Bernie Sanders & Tea Party try to profit from shootings.


Comfortably Moderate
Oct 19, 2010
4th Cleanest City in the World-Minneapolis
Both Bernie Sanders and the Tea Party Express are trying to profit financially from the shootings in Arizona. How sick is that!

Tea Party Express raising money in aftermath of Arizona shooting

The Tea Party Express, a California-based conservative political action committee, sent out a letter to supporters Monday requesting donations in reaction to Saturday’s shooting at a political event in Tucson, Arizona that claimed six lives.
From the email/letter.
"&#8220;It is quite clear that liberals are trying to exploit this shooting for their own political benefit, and they used deception and dishonesty to try and smear all of us and our beliefs,&#8221; the letter reads. &#8220;You know what the truth is?  The truth is that the shooter, Jared Loughner is the one responsible for this atrocity. But liberals are trying to place the blame on society for embracing the tea party movement.&#8221;

&#8220;We have nothing to do with this awful, tragic event in Arizona,&#8221; the letter reads.

The group, which helped fund the Republican primary campaigns of Joe Miller in Alaska, Christine O&#8217;Donnell in Delaware and Sharron Angle in Nevada, ended the letter with a request for donations.

&#8220;We&#8217;re taking our country back through the ballot box and in the public square &#8211; through peaceful means,&#8221; the letter reads. &#8220;And we will prevail, because our ideas and ideals are stronger than the scare/smear/defame tactics of the leftists we face. We ask you to please stand with the Tea Party Express and show your support for our efforts. You can make a contribution online right now to the Tea Party Express &#8211; CLICK HERE TO CONTRIBUTE.&#8221;

Tea Party Express raising money in aftermath of Arizona shooting - Yahoo! News

And then there's Bernie Sanders,,,,

Socialist U.S. Senator Uses AZ Shooting to Raise Funds for Re-Election

Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., sent out a fundraising email to supporters Tuesday in which he offered his personal analysis of last weekend&#8217;s shooting in Arizona, tying the tragedy to &#8220;right-wing reactionaries,&#8221; despite offering no evidence that the shooter, Jared Loughner, even followed politics or conservative causes.
From the email
"In light of all of this violence &#8211; both actual and threatened &#8211; is Arizona a state in which people who are not Republicans are able to participate freely and fully in the democratic process?&#8221; asks Sanders. &#8220;Have right-wing reactionaries, through threats and acts of violence, intimidated people with different points of view from expressing their political positions?&#8221;


When pressed about why the senator would use the Arizona tragedy to solicit donations from his political supporters, Sanders&#8217; spokesperson defended the message, claiming that Sanders regularly sends out such letters to his supporters. &#8220;It would have been absurd not to comment on what happened,&#8221; the spokesperson told ABC News.
Socialist U.S. Senator Uses AZ Shooting to Raise Funds for Re-Election | The Blaze

For a video that shows the emails go to;

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Both Bernie Sanders and the Tea Party Express are trying to profit financially from the shootings in Arizona. How sick is that!

Tea Party Express raising money in aftermath of Arizona shooting

The Tea Party Express, a California-based conservative political action committee, sent out a letter to supporters Monday requesting donations in reaction to Saturday’s shooting at a political event in Tucson, Arizona that claimed six lives.
From the email/letter.
"“It is quite clear that liberals are trying to exploit this shooting for their own political benefit, and they used deception and dishonesty to try and smear all of us and our beliefs,” the letter reads. “You know what the truth is?  The truth is that the shooter, Jared Loughner is the one responsible for this atrocity. But liberals are trying to place the blame on society for embracing the tea party movement.”

“We have nothing to do with this awful, tragic event in Arizona,” the letter reads.

The group, which helped fund the Republican primary campaigns of Joe Miller in Alaska, Christine O’Donnell in Delaware and Sharron Angle in Nevada, ended the letter with a request for donations.

“We’re taking our country back through the ballot box and in the public square – through peaceful means,” the letter reads. “And we will prevail, because our ideas and ideals are stronger than the scare/smear/defame tactics of the leftists we face. We ask you to please stand with the Tea Party Express and show your support for our efforts. You can make a contribution online right now to the Tea Party Express – CLICK HERE TO CONTRIBUTE.”

Tea Party Express raising money in aftermath of Arizona shooting - Yahoo! News

And then there's Bernie Sanders,,,,

Socialist U.S. Senator Uses AZ Shooting to Raise Funds for Re-Election

Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., sent out a fundraising email to supporters Tuesday in which he offered his personal analysis of last weekend’s shooting in Arizona, tying the tragedy to “right-wing reactionaries,” despite offering no evidence that the shooter, Jared Loughner, even followed politics or conservative causes.
From the email
"In light of all of this violence – both actual and threatened – is Arizona a state in which people who are not Republicans are able to participate freely and fully in the democratic process?” asks Sanders. “Have right-wing reactionaries, through threats and acts of violence, intimidated people with different points of view from expressing their political positions?”


When pressed about why the senator would use the Arizona tragedy to solicit donations from his political supporters, Sanders’ spokesperson defended the message, claiming that Sanders regularly sends out such letters to his supporters. “It would have been absurd not to comment on what happened,” the spokesperson told ABC News.
Socialist U.S. Senator Uses AZ Shooting to Raise Funds for Re-Election | The Blaze

For a video that shows the emails go to; Anderson Cooper 360: Blog Archive - Political Profiteers & the Tuscon Shootings – Join the Live Chat - Blogs


Yup, it's only just begun. And Bernie Sanders really DOES send out a weekly email to his constituents, called "The Bernie Buzz," and it includes his comments on many issues on the front pages for that week. Since I haven't read one in a while, I could send examples if anyone has doubts.
What's worse, trying to gain politically or trying to gain financially AND politically?

Always easier to look at just one side of an issue,the one that might make your point,while ignoring the other,that might negate same point.
People trying to politicize this incident on ANY side are disgusting human beings. Whether they're blaming those who're not to blame (anybody short of Loughner), or those raising money from exploitation of the situation. They're all sick f***s.
It's interesting that there appears to be much less outrage about high profile people trying to not only politically profit and also finacially profit, than there is to just people trying to profit politically.
Is it because it's from the high profiles from both sides of the aisle that got caught?
Should it never be spoken of in a poltical sphere?

How do you not discuss it when in fact it effects our very house of representaives that this woman will likely never be able to serve the term she was elected to because of a bullet fired into her head?

I just cant figure out how we can come to an argeement on how to treat this situation if we dont find a way to agree on what is allowed in our political sphere?
Asking for voluntary compliance to avoid violent images is not breaching anyones speech
What's worse, trying to gain politically or trying to gain financially AND politically?

You left out spreading lies and defaming people to gin up support with your base and renew your efforts to silence your opposition.

Oh? Does not trying to gain politically not cover that?
And no comment on Sanders and the Tea Party Express trying to make a buck off this tragedy, while at the same time also trying to gain politically?
What's worse, trying to gain politically or trying to gain financially AND politically?

You left out spreading lies and defaming people to gin up support with your base and renew your efforts to silence your opposition.

Both sides do this.

I'm pretty sure the OP covered that fact. And because both sides do this, makes it OK?
I'm sorry but the fact that now ideologues are trying to make money on this really angers me even more so that the political games related to this tragedy.
It's interesting that there appears to be much less outrage about high profile people trying to not only politically profit and also finacially profit, than there is to just people trying to profit politically.
Is it because it's from the high profiles from both sides of the aisle that got caught?

I'm reserving further comment, because I have yet to receive Sanders' e-mail under discussion, and I'm on his mailing list. While I understand what you're getting at, the irony is that Bernie Sanders barely has to campaign at all when he's up for reelection. His approval rating is consistently through the roof by both liberals and conservatives in Vermont. So my thinking is that since I can only find "editorializing" on the Internet over what he said in that email, that points to his opposition attempting to "cash in" on what you describe as "getting caught."

Also, your link to Anderson Cooper doesn't give links to the emails in question that I could find.
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You left out spreading lies and defaming people to gin up support with your base and renew your efforts to silence your opposition.

Both sides do this.

I'm pretty sure the OP covered that fact. And because both sides do this, makes it OK?
I'm sorry but the fact that now ideologues are trying to make money on this really angers me even more so that the political games related to this tragedy.

I never said it was OK, I was responding to somebody who pointed out that the left does it. I merely said both sides did it-show me where I said it was OK.
It's interesting that there appears to be much less outrage about high profile people trying to not only politically profit and also finacially profit, than there is to just people trying to profit politically.
Is it because it's from the high profiles from both sides of the aisle that got caught?

I'm reserving further comment, because I have yet to receive Sanders' e-mail under discussion, and I'm on his mailing list. While I understand what you're getting at, the irony is that Bernie Sanders barely has to campaign at all when he's up for reelection. His approval rating is consistently through the roof by both liberals and conservatives in Vermont. So my thinking is that since I can only find "editorializing" on the Internet over what he said in that email, that points to his opposition attempting to "cash in" on what you describe as "getting caught."

Also, your link to Anderson Cooper doesn't give links to the emails in question that I could find.

That's because I posted the wrong link. I corrected that in my original OP but here is the correct link; Anderson Cooper 360: Blog Archive - KTH: Capitalizing on Tucson shooting tragedy? - Blogs
It's interesting that there appears to be much less outrage about high profile people trying to not only politically profit and also finacially profit, than there is to just people trying to profit politically.
Is it because it's from the high profiles from both sides of the aisle that got caught?

I'm reserving further comment, because I have yet to receive Sanders' e-mail under discussion, and I'm on his mailing list. While I understand what you're getting at, the irony is that Bernie Sanders barely has to campaign at all when he's up for reelection. His approval rating is consistently through the roof by both liberals and conservatives in Vermont. So my thinking is that since I can only find "editorializing" on the Internet over what he said in that email, that points to his opposition attempting to "cash in" on what you describe as "getting caught."

Also, your link to Anderson Cooper doesn't give links to the emails in question that I could find.

That's because I posted the wrong link. I corrected that in my original OP but here is the correct link; Anderson Cooper 360: Blog Archive - KTH: Capitalizing on Tucson shooting tragedy? - Blogs

It was wrong for him to solicit donations at the same time, for sure, and Sanders has since admitted that. I still don't understand why I never got that email personally, however. Oh well...

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