Biden admin lying to America about state of economy

Dishonesty by a president or by government is excused during a war. The boost Biden gets from a war simply negates any need to be honest.

But alas, after the Trump experience, why would any American expect even a shred of honesty in government.

Wasn't the election stolen?? LOL
The government hasn't had a thread of honesty for a lot longer than Trump, we have been lied to over and over again since the 60's.
lol! You are really quite stupid aren't you? The Dems and the GOP screwed the pooch a lot earlier than that, you need to get educated Cletus.
Give examples please. Just calling somebody stupid without facts is kinda dumb and lazy. Are you dumb and lazy?
Democrat voters

Give examples please. Just calling somebody stupid without facts is kinda dumb and lazy. Are you dumb and lazy?
“We are not about to send American boys nine or ten thousand miles away from home to do what Asian boys ought to be doing for themselves.” - LBJ 10/21/64, regarding Vietnam.

Tuskegee Experiment, purposely infected Americans with syphilis.

Nixon's lied about Watergate.

FDR, “I have said this before, but I shall say it again and again and again; your boys are not going to be sent into any foreign wars.” -FDR, during his third term re-election.

Clinton lied once about sex but he lied quite a bit.

Bush and WMDs.

Obama, you can keep your doctor and insurance.

Seriously? Did you go to school in this country?

What about the American governments many lies to the Indians.

This government is thick with lies.

Tuskegee Study, they deliberately infected American citizens unknowingly with
Dishonesty by a president or by government is excused during a war. The boost Biden gets from a war simply negates any need to be honest.

But alas, after the Trump experience, why would any American expect even a shred of honesty in government.

Wasn't the election stolen?? LOL

Lol...Oy...sOn, best get out and get a good stock of this stuff ahead of November. But best stick with the unsalted variety :coffee: . Just tryin' to help out....want to be able to actually sit for Turkey dinner, eh?

The American economy is a spectacularly uneven, erratic, unpredictable, unstable, profoundly damaged fucking mess.

And any political sheep who wants to just point the finger at the other tribe is exercising arrogant ignorance in the extreme.

This has been building for decades, fer fuck's sake, and people from across the political spectrum have been feeding it.

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