Best Hot Toddy recipe?


Diamond Member
Feb 13, 2013
I'm having a hard time kicking this head cold. No fever. No aches and pains. Just a runny or stuffy nose, head throbs if I stoop over, itchy eyes, headache.

So I want to try a hot toddy. Lemon, honey, hot water and....either rum, whiskey or brandy. Which of those three are the best? Any suggestions?
I'm having a hard time kicking this head cold. No fever. No aches and pains. Just a runny or stuffy nose, head throbs if I stoop over, itchy eyes, headache.

So I want to try a hot toddy. Lemon, honey, hot water and....either rum, whiskey or brandy. Which of those three are the best? Any suggestions?
corn whiskey same as you would use in your mint julep
I'm having a hard time kicking this head cold. No fever. No aches and pains. Just a runny or stuffy nose, head throbs if I stoop over, itchy eyes, headache.

So I want to try a hot toddy. Lemon, honey, hot water and....either rum, whiskey or brandy. Which of those three are the best? Any suggestions?
I'm having a hard time kicking this head cold. No fever. No aches and pains. Just a runny or stuffy nose, head throbs if I stoop over, itchy eyes, headache.

So I want to try a hot toddy. Lemon, honey, hot water and....either rum, whiskey or brandy. Which of those three are the best? Any suggestions?
at the bar i used wild turkey. my dad used "old grandad." either way, bourbon. some use rum though and brandy. i guess straight ethanol would probably work with a tbsp (just squeeze it out the damn plastic bear) honey . (seriously, honey produced by local bees near you makes the best antibodies to local pollen and such)

thin it with a squeeze of lemon juice and a little hot water or a min in the microwave . repeat 4 times and you will not feel that cold for a while.
corn whiskey same as you would use in your mint julep
i like wild turkey in the mint julip as well. 4 or 5 and you might forget that they just shot your milljon dollar horse in the middle of the ky derby.
I'm having a hard time kicking this head cold. No fever. No aches and pains. Just a runny or stuffy nose, head throbs if I stoop over, itchy eyes, headache.

So I want to try a hot toddy. Lemon, honey, hot water and....either rum, whiskey or brandy. Which of those three are the best? Any suggestions?
Alcohol is not the solution to a cold. Toss all those "old timey remedies" out the window and never look back.

If you REALLY want to kick that cold, get a vitamin B12 shot. It will INSTANTLY zap your cold. Youll feel fucking great immediately, i promise. Do a Google search for "vitamin b12 shots near me". Youll find a bunch of places in your area.

This is how the rich get over their illnesses. They order the expensive "come to your home nurse" who give them a b12 shot, but you can avoid all that extra cost and just drive to a place yourself to have it done. Its anywhere between $20-$80 to get that shot, but they work good as fuck. In fact, nothing else even comes remotely close to how well B12 shots work at fighting the flu and the common cold.
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Well the best "hot toddy" is one you can't make.
Brewers, both home brewers and professional brewers occasionally make a drink called a "hot scotchy".
Long story short - it is a drink made with what is called "wort"... when you steep grains in hot water for about 2 hours you are left with essentially non fermented beer. It is sweet, and taste similar to hot cereal. Not that great.
But add a light touch of scotch whiskey and it transforms into a wonderful hot drink that once you have tried it - you want it again.
Well the best "hot toddy" is one you can't make.
Brewers, both home brewers and professional brewers occasionally make a drink called a "hot scotchy".
Long story short - it is a drink made with what is called "wort"... when you steep grains in hot water for about 2 hours you are left with essentially non fermented beer. It is sweet, and taste similar to hot cereal. Not that great.
But add a light touch of scotch whiskey and it transforms into a wonderful hot drink that once you have tried it - you want it again.
i will be sure to try some.

wort can be made overnight from oatmeal or corn meal??? i'm sure. my brother makes beer, i'll ask him.
i will be sure to try some.

wort can be made overnight from oatmeal or corn meal??? i'm sure. my brother makes beer, i'll ask him.
Definitely not corn meal. It would have to be be barley.
When making beer, you take water and get it to an ideal temp of 160 degrees.
Then you put in the room temp crushed grains, which ideally will bring the temperature of the liquid to 156-158 degrees. You do this in an insulated vessel, normally homebrewers use a cooler and wrap it with blankets.
You let it steep for about one hour and 45 minutes. This breaks down the starches and turns it into simple sugars.
You are left with a liquid that is cloyingly sweet, that is sweet, but not pleasantly sweet. It also taste something like old time malted cereals. It is not very good.
But adding scotch to it, changes the drink dramatically. The bitterness and alcohol removes the unpleasant sweetness to pleasantly sweet. As well as tamps down that "grainy cereal" taste.
Hard to describe what it taste like. Really like nothing else.
3 Tbsp. honey
1 cup hot water
1 orange
1 lemon
1/3 cup bourbon
2 lemon (wedges)
2 cinnamon sticks

Stir honey, water, lemon and orange juice in a small pitcher until honey dissolves. Garnish each with a lemon wedge and cinnamon stick. Toss in sink. Drink the bourbon as needed...
Definitely not corn meal. It would have to be be barley.
When making beer, you take water and get it to an ideal temp of 160 degrees.
Then you put in the room temp crushed grains, which ideally will bring the temperature of the liquid to 156-158 degrees. You do this in an insulated vessel, normally homebrewers use a cooler and wrap it with blankets.
You let it steep for about one hour and 45 minutes. This breaks down the starches and turns it into simple sugars.
You are left with a liquid that is cloyingly sweet, that is sweet, but not pleasantly sweet. It also taste something like old time malted cereals. It is not very good.
But adding scotch to it, changes the drink dramatically. The bitterness and alcohol removes the unpleasant sweetness to pleasantly sweet. As well as tamps down that "grainy cereal" taste.
Hard to describe what it taste like. Really like nothing else.
i've got a dusty old bottle of glenlivit "for medicinal purposes only." we'll see if single malt works
3 Tbsp. honey
1 cup hot water
1 orange
1 lemon
1/3 cup bourbon
2 lemon (wedges)
2 cinnamon sticks

Stir honey, water, lemon and orange juice in a small pitcher until honey dissolves. Garnish each with a lemon wedge and cinnamon stick. Toss in sink. Drink the bourbon as needed...
before i got to that inevitable punch line this reply looked like

hmmm the orange and cinninninninnimslapun sound interesting but it needs more bourbon.

well played
before i got to that inevitable punch line this reply looked like

hmmm the orange and cinninninninnimslapun sound interesting but it needs more bourbon.

well played

It is an actual recipe, I just manipulated it for the joke...

  • 3 tablespoons honey
  • 1 cup plus 2 tablespoons hot water
  • juice of one orange
  • juice of one lemon
  • 1/3 cup bourbon
  • 2 lemon wedges
  • 2 cinnamon sticks
  • Stir honey, water, lemon and orange juice in a small pitcher until honey dissolves. Add bourbon and divide between 2 mugs. Garnish each with a lemon wedge.
Web-search Fire Cider. Excellent non-alcohol recipe.

Here's a quick one that doesn't need long steep time;

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