Biden's Adolph Hitler Moment: Despite 'Unity Pledge', Biden Dragging America Into A Very Dangerous Place

More right wing Nazis speaking out. The Republican Party is the most divisive and hate filled party in history. When they get called out, they have the nerve to attack others.

Wrong, biden is YOUR installed invalid. Never forget, dems are the party of slavery and segregation and continue to be divisive as they war against half the country now. Deal with it.
Conservatives have not violated the Constitution and the Rule of Law, have not violated the Patriot Act and defrauded the FISA Court to trample on American citizens' rights by illegally spying on Americans and a US President.

Conservatives have not made a hypocritical mockery of Equal Justice, elevating themselves against laws - and punishment- they oppose on American citizens.

Conservatives have not directly threatened USSC Justices and incited assassination attempts against political opponents and USSC Justices.

Conservatives have not firebombed / committed Domestic terrorist attacks against churches or Pro-life HQs and have not acted to protect these domestic terrorists.

Conservatives have not bused into cities domestic terrorist groups who looted, defaced, burned, and destroyed local communities, who attacked, injured, and murdered citizens, who attempted to burn US Marshall's alive inside US govt buildings...and they have not defended, protected, and encouraged such domestic terrorists.

Conservatives did not take over and hold entire city blocks hostage, did not extort businesses and kill citizens inside this terrorist-held zone...did not aid and assist such terrorists by replacing their flimsy barriers with concrete barriers, give them porta-potties, and cater food to them

Conservatives did not initiate and engage in failed coup attempts based on false Russian Collusion based on propaganda they obtained from Russians....

Conservatives did not initiate and participate in the largest criminal political scandal in US history

Conservatives did not attempt multiple failed coup Impeachment attempts based on zero crime, zero evidence, zero witnesses, and zero bi-partisanship as promised...we're not caught committing Perjury and treasonously manufacturing false evidence to use in an attempt to overthrow the US govt by illegally removing a US President from office ... did not argue that crimes, evidence, or witnesses were needed to Impeach a President

Conservatives / Republican Reps were not proven to have screwed Chicom spies and accepted their financing of their pitical campaigns, were not proven to have harbored a Chicom spy in their inner circle / office for DECADES and the refuse to punish the spy or the Govt Politician who did so

Conservatives did not lie to tge American people by using the 'Marketing Tool' of deceitfully labeling a mega-partisan spending bill an 'Inflation Reduction' bill just to get suckers / gullible Americans to support it...

Conservatives, in the middle of an Inflation in which middle and lower classes are struggling to survive, just Un-Constitutionally issue an illegal EO adding over a Trillion dollars in spending and place the lion's share of paying all that back on tge middle and lower classes through higher taxes...

What Biden did in his speech was to set an historic record for falsely accusing others of being who DEMOCRATS are and of doing what DEMOCRATS have done, are doing, and continue to do.
All those are lies of course. Carry on.
Not with MAGA around. These folks want the destruction of America.
The destruction of the democrats. The burning of every root, leaf and seed of any part of democrat America, yes, yes and yes again.
Like I said dummy... all I saw was the red... and what the people saw is what counts.... even dems are shocked at that show last night....
That's because it was lit up in red, which is why no one ever mentioned white and blue. But, you know how democrats lie.¹
Like I said dummy... all I saw was the red... and what the people saw is what counts.... even dems are shocked at that show last night....

But now you know it was red, white and blue yet to you, the red on the American flag represents "CCP red."
Yep. And they're only getting more and more feral, while the man-child they adore does nothing but prod them on, and their enabling media does the same.

This is a cult, it's dangerous, and it has our democracy teetering because it's believing and following a blatant con man.

Biden is dangerous and threat to the republic. He's simply a deceptive lunatic that hates this country.
That's because it was lit up in red, which is why no one ever mentioned white and blue. But, you know how democrats lie.¹

Where's the lie, con?

Holy crap, the projection in this thread is gonna be EPIC.


Funny how you look at one thread after another with that standard and you bring it up .... only ever .... for Republicans. You're right both parties have lots of hypocrisy, but dude, that's .... wait for it ... hypocrisy ...

What are you waiting on? Your next Big Mac at the drive thru at Mcdonalds?
Anything that divides this country is a plus. I want to see it broken into Hutu Tutsi territory. And you are a big help with that.
But now you know it was red, white and blue yet to you, the red on the American flag is "CCP red."
The camera which was set up by Biden's people showed only red the whole speech... I never saw the blue and white until this morning...
Someone wanted that ominous deep CCP red shown....
So your beef is with that person.....

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