Big Brother to create "reasonable profits board"

Notice the bill's sponsors.

This is the far-right equivalent of the laws that are proposed in Congress each year like completely banning abortion - nothing more than rhetoric.

do you know who would, if the reps lost the house chair the Ways and Means Committee?

Sander Levin.

uhmmm, thats not what I heard, Pelosi is sweet on Stark.

wanna take a shot at franks old post? House Financial Services Committee?
Straight out of a dystopian can't make this shit up.

Dems propose 'Reasonable Profits Board' to regulate oil company profits - The Hill's Floor Action

Dems propose 'Reasonable Profits Board' to regulate oil company profits

Six House Democrats, led by Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio), want to set up a "Reasonable Profits Board" to control gas profits.



Actually, it is an election year. They want to blame high prices on Republican house members. It is cover for the Keystone pipeline debacle, and onerous taxes and regulations already on the books.
The extent that you guys get all butthurt about laws that will never see the light of day is amusing to me.

This isn't about making a law, it's rhetoric.

This is the same as Rangel "trying" to re-instate the draft.

dude, get real, the books are littered with slippery slopes that become hard paved roads and laws that 'have no chance of making it'....


you know, I always read your posts, becasue you're sane and well spoken...usually ;)....I have in the past, on 3 occasions provided links, follow-up etc. upon request and you never answered, so one more time- say 32 coal fired power plants set to close their doors ? another 30 on the hook for costs due to regs that demand upgrades that will cost and average 14% rate hike some most venues?
Or take schip? the supposed 200% above the poverty line stop has become a sad joke. why?

you know why? If enough political pressure is applied and the media gets on board, just about anything is dust particulate laws and regs too. That was labeled a pipe-dream too, yet it took interference from congress to attempt to kill it.

In June of 2008 they voted cloture in a windfall profits bill that got 51 votes, 7 reps too.

and, have you seen this?

Sarasota Herald-Tribune - Google News Archive Search

or, this-

The Milwaukee Journal - Google News Archive Search
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What corporations "controlled" Josef Stalin?

What similar laws did he pass?

Look up Armand Hammer.

Armand Hammer was friends with Lenin, not Stalin, and his business interests in the USSR ended in 1920, when Stalin took over.

He then returned to the US to become a major player in the Republican party.

Again, what laws similar to this one did Stalin pass?
One more step to total government control.

dude, get real, the books are littered with slippery slopes that become hard paved roads and laws that 'have no chance of making it'....


you know, I always read your posts, becasue you're sane and well spoken...usually ;)....I have in the past, on 3 occasions provided links, follow-up etc. upon request and you never answered, so one more time- say 32 coal fired power plants set to close their doors ? another 30 on the hook for costs due to regs that demand upgrades that will cost and average 14% rate hike some most venues?
Or take schip? the supposed 200% above the poverty line stop has become a sad joke. why?

you know why? If enough political pressure is applied and the media gets on board, just about anything is dust particulate laws and regs too. That was labeled a pipe-dream too, yet it took interference from congress to attempt to kill it.

and, have you seen this?

Sarasota Herald-Tribune - Google News Archive Search

or, this-

The Milwaukee Journal - Google News Archive Search

Your links turn up one story about the Senate passing a oil windfall profits tax, and the other about that same tax's repeal a few years later.

But I understand what you're saying - my point wasn't that unlikely laws never get passed - it was more along the lines of "No one actually wants this passed, they just want to make a political statement by proposing it".

And in terms of not responding to your previous links - I'm not sure of exactly what you're talking about, but chances are that if I didn't respond, I was esentially conceding the point.
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you know, I always read your posts, becasue you're sane and well spoken...usually ;)....I have in the past, on 3 occasions provided links, follow-up etc. upon request and you never answered, so one more time- say 32 coal fired power plants set to close their doors ? another 30 on the hook for costs due to regs that demand upgrades that will cost and average 14% rate hike some most venues?
Or take schip? the supposed 200% above the poverty line stop has become a sad joke. why?

you know why? If enough political pressure is applied and the media gets on board, just about anything is dust particulate laws and regs too. That was labeled a pipe-dream too, yet it took interference from congress to attempt to kill it.

and, have you seen this?

Sarasota Herald-Tribune - Google News Archive Search

or, this-

The Milwaukee Journal - Google News Archive Search

Your links turn up one story about the Senate passing a oil windfall profits tax, and the other about that same tax's repeal a few years later.


But I understand what you're saying - my point wasn't that unlikely laws never get passed - it was more along the lines of "No one actually wants this passed, they just want to make a political statement by proposing it".

that fine and I know kucinich is, well, to be kind wacky, but....? its not like it hasn't happened before, it has....what else did you want me to provide or say?

And in terms of not responding to your previous links - I'm not sure of exactly what you're talking about, but chances are that if I didn't respond, I was esentially conceding the point.

ok .

oh and maxine waters.....roll that around your head for a while.....;)
Straight out of a dystopian can't make this shit up.

Dems propose 'Reasonable Profits Board' to regulate oil company profits - The Hill's Floor Action

Dems propose 'Reasonable Profits Board' to regulate oil company profits

Six House Democrats, led by Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio), want to set up a "Reasonable Profits Board" to control gas profits.

The Democrats, worried about higher gas prices, want to set up a board that would apply a "windfall profit tax" as high as 100 percent on the sale of oil and gas, according to their legislation. The bill provides no specific guidance for how the board would determine what constitutes a reasonable profit.

The Gas Price Spike Act, H.R. 3784, would apply a windfall tax on the sale of oil and gas that ranges from 50 percent to 100 percent on all surplus earnings exceeding "a reasonable profit." It would set up a Reasonable Profits Board made up of three presidential nominees that will serve three-year terms. Unlike other bills setting up advisory boards, the Reasonable Profits Board would not be made up of any nominees from Congress.

The bill would also seem to exclude industry representatives from the board, as it says members "shall have no financial interests in any of the businesses for which reasonable profits are determined by the Board."

According to the bill, a windfall tax of 50 percent would be applied when the sale of oil or gas leads to a profit of between 100 percent and 102 percent of a reasonable profit. The windfall tax would jump to 75 percent when the profit is between 102 and 105 percent of a reasonable profit, and above that, the windfall tax would be 100 percent. The bill also specifies that the oil-and-gas companies, as the seller, would have to pay this tax.


American Democrats are firmly to the economic Left of Genuine Communists
Sounds like a tempest-in-a-teapot, since it won't pass. How is it even possible, when all the oil companies have to do is bribe 51% of Congress to get their way? It's a drop in the bucket compared to their bank balances.

The problem is the focus on the pure dollar amount in profits being reported. It sounds obscenely high, doesn't it? $902 BILLION in one year combined for the top five oil companies. Wow, that is just obscene profits, right? And let's pretend that is all we need to know before deciding that money should belong to government instead of these companies/ Because I guarantee you it is the only number Democrats want you to pay attention to. It doesn't play well for them if you are able to put things in perspective when they are trying to convince you another industry is another "enemy of the state" that needs to be punished by government because they need you to believe you were GOUGED by them.

But what Democrats in particular NEVER want to discuss is the fact their profit margin is 6.2 cents for every dollar spent, which ranks them 114 out of 215 industries by profit margin. That means the oil companies SPENT more than $840 billion to make $902 billion -most of it in exploration for new sources which is not only very costly, but has a low rate of return but is still something we want them to do. In order to be able to SPEND billions and billions and billions and billions doing something everyone wants them to do by finding new sources and keep the oil coming - they have to EARN IT. So what do Democrats really think would happen with imposing their own entirely arbitrary "reasonable profit" limits -as if these assholes who put this country on the fast track to bankruptcy even know what "reasonable" is? Who died and made them mini dictators to decide what are "reasonable" profits for ANY industry to make?

So do Democrats think "reasonable profits" is supposed to be based on pure dollar amount -or on their profit margin? Because a profit margin of 6 cents for every dollar spent in a global operation is not considered the best return. Compare that to the average profit margin of a McDonald's franchise of 10%. And if confiscated by government, it will mean they must reduce their exploration operations because government will have increased the risk and made what is already a poor rate of return on their dollar even worse. Which means their profit margin is reduced even further and means they will have to reduce their operations, lay off tens of thousands of employees, shut down the least profitable operations around the world - and raise the price of their product. It doesn't matter WHAT the product is when government decides it knows best how much an entire industry "should" earn and arbitrarily imposes it. It means YOU, the consumer get FUCKED. That is what happens when arrogant politicians think they can run an entire industry better than those who actually DO IT. And think they are somehow "protecting" consumers by inserting government into the equation which is a GUARANTEED rise in the costs to produce that item -costs which are then passed on to the consumer.

We have a dangerous number of truly arrogant politicians in office who think they can do ANYONE'S job better than those who do it for a living, run ANYONE'S life better than the owner of that life can, think getting elected made them EXPERTS on EVERYTHING, means they are smarter and better at doing any job than experts in their field -and breathtakingly arrogant enough to believe they can even run the entire market system and economy better. They all deserve to be fired for the dangerous level of sheer arrogance. People who suggest this kind of bullshit need to be tossed out of office as the inexcusable power hungry and dangerous morons they are.

Seriously -career politicians have caused more damage to this country than any other group. If they want to declare yet another new "enemy of the state" -maybe they should take a good look in the mirror for a change.

BTW -can someone explain to me why a career politician should be able to become a millionaire at taxpayer expense? NO politician should be able to end up a millionaire by never holding a real job and sucking up taxpayer dollars at the public trough. There are more than 250 politicians who did not become millionaires UNTIL they became career politicians and they come from both parties. Talk about gaming the system and GOUGING the people! THAT is something I find so incredibly and inexcusably obscene that it is also deserving of being tossed out of office! That is THE single most UNDESERVING group in the entire nation to make that kind of money! So I urge them to work on doing something about THEIR OWN unbridled and insatiable greed before eyeballing the much smaller profit margins of any industry.
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No. It's a cute little name for facilitating equitable distribution of the Nation's wealth resources. It's a way to impose controls on some of the greedy bastards who have been sabotaging American society for the past three decades.

If I had my way every penny in accumulated personal assets would be confiscated by IRS and a lot of Wall Street sharks and bankers would be on their way to Leavenworth.

No doubt, comrade.

The only question is why you don't move to North Korea, where what you want is already in place?

Someone who advocates Communism but is too cowardly to move to a Communist nation; who advocates the destruction of the US Constitution while hiding behind its protections; who condemns the American consumerism lifestyle while living that same lifestyle.

That woman at the protest handing out pro-Castro literature is a chickenred...she'd never move to Cuba.
Such a tax would work exactly like the Windfall Profits Tax in the 70s. It doesn't mean more expensive oil, it means no oil at all.

Closed gas stations, rationing, long lines and the never to be forgotten presidential advice to put on a sweater.
Simply put this is just a reminder of how much of a disaster Obama + Liberal Congress could actually be in theory.

What corporations "controlled" Josef Stalin?

What similar laws did he pass?

Look up Armand Hammer.

Armand Hammer was friends with Lenin, not Stalin, and his business interests in the USSR ended in 1920, when Stalin took over.

He then returned to the US to become a major player in the Republican party.

Again, what laws similar to this one did Stalin pass?

That's incorrect. His involement didn't start until 1921 and he lived there until 1930. He certainly knew and dealt with Stalin.

Armand Hammer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Armand Hammer was friends with Lenin, not Stalin, and his business interests in the USSR ended in 1920, when Stalin took over.

He then returned to the US to become a major player in the Republican party.

Again, what laws similar to this one did Stalin pass?

{In his 1983 book Red Carpet, author Joseph Finder discusses Hammer's "extensive involvement with Russia."[18]

After returning to the U.S., Hammer entered into a diverse array of business, art, cultural, and humanitarian endeavors, including investing in various U.S. oil production efforts. These oil investments were later parlayed into control of Occidental Petroleum. Throughout his life he continued personal and business dealings with the Soviet Union, despite the Cold War. In later years he lobbied and traveled extensively at great personal expense, working for peace between the United States and the Communist countries of the world, including ferrying physicians and supplies into the Soviet Union to help Chernobyl survivors}

Armand Hammer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hammer and Occidental is just an easy example. Between the NEP and Lend Lease, the Soviets were up to their ears with the corporations.
That means the oil companies SPENT more than $840 billion to make $902 billion

Very good post but I think you have made a mathematical error. I am rusty but if their profits were 902 billion and the profit margin is 6.2% then I believe that means they spent over 14.546 TRILLION dollars. That is a massive amount of money to invest.

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