Bill Clinton: "No he didn't!"


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2012
Seems like Bill Clinton went through great lengths last night explaining to everybody why Obama's "YES WE CAN!" campaign was all lies and empty promises and slogans, and it should now be renamed to "NO HE DIDN'T! BUT...IT'S BUSH'S FAULT". Thanks President Clinton. :clap2::clap2:
It's too funny. Barry's record is so bad they needed to use Slick Willie as a life line. And anyone who hasn't been kept under a rock the last few years knows how they feel about one another. LOL...he played the race card on me, a few years ago he'd be getting us coffee...carrying our bags. These two fools would say anything to keep the Dims in power.

Barry's gonna get rolled in November.
Hate to tell you....But it IS Bush's fault
You gotta LOVE how the theme of 'trickle down does not work' comes out when propping up Obamalama.... it is funny... they actually think that they can pull the wool over the eyes of the sheep they have following them as well as the independents and moderates that they need to win the election....

Hey Mr. President, hey Mr. Clinton... if it was indeed the middle class that creates the improvement, that drives everything... then please explain to us WHY THE 'STIMULUS' AND THE 'BAILOUTS' WENT TO THE TOPS OF THE COMPANIES AND NOT TO THE CONSUMER??? Seems Obamalama really does think that trickle down works, according to his actions... All the while screaming that it does not
Hate to tell you....But it IS Bush's fault

So all the troubles that Bush went thru in his first 4 years were Clinton's fault... got it

Face it.... Bush left us in a fiscal mess... but Obamalama and his promises actually have made it worse... Obamalama did not do anything he said that he would or could do in terms of the economy.... but we are lucky he did not spend more and put us in an even worse situation than we have now
What Clinton said is that obama did not improve the economy, but no one could. His policies of giving millions of dollars to companies designed to fail had nothing to do with it.
Hate to tell you....But it IS Bush's fault

So all the troubles that Bush went thru in his first 4 years were Clinton's fault... got it

Face it.... Bush left us in a fiscal mess... but Obamalama and his promises actually have made it worse... Obamalama did not do anything he said that he would or could do in terms of the economy.... but we are lucky he did not spend more and put us in an even worse situation than we have now

What exactly did Obama spend?
I almost think Clinton sold the idea that nobody could've brought the economy back so that we'd think about it and then realize; that's some serious bull shit!
Hate to tell you....But it IS Bush's fault

So all the troubles that Bush went thru in his first 4 years were Clinton's fault... got it

Face it.... Bush left us in a fiscal mess... but Obamalama and his promises actually have made it worse... Obamalama did not do anything he said that he would or could do in terms of the economy.... but we are lucky he did not spend more and put us in an even worse situation than we have now

What exactly did Obama spend?

What exactly did he cut? What exactly did he do to cut the deficit by 50%? What exactly did he do for long term job creation??

Obamalama has added 6+ trillion to the debt during his tenure (by the same criteria that you and your ilk used to say that Bush doubled the debt in 8 years)
Hate to tell you....But it IS Bush's fault

So all the troubles that Bush went thru in his first 4 years were Clinton's fault... got it

Face it.... Bush left us in a fiscal mess... but Obamalama and his promises actually have made it worse... Obamalama did not do anything he said that he would or could do in terms of the economy.... but we are lucky he did not spend more and put us in an even worse situation than we have now

What exactly did Obama spend?

Has he been President since January 2009 or not?
Even Clinton's long start to his speech about Republicans and Democrats getting along seemed to starkly contrast with the Obama years. And he gave the line, 'this may be strange because I'm from another generation, but I never learned to hate Republicans.' -- Never mind that it was probably a bold faced lie; it seemed to be a strong shot against the polarizing Obama.
"I....I....I. never had sex with that woman Monica Lewinski". Remember that? The future secretary of state telling America it was a "vast right wing conspiracy" while she knew about the DNA on Monica's dress. What a pair of Dogpatch trash.
Seems like Bill Clinton went through great lengths last night explaining to everybody why Obama's "YES WE CAN!" campaign was all lies and empty promises and slogans, and it should now be renamed to "NO HE DIDN'T! BUT...IT'S BUSH'S FAULT". Thanks President Clinton. :clap2::clap2:

Obama wanted the job. He fought Hillary tooth and nail to get his job. Despite his lack of experience Obama went up against McCain promising he could be a President who would put America back on track.

No one forced him to take this position. Obviously the job was above his pay grade. It is time for him to admit his failures and hit the road.

Now we know he won't. That means there is only one option. The American people have to fire him.
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So all the troubles that Bush went thru in his first 4 years were Clinton's fault... got it

Face it.... Bush left us in a fiscal mess... but Obamalama and his promises actually have made it worse... Obamalama did not do anything he said that he would or could do in terms of the economy.... but we are lucky he did not spend more and put us in an even worse situation than we have now

What exactly did Obama spend?

What exactly did he cut? What exactly did he do to cut the deficit by 50%? What exactly did he do for long term job creation??

Obamalama has added 6+ trillion to the debt during his tenure (by the same criteria that you and your ilk used to say that Bush doubled the debt in 8 years)

I can point to specific Bush initiatives that escallated the debt. Wars, tax cuts, Medicare Part D

You have yet to point out the Obama initiatives that escallated our debt
"I....I....I. never had sex with that woman Monica Lewinski". Remember that? The future secretary of state telling America it was a "vast right wing conspiracy" while she knew about the DNA on Monica's dress. What a pair of Dogpatch trash.

What did it matter?
All of Clinton's words, no matter how you spin them, cannot undo this reality~

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So all the troubles that Bush went thru in his first 4 years were Clinton's fault... got it

Face it.... Bush left us in a fiscal mess... but Obamalama and his promises actually have made it worse... Obamalama did not do anything he said that he would or could do in terms of the economy.... but we are lucky he did not spend more and put us in an even worse situation than we have now

What exactly did Obama spend?

What exactly did he cut? What exactly did he do to cut the deficit by 50%? What exactly did he do for long term job creation??

Obamalama has added 6+ trillion to the debt during his tenure (by the same criteria that you and your ilk used to say that Bush doubled the debt in 8 years)

Well, for starters, under pressure from Eric Cantor and John Boehner, he extended Bush's tax cuts on the wealthi....I mean job creators. THAT in itself (according to the GOP) was supposed to create jobs. Since Cantor and Boehner would not negotiate on extending UE benefits for those alreadt out of work unless Obama extended those cuts, where are the jobs they promised?
What exactly did Obama spend?

What exactly did he cut? What exactly did he do to cut the deficit by 50%? What exactly did he do for long term job creation??

Obamalama has added 6+ trillion to the debt during his tenure (by the same criteria that you and your ilk used to say that Bush doubled the debt in 8 years)

Well, for starters, under pressure from Eric Cantor and John Boehner, he extended Bush's tax cuts on the wealthi....I mean job creators. THAT in itself (according to the GOP) was supposed to create jobs. Since Cantor and Boehner would not negotiate on extending UE benefits for those alreadt out of work unless Obama extended those cuts, where are the jobs they promised?

Any jobs created are directly tied to extending tax cuts- To have ended them would have caused further job shedding. No miracle job creation was espoused by any republican- that's a false statement. What they, GOP leadership, espoused was to end tax relief on anyone would cause more harm then good.
What exactly did Obama spend?

What exactly did he cut? What exactly did he do to cut the deficit by 50%? What exactly did he do for long term job creation??

Obamalama has added 6+ trillion to the debt during his tenure (by the same criteria that you and your ilk used to say that Bush doubled the debt in 8 years)

Well, for starters, under pressure from Eric Cantor and John Boehner, he extended Bush's tax cuts on the wealthi....I mean job creators. THAT in itself (according to the GOP) was supposed to create jobs. Since Cantor and Boehner would not negotiate on extending UE benefits for those alreadt out of work unless Obama extended those cuts, where are the jobs they promised?

Sorry VA.. that is not a cut... you want to go on the UE benefits? Really?? You know what those got expanded to right?? And where does that get paid from??

The fact is that the debt and spending have increased immensely... with us still being worse off...

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