Biden Moves to Save Nuclear Power

Three Mile Island did NOT shutdown safely as it should have, it melted down.
Fukushima should have anticipated a tidal wave and designed for it.
Whoever reviewed the Fukushima design and gave it a license should be fired.
More people have died in Ted Kennedy’s car than in American nuclear power plants.
Not one person on earth believes in Manmade Gorebal Warming.
No one knows how many have died in North America from nuclear pollution.
If the truth be known more people have died as a result of nuclear testing. The government apparently classified the number of U.S. Navy personnel who were ordered to board and clean ships (with radioactive water) that were used in atomic bomb tests in the Pacific and died of radiation related disease. Soldiers were ordered to train in close proximity to atomic bomb tests on U.S. soil. Atomic bomb tests became so numerous in Nevada that they became tourist attractions. The most notorious example of cancer deaths apparently related to radiation were a high number of actors in the movie "The Conqueror" starring Duke Wayne which was filmed in an area contaminated by radiation.
If the truth be known more people have died as a result of nuclear testing. The government apparently classified the number of sailors who were ordered to board and clean ships (with radioactive water) that were used in atomic bomb tests in the Pacific and died of radiation related disease. Soldiers were ordered to be close to atomic bomb tests on U.S. soil and atomic bomb tests were so numerous in Nevada that they became tourist attractions. The most notorious example of cancer deaths apparently related to radiation were a high number of actors in the movie "The Conqueror" starring Duke Wayne which was filmed in an area contaminated by radiation.
Good thing fossil fuels never hurt anyone or anything.
Can we pile the 300,000 turbine blades that will need to be replaced in the next 10 years in your front yard?
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I do not advocate for wind power. It is a nice cottage industry for people to pretend that they are making a difference with.
But let me ask you a simple question. What exactly in my post ever made you think that I was in any way suggesting wind or any other form of creating electrical energy?
I do not advocate for wind power. It is a nice cottage industry for people to pretend that they are making a difference with.
But let me ask you a simple question. What exactly in my post ever made you think that I was in any way suggesting wind or any other form of creating electrical energy?
Because nuclear is the safest most environmentally friendly source of reliable energy on the planet.
The most friendly and constant source of energy on earth is a fusion reactor 150,000,000 km. await.

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