Bilderberg Power Masters Meet In The U.S...

Every time a Bilderberg Meeting takes place, important things happen. The last time they met in the US was an election year, 2008 – and the world got Obama. This year they’re back in the US: will they decide who the next president will be?

*When in 2008 they gathered from June 5 to 8 in Chantilly, Virginia – just a stone’s throw from the Washington DC – Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton were neck-in-neck in the battle for the Democratic Party’s presidential candidacy.

On June 5 of that year, Barack and Hillary mysteriously “disappeared” for some hours “somewhere in the DC area.” Their agendas blocked out, they clearly sneaked off to “Meet the Bilderbergers.”

The media kept mum about that, save for an Associated Press report on the campaign trail saying that, "reporters traveling with Obama sensed something might be happening between the pair (i.e. Obama and Hillary) when they arrived at Dulles International Airport after an event in Northern Virginia and Obama was not aboard the airplane. Asked at the time about the Illinois Senator's whereabouts, Obama spokesman Robert Gibbs smiled and declined to comment." (The AP dispatch “Obama and Clinton meet, discuss uniting Democrats” is, strangely, “no longer available” on their website).

Be that as it may, two days later, Hillary withdrew from the race and Obama became the presidential candidate. Did Bilderberg make Hillary “an offer she couldn’t refuse” to clear the way for Obama to the White House? Did they promise her that she would become his Secretary of State?

Although most Bilderberg annual meetings are held in Europe – France, Switzerland, Italy, Spain, Denmark, England, Scotland, Norway – this US election year they’re again gathering at the Westfield Marriott Hotel in Virginia from May 30 to June 3. Either they’re very fond of that place… or of US elections… or both…!

So the question is: will “key presidential candidacy decisions” be made again this year? Will a Republican wildcard appear? A “God-inspired Burning Bush” of some sort, perhaps?...

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Bilderberg power masters meet in the US — RT

there are many posters here that are in denila that they are the ones that decide who is going to be our next president in the next election.Right now they're all talking amongst each other saying-Obama has done an excellent job fulfilling our agenda.He can remain in office another term. Or they might be saying-I think Romney will get our agenda going along further and faster than Barry.Lets get him elected this time.

Bilderberg 2012: the technocrats are rising at this year's annual conference | World news |

Yeah that link of mine talks about all that stuff you just posted on Barry and Mrs Clinton.
is DENILA in the mid west?
You may have heard of this, it's called: Investigative Journalism. Sometimes it even involved moles or "insiders" who leaked information to the press.

This is what reporters actually did before they got lazy and just started reading talking points that were faxed to them by Party Head Quarters or polls commissioned by groups with an agenda.

You almost never see this on Fox, CNN, MSNBC or most major newspapers. That's why they're called "The Dinosaur Media": Soon to be extinct.

I'm sorry, but that is a lovely answer with almost no substance at all.

We have this group of some of the most influential and powerful people in the world. They get together annually to hold meetings and discuss how to change to a world government (according to the post I first quoted). And your answer to how information from this ultra-secret meeting of such powerful people was found is 'investigative journalism'? Who did this investigative journalism? How were they able to infiltrate this meeting? Has there been any follow up with the people who were there to hear the supposed quote? Etc. etc.....

Again, the concept of super-secret meetings of people influential enough to change the governments of the entire world does not mesh too well with conspiracy theory forum posts of supposed quotes from one of said meetings. Certainly not without some kind of evidence to back the assertion up.

In denial as always,ignoring things cause it doesnt go along with what you want to believe.the bilderbergers love sheep like you.

I'm neither in denial nor ignoring anything, you dolt. I'm pointing out that a quote about a supposedly uber-secret meeting of the most powerful people in the entire world is going to require a bit more than an anonymous poster's word in the conspiracy theory section of a message board. If you can't wrap your mind around that, it's your problem.
I'm sorry, but that is a lovely answer with almost no substance at all.

We have this group of some of the most influential and powerful people in the world. They get together annually to hold meetings and discuss how to change to a world government (according to the post I first quoted). And your answer to how information from this ultra-secret meeting of such powerful people was found is 'investigative journalism'? Who did this investigative journalism? How were they able to infiltrate this meeting? Has there been any follow up with the people who were there to hear the supposed quote? Etc. etc.....

Again, the concept of super-secret meetings of people influential enough to change the governments of the entire world does not mesh too well with conspiracy theory forum posts of supposed quotes from one of said meetings. Certainly not without some kind of evidence to back the assertion up.

In denial as always,ignoring things cause it doesnt go along with what you want to believe.the bilderbergers love sheep like you.

I'm neither in denial nor ignoring anything, you dolt. I'm pointing out that a quote about a supposedly uber-secret meeting of the most powerful people in the entire world is going to require a bit more than an anonymous poster's word in the conspiracy theory section of a message board. If you can't wrap your mind around that, it's your problem.
He just gave you a link, what are you illiterate?

Or are you waiting for FuxNews or MSLSD to report all this?
I'm a bit confused.....if these meetings are so super secret, how do we have quotes from what was said at one of them?
You may have heard of this, it's called: Investigative Journalism. Sometimes it even involved moles or "insiders" who leaked information to the press.

This is what reporters actually did before they got lazy and just started reading talking points that were faxed to them by Party Head Quarters or polls commissioned by groups with an agenda.

You almost never see this on Fox, CNN, MSNBC or most major newspapers. That's why they're called "The Dinosaur Media": Soon to be extinct.

I'm sorry, but that is a lovely answer with almost no substance at all.

We have this group of some of the most influential and powerful people in the world. They get together annually to hold meetings and discuss how to change to a world government (according to the post I first quoted). And your answer to how information from this ultra-secret meeting of such powerful people was found is 'investigative journalism'? Who did this investigative journalism? How were they able to infiltrate this meeting? Has there been any follow up with the people who were there to hear the supposed quote? Etc. etc.....

Again, the concept of super-secret meetings of people influential enough to change the governments of the entire world does not mesh too well with conspiracy theory forum posts of supposed quotes from one of said meetings. Certainly not without some kind of evidence to back the assertion up.

Check out the Kennedy Video posted earlier. It might change your perspective.
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In denial as always,ignoring things cause it doesnt go along with what you want to believe.the bilderbergers love sheep like you.

I'm neither in denial nor ignoring anything, you dolt. I'm pointing out that a quote about a supposedly uber-secret meeting of the most powerful people in the entire world is going to require a bit more than an anonymous poster's word in the conspiracy theory section of a message board. If you can't wrap your mind around that, it's your problem.
He just gave you a link, what are you illiterate?

Or are you waiting for FuxNews or MSLSD to report all this?

His link neither had anything to do with the quote from the post I originally quoted, nor did it explain why the author is able to so easily get information about these meetings and why people are so open with details if they are so full of secrecy. The link was full of innuendo with little verifiable facts.

Further, I was explaining why my previous posts were neither a matter of denial nor ignoring of evidence, and since they all occurred before 9/11's reply to me, even if his link DID provide some proof, or even compelling evidence, of the ideas being presented here, my points would remain valid. Perhaps, if instead of making assumptions about my literacy or my viewing habits, you paid attention to what was actually being said and when, you might have realized this.

To sum up, there are some posters on here who seem to have a whole lot of information about a group that is supposed to be both filled with the most powerful people in the world and extremely secretive. It seems somewhat unlikely that a few posters, some known for latching on to various conspiracy theories, should have said information. One link to an opinion piece does not negate that.
I'm neither in denial nor ignoring anything, you dolt. I'm pointing out that a quote about a supposedly uber-secret meeting of the most powerful people in the entire world is going to require a bit more than an anonymous poster's word in the conspiracy theory section of a message board. If you can't wrap your mind around that, it's your problem.
He just gave you a link, what are you illiterate?

Or are you waiting for FuxNews or MSLSD to report all this?

His link neither had anything to do with the quote from the post I originally quoted, nor did it explain why the author is able to so easily get information about these meetings and why people are so open with details if they are so full of secrecy. The link was full of innuendo with little verifiable facts.

Further, I was explaining why my previous posts were neither a matter of denial nor ignoring of evidence, and since they all occurred before 9/11's reply to me, even if his link DID provide some proof, or even compelling evidence, of the ideas being presented here, my points would remain valid. Perhaps, if instead of making assumptions about my literacy or my viewing habits, you paid attention to what was actually being said and when, you might have realized this.

To sum up, there are some posters on here who seem to have a whole lot of information about a group that is supposed to be both filled with the most powerful people in the world and extremely secretive. It seems somewhat unlikely that a few posters, some known for latching on to various conspiracy theories, should have said information. One link to an opinion piece does not negate that.

More information on the Bilderberg Group has come to light in recent years. It's the sign of the times i guess. But this information has been gained with absolutely no help from them. They are a very powerful secretive organization. Make no mistake about that. Check out what John F. Kennedy had to say about such Secret Societies. The video was posted earlier in this thread. Or just check it out on YouTube. It's very interesting.
You may have heard of this, it's called: Investigative Journalism. Sometimes it even involved moles or "insiders" who leaked information to the press.

This is what reporters actually did before they got lazy and just started reading talking points that were faxed to them by Party Head Quarters or polls commissioned by groups with an agenda.

You almost never see this on Fox, CNN, MSNBC or most major newspapers. That's why they're called "The Dinosaur Media": Soon to be extinct.

I'm sorry, but that is a lovely answer with almost no substance at all.

We have this group of some of the most influential and powerful people in the world. They get together annually to hold meetings and discuss how to change to a world government (according to the post I first quoted). And your answer to how information from this ultra-secret meeting of such powerful people was found is 'investigative journalism'? Who did this investigative journalism? How were they able to infiltrate this meeting? Has there been any follow up with the people who were there to hear the supposed quote? Etc. etc.....

Again, the concept of super-secret meetings of people influential enough to change the governments of the entire world does not mesh too well with conspiracy theory forum posts of supposed quotes from one of said meetings. Certainly not without some kind of evidence to back the assertion up.

Check out the Kennedy Video posted earlier. It might change your perspective.

He only sees what he wants to see.He has confessed he never watches videos before so dont hold your breath expecting him to watch it.:lol: He just wants to keep his head buried in the sand believing we are a free country by listening to agents like MORON IN THE HAT AND DAWGSHIT cause it makes him feel better and not scared of whats really going on in the world.
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I'm sorry, but that is a lovely answer with almost no substance at all.

We have this group of some of the most influential and powerful people in the world. They get together annually to hold meetings and discuss how to change to a world government (according to the post I first quoted). And your answer to how information from this ultra-secret meeting of such powerful people was found is 'investigative journalism'? Who did this investigative journalism? How were they able to infiltrate this meeting? Has there been any follow up with the people who were there to hear the supposed quote? Etc. etc.....

Again, the concept of super-secret meetings of people influential enough to change the governments of the entire world does not mesh too well with conspiracy theory forum posts of supposed quotes from one of said meetings. Certainly not without some kind of evidence to back the assertion up.

Check out the Kennedy Video posted earlier. It might change your perspective.

He only sees what he wants to see.He has confessed he never watches videos before so dont hold your breath expecting him to watch it.:lol: He just wants to keep his head buried in the sand believing we are a free country by listening to agents like MORON IN THE HAT AND DAWGSHIT cause it makes him feel better and not scared of whats really going on in the world.

Or perhaps I don't want to listen to someone who can barely piece together a coherent sentence about what is going on in the world. :eusa_whistle:

I form my own opinions, I don't base them off of what certain posters on an anonymous message board say. Perhaps it works differently for you. :)

As far as watching videos, it depends on who's posting them and how long they are, not to mention if I find the subject matter interesting. To be clear, I consider some of you conspiracy posters to be a bit off in the head, so I'm surely not going to waste much of my time watching the videos you may provide. Your posts have already led me to the conclusion you aren't very credible. :D
Check out the Kennedy Video posted earlier. It might change your perspective.

He only sees what he wants to see.He has confessed he never watches videos before so dont hold your breath expecting him to watch it.:lol: He just wants to keep his head buried in the sand believing we are a free country by listening to agents like MORON IN THE HAT AND DAWGSHIT cause it makes him feel better and not scared of whats really going on in the world.

Or perhaps I don't want to listen to someone who can barely piece together a coherent sentence about what is going on in the world. :eusa_whistle:

I form my own opinions, I don't base them off of what certain posters on an anonymous message board say. Perhaps it works differently for you. :)

As far as watching videos, it depends on who's posting them and how long they are, not to mention if I find the subject matter interesting. To be clear, I consider some of you conspiracy posters to be a bit off in the head, so I'm surely not going to waste much of my time watching the videos you may provide. Your posts have already led me to the conclusion you aren't very credible. :D

So Kennedy and Eisenhower where conspiracy theorist ?

[ame=]Eisenhower warns us of the military industrial complex. - YouTube[/ame]
He only sees what he wants to see.He has confessed he never watches videos before so dont hold your breath expecting him to watch it.:lol: He just wants to keep his head buried in the sand believing we are a free country by listening to agents like MORON IN THE HAT AND DAWGSHIT cause it makes him feel better and not scared of whats really going on in the world.

Or perhaps I don't want to listen to someone who can barely piece together a coherent sentence about what is going on in the world. :eusa_whistle:

I form my own opinions, I don't base them off of what certain posters on an anonymous message board say. Perhaps it works differently for you. :)

As far as watching videos, it depends on who's posting them and how long they are, not to mention if I find the subject matter interesting. To be clear, I consider some of you conspiracy posters to be a bit off in the head, so I'm surely not going to waste much of my time watching the videos you may provide. Your posts have already led me to the conclusion you aren't very credible. :D

So Kennedy and Eisenhower where conspiracy theorist ?

[ame=]Eisenhower warns us of the military industrial complex. - YouTube[/ame]

Sounds to me like they knew what was going on. They were far from being 'Crazy Conspiracy Theorists.'
I'm neither in denial nor ignoring anything, you dolt. I'm pointing out that a quote about a supposedly uber-secret meeting of the most powerful people in the entire world is going to require a bit more than an anonymous poster's word in the conspiracy theory section of a message board. If you can't wrap your mind around that, it's your problem.
He just gave you a link, what are you illiterate?

Or are you waiting for FuxNews or MSLSD to report all this?

His link neither had anything to do with the quote from the post I originally quoted, nor did it explain why the author is able to so easily get information about these meetings and why people are so open with details if they are so full of secrecy. The link was full of innuendo with little verifiable facts.

Further, I was explaining why my previous posts were neither a matter of denial nor ignoring of evidence, and since they all occurred before 9/11's reply to me, even if his link DID provide some proof, or even compelling evidence, of the ideas being presented here, my points would remain valid. Perhaps, if instead of making assumptions about my literacy or my viewing habits, you paid attention to what was actually being said and when, you might have realized this.

To sum up, there are some posters on here who seem to have a whole lot of information about a group that is supposed to be both filled with the most powerful people in the world and extremely secretive. It seems somewhat unlikely that a few posters, some known for latching on to various conspiracy theories, should have said information. One link to an opinion piece does not negate that.
He only sees what he wants to see.He has confessed he never watches videos before so dont hold your breath expecting him to watch it.:lol: He just wants to keep his head buried in the sand believing we are a free country by listening to agents like MORON IN THE HAT AND DAWGSHIT cause it makes him feel better and not scared of whats really going on in the world.

Or perhaps I don't want to listen to someone who can barely piece together a coherent sentence about what is going on in the world. :eusa_whistle:

I form my own opinions, I don't base them off of what certain posters on an anonymous message board say. Perhaps it works differently for you. :)

As far as watching videos, it depends on who's posting them and how long they are, not to mention if I find the subject matter interesting. To be clear, I consider some of you conspiracy posters to be a bit off in the head, so I'm surely not going to waste much of my time watching the videos you may provide. Your posts have already led me to the conclusion you aren't very credible. :D

So Kennedy and Eisenhower where conspiracy theorist ?

[ame=]Eisenhower warns us of the military industrial complex. - YouTube[/ame]
why not ? you are.
Or perhaps I don't want to listen to someone who can barely piece together a coherent sentence about what is going on in the world. :eusa_whistle:

I form my own opinions, I don't base them off of what certain posters on an anonymous message board say. Perhaps it works differently for you. :)

As far as watching videos, it depends on who's posting them and how long they are, not to mention if I find the subject matter interesting. To be clear, I consider some of you conspiracy posters to be a bit off in the head, so I'm surely not going to waste much of my time watching the videos you may provide. Your posts have already led me to the conclusion you aren't very credible. :D

So Kennedy and Eisenhower where conspiracy theorist ?

[ame=]Eisenhower warns us of the military industrial complex. - YouTube[/ame]

Sounds to me like they knew what was going on. They were far from being 'Crazy Conspiracy Theorists.'
subjective statement.
He only sees what he wants to see.He has confessed he never watches videos before so dont hold your breath expecting him to watch it.:lol: He just wants to keep his head buried in the sand believing we are a free country by listening to agents like MORON IN THE HAT AND DAWGSHIT cause it makes him feel better and not scared of whats really going on in the world.

Or perhaps I don't want to listen to someone who can barely piece together a coherent sentence about what is going on in the world. :eusa_whistle:

I form my own opinions, I don't base them off of what certain posters on an anonymous message board say. Perhaps it works differently for you. :)

As far as watching videos, it depends on who's posting them and how long they are, not to mention if I find the subject matter interesting. To be clear, I consider some of you conspiracy posters to be a bit off in the head, so I'm surely not going to waste much of my time watching the videos you may provide. Your posts have already led me to the conclusion you aren't very credible. :D

So Kennedy and Eisenhower where conspiracy theorist ?

[ame=]Eisenhower warns us of the military industrial complex. - YouTube[/ame]

thats his logic.He only sees what he WANTS to see wont he wont look at it:lol:
Four farts in a row from Dawgshit today.:lol::lol::poop::clap2:

agent Dawgshit is here right now so he will be here any second to fart again just like his handlers pay him to.:lol: will be interesting how many farts this time from
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