Zone1 Biden Administration Awards $7 Billion for 7 Hydrogen Hubs Across the U.S. : would certainly solve the refueling problem.


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Mar 8, 2018
Amsterdam, Netherlands
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Gee, it would be nice to have stuff that could run off it first......Make work jobs is all it is.
i'm sure the beancounters will take all of the aspects of this new endeavor into account, and have them properly planned out.
Listen and understand....Those dems are out there. They can’t be bargained with. They can’t be reasoned with. They don't feel pity, remorse, shame, or fear.... And they absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are either subjugated or dead.
i think that's a series of exaggerations (at least) about them dems. ;)
Biden Administration Awards $7 Billion for 7 Hydrogen Hubs Across the U.S.
Clean hydrogen could help fight climate change, but it barely exists today. Now the administration wants to build an entire industry from scratch.

Remote : Fri, 13 Oct 2023 09:03:22 +0000
Local : 2023-10-13(Friday) 11 : 03 : 22
Found via NicerApp WebOS

i support this.
even though it's gonna cost a lot of money, it's a vital example to the rest of the world.
When I first realized George Bush was just as dirty as another democRat was when he gave a few billion to the oil companies to look into hydrogen cells when I knew hydrogen can be produced while you drive using a few volts. Knowing bush had pulled it off it's only right biden pulled one off too.
Biden Administration Awards $7 Billion for 7 Hydrogen Hubs Across the U.S.
Clean hydrogen could help fight climate change, but it barely exists today. Now the administration wants to build an entire industry from scratch.

Remote : Fri, 13 Oct 2023 09:03:22 +0000
Local : 2023-10-13(Friday) 11 : 03 : 22
Found via NicerApp WebOS

i support this.
even though it's gonna cost a lot of money, it's a vital example to the rest of the world.
It's a fucking waste of money. Why would you support it?
Maybe the paywall is to fund the hydro plants.

I look for this to be an expensive boondoggle and dismal failure.

Anyone still remember Solyndra?
every new branch of science turned to production technology has it's failures.
that doesn't mean you should give up on tech that according to science is needed to
save us from environmental catastrophe?

do you want to arrive in Heaven and tell st Peter at The Gates how you
"didn't know climate change could be so dangerous", when half the planet and possibly
you too starves to death?!

"Enough children have already been victimized by this barbaric pseudo-science."
-Chloe Cole, misdiagnosed as a "transgender boy" at puberty.
i do fully agree with this statement.
pharmacorps have simply turned their puberty-blocking bs pills into a 2nd round of revenue,
this time under the banner of freedom of choice.
what they flatout deny, is how they indoctrinate kids these days to think about gender and supposed
my generation, and all those before us, grew up just fine without artificial hormones, and genitals
forced on us through indoctrinations at schools and through the media.
i'm sure the beancounters will take all of the aspects of this new endeavor into account, and have them properly planned out.

i think that's a series of exaggerations (at least) about them dems. ;)
Please let me know when our government has been accurate or remotely accurate when trying to
to push a spending agenda, okay?
I can't even remember one time where they had overestimated the cost, can you?
every new branch of science turned to production technology has it's failures.
that doesn't mean you should give up on tech that according to science is needed to
save us from environmental catastrophe?
Actually, Solyndra was what is wrong with our government. The company is picked as one of the winners
of grants/funds, and receives the money, and gives a kickback.
They were not a solid company financially in the first place to be picked as a recipient.

Scam is a scam is a scam
It's the exact scam bush ran. Only to fall for it again shows just how F-ing stupid this population is. So if I borrowed from you ten bucks you could pay me back the ten every Friday for the rest of your life. Friday is tomorrow, don't forget. Will I have to remind you next Friday to?
every new branch of science turned to production technology has it's failures.
that doesn't mean you should give up on tech that according to science is needed to
save us from environmental catastrophe?
Can you explain what you mean by "according to science?" Science is a method, not a dogma or a consensus.

What experimental research has shown any causal relationship between not having hydrogen hubs and a pending catastrophe?
do you want to arrive in Heaven and tell st Peter at The Gates how you
"didn't know climate change could be so dangerous", when half the planet and possibly
you too starves to death?!
That scenario assumes that the non-sciencevog man-caused global warming leading to didasters will be proven at some point in the future. So many predictions of catastrophic events have come and gone that the prognosticators have finallyblearned to speak of a vague future instead of settingbtime frames.

Most of them have learned. The great countbon fooling some of the people some of the time - Enough for a tidy profit.
i do fully agree with this statement.
pharmacorps have simply turned their puberty-blocking bs pills into a 2nd round of revenue,
this time under the banner of freedom of choice.
what they flatout deny, is how they indoctrinate kids these days to think about gender and supposed
my generation, and all those before us, grew up just fine without artificial hormones, and genitals
forced on us through indoctrinations at schools and through the media.
Well said!
Can you explain what you mean by "according to science?" Science is a method, not a dogma or a consensus.

i meant 'scientific concensus' alright.
and i believe in that concensus being real.
winters in the 1980s, when i grew up, were a LOT colder (about 10C to 15C colder in the mornings) than what we get now.

What experimental research has shown any causal relationship between not having hydrogen hubs and a pending catastrophe?

you can't see how this would solve the emissions problem and the refueling-time problem at the same time?

That scenario assumes that the non-sciencevog man-caused global warming leading to didasters will be proven at some point in the future. So many predictions of catastrophic events have come and gone that the prognosticators have finallyblearned to speak of a vague future instead of settingbtime frames.
the future is inherintly unpredictable. even to the Gods, i think.
what i'm saying is that based on climate research and science,
the risks of catastrophe are well advertised now,
and should not be shoved aside.
Actually, Solyndra was what is wrong with our government. The company is picked as one of the winners
of grants/funds, and receives the money, and gives a kickback.
They were not a solid company financially in the first place to be picked as a recipient.

Scam is a scam is a scam
work was done, which can be enhanced in new companies.
as to kickbacks : a car won't run without lubricant either..
work was done, which can be enhanced in new companies.
as to kickbacks : a car won't run without lubricant either..
There were better and more deserving companies, PF. This was a political game where the government
was a beneficiary. 535 million dollars given and 2 1/2 years later filed BK.
You can do all the excuses for them as you want....but it was a scam
What is the rich's "fair share" to you?

that's for the beancounters to decide, it's beyond my set of expertises.
they should get taxed only so much as to pay for necessary expenses.

Shouldn't those who use the "pie in the sky" hydrogen" pay for the product?
not exclusively, i think, as this is a project that affects the agricultural and environmental safety of all.

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