Biden poll numbers he doesn't want you to see


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2017
Texas hill country
Joe Biden has officially served 100 days in office and the approval polls are making the rounds in mainstream media. And despite the constant adoration from the press, the ratings are not great.

President Biden sits at 52% in even the most friendly polls from NBC News and ABC News/The Washington Post. Fox News has his approval rating at 42%.

Commentators were quick to compare the numbers to President Trump’s approval ratings and claim victory, but not one liberal commentator dared to compare Biden’s 52% to that of any modern Democrat – or anyone else who wasn’t President Trump!

The reason why is simple, as the Washington Examiner’s Byron York pointed out: Biden’s approval is the third-lowest since President Harry Truman. Only President Trump and President Gerald Ford scored lower, and of course, Ford and Trump faced a media united to destroy both of them. Biden has nothing but friends in the media, in big tech, and in Congress to tout his success and dismiss any rumor of incompetency.

The NBC/WSJ poll asked Americans they believe the nation is on the wrong track. 56% of respondents said yes. 82% of respondents revealed they believed our country is divided and Biden has NOT brought any unity.

Perhaps the most revealing part of the approval polls were the issue-based questions, especially on immigration. Most Americans disapprove of Biden’s handling of immigration by an overwhelming 52-34, and on border security, 51-35, according to Fox News.

IMHO, any poll that shows Biden's approval rating north of 50% is fudged, with a lot more democrats than repubs. It's not surprising that Biden's numbers are better than Trump's after the way the media has attacked and lied about him on a continual basis. True, Biden has favorable numbers on some issues, but sucks on others:


Don't know how in hell 52% approve of his handling of "Uniting the country", he's done nothing but divide the country further IMHO. And I suspect the approval of his handling of the Economy is going to dwindle rapidly. And much of his success with the Coronavirus was in fact more due to what Trump did before he left office; Biden just took the credit.
Where did you find the nonexistent Fox News poll having Biden at 42% :confused-84:

WASHINGTON — As the 100th day of his administration approaches, President Joe Biden still enjoys net positive ratings from the public on a range of issues, according to polls conducted by Fox News and NBC News.​
The polls found identical approval ratings for Biden, with the Fox News surveyreporting a 54%-43% net positive approval rating and the NBC News poll reporting a similar 53%-39%.​
The findings show Biden has lower popularity than the news outlet's polls found at similar points in the presidencies of George W. Bush and Barack Obama, though Biden is more popular than his immediate predecessor, former President Donald Trump.​
In both polls, Biden's administration is most supported on its approach to the coronavirus pandemic; 69% of the public approved of Biden's approach, according to the NBC News poll. The Fox News poll found a lower estimate at 58% approval.

Joe Biden has officially served 100 days in office and the approval polls are making the rounds in mainstream media. And despite the constant adoration from the press, the ratings are not great.

President Biden sits at 52% in even the most friendly polls from NBC News and ABC News/The Washington Post. Fox News has his approval rating at 42%.

Commentators were quick to compare the numbers to President Trump’s approval ratings and claim victory, but not one liberal commentator dared to compare Biden’s 52% to that of any modern Democrat – or anyone else who wasn’t President Trump!

The reason why is simple, as the Washington Examiner’s Byron York pointed out: Biden’s approval is the third-lowest since President Harry Truman. Only President Trump and President Gerald Ford scored lower, and of course, Ford and Trump faced a media united to destroy both of them. Biden has nothing but friends in the media, in big tech, and in Congress to tout his success and dismiss any rumor of incompetency.

The NBC/WSJ poll asked Americans they believe the nation is on the wrong track. 56% of respondents said yes. 82% of respondents revealed they believed our country is divided and Biden has NOT brought any unity.

Perhaps the most revealing part of the approval polls were the issue-based questions, especially on immigration. Most Americans disapprove of Biden’s handling of immigration by an overwhelming 52-34, and on border security, 51-35, according to Fox News.

IMHO, any poll that shows Biden's approval rating north of 50% is fudged, with a lot more democrats than repubs. It's not surprising that Biden's numbers are better than Trump's after the way the media has attacked and lied about him on a continual basis. True, Biden has favorable numbers on some issues, but sucks on others:

View attachment 484188

Don't know how in hell 52% approve of his handling of "Uniting the country", he's done nothing but divide the country further IMHO. And I suspect the approval of his handling of the Economy is going to dwindle rapidly. And much of his success with the Coronavirus was in fact more due to what Trump did before he left office; Biden just took the credit.
Honeymoon over.
Joe Biden has officially served 100 days in office and the approval polls are making the rounds in mainstream media. And despite the constant adoration from the press, the ratings are not great.

View attachment 484188

I'd rate Joe a bit differently:

Covid-19: . . . . . APPROVE 69% . . . . . DISAPPROVE 27%
ECONOMY . . . . . APPROVE 42 . . . . . DISAPPROVE 43
UNITING THE COUNTRY: For Blacks/Minorities/Illegals: 80%, FOR WHITES: 20%
CHINA: CHINESE: 90% approve, Americans: 90% disapprove
GUNS: Gun Scardies: 75% approve, 2A Adherents: 25% approve
BORDER: ILLEGALS: 95% approve, USA citizens: 90% disapprove
The results of polls are predetermined by the way they ask questions, and who they're directed at.

Additionally polls are a reflection of what MSM shoves up our ass all day. For instance, if Trump says grab a pussy that shit runs 24/7 mainstream for weeks on end. If Biden paws little girls he's just met it's crickets.

Or for instance if Trump DOESN"T say something he's declared racist, while if Xiden says something racist it's crickets. Even PROGS know this though won't admit to it, not even to themselves due their cowardly & dishonest manner.

Or for instance when COVID struck the PROG way talked about blood on Trump's hands and stuff, "your feelings". But the same criteria doesn't apply to Xiden, where things are crickets or his name is mentioned in passing.

Polls are only a reflection of nothing beyond a demonstration how the public are simple tools with tiny pretentious heads.
Where did you find the nonexistent Fox News poll having Biden at 42% :confused-84:

WASHINGTON — As the 100th day of his administration approaches, President Joe Biden still enjoys net positive ratings from the public on a range of issues, according to polls conducted by Fox News and NBC News.​
The polls found identical approval ratings for Biden, with the Fox News surveyreporting a 54%-43% net positive approval rating and the NBC News poll reporting a similar 53%-39%.​
The findings show Biden has lower popularity than the news outlet's polls found at similar points in the presidencies of George W. Bush and Barack Obama, though Biden is more popular than his immediate predecessor, former President Donald Trump.​
In both polls, Biden's administration is most supported on its approach to the coronavirus pandemic; 69% of the public approved of Biden's approach, according to the NBC News poll. The Fox News poll found a lower estimate at 58% approval.

Just wait till the PUA goes's a good thing the POTUS is a democrat cuz when that happens baby the shit is going to hit the fan like an aircraft carrier going over Niagara falls.
Xiden has badly set race relations back centuries and he has killed the economy as the jobs numbers are terrible
He bows down to China and has caused as much hate and division as possible
Where did you find the nonexistent Fox News poll having Biden at 42% :confused-84:

WASHINGTON — As the 100th day of his administration approaches, President Joe Biden still enjoys net positive ratings from the public on a range of issues, according to polls conducted by Fox News and NBC News.​
The polls found identical approval ratings for Biden, with the Fox News surveyreporting a 54%-43% net positive approval rating and the NBC News poll reporting a similar 53%-39%.​
The findings show Biden has lower popularity than the news outlet's polls found at similar points in the presidencies of George W. Bush and Barack Obama, though Biden is more popular than his immediate predecessor, former President Donald Trump.​
In both polls, Biden's administration is most supported on its approach to the coronavirus pandemic; 69% of the public approved of Biden's approach, according to the NBC News poll. The Fox News poll found a lower estimate at 58% approval.

he will be ok as long as he has that black women Kamela to keep his depends fresh
I don't need no poll to show me he is a fuckin loser and anyone wasting him would go down as an American hero

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