night) the reaction from many Americans was one of spontaneous celebration. Thousands poured out in the streets to celebrate the death/sacrifice of bin Laden with dancing and drunken revelry. The scene in Washington D.C. was telling as thousands danced under the glow of the giant phallic symbol of the Washington monument in what was possibly the biggest Occultic May Day celebration of all time.
Although it is almost certain that virtually none of the participants were capable of understanding what they were participating in (after all they believed the bin Laden fairy tale), I must confess a feeling of deep uneasiness about what I witnessed on Sunday night. The crowds in the street could have taken off all of their clothes and painted themselves in animal blood and only seemed slightly more savage than they already did. I could not help but feel that a line had been crossed from which there may be no turning back. Yet I did not merely witness a nation’s loss of innocence (if there was any left to lose), or even a momentary loss of self-control. I witnessed a nation who had openly embraced both devilry and decadence.
Bin Laden Assassination an Occult Ritual on May Day? :

Hitler was killed on April 30th and his death announced on May 1st. I guess this is a big Nazi conspiracy now....:rolleyes:
In WW2, Hitler was found dead at the price of 418,000 American lives. Was it worth it?

It was more in the order of 20 million lives.......And yes it was worth it

but we're only counting the americans

he's implying that it was the russians who were responsible for hitler's death. he failed to mention the daring bombing missions by the US air force that crippled Germany's industrial machine.
Obama's sister died in America a few years ago.
DNA was taken from her.

Simple thing to verify bin Laden's DNA...then wash, wrap his body and bury it within 24 hours as Islam demands.
Wouldn't wanna upset all his fans in the Muslim world.

Weights, and buried it at sea so as not to create a shrine on land anywhere in the world.

Shark food, a fitting end. :clap2:

Not to mention that he was not "eased" into the sea as was reported, but tumbled 30 feet off of one of our ships.....:clap2:

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