Biden in 2019: illegals..we immediate surge to the border, Biden today: "Because Republicans haven't been serious about this at all"


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Biden encouraged and in fact did what he said in 2019...
"I would, in fact, make sure that there is, we immediate surge to the border, "

Today: Biden says:"Because Republicans haven't been serious about this at all," he said. "Come on."
During a Thursday news conference, Biden pushed back when asked why he's visiting the border now after Republicans have long been calling on him to make the trip.

COME ON JOE.... Take the blame for illegals ONLY hearing "IMMEDIATE SURGE TO THE BORDER"!!!
So Joe... explain WHY after encouraging illegals you decided to continue building the WALL that you

Biden terminating border wall construction contracts​

The move is another step toward unwinding one of Donald Trump's signature initiatives.

So any illegal after hearing Joe encourage a "surge to the border", and hearing Joe has stopped the wall construction,
really folks?
FACTS: Federal authorities are on pace to make more than 2.3 million arrests during the 2022 fiscal year, which ends Sept. 30.
That will far exceed last year’s (2021) record of more than 1.7 million arrests.
Biden encouraged and in fact did what he said in 2019...
"I would, in fact, make sure that there is, we immediate surge to the border, "

Today: Biden says:"Because Republicans haven't been serious about this at all," he said. "Come on."
During a Thursday news conference, Biden pushed back when asked why he's visiting the border now after Republicans have long been calling on him to make the trip.

COME ON JOE.... Take the blame for illegals ONLY hearing "IMMEDIATE SURGE TO THE BORDER"!!!
So Joe... explain WHY after encouraging illegals you decided to continue building the WALL that you

Biden terminating border wall construction contracts​

The move is another step toward unwinding one of Donald Trump's signature initiatives.

So any illegal after hearing Joe encourage a "surge to the border", and hearing Joe has stopped the wall construction,
really folks?
FACTS: Federal authorities are on pace to make more than 2.3 million arrests during the 2022 fiscal year, which ends Sept. 30.
That will far exceed last year’s (2021) record of more than 1.7 million arrests.
View attachment 745914

Notice how the surge started in 2019 and 2020?
Idiot democrats are jerking themselves off over Biden's visit, as if it might show some sort of actual concern for the crisis at the border.

The man is an insult to every good American...
FJB.....He never seems to want to talk about blanket amnesty the dems propose. Never any mention of securing the border....You know, with what the BP rank and file says works, a well manned wall.

Notice how the surge started in 2019 and 2020?
what is the fact a surge started in 2019? PROOF.?

Beginning fiscal year 2020 in 10/2020 it was decreasing decreasing decreasing...
BUT right after Biden said on ABC News Democratic Presidential Debate, 9/12/2019
I would, in fact, make sure that there is, we immediate surge to the border, "

The increasing of illegals from less than 17,106 in April 2020 (UNDER TRUMP.>>>)
to under Biden in NOVEMBER fiscal year 2023 nearly 1,366% MORE at 233,740...
NOW WHEN did this surge begin? RIGHT after Biden ENCOURAGED a SURGE TO THE BORDER!!!

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Biden encouraged and in fact did what he said in 2019...
"I would, in fact, make sure that there is, we immediate surge to the border, "

Today: Biden says:"Because Republicans haven't been serious about this at all," he said. "Come on."
During a Thursday news conference, Biden pushed back when asked why he's visiting the border now after Republicans have long been calling on him to make the trip.

COME ON JOE.... Take the blame for illegals ONLY hearing "IMMEDIATE SURGE TO THE BORDER"!!!
So Joe... explain WHY after encouraging illegals you decided to continue building the WALL that you

Biden terminating border wall construction contracts​

The move is another step toward unwinding one of Donald Trump's signature initiatives.

So any illegal after hearing Joe encourage a "surge to the border", and hearing Joe has stopped the wall construction,
really folks?
FACTS: Federal authorities are on pace to make more than 2.3 million arrests during the 2022 fiscal year, which ends Sept. 30.
That will far exceed last year’s (2021) record of more than 1.7 million arrests.
View attachment 745914

Refugees are NOT illegal immigrants, and they should be surging the border. He's absolutely correct, and Donald Trump should have been impeached for his treatment of refugees at the Southern Border.
Notice how the surge started in 2019 and 2020?
Only for family units that jumped up one year then right back down again. EVERY category had a big jump when tater took office. Come on, man, be honest about it.
Refugees are NOT illegal immigrants, and they should be surging the border. He's absolutely correct, and Donald Trump should have been impeached for his treatment of refugees at the Southern Border.
No problem, we'll just take them to the Canadian border and drop them off there. You won't have a problem with that, right? That's basically what Mexico's doing right now.
Refugees are NOT illegal immigrants, and they should be surging the border. He's absolutely correct, and Donald Trump should have been impeached for his treatment of refugees at the Southern Border.
You're right. As of today, we will start sending them to Canada. How many are you going to take in?
No problem, we'll just take them to the Canadian border and drop them off there. You won't have a problem with that, right? That's basically what Mexico's doing right now.

Bring them right ahead. We have over a million jobs to fill and Trudeau has already said we're bringing in a million immigrants to fill those jobs.

Canada leads the world in providing homes to refugees, and has been named the most welcoming nation on earth. I've even seen interviews of refugees at your Southern border, who said they were just trying to cross the USA to get into Canada.

Not the answer you were expecting????
Notice how the surge started in 2019 and 2020?
Migration into the United States through the Mexico–US border started to surge in late 2020,
reaching a record number of 1.73 million migrant encounters in ...
Deaths: 7,216 (1998–2017); 650 in 2021
Arrests: 9,000 in 2022 fiscal year–United_States_border_crisis

Biden called for the border surge. And now he owns it.

Biden said this in September 2019 during his campaign for presidency... And the illegals ONLY heard the future president for whom these illegals gladly, GLADLY would vote for.... they ONLY hear that Biden would ...
"I would, in fact, make sure that there is, we immediate surge to the border, "
Bring them right ahead. We have over a million jobs to fill and Trudeau has already said we're bringing in a million immigrants to fill those jobs.

Canada leads the world in providing homes to refugees, and has been named the most welcoming nation on earth. I've even seen interviews of refugees at your Southern border, who said they were just trying to cross the USA to get into Canada.

Not the answer you were expecting????
I wasn't expecting anything. Good to know you'll take our overflow. I don't think, though, that the immigrants Trudeau is thinking about are the uneducated, poor, often unhealthy illegal immigrants that overload our healthcare, welfare and school systems, taking more than they contribute. I find it interesting as well that you continue to call them refugees while large numbers are not. Or are we really supposed to believe that there is such a severe humanitarian crisis in Central and South America that it generated a 1/4 of a million refugees in December alone?
Then send some planes down there to get them and spare them the trip.

The richest nation on the planet refuses to help the poorest people on the planet, even though you have full employment, and 11 million job openings. Why??? Because no white people want to move to your shithole country, and you don't want non-whites.
The richest nation on the planet refuses to help the poorest people on the planet, even though you have full employment, and 11 million job openings. Why??? Because no white people want to move to your shithole country, and you don't want non-whites.
Okay, that's a steaming load right there. We already help millions of illegal aliens, and don't ask them if they're refugees, the poorest people on the planet, here to kill as many of us as possible, or just looking for a job or a handout. Our healthcare, welfare and education systems are overrun by people we don't know are citizens of this country or not. Interesting that you call them the poorest people on the planet but don't even account for parts of Africa and India where poverty exists the likes of which we've never seen in our hemisphere. Are you America-centric? It's easy for you to look down your nose at another country when you have don't have millions crowding over your border every year. Take a couple million people who are sick, uneducated, or looking to kill as many of you as possible, give them free access to your healthcare systems and schools, then come tell us how evil we are. I'll ignore your racist accusations, because they're not worthy of more than scorn.
The richest nation on the planet refuses to help the poorest people on the planet, even though you have full employment, and 11 million job openings. Why??? Because no white people want to move to your shithole country, and you don't want non-whites.
YOU are so stupid! I just did a 2 minute search for..,"how much does the USA donate to poorest countries"

The United States is the world’s largest donor of foreign aid, contributing $35.5 billion in 2020, according to figures published by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.
Do a little research before you make a fool of yourself!
NOW what would happen if the USA didn't have to spend:The article also finds that illegal immigrants and their own citizen children cost taxpayers an additional $12 to $16.2 billion annually for education, public services, and incarceration after deducting all local, state, and federal taxes paid in by them.

SO DUMMY... when will you learn to do a little research before you spout off totally unsupported, totally WRONG statements like:
refuses to help the poorest people on the planet How stupid!

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