Big Tent Politics


Platinum Member
Nov 16, 2016
Does anyone remember when the Democratic Party was the "Big Tent" Party. Everyone was welcome under the tent. We haven't heard much about that lately.

Gibbs: Democrats Are a "Big Tent" Party - CBS News

Now, despite the nonsense from both the Left and Right, the Republican Party is moving in to take over the Big Tent mantle, if not the name. I say that based upon the exit polls that showed more than a quarter of Minorities voting for Trump.

2016 election results: Exit polls

People in the Rust Belt traditionally have different issues than the people in the Midwest, or the South. Western States voted for Trump, with the glaring exception of the West Coast.

What brought this to mind was an article I read here. DNC chair candidate: My job is to shut down white people when they’re not woke enough - Hot Air

To win, the Democrats need to reform the Big Tent. To become more inclusive, not more exclusive. Blaming the White People is nonsense that doesn't scratch the surface of the problem, and ignores everything that has been learned in elections since 2006.

You can't win Congress by excluding people. You can't take the Senate back by excluding people. Someone needs to build the Big Tent again, and this time stop throwing people out who are not as rabid as the entrenched leaders.

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