Trump "Beyond stupid"


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2017
Kudos to former GOP chief Michael Steele for calling out the great groper about his wonderful remarks yesterday in support of Roy Moore. Michael nailed it by saying that the groper and Bannon could care less about the Republican Party; all they care about is themselves and their far, far, far right wing agendas.

Steele also said that "Trump and Bannon don't give a damn about the women" who have accused Moore, and that the women are "credible."

What Steele failed to say was that given the vast unpopularity of both the groper and Moore, by campaigning for a lowlife mall creeper, the groper will hand the senate seat to the Democrats. So, I say "go great groper. Give Moore all you got; so great for the Dems."
Kudos to former GOP chief Michael Steele for calling out the great groper about his wonderful remarks yesterday in support of Roy Moore. Michael nailed it by saying that the groper and Bannon could care less about the Republican Party; all they care about is themselves and their far, far, far right wing agendas.

Steele also said that "Trump and Bannon don't give a damn about the women" who have accused Moore, and that the women are "credible."

What Steele failed to say was that given the vast unpopularity of both the groper and Moore, by campaigning for a lowlife mall creeper, the groper will hand the senate seat to the Democrats. So, I say "go great groper. Give Moore all you got; so great for the Dems."
I care less about the Republican Party as long as the establishment continues to think they are relevant. Liberals of both parties need to be shown the door or grave, which ever comes sooner...
Kudos to former GOP chief Michael Steele for calling out the great groper about his wonderful remarks yesterday in support of Roy Moore. Michael nailed it by saying that the groper and Bannon could care less about the Republican Party; all they care about is themselves and their far, far, far right wing agendas.

Steele also said that "Trump and Bannon don't give a damn about the women" who have accused Moore, and that the women are "credible."

What Steele failed to say was that given the vast unpopularity of both the groper and Moore, by campaigning for a lowlife mall creeper, the groper will hand the senate seat to the Democrats. So, I say "go great groper. Give Moore all you got; so great for the Dems."

I don't see how anyone could see that liberals give a damn about women either. Just watch this clip.

Keep in mind that everyone knew about Harvey, they even joked about him at the Oscars.

Kudos to former GOP chief Michael Steele for calling out the great groper about his wonderful remarks yesterday in support of Roy Moore. Michael nailed it by saying that the groper and Bannon could care less about the Republican Party; all they care about is themselves and their far, far, far right wing agendas.

Steele also said that "Trump and Bannon don't give a damn about the women" who have accused Moore, and that the women are "credible."

What Steele failed to say was that given the vast unpopularity of both the groper and Moore, by campaigning for a lowlife mall creeper, the groper will hand the senate seat to the Democrats. So, I say "go great groper. Give Moore all you got; so great for the Dems."

I don't see how anyone could see that liberals give a damn about women either. Just watch this clip.

Keep in mind that everyone knew about Harvey, they even joked about him at the Oscars.


What's disgusting is the willingness of the Dumpster's supporters to follow him, like lemmings, over a cliff. He's all ready got you lemmings to the edge. Look at his comments about Moore, women, LaVar Bell. He is a total racist pig, as Presidential as a turnip, and anyone who supports Roy Moore, regardless of the senate seat at stake, is a total baboon (apologies to baboons!) And, that is bigly, big time!
Oh my... this is all going to backfire on you guys so bad. The Senate Ethics Committee is about to launch hearings regarding a secret slush fund where taxpayer dollars were/are used to pay off sexual harassment complainants. We don't know the extent or who all is involved but we're about to open up the hurt locker, get some sunshine in there and have a good old rummage around. I predict Democrats are not going to like what we find.

FYI: We're all familiar with "" as it has become an icon of the left, but did you know the origin of the phrase relates to the calls by Democrats for us to "move on" from the sexual harassment allegations against Bill Clinton? This has been going on a long time and you guys have defended predators who have a (D) beside their name. From JFK to his brother Ted all the way up to Al Franken and John Conyers. You're going to wish you hadn't jumped on THIS moral high horse before it's all said and done.

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