Biden orders activation of Selective Reserve and Individual Ready Reserve

We've been abusing the Constitution for a long time with regards to deploying our military without congressional authorization. From Biden's EO -

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including sections 121 and 12304 of title 10, United States Code, I hereby determine that it is necessary to augment the active Armed Forces of the United States for the effective conduct of Operation Atlantic Resolve in and around the United States European Command’s area of responsibility.

Here is the pertinent part of §12304. Selected Reserve and certain Individual Ready Reserve members; order to active duty other than during war or national emergency

The authority under subsection (a) includes authority to order a unit or member to active duty to provide assistance in responding to an emergency involving-

(1) a use or threatened use of a weapon of mass destruction; or

(2) a terrorist attack or threatened terrorist attack in the United States that results, or could result, in significant loss of life or property.

It doesn't say he can do it to provide training and support for another country's war. Congress should be pushing back on this shit, but they never do.
The Ukraine is not worth one dime or drop of blood.
Its a war between two corrupt socialist countries.
Have you considered what would happen if Uktaine falls to Russia? . Hint: NATO countries will be next.........then what?

Not one of you opinionated ass hats has a rational plan or policy to deal with the situation, but that does not stop you from bad mouthing Biden and claiming that he wants war.
Just the beginning, The military cannot meet their recruiting goals so expect the draft to be brought back so Americans can fight the Russians for the Ukraine.
What wars have Democrats started in the last 20 years?
The wars that the Democratic Party has started includes:
  • the War of 1812
  • the Mexican-American War
  • the Spanish-American War
  • World War I
  • World War II
  • the Korean War
  • the Vietnam War
  • Ukraine - Both Obama and Biden
The wars that the Republican Party has started includes:
  • American Civil War
  • the Gulf War
  • the War in Afghanistan
  • the Iraq War
  • the War on Terror
Huh, guess those recruits are getting hard to find.

Guess they need to keep those old white guys to run their ships.

This is all for “Operation Atlantic Resolve”, in other words the Ukraine bullshit war that Biden wanted us to get involved in.
Xiden’s clearly planning for a hot war…
You do realize that reserve units get activated all the time for training and support purposes, right?

Oh, it's only 3000 reservists... of which only 450 can be from the IRR.
The IRR isn't a standard reserve unit.

You claim to be a veteran.

Be honest if you can.

It's sad when a Fake President decides to send American blood to the Meat Grinder.

American Servicemen about to be sacrificed for this idiot Biden and his political incompetence.
Huh, guess those recruits are getting hard to find.

Guess they need to keep those old white guys to run their ships.

This is all for “Operation Atlantic Resolve”, in other words the Ukraine bullshit war that Biden wanted us to get involved in.

Biden doesn't say that any of these soldiers are to be deployed in Ukraine. Nor does NATO. Nor does the order.

The IRR isn't a standard reserve unit.

You claim to be a veteran.

Be honest if you can.

I understand exactly what the IRR is.
Point stands, they activated some IRR members, probably to get MOS's they needed and were short on without robbing from other units.

True story. During my time in the NG, when someone stopped showing up to drills because of job obligations or just pure laziness, they got sent to the IRR.

Imagine some of their surprise when they got activated to fill out active duty units during the first Gulf War.
no, Obama was president when he turned a blind eye to the Russian invasion.
You cant be serious with this bullshit. First of all Obama did not ignore the Crimean Invasion. He called and warned Putin that it was a violation of Ukranian sovereignty and imposed economic sanctions. sanctions. His response was not as forceful as Bidens but at the time the Russian threat was not as great and Ukraine was not prepared to fight back \

Then after criticizing Obama, you people hypocritically call Biden a war monger for talking a tough stance with massive sanctions and military aide. You can’t have it both ways Pal , Furthermore, to suggest that Obana’s limited response then was the reason what Putin invaded in 2022 is breathtakingly stupid! What did he wait 8 years ? And don’t try to tell us that it was because his fuck buddy Trump was president. Trump would have enabled him. Putin has no respect for Trump and could have easily taken advantage of him

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