Biden orders activation of Selective Reserve and Individual Ready Reserve

More bullshit. The Iraq liberation act declaired that the US will support regime change in Iraq by assiting opposition geoups. The invasion ordered by GW Bush 5 years later had nothing to do with the Act. It was based on lies and misinformation about WMDs
Yes clinton made it our policy to over throw saddam
You cant be serious with this bullshit. First of all Obama did not ignore the Crimean Invasion. He called and warned Putin that it was a violation of Ukranian sovereignty and imposed economic sanctions. sanctions. His response was not as forceful as Bidens but at the time the Russian threat was not as great and Ukraine was not prepared to fight back \

Then after criticizing Obama, you people hypocritically call Biden a war monger for talking a tough stance with massive sanctions and military aide. You can’t have it both ways Pal , Furthermore, to suggest that Obana’s limited response then was the reason what Putin invaded in 2022 is breathtakingly stupid! What did he wait 8 years ? And don’t try to tell us that it was because his fuck buddy Trump was president. Trump would have enabled him. Putin has no respect for Trump and could have easily taken advantage of him
Oh he made a phone call! Wow

I guess that was part of his more flexible with russia policy that he promised if they helped him win re-election by going easy on him
Bullshit but you would have called him a war monger-like you do to Biden if he did more . Your shameless duplicity is astouding
He did nothing but make a phone was part of his "more flexible" with Putin policy.

Yes I do call him a war monger....the facts don't lie...and others agree...

President Obama's Legacy Is Endless War​

Seven years in, it’s clear that Obama has forged a legacy of enormous consequence. But the most transformational aspect of his presidency is something liberals never hoped for: as president, Barack Obama’s most far-reaching achievement has been to strip out any remaining legal limits on the president’s power to wage war.

Heck...take it from the horse's mouth...Obama himself ...

Last Year President Obama Reportedly Told His Aides That He's 'Really Good At Killing People'​

Obama oversaw the 2009 surge in Afghanistan, 145 Predator drone strikes in NATO’s 2011 Libya operations, the May 2011 raid that killed Osama bin Laden, and drone strikes that killed the Pakistani Taliban leader and a senior member of the Somali-based militant group al-Shabab this week.

His administration also expanded the drone war: There have been 326 drone strikes in Pakistan, 93 in Yemen, and several in Somalia — killing upwards of 4,000 people overall — under Obama, compared to a total of 52 strikes under George Bush.

In 2011 two of those strikes killed American-born al-Qaeda propagandist Anwar al-Awlaki and his American-born, 16-year-old son within two weeks.

Under Obama U.S. drone operators began practicing “signature strikes,” a tactic in which targets are chosen based on patterns of suspicious behavior and the identities of those to be killed aren't necessarily known. (The administration counts all “military-age males” in a strike zone as combatants.)

Furthermore, the disturbing trend of the “double tap” — bombing the same place in quick succession and often hitting first responders — has become common practice under Obama's eye.

Obama has also embraced the expansion of capture/kill missions by Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) after it developed into the primary counterterrorism tool of the Bush administration.

One JSOC operator told investigative journalist Jeremy Scahill, author of “Dirty Wars: The World Is A Battlefield,” that global operations under Obama became “harder, faster, quicker — with the full support of the White House.”

Scahill, who also made a “Dirty Wars” documentary, told NBC News that Obama will “go down in history as the president who legitimized and systematized a process by which the United States asserts the right to conduct assassination operations around the world.”

Needless to say, a lot of innocent people have been killed along with combatants.

So although President Obama has proven to be “really good at killing people,” the demonstration has not necessarily been noble.
Huh, guess those recruits are getting hard to find.

Guess they need to keep those old white guys to run their ships.

This is all for “Operation Atlantic Resolve”, in other words the Ukraine bullshit war that Biden wanted us to get involved in.
April 2014

Atlantic Resolve. Since April 2014, U.S. Army Europe and Africa has led the Department of Defense's Atlantic Resolve land efforts.
I understand exactly what the IRR is.
Point stands, they activated some IRR members, probably to get MOS's they needed and were short on without robbing from other units.

True story. During my time in the NG, when someone stopped showing up to drills because of job obligations or just pure laziness, they got sent to the IRR.

Imagine some of their surprise when they got activated to fill out active duty units during the first Gulf War.
When you're IRR, you're basically a civilian. You're not training, you're not have ETS'd from military service. You shouldn't be called up from IRR unless were actively at war or preparing to imminently be at war.

Yeah, some guys were called up or stoplossed during Desert Storm and Iraq II, the Wrath of W, and Afghanistan...all active wars.

What war justifies calling up literally inactive troops?
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Clinton did not invade. W did , fool. And his justifican was based on lies. Republican lies
You still don't get it.

NeoLibs = NeoCons

They're one and the same.

Republicans, Democrats, doesn't matter.

To the extent you think it does, is the extent you're a brainwashed lemming who's swallowed the propaganda.

Neo's of ANY kind are total fucking warmongers. They dont care which political party they're glommed onto today.

But TODAY, they run the Democratic Party. Because the Republicans kicked them out. So they went back to their original home.

This is one of the big reasons why you see BOTH sets of Neo's aligned against Trump, because he wouldn't let them use public money to fund their little war games.
Have you considered what would happen if Uktaine falls to Russia? . Hint: NATO countries will be next.........then what?

Not one of you opinionated ass hats has a rational plan or policy to deal with the situation, but that does not stop you from bad mouthing Biden and claiming that he wants war.
You gotta be kidding? The addition of more NATO countries makes this a more dangerous world. Ukraine and other rations are proven to be a buffer zone. Ukraine means nothing to the West. There is something more going on.
When you're IRR, you're basically a civilian. You're not training, you're not have ETS'd from military service. You shouldn't be called up from IRR unless were actively at war or preparing to imminently be at war.

Yeah, some guys were called up or stoplossed during Desert Storm and Iraq II, the Wrath of W, and Afghanistan...all active wars.

What war justifies calling up literally inactive troops?

Pretty much any war the government says so.

Sure, in principle, you shouldn't be calling up the IRR unless it's an absolute emergency. But the designation of what constitutes an emergency is entirely left up to military leadership and the President.

Just hoping they don't have a need for sixty-year old Supply NCO's.
You cant be serious with this bullshit. First of all Obama did not ignore the Crimean Invasion. He called and warned Putin that it was a violation of Ukranian sovereignty and imposed economic sanctions. sanctions. His response was not as forceful as Bidens but at the time the Russian threat was not as great and Ukraine was not prepared to fight back \

Then after criticizing Obama, you people hypocritically call Biden a war monger for talking a tough stance with massive sanctions and military aide. You can’t have it both ways Pal , Furthermore, to suggest that Obana’s limited response then was the reason what Putin invaded in 2022 is breathtakingly stupid! What did he wait 8 years ? And don’t try to tell us that it was because his fuck buddy Trump was president. Trump would have enabled him. Putin has no respect for Trump and could have easily taken advantage of him

You are ignorant to your core, Obambi is indeed responsible for what we see now.
He did nothing but make a phone was part of his "more flexible" with Putin policy.

Yes I do call him a war monger....the facts don't lie...and others agree...

President Obama's Legacy Is Endless War​

Seven years in, it’s clear that Obama has forged a legacy of enormous consequence. But the most transformational aspect of his presidency is something liberals never hoped for: as president, Barack Obama’s most far-reaching achievement has been to strip out any remaining legal limits on the president’s power to wage war.
Heck...take it from the horse's mouth...Obama himself ...

Last Year President Obama Reportedly Told His Aides That He's 'Really Good At Killing People'​

Obama oversaw the 2009 surge in Afghanistan, 145 Predator drone strikes in NATO’s 2011 Libya operations, the May 2011 raid that killed Osama bin Laden, and drone strikes that killed the Pakistani Taliban leader and a senior member of the Somali-based militant group al-Shabab this week.

His administration also expanded the drone war: There have been 326 drone strikes in Pakistan, 93 in Yemen, and several in Somalia — killing upwards of 4,000 people overall — under Obama, compared to a total of 52 strikes under George Bush.

In 2011 two of those strikes killed American-born al-Qaeda propagandist Anwar al-Awlaki and his American-born, 16-year-old son within two weeks.

Under Obama U.S. drone operators began practicing “signature strikes,” a tactic in which targets are chosen based on patterns of suspicious behavior and the identities of those to be killed aren't necessarily known. (The administration counts all “military-age males” in a strike zone as combatants.)

Furthermore, the disturbing trend of the “double tap” — bombing the same place in quick succession and often hitting first responders — has become common practice under Obama's eye.

Obama has also embraced the expansion of capture/kill missions by Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) after it developed into the primary counterterrorism tool of the Bush administration.

One JSOC operator told investigative journalist Jeremy Scahill, author of “Dirty Wars: The World Is A Battlefield,” that global operations under Obama became “harder, faster, quicker — with the full support of the White House.”

Scahill, who also made a “Dirty Wars” documentary, told NBC News that Obama will “go down in history as the president who legitimized and systematized a process by which the United States asserts the right to conduct assassination operations around the world.”

Needless to say, a lot of innocent people have been killed along with combatants.

So although President Obama has proven to be “really good at killing people,” the demonstration has not necessarily been noble.
You just wasted a lot of time with your straw man argument. I never argued that Obama did not have a penchent for war. I argued that you are being hypocritical and inconsistent for criticizing Obama for not doing enough to defend Crimea while calling Obama a war monger for what he is doing

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