Biden Likes Cardi B's WAP

Can you provide any photos of him drooling without photoshopping?
Prolly not because the DNC and their sycophant media would have scrubbed those PIX long ago but look "everyone knows" that Biden has drooled. Just trust what I say......Like the Democrats wanted US to believe Trump was a Russian Spy.

View attachment 376671
'Actual' photo of Biden taken during that call by an "official person close to the campaign" and verified by "experts."

View attachment 376672
Trump is run by the Russians. Today's report says so Senate investigation for crying out loud. Of course he fooled around with women in Moscow and is being blackmailed etcetera etcetera plus he wants the Moscow tower more than the presidency.
It’s funny how the liberal media try to paint President Trump voters as “uneducated”. Yet they only use the “whites with no college” statistic. Hmm, ever wonder why they limit it to white people? Oh, because 95% of uneducated blacks vote for Dems. Blacks by far are the most uneducated, and without that base the Democratic Party would be dead.
Well, from what I have seen lately from these 'college educated' people they are the most clueless, left-wing fanatics of all. Colleges have turned into re-education youth camps where they are untaught everything they learned about their own country and have had that knowledge supplanted with anti-American, Democrat-Marxist propaganda.
Isn't that better than when they were binge drinking themselves to death in the 1980's?
Yeah Joe likes him some WAP
Lyrics....Check out the link, I don't think Forum rules would allow me to post the text. What a dirty old man drooling fuckhead.

Gee. I had no idea. I had never even heard of the skank until I saw her "interview" Biden (Biden had to tell her his name and her comment was "snap.").

Then Joe proceeded to ask HER questions. The girl sounded like she had about the intelligence of a 5th grader.

Say what you want about Trump, he would never do an interview like that in a million years. It is clear that Joe didn't set that interview up, his HANDLERS did that, to get him some young street "cred" with the 18-28 crowd who are stupid enough to listen to garbage like that "music" much less vote for a "cool" guy like Joe because of it. Joe's one cool dude, man. :smoke:

No one with an IQ over 56 need apply to be a Biden supporter.

Meantime "Mean Joe" still runs from doing an interview on Fox's Chris Wallace with his panties around his knees.
It’s funny how the liberal media try to paint President Trump voters as “uneducated”. Yet they only use the “whites with no college” statistic. Hmm, ever wonder why they limit it to white people? Oh, because 95% of uneducated blacks vote for Dems. Blacks by far are the most uneducated, and without that base the Democratic Party would be dead.
Blacks are not liberals, they just know which party is full of racists.

Yeah Joe likes him some WAP

Lyrics....Check out the link, I don't think Forum rules would allow me to post the text. What a dirty old man drooling fuckhead.

At what point in the video is he drooling? I know you people ain't hip to the trip but Cardi B is number one......and she carries a lot of influence on those R and B fans.

Yes Cardi B is really popular. I guess that makes it OK that she tells her millions of teenage girl fans it's fine to go around talking about wet ass pussies. Absolutely disgusting.
Yeah Joe likes him some WAP
Meantime "Mean Joe" still runs from doing an interview on Fox's Chris Wallace with his panties around his knees.
Oh, because 95% of uneducated blacks vote for Dems. Blacks by far are the most uneducated, and without that base the Democratic Party would be dead.
Blacks are either the most uneducated group or the biggest bunch of people on the planet all with doctorates still living in ghetto housing.
Yeah Joe likes him some WAP
Lyrics....Check out the link, I don't think Forum rules would allow me to post the text. What a dirty old man drooling fuckhead.

Gee. I had no idea. I had never even heard of the skank until I saw her "interview" Biden (Biden had to tell her his name and her comment was "snap.").

Then Joe proceeded to ask HER questions. The girl sounded like she had about the intelligence of a 5th grader.

Say what you want about Trump, he would never do an interview like that in a million years. It is clear that Joe didn't set that interview up, his HANDLERS did that, to get him some young street "cred" with the 18-28 crowd who are stupid enough to listen to garbage like that "music" much less vote for a "cool" guy like Joe because of it. Joe's one cool dude, man. :smoke:

No one with an IQ over 56 need apply to be a Biden supporter.

Meantime "Mean Joe" still runs from doing an interview on Fox's Chris Wallace with his panties around his knees.
It’s funny how the liberal media try to paint President Trump voters as “uneducated”. Yet they only use the “whites with no college” statistic. Hmm, ever wonder why they limit it to white people? Oh, because 95% of uneducated blacks vote for Dems. Blacks by far are the most uneducated, and without that base the Democratic Party would be dead.
Blacks are not liberals, they just know which party is full of racists.
That must mean the party of self-autonomy to raise people out of poverty that fought the KKK, as opposed to the non-racist DNC that was the KKK and wanted to keep slavery.

Yeah Joe likes him some WAP

Lyrics....Check out the link, I don't think Forum rules would allow me to post the text. What a dirty old man drooling fuckhead.

At what point in the video is he drooling? I know you people ain't hip to the trip but Cardi B is number one......and she carries a lot of influence on those R and B fans.

Yes Cardi B is really popular. I guess that makes it OK that she tells her millions of teenage girl fans it's fine to go around talking about wet ass pussies. Absolutely disgusting.

If she's so popular, why have I never heard of her? What kind of vulgar person is she for a Presidential candidate to use to host an "interview? What kind of example does that set for kids? From what I heard of her WAP song, it wasn't even good as far as that sort of music goes. It stunk. Any pretty slut with hair and make-up now who shakes her ass can pass as a music star now.
Blacks are not liberals, they just know which party is full of racists.
That would be the Democrat party. The 2020 election will show that.
That's why less than 1% of delegates at the Republican national convention are minorities while 44% at the Democrat one are. Amazing how you brainwashed functional morons can ignore all evidence...
Yeah Joe likes him some WAP
Lyrics....Check out the link, I don't think Forum rules would allow me to post the text. What a dirty old man drooling fuckhead.

Gee. I had no idea. I had never even heard of the skank until I saw her "interview" Biden (Biden had to tell her his name and her comment was "snap.").

Then Joe proceeded to ask HER questions. The girl sounded like she had about the intelligence of a 5th grader.

Say what you want about Trump, he would never do an interview like that in a million years. It is clear that Joe didn't set that interview up, his HANDLERS did that, to get him some young street "cred" with the 18-28 crowd who are stupid enough to listen to garbage like that "music" much less vote for a "cool" guy like Joe because of it. Joe's one cool dude, man. :smoke:

No one with an IQ over 56 need apply to be a Biden supporter.

Meantime "Mean Joe" still runs from doing an interview on Fox's Chris Wallace with his panties around his knees.
It’s funny how the liberal media try to paint President Trump voters as “uneducated”. Yet they only use the “whites with no college” statistic. Hmm, ever wonder why they limit it to white people? Oh, because 95% of uneducated blacks vote for Dems. Blacks by far are the most uneducated, and without that base the Democratic Party would be dead.
Blacks are not liberals, they just know which party is full of racists.
That must mean the party of self-autonomy to raise people out of poverty that fought the KKK, as opposed to the non-racist DNC that was the KKK and wanted to keep slavery.
Stupidest argument ever..... But thanks for the irrelevant history lesson. The brainwash is strong with this one.

Yeah Joe likes him some WAP

Lyrics....Check out the link, I don't think Forum rules would allow me to post the text. What a dirty old man drooling fuckhead.

At what point in the video is he drooling? I know you people ain't hip to the trip but Cardi B is number one......and she carries a lot of influence on those R and B fans.

Yes Cardi B is really popular. I guess that makes it OK that she tells her millions of teenage girl fans it's fine to go around talking about wet ass pussies. Absolutely disgusting.

If she's so popular, why have I never heard of her? What kind of vulgar person is she for a Presidential candidate to use to host an "interview? What kind of example does that set for kids? From what I heard of her WAP song, it wasn't even good as far as that sort of music goes. It stunk. Any pretty slut with hair and make-up now who shakes her ass can pass as a music star now.

Change the channel from the old White racist brainwashed functional moron Network sometime.....
Blacks are not liberals, they just know which party is full of racists.
That would be the Democrat party. The 2020 election will show that.
That's why less than 1% of delegates at the Republican national convention are minorities while 44% at the Democrat one are. Amazing how you brainwashed functional morons can ignore all evidence...
You must be a real asshole to equate being a minority with NOT being racist and being white with being racist.
Does it ever occur to that pea brain of yours that it is due to racism that the DNC has all of those social misfits and freaks in the first place, every one if them espousing race hatred?
Change the channel from the old White racist brainwashed functional moron Network sometime.....
Francoroni's three favorite words drilled into his programmed head:
Functional, and

Meantime he has no idea the only new channel I watch these days is actually PBS, but then Franco slipped and revealed his RACIST anti-White hating NATURE by referring to his imagined news channel as the "Old White" Network. Dunno, I guess that's supposed to mean Fox News?

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