Bill Maher: "Americans are Stupid" Stands by His Statement.

Oh, I see. You're completely ignorant of the political scale and how such analysis works.

I'm afraid that's more than I can teach you on a message board. I recommend a polysci 101 class at your local community college.

Once again, your attempt to deny reality don't actually change reality. It is what it is. Neo-Nazis have been classified by all objective parties as a right wing extremist group. Sorry that rocks your world so much, but that's the way it goes.
How can HBO continue to support and pay an idiot like Bill Maher who makes statements like this constanly? He actually siad Americans are stupid and actually stands behind it, won't back down a bit. I guess it's all about ratings.

Was this an isolated statement - or was there some context?
1. We demand the union of all Germans in a Great Germany on the basis of the principle of self-determination of all peoples.

2. We demand that the German people have rights equal to those of other nations; and that the Peace Treaties of Versailles and St. Germain shall be abrogated.

3. We demand land and territory (colonies) for the maintenance of our people and the settlement of our surplus population.

4. Only those who are our fellow countrymen can become citizens. Only those who have German blood, regardless of creed, can be our countrymen. Hence no Jew can be a countryman.

5. Those who are not citizens must live in Germany as foreigners and must be subject to the law of aliens.

6. The right to choose the government and determine the laws of the State shall belong only to citizens. We therefore demand that no public office, of whatever nature, whether in the central government, the province, or the municipality, shall be held by anyone who is not a citizen.

We wage war against the corrupt parliamentary administration whereby men are appointed to posts by favor of the party without regard to character and fitness.

7. We demand that the State shall above all undertake to ensure that every citizen shall have the possibility of living decently and earning a livelihood. If it should not be possible to feed the whole population, then aliens (non-citizens) must be expelled from the Reich.

8. Any further immigration of non-Germans must be prevented. We demand that all non-Germans who have entered Germany since August 2, 1914, shall be compelled to leave the Reich immediately.

9. All citizens must possess equal rights and duties.

10. The first duty of every citizen must be to work mentally or physically. No individual shall do any work that offends against the interest of the community to the benefit of all.

Therefore we demand:

11. That all unearned income, and all income that does not arise from work, be abolished.

12. Since every war imposes on the people fearful sacrifices in blood and treasure, all personal profit arising from the war must be regarded as treason to the people. We therefore demand the total confiscation of all war profits.

13. We demand the nationalization of all trusts.

14. We demand profit-sharing in large industries.

15. We demand a generous increase in old-age pensions.

16. We demand the creation and maintenance of a sound middle-class, the immediate communalization of large stores which will be rented cheaply to small tradespeople, and the strongest consideration must be given to ensure that small traders shall deliver the supplies needed by the State, the provinces and municipalities.

17. We demand an agrarian reform in accordance with our national requirements, and the enactment of a law to expropriate the owners without compensation of any land needed for the common purpose. The abolition of ground rents, and the prohibition of all speculation in land.

18. We demand that ruthless war be waged against those who work to the injury of the common welfare. Traitors, usurers, profiteers, etc., are to be punished with death, regardless of creed or race.

19. We demand that Roman law, which serves a materialist ordering of the world, be replaced by German common law.

20. In order to make it possible for every capable and industrious German to obtain higher education, and thus the opportunity to reach into positions of leadership, the State must assume the responsibility of organizing thoroughly the entire cultural system of the people. The curricula of all educational establishments shall be adapted to practical life. The conception of the State Idea (science of citizenship) must be taught in the schools from the very beginning. We demand that specially talented children of poor parents, whatever their station or occupation, be educated at the expense of the State.

21. The State has the duty to help raise the standard of national health by providing maternity welfare centers, by prohibiting juvenile labor, by increasing physical fitness through the introduction of compulsory games and gymnastics, and by the greatest possible encouragement of associations concerned with the physical education of the young.

22. We demand the abolition of the regular army and the creation of a national (folk) army.

23. We demand that there be a legal campaign against those who propagate deliberate political lies and disseminate them through the press. In order to make possible the creation of a German press, we demand:

(a) All editors and their assistants on newspapers published in the German language shall be German citizens.

(b) Non-German newspapers shall only be published with the express permission of the State. They must not be published in the German language.

(c) All financial interests in or in any way affecting German newspapers shall be forbidden to non-Germans by law, and we demand that the punishment for transgressing this law be the immediate suppression of the newspaper and the expulsion of the non-Germans from the Reich.

Newspapers transgressing against the common welfare shall be suppressed. We demand legal action against those tendencies in art and literature that have a disruptive influence upon the life of our folk, and that any organizations that offend against the foregoing demands shall be dissolved.

24. We demand freedom for all religious faiths in the state, insofar as they do not endanger its existence or offend the moral and ethical sense of the Germanic race.

The party as such represents the point of view of a positive Christianity without binding itself to any one particular confession. It fights against the Jewish materialist spirit within and without, and is convinced that a lasting recovery of our folk can only come about from within on the pinciple:


25. In order to carry out this program we demand: the creation of a strong central authority in the State, the unconditional authority by the political central parliament of the whole State and all its organizations.

The formation of professional committees and of committees representing the several estates of the realm, to ensure that the laws promulgated by the central authority shall be carried out by the federal states.

These are Hitlers German Workers Party 25 Points, you can make your own conclusion as to the merits of it where it fits into right or left. However as a means of comparison....

The Socialist Party stands for the abolition of every form of domination and exploitation, whether based on social class, gender, race/ethnicity, age, education, sexual orientation, or other characteristics.

We are committed to the transformation of capitalism through the creation of a democratic socialist society based on compassion, empathy, and respect as well as the development of new social structures. Socialism will establish a new social and economic order in which workers and community members will take responsibility for and control of their interpersonal relationships, their neighborhoods, their local government, and the production and distribution of all goods and services.

For these reasons we call for social ownership and democratic control of productive resources, for a guarantee to all of the right to participate in societal production, and to a fair share of society's product, in accordance with individual needs.

As we pursue a socialist transformation of society, we join with others in making radical demands on the existing system: demands that challenge the basic assumptions of a capitalist market economy while pointing the way to a new society. Although reforms will not in themselves bring about socialism, the fight for them will advance the cause by demonstrating the inherent limitations and injustice of the capitalist system. As we build the socialist movement, we organize around a platform committed to our common and interdependent struggles and aspirations.
Well Ok... So what you're saying is that you simply prefer to set aside reason and render the burden of thought to the High Academic Priests who, through their insightful edict have determined that the militant collectivist of the New Nazis are Right Wingers... as they had earlier expressed was the case with the Old Nazis...

No, I'm saying I prefer to live in the world of reality rather than delusion. You clearly have chosen the path of delusion over reality. That's up to you, but please be aware that there are medications that can help you with that.

Or perhaps you're just too dumb to understand how standards work. Makes no difference - either way, you're wrong and have been reduced to redefining reality. Nice try though.

We've already established that your 'reality' is one wherein you're unable to offer any argument except for that which stands soley upon, the conclusions of others; Conclusions which stand as erroneous at worst and dubious at BEST; Derived by those who you project as correct on the issue; and this on no other measure than the PERCEVED authority which you ascribe to them. Ergo you are projecting as FACT; the subjective conclusion that 'perception is reality'... when IN FACT, perception quite often does NOT represent, but typically reflects reality and in the process of such renders that PERCEPTION flawed due to the distortions common to such reflections.

Again friends... notice how this individual comes AGAIN, not with a well reasoned, intellectually sound, logically valid argument... but merely to repeat the same spurious conclusions; all of which rest upon fallacious reasoning... specifically ad populum and the old Leftist fave, the ipse Dixit, 'the authority said it's true, therefore it must be true...' trainwreck; al of which is modified in this most recent revision with a healthy dose of the old ad hom...

Classic drivel common to the addled Leftist mind.

But it is ALWAYS a great time... I think o these as the coveted high, inside fast ball... there are just few alternatives where ripping yard is the goal...
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LOL, I warned you; PubliusInfinitum's wordy nonsense is hardly worth a reply, it is like talking to an insane person whose grasp of reality is missing. Nothing you say means anything to them.

PI, please try to be brief and leave out your constant 'the opponent is a dummy,' it make you into the dummy, as it is all you can say, you know next to nothing.

"By ‘Fascism’ they mean, roughly speaking, something cruel, unscrupulous, arrogant, obscurantist, anti-liberal and anti-working-class. Except for the relatively small number of Fascist sympathizers, almost any English person would accept ‘bully’ as a synonym for ‘Fascist’. That is about as near to a definition as this much-abused word has come." George Orwell (essay below)

These are excellent and recommended. PI needs to read it.

[ame=] Fascism: A Very Short Introduction (Very Short Introductions) (9780192801555): Kevin Passmore: Books[/ame]

Michael Tomasky’s Critique of Liberal Fascism

Michael Tomasky has posted a review of Jonah Goldberg’s book “Liberal Fascism: The Secret History of the American Left from Mussolini to the Politics of Meaning.” I would like to publicly thank Tomasky for his efforts, since I certainly wasn’t going to read the book. Some might find such a stance close-minded, I consider it an issue of basic pragmatism. I don’t like spending my limited free time reading every bit of intellectually dishonest garbage that is put out. Jon Stewart had an interview with Jonah Goldberg on The Daily Show. I posted the this comment at reddit in the wake of watching the interview. A slightly shorter version and modified version is given below.

Michael Tomasky’s Critique of Liberal Fascism « Esoteric Dissertations from a One-Track Mind

Orwell's piece is interesting as he reviews the complexity of the word.
George Orwell: What is Fascism?
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Oh, I see. You're completely ignorant of the political scale and how such analysis works.

I'm afraid that's more than I can teach you on a message board. I recommend a polysci 101 class at your local community college.

Once again, your attempt to deny reality don't actually change reality. It is what it is. Neo-Nazis have been classified by all objective parties as a right wing extremist group. Sorry that rocks your world so much, but that's the way it goes.

Ahh... So the member returns AGAIN to state a non-argument; of which is comprised some subjective scale which she feels represents 'reality'; when in fact, what it represents is a subjective opinion designed to support her fallacious conclusion; which, sadly for this member, is a circumstance that is rarely found merging with "reality."

Understand that this individual has been thoroughly indoctrinated and is wholly incapable of reasoned thought...

LOL, I warned you; PubliusInfinitum's wordy nonsense is hardly worth a reply, it is like talking to an insane person whose grasp of reality is missing. Nothing you say means anything to them.

Well friends, that is what is known as a Default Concession.

Essentially the opposition flees the argument; excusing themselves through any number of fallacious rants.

But when it is all said and done, what the record will reflect is the Left will have brought dissemblence and obfuscation due to their inability to offer a coherent, cogent, well reasoned, intellectually sound, logically valid argument.

What we're dealing with here is the same tired attempt to revise history so that the failures of the ideological left are put off on those who oppossed them.

Religious people will recognize this tactic as the deception common to evil... designed to entice one down the path to personal catastrophe...

Fascism is Leftism plain and simple and all of the hand wringing and gnashing of teeth by the Ideological Left to revise the history of that long discredited facet of leftism will not change that fact; and that we are presently suffering under the same failures perpetrated by the same ideological trainwreck, which stretches into BOTH major US political parties, also doesn't change that fact...

Again, this is not a complicated issue... as few political issues are; this is an issue where the historical realities of the Ideological Left are represented by a string of uninterupted failures... and those Leftist policies which have NOT failed are simply in the process OF failing. And the absence of intellectual veracity on the Left simply prevents them from finding the courage to admit it.

Nothing new here...
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1. We demand the union of all Germans in a Great Germany on the basis of the principle of self-determination of all peoples.

2. We demand that the German people have rights equal to those of other nations; and that the Peace Treaties of Versailles and St. Germain shall be abrogated.

3. We demand land and territory (colonies) for the maintenance of our people and the settlement of our surplus population.

4. Only those who are our fellow countrymen can become citizens. Only those who have German blood, regardless of creed, can be our countrymen. Hence no Jew can be a countryman.

5. Those who are not citizens must live in Germany as foreigners and must be subject to the law of aliens.

6. The right to choose the government and determine the laws of the State shall belong only to citizens. We therefore demand that no public office, of whatever nature, whether in the central government, the province, or the municipality, shall be held by anyone who is not a citizen.

We wage war against the corrupt parliamentary administration whereby men are appointed to posts by favor of the party without regard to character and fitness.

7. We demand that the State shall above all undertake to ensure that every citizen shall have the possibility of living decently and earning a livelihood. If it should not be possible to feed the whole population, then aliens (non-citizens) must be expelled from the Reich.

8. Any further immigration of non-Germans must be prevented. We demand that all non-Germans who have entered Germany since August 2, 1914, shall be compelled to leave the Reich immediately.

9. All citizens must possess equal rights and duties.

10. The first duty of every citizen must be to work mentally or physically. No individual shall do any work that offends against the interest of the community to the benefit of all.

Therefore we demand:

11. That all unearned income, and all income that does not arise from work, be abolished.

12. Since every war imposes on the people fearful sacrifices in blood and treasure, all personal profit arising from the war must be regarded as treason to the people. We therefore demand the total confiscation of all war profits.

13. We demand the nationalization of all trusts.

14. We demand profit-sharing in large industries.

15. We demand a generous increase in old-age pensions.

16. We demand the creation and maintenance of a sound middle-class, the immediate communalization of large stores which will be rented cheaply to small tradespeople, and the strongest consideration must be given to ensure that small traders shall deliver the supplies needed by the State, the provinces and municipalities.

17. We demand an agrarian reform in accordance with our national requirements, and the enactment of a law to expropriate the owners without compensation of any land needed for the common purpose. The abolition of ground rents, and the prohibition of all speculation in land.

18. We demand that ruthless war be waged against those who work to the injury of the common welfare. Traitors, usurers, profiteers, etc., are to be punished with death, regardless of creed or race.

19. We demand that Roman law, which serves a materialist ordering of the world, be replaced by German common law.

20. In order to make it possible for every capable and industrious German to obtain higher education, and thus the opportunity to reach into positions of leadership, the State must assume the responsibility of organizing thoroughly the entire cultural system of the people. The curricula of all educational establishments shall be adapted to practical life. The conception of the State Idea (science of citizenship) must be taught in the schools from the very beginning. We demand that specially talented children of poor parents, whatever their station or occupation, be educated at the expense of the State.

21. The State has the duty to help raise the standard of national health by providing maternity welfare centers, by prohibiting juvenile labor, by increasing physical fitness through the introduction of compulsory games and gymnastics, and by the greatest possible encouragement of associations concerned with the physical education of the young.

22. We demand the abolition of the regular army and the creation of a national (folk) army.

23. We demand that there be a legal campaign against those who propagate deliberate political lies and disseminate them through the press. In order to make possible the creation of a German press, we demand:

(a) All editors and their assistants on newspapers published in the German language shall be German citizens.

(b) Non-German newspapers shall only be published with the express permission of the State. They must not be published in the German language.

(c) All financial interests in or in any way affecting German newspapers shall be forbidden to non-Germans by law, and we demand that the punishment for transgressing this law be the immediate suppression of the newspaper and the expulsion of the non-Germans from the Reich.

Newspapers transgressing against the common welfare shall be suppressed. We demand legal action against those tendencies in art and literature that have a disruptive influence upon the life of our folk, and that any organizations that offend against the foregoing demands shall be dissolved.

24. We demand freedom for all religious faiths in the state, insofar as they do not endanger its existence or offend the moral and ethical sense of the Germanic race.

The party as such represents the point of view of a positive Christianity without binding itself to any one particular confession. It fights against the Jewish materialist spirit within and without, and is convinced that a lasting recovery of our folk can only come about from within on the pinciple:


25. In order to carry out this program we demand: the creation of a strong central authority in the State, the unconditional authority by the political central parliament of the whole State and all its organizations.

The formation of professional committees and of committees representing the several estates of the realm, to ensure that the laws promulgated by the central authority shall be carried out by the federal states.

These are Hitlers German Workers Party 25 Points, you can make your own conclusion as to the merits of it where it fits into right or left. However as a means of comparison....

The Socialist Party stands for the abolition of every form of domination and exploitation, whether based on social class, gender, race/ethnicity, age, education, sexual orientation, or other characteristics.

We are committed to the transformation of capitalism through the creation of a democratic socialist society based on compassion, empathy, and respect as well as the development of new social structures. Socialism will establish a new social and economic order in which workers and community members will take responsibility for and control of their interpersonal relationships, their neighborhoods, their local government, and the production and distribution of all goods and services.

For these reasons we call for social ownership and democratic control of productive resources, for a guarantee to all of the right to participate in societal production, and to a fair share of society's product, in accordance with individual needs.

As we pursue a socialist transformation of society, we join with others in making radical demands on the existing system: demands that challenge the basic assumptions of a capitalist market economy while pointing the way to a new society. Although reforms will not in themselves bring about socialism, the fight for them will advance the cause by demonstrating the inherent limitations and injustice of the capitalist system. As we build the socialist movement, we organize around a platform committed to our common and interdependent struggles and aspirations.

Hmm... Navy, that's pretty wordy... thus it requires the attention span common to a typical 12 year old to work through it...

Thus it's unlikely that we're going to see the Leftists on this board or anywhere else 'work through it' let alone find the intellecual means to reason through it.

In essense, as your references note, there is virtually no distinction between the two entities... and THAT sir, simply means that the thoughts common to BOTH do not fit the mold of the illusion which modern Leftist indoctrination has established, thus it must be rejected.

In effect you're confusing the opposition with facts and that just won't DO!

LOL, I warned you; PubliusInfinitum's wordy nonsense is hardly worth a reply, it is like talking to an insane person whose grasp of reality is missing. Nothing you say means anything to them.

It really is quite amazing. You're completely sure this guy isn't being satirical?

LOL, I warned you; PubliusInfinitum's wordy nonsense is hardly worth a reply, it is like talking to an insane person whose grasp of reality is missing. Nothing you say means anything to them.

It really is quite amazing. You're completely sure this guy isn't being satirical?

He takes his delusions seriously.
Fascism is Leftism plain and simple and all of the hand wringing and gnashing of teeth by the Ideological Left to revise the history of that long discredited facet of leftism will not change that fact; and that we are presently suffering under the same failures perpetrated by the same ideological trainwreck, which stretches into BOTH major US political parties, also doesn't change that fact...

It's been classified as right, consistently and officially. Take it up with mainstream academia, political analysts, historians, and the Dept. of Homeland Security if you don't like it, but your failure to acknowledge reality is flat out batty.
How can HBO continue to support and pay an idiot like Bill Maher who makes statements like this constanly? He actually siad Americans are stupid and actually stands behind it, won't back down a bit. I guess it's all about ratings.

Obviously you don't listen to much right wing talk radio. Guys like Michael Savage and Neal Boortz make the same claim almost daily. Boortz is in favor of limited voting rights because he thinks the average American is too stoopid to cast an intelligent vote.
Fascism is Leftism plain and simple and all of the hand wringing and gnashing of teeth by the Ideological Left to revise the history of that long discredited facet of leftism will not change that fact; and that we are presently suffering under the same failures perpetrated by the same ideological trainwreck, which stretches into BOTH major US political parties, also doesn't change that fact...

It's been classified as right, consistently and officially. Take it up with mainstream academia, political analysts, historians, and the Dept. of Homeland Security if you don't like it, but your failure to acknowledge reality is flat out batty.

Uhhhhh.....yeah!!! Who honestly thinks all those skinheads and Aryan Brotherhood dipshits are tree hugging hippies?
Now the interesting thing here, is that this dumbass MODIFIED the quote herself... And in so doing, flipped the quote 180 degrees out of its original context...

Thus, as noted above, the member sought to use the credibility of Winston Churchill through advancing his thoughts; but because Churchill was an instinctive, unapologetic CONSERVATIVE... who targeted his comment to those of his day who resembled MIDCAN5's mindset; Midcan5 felt obligated to RETAIN THE CREDIBILITY OF CHURCHILL and simply REVISE THIS MESSAGE TO REFLECT THE EXACT OPPOSITE OF HIS INTENTION IN STATING IT.

The Left's entire history exist within such revisions... "Fascism is 'Right Wing," "Communism is Right Wing..." and so on are ALL part and parcel of a revision of the historical record, which must take place in order for the left to maintain ANY relevance which must stand upon some discernible credibility. Given that the record of History thoroughly discredits the whole of the ideological Left, it is imperative that they CHANGE that history; which amounts to little more than a damnable LIE!

Again, you are clearly a "Leftist" trying to make CON$ look stupid, and doing a good job of it. :lol:

Sir Winston Churchill (prime minister of United Kingdom) :: As Liberal minister -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia
Sir Winston Churchill

As Liberal minister prime minister of United Kingdomin full Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill born Nov. 30, 1874, Blenheim Palace, Oxfordshire, Eng. died Jan. 24, 1965, London

Political career before 1939 » As Liberal minister

In 1904 the Conservative government found itself impaled on a dilemma by Colonial Secretary Joseph Chamberlain’s open advocacy of a tariff. Churchill, a convinced free trader, helped to found the Free Food League. He was disavowed by his constituents and became increasingly alienated from his party. In 1904 he joined the Liberals and won renown for the audacity of his attacks on Chamberlain and Balfour. The radical elements in his political makeup came to the surface under the influence of two colleagues in particular, John Morley, a political legatee of W.E. Gladstone, and David Lloyd George, the rising Welsh orator and firebrand. In the ensuing general election in 1906 he secured a notable victory in Manchester and began his ministerial career in the new Liberal government as undersecretary of state for the colonies. He soon gained credit for his able defense of the policy of conciliation and self-government in South Africa. When the ministry was reconstructed under Prime Minister Herbert H. Asquith in 1908, Churchill was promoted to president of the Board of Trade, with a seat in the Cabinet. Defeated at the ensuing by-election in Manchester, he won an election at Dundee. In the same year he married the beautiful Clementine Hozier; it was a marriage of unbroken affection that provided a secure and happy background for his turbulent career.
At the Board of trade, Churchill emerged as a leader in the movement of Liberalism away from laissez-faire toward social reform. He completed the work begun by his predecessor, Lloyd George, on the bill imposing an eight-hour maximum day for miners. He himself was responsible for attacking the evils of “sweated” labour by setting up trade boards with power to fix minimum wages and for combating unemployment by instituting state-run labour exchanges.
When this Liberal program necessitated high taxation, which in turn provoked the House of Lords to the revolutionary step of rejecting the budget of 1909, Churchill was Lloyd George’s closest ally in developing the provocative strategy designed to clip the wings of the upper chamber. Churchill became president of the Budget League, and his oratorical broadsides at the House of Lords were as lively and devastating as Lloyd George’s own. Indeed Churchill, as an alleged traitor to his class, earned the lion’s share of Tory animosity. His campaigning in the two general elections of 1910 and in the House of Commons during the passage of the Parliament Act of 1911, which curbed the House of Lords’ powers, won him wide popular acclaim. In the Cabinet his reward was promotion to the office of home secretary. Here, despite substantial achievements in prison reform, he had to devote himself principally to coping with a sweeping wave of industrial unrest and violent strikes. Upon occasion his relish for dramatic action led him beyond the limits of his proper role as the guarantor of public order. For this he paid a heavy price in incurring the long-standing suspicion of organized labour.
In 1911 the provocative German action in sending a gunboat to Agadir, the Moroccan port to which France had claims, convinced Churchill that in any major Franco-German conflict Britain would have to be at France’s side. When transferred to the Admiralty in October 1911, he went to work with a conviction of the need to bring the navy to a pitch of instant readiness. His first task was the creation of a naval war staff. To help Britain’s lead over steadily mounting German naval power, Churchill successfully campaigned in the Cabinet for the largest naval expenditure in British history. Despite his inherited Tory views on Ireland, he wholeheartedly embraced the Liberal policy of Home Rule, moving the second reading of the Irish Home Rule Bill of 1912 and campaigning for it in the teeth of Unionist opposition. Although, through his friendship with F.E. Smith (later 1st earl of Birkenhead) and Austen Chamberlain, he did much to arrange the compromise by which Ulster was to be excluded from the immediate effect of the bill, no member of the government was more bitterly abused—by Tories as a renegade and by extreme Home Rulers as a defector.

ROFLMNAO... Isn't it wonderful how the terms of relevance just FUCK THESE IDIOTS UP?

Hysterical... On several levels and in at least two contexts...

I'll let you describe your reply. :lol:

Well friends, that is what is known as a Default Concession.

Essentially the opposition flees the argument; excusing themselves through any number of fallacious rants.

But when it is all said and done, what the record will reflect is the Left will have brought dissemblence and obfuscation due to their inability to offer a coherent, cogent, well reasoned, intellectually sound, logically valid argument.
Fascism is Leftism plain and simple and all of the hand wringing and gnashing of teeth by the Ideological Left to revise the history of that long discredited facet of leftism will not change that fact; and that we are presently suffering under the same failures perpetrated by the same ideological trainwreck, which stretches into BOTH major US political parties, also doesn't change that fact...

It's been classified as right, consistently and officially. Take it up with mainstream academia, political analysts, historians, and the Dept. of Homeland Security if you don't like it, but your failure to acknowledge reality is flat out batty.


Man this is DELUSION on PARADE!

She can't site a SINGLE 'Right Wing' trait that the fascist or fascism exemplify; and yet she DEMANDS that she be taken seriously... and that fascist be defined or otherwise classified as "Right Wingers." The next thing we're likely to get is the ethereal Dr. Lawrence Britt and the ensuing fictitious '14 traits of fascism'...

But setting that aside, this is the 5th time that she's returned to spout off about 'official classification'... without a scintilla of substantive reasoning having been advanced in support of ANY of those 'official classifications'... or the relevant academic definitions.

Understand friends that as this numbskull is using the terms; "Left and Right" are rendered useless... That Leftists are being 'classified' as the polar opposite, means NOTHING... thus the terms are meaningless.

Which is the net effect of the Left's presence in any culture; they undermine every facet of every cultural standard; not the least of which is the language; and there is a reason for that.

Where base recognition of fundamental concepts can be distorted than all of the subsequent concepts formed above those base elements can be readily disputed. It's cultural subversion of the first order... and it's intentional.

Now I doubt that this dumbass is involved in some grand conspiracy to undermine the language; she is simply the result of such; and her ignorance makes it impossible for her to overcome it.

Now at the end of the day, she is every bit as culpable for the damage to the culture which she inspires... but nature will work all of that out as it always has, through the inevitable purge of the unsustainable... so don't sweat it.

At this point I really see no way to avoid it. All that is left to be determined is how exactly they'll initiate it and the severity of the cultural pain that it will take to burn it out.
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PubicHair is proof positive that mental defectives have a place in God's world.
Again, you are clearly a "Leftist" trying to make CON$ look stupid, and doing a good job of it. :lol:

Sir Winston Churchill (prime minister of United Kingdom) :: As Liberal minister -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia
Sir Winston Churchill

As Liberal minister prime minister of United Kingdomin full Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill born Nov. 30, 1874, Blenheim Palace, Oxfordshire, Eng. died Jan. 24, 1965, London

Political career before 1939 » As Liberal minister

In 1904 the Conservative government found itself impaled on a dilemma by Colonial Secretary Joseph Chamberlain’s open advocacy of a tariff. Churchill, a convinced free trader, helped to found the Free Food League. He was disavowed by his constituents and became increasingly alienated from his party. In 1904 he joined the Liberals and won renown for the audacity of his attacks on Chamberlain and Balfour. The radical elements in his political makeup came to the surface under the influence of two colleagues in particular, John Morley, a political legatee of W.E. Gladstone, and David Lloyd George, the rising Welsh orator and firebrand. In the ensuing general election in 1906 he secured a notable victory in Manchester and began his ministerial career in the new Liberal government as undersecretary of state for the colonies. He soon gained credit for his able defense of the policy of conciliation and self-government in South Africa. When the ministry was reconstructed under Prime Minister Herbert H. Asquith in 1908, Churchill was promoted to president of the Board of Trade, with a seat in the Cabinet. Defeated at the ensuing by-election in Manchester, he won an election at Dundee. In the same year he married the beautiful Clementine Hozier; it was a marriage of unbroken affection that provided a secure and happy background for his turbulent career.
At the Board of trade, Churchill emerged as a leader in the movement of Liberalism away from laissez-faire toward social reform. He completed the work begun by his predecessor, Lloyd George, on the bill imposing an eight-hour maximum day for miners. He himself was responsible for attacking the evils of “sweated” labour by setting up trade boards with power to fix minimum wages and for combating unemployment by instituting state-run labour exchanges.
When this Liberal program necessitated high taxation, which in turn provoked the House of Lords to the revolutionary step of rejecting the budget of 1909, Churchill was Lloyd George’s closest ally in developing the provocative strategy designed to clip the wings of the upper chamber. Churchill became president of the Budget League, and his oratorical broadsides at the House of Lords were as lively and devastating as Lloyd George’s own. Indeed Churchill, as an alleged traitor to his class, earned the lion’s share of Tory animosity. His campaigning in the two general elections of 1910 and in the House of Commons during the passage of the Parliament Act of 1911, which curbed the House of Lords’ powers, won him wide popular acclaim. In the Cabinet his reward was promotion to the office of home secretary. Here, despite substantial achievements in prison reform, he had to devote himself principally to coping with a sweeping wave of industrial unrest and violent strikes. Upon occasion his relish for dramatic action led him beyond the limits of his proper role as the guarantor of public order. For this he paid a heavy price in incurring the long-standing suspicion of organized labour.
In 1911 the provocative German action in sending a gunboat to Agadir, the Moroccan port to which France had claims, convinced Churchill that in any major Franco-German conflict Britain would have to be at France’s side. When transferred to the Admiralty in October 1911, he went to work with a conviction of the need to bring the navy to a pitch of instant readiness. His first task was the creation of a naval war staff. To help Britain’s lead over steadily mounting German naval power, Churchill successfully campaigned in the Cabinet for the largest naval expenditure in British history. Despite his inherited Tory views on Ireland, he wholeheartedly embraced the Liberal policy of Home Rule, moving the second reading of the Irish Home Rule Bill of 1912 and campaigning for it in the teeth of Unionist opposition. Although, through his friendship with F.E. Smith (later 1st earl of Birkenhead) and Austen Chamberlain, he did much to arrange the compromise by which Ulster was to be excluded from the immediate effect of the bill, no member of the government was more bitterly abused—by Tories as a renegade and by extreme Home Rulers as a defector.

ROFLMNAO... Isn't it wonderful how the terms of relevance just FUCK THESE IDIOTS UP?

Hysterical... On several levels and in at least two contexts...

I'll let you describe your reply. :lol:

Well friends, that is what is known as a Default Concession.

Essentially the opposition flees the argument; excusing themselves through any number of fallacious rants.

But when it is all said and done, what the record will reflect is the Left will have brought dissemblence and obfuscation due to their inability to offer a coherent, cogent, well reasoned, intellectually sound, logically valid argument.

Do you really want to go into the insipid nature of British Politics and the relevance of 19th century Liberalism and its comparison to the term as it is used today? Do you really want to discuss the comparison of Chamberlain's appeasement of the Socialist Nazis and Churchill's vehement opposition to that policy?

I don't think ya do...

Given that you're source sites Churchill as the Liberal and Chamberlain as the Conservative.

But if that's what you're after, I'll happily help ya to a hard time.
Pubic Hair,

Why did the USA avoid fighting the Germans in WWII for almost 2 1/2 years...were Americans really that frightened?
How can HBO continue to support and pay an idiot like Bill Maher who makes statements like this constanly? He actually siad Americans are stupid and actually stands behind it, won't back down a bit. I guess it's all about ratings.

Obviously you don't listen to much right wing talk radio. Guys like Michael Savage and Neal Boortz make the same claim almost daily. Boortz is in favor of limited voting rights because he thinks the average American is too stoopid to cast an intelligent vote.

Actually Boortz believes as the Founders of the US did, that voting should be limited to those with a vested interest in the culture. Those who have earned their place through the ownership of property...

A position which is well reasoned, intellectually sound and logically valid and this despite the specious notions of 'fairness' advanced by the left which contest this well founded reasoning.

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