They are busting Trump rght now in court

They didn't hurt any lawmakers because they couldn't get to them. Police even had to shoot one fucking moron to keep the mob at bay while they evacuated lawmakers and staff. It wasn't because Trump's thugs were too kind to hurt anyone.

Oh, soon as the protesters got to where they needed to go to stop the certification they milled around and took selfies. No politicians were harmed because that wasn't why they were there!
Al Gore had an army of lawyers trying everything they could think of to get him Florida, Marener! You're obviously not old enough to have lived through the myriad challenges and recounts and debates about "hanging chads"! It was an epic battle of lawyers. If I remember correctly Al Gore had Alan Dershowitz as one of his attorneys.
Al Gore had an army of competent lawyers trying everything they could think of that was legal. Those efforts failed.

Trump tried the legal options too. Those also failed. That’s when he started running down the road of corruption and fraud.
But if they are internal records..nobody would see them, not even the state. They were not to be seen by anyone, until Bragg brought them out…as far as I’m aware.

Bragg's claim was they were to be used to hide taxes.
Al Gore had an army of competent lawyers trying everything they could think of that was legal. Those efforts failed.

Trump tried the legal options too. Those also failed. That’s when he started running down the road of corruption and fraud.
Oh, bullshit! Trump had a bevy of lawyers doing the same thing Gore's lawyers were doing...spit balling on every strategy they could think of to not lose the election. They didn't do anything corrupt or illegal. They challenged an election they honestly felt was rife with fraud.
So you're not willing to fix the problem...but think the solution is to prosecute those who dispute an election?

How sad you can't stop lying. Trump did more than just dispute the election. Much more. He tried to use illegal methods to overturn the election.
Oh, bullshit! Trump had a bevy of lawyers doing the same thing Gore's lawyers were doing...spit balling on every strategy they could think of to not lose the election. They didn't do anything corrupt or illegal. They challenged an election they honestly felt was rife with fraud.
Gore didn’t use fake electors. He wasn’t calling state legislators to wipe out the vote. He didn’t have a rally and send tens of thousands of rioters to the Capitol.

Gore lost at SCOTUS and conceded. Then presided over the counting of electoral votes and certified Bush as the winner.

To compare the two is an absurdity.
Bragg's claim was they were to be used to hide taxes.
So when would he be putting the accountant or lawyer or IRS agent on the stage that will back that claim up with some proof? Michael Cohen is the last bullet in Bragg's gun, Faun and he's misfired on every one he's fired so far! So when is it we'll see some actual proof of a crime? Bragg promised that to the jury. Why hasn't he delivered?
Well, when we actually have a President who TRIES to change votes then you might be onto something! Since Trump didn't try to "change" votes. He did what countless other politicians have done in countless other races.

More lies. Trump tried to get Pence to either count the fake electors instead of counting Biden's legit electors; or to discard Biden's legit electors with Trump's fake electors; or to send Biden's certified electors back to the 7 states Trump wanted flipped to him.

Denying Trump tried to change votes reveals your disconnected from reality.
More lies. Trump tried to get Pence to either count the fake electors instead of counting Biden's legit electors; or to discard Biden's legit electors with Trump's fake electors; or to send Biden's certified electors back to the 7 states Trump wanted flipped to him.

Denying Trump tried to change votes reveals your disconnected from reality.
How is naming Alternate Electors translate into an attempt to "change votes"? Who's votes were changed?
Oh, soon as the protesters got to where they needed to go to stop the certification they milled around and took selfies. No politicians were harmed because that wasn't why they were there!

Your lies are just sad. the fight at the tunnel lasted hours. I just showed you how insane with rage some of them were. Others were caught planning an insurrection. Lethal force was needed to keep that violent mob away from lawmakers. Your sugarcoating fails you.
Your lies are just sad. the fight at the tunnel lasted hours. I just showed you how insane with rage some of them were. Others were caught planning an insurrection. Lethal force was needed to keep that violent mob away from lawmakers. Your sugarcoating fails you.
The fight at what tunnel?
Lethal force was used to "protect" a House floor that was literally almost completely clear of House members! Lt. Byrd stepped out of hiding and shot an unarmed woman at point blank range with no warning. That "mob" would have had to break through those doors and then through another set of doors...which means they would have arrived at a House floor that was empty. I have no idea why Byrd thought someone needed to die that day. It was the act of a coward.
Wow, you are more disconnected from reality than I thought...

Here's just a few seconds. A cop was nearly killed in that melee.

Want to show something I can actually see? I'm dying to see the fight that went on for "hours"!
Show me the statute that makes Alternative Electors a crime? I'd love to hear what that is, Faun!
All but two states have laws indicating the certified winning candidate of their state has their party's electors certified to vote for them in Congress. Two states do it similarly but assign the electors based on congressional districts. In the seven states Trump used fake electors, ONLY the winning candidate of the state has their electors certified to be counted by Congress. Trump sent UNCERTIFIED electors to challenge Biden's certified electors. Trump's were not authorized to vote for Trump in Congress. That's fraud. That's why many of them have been charged with fraud. That you make excuses for the biggest existential threat to our democracy this country has ever seen reveals your hatred for this country.

By the way, here's just one of those laws...


Election of presidential electors; electoral college votes; vacancy; replacement

A. On the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November, 1956, and quadrennially thereafter, there shall be elected a number of presidential electors equal to the number of United States senators and representatives in Congress from this state.

B. After the secretary of state issues the statewide canvass containing the results of a presidential election, the presidential electors of this state shall cast their electoral college votes for the candidate for president and the candidate for vice president who jointly received the highest number of votes in this state as prescribed in the canvass.

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