Bernie Sanders Promises to 'Criminally Prosecute Fossil Fuel Executives' for 'Destroying the Planet'

Roundup is a very useful product, beneficial to mankind. Suing its maker into oblivion will only hurt millions of Americans who rely on it.
What about the millions who are suffering bad health because of it?
No one is.
Claim that if you like but it is a lie to say it.
Sure. You run with that sparky. And don’t get vaccinated either!
Don't worry I won't be vaccinated if I can possibly prevent it and I do drink only distill water and even ultraviolet light it too to get rid of glyphosate residues.
Is that before or after the salt goes over your shoulder?
Farmers in Idaho fought to keep GMO free because they didn't want crops contaminated. I worked for some of the larger farmers in my younger years and Glyphosate wasn't used nor needed. It provided no benefit whatsoever other than gave control of the potato market to a few and poisoned the taters on top of all of it.

We still live in a farming area and the cancer rate is extremely high here too. Just because you have not seen it or do not look into this matter does not mean that it doesn't exist. They started using Glyphosate to dry down almost every grain product out there including Oatmeal. What that means is that the crops are sprayed to desiccate them for farmers can harvest quicker. Mills do not wash those grains prior to milling them. Hell oatmeal is even toxic now and many won't buy boxed cereal anymore because it is toxic. The crap is even in the air and almost all water now too. When you add chlorine to disinfect the water you create an even more toxic chemical (that is also posted on this forum from years ago). The links to some of that information has been scrubbed but none the less the truth is still out there. These Chemical giants and Big Pharma giants all need to be castrated IMO.

Hidden Health Dangers: A Former Agbiotech Insider Wants His GMO Crops Pulled
Thanks for reminding us how gullible people can be.
Thanks for letting me know what you truly are.
Yeah, someone rooted in logic and science.
I've posted the science on here for years. I even posted one from our own National Health Institutes in this thread. You are being willfully ignorant. Your choice as that is on you not me.
Do yourself a favor. Stop being gullible and use those cells between your ears when making judgments.

'Real' fake research hoodwinks US journals
It is good to see people suing the maker of roundup. Makes my heart sing.

I will bet that if you did an actual study, those people with cancer has high rates of cancer in their families and were probably bathing in the stuff.

It's like the talcum powder lawsuits. How does asbestos in talcum powder get into the ovaries? The product directions definitely do not direct the user to stuff their baby cannon with talcum powder daily.
What about the millions who are suffering bad health because of it?
No one is.
Claim that if you like but it is a lie to say it.
Sure. You run with that sparky. And don’t get vaccinated either!
Don't worry I won't be vaccinated if I can possibly prevent it and I do drink only distill water and even ultraviolet light it too to get rid of glyphosate residues.
Is that before or after the salt goes over your shoulder?
You are being ignorant. Like I said your problem not mine. Remain blind it is your prerogative. It is not yours to force poisons and toxins on others though. Payday is on its way and I am certain you and the others like you that persist in subjecting others to evils will have their just rewards be they good ones or not so good. No one can serve to masters.
Farmers in Idaho fought to keep GMO free because they didn't want crops contaminated. I worked for some of the larger farmers in my younger years and Glyphosate wasn't used nor needed. It provided no benefit whatsoever other than gave control of the potato market to a few and poisoned the taters on top of all of it.

We still live in a farming area and the cancer rate is extremely high here too. Just because you have not seen it or do not look into this matter does not mean that it doesn't exist. They started using Glyphosate to dry down almost every grain product out there including Oatmeal. What that means is that the crops are sprayed to desiccate them for farmers can harvest quicker. Mills do not wash those grains prior to milling them. Hell oatmeal is even toxic now and many won't buy boxed cereal anymore because it is toxic. The crap is even in the air and almost all water now too. When you add chlorine to disinfect the water you create an even more toxic chemical (that is also posted on this forum from years ago). The links to some of that information has been scrubbed but none the less the truth is still out there. These Chemical giants and Big Pharma giants all need to be castrated IMO.

Hidden Health Dangers: A Former Agbiotech Insider Wants His GMO Crops Pulled
Thanks for reminding us how gullible people can be.
Thanks for letting me know what you truly are.
Yeah, someone rooted in logic and science.
I've posted the science on here for years. I even posted one from our own National Health Institutes in this thread. You are being willfully ignorant. Your choice as that is on you not me.
Do yourself a favor. Stop being gullible and use those cells between your ears when making judgments.

'Real' fake research hoodwinks US journals
Your credibility went to absolute shit. The really cool thing about being old and disabled for all these years from chemical exposure of all things is I have had thousands of hours to seek out truth in studies professionals have done, do my own little projects with my own microscope and so forth. You just post and write shit while giving a good line of it but you are lacking severely.
Well then heck drink a glass of's perfectly safe. There really are people this ignorant. Look at the research on it that now exists. Why would you support the company versus good Americans?

Drink a glass of gasoline and see what happens! I guarantee you won't die of cancer! The same for is true for bleach, hydrogen peroxide and countless other substances.
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Thanks for reminding us how gullible people can be.
Thanks for letting me know what you truly are.
Yeah, someone rooted in logic and science.
I've posted the science on here for years. I even posted one from our own National Health Institutes in this thread. You are being willfully ignorant. Your choice as that is on you not me.
Do yourself a favor. Stop being gullible and use those cells between your ears when making judgments.

'Real' fake research hoodwinks US journals
Your credibility went to absolute shit. The really cool thing about being old and disabled for all these years from chemical exposure of all things is I have had thousands of hours to seek out truth in studies professionals have done, do my own little projects with my own microscope and so forth. You just post and write shit while giving a good line of it but you are lacking severely.
Yeah. Sure. Vaccine conspiracy nut lectures me about science.
Well then heck drink a glass of's perfectly safe. There really are people this ignorant. Look at the research on it that now exists. Why would you support the company versus good Americans?

Drink a glass of gasoline and see what happens! I guarantee you won't dies of cancer! The same for is true for bleach, hydrogen peroxide and countless other substances.
Oil riggers are some of the best paying jobs in the country still. Bleach is still one of the best overall disinfectants out there too and hydrogen peroxide is the bomb for a severe injury saved an old dog of mine with it once when the vet didn't think it would survive injuries it sustained.
Thanks for letting me know what you truly are.
Yeah, someone rooted in logic and science.
I've posted the science on here for years. I even posted one from our own National Health Institutes in this thread. You are being willfully ignorant. Your choice as that is on you not me.
Do yourself a favor. Stop being gullible and use those cells between your ears when making judgments.

'Real' fake research hoodwinks US journals
Your credibility went to absolute shit. The really cool thing about being old and disabled for all these years from chemical exposure of all things is I have had thousands of hours to seek out truth in studies professionals have done, do my own little projects with my own microscope and so forth. You just post and write shit while giving a good line of it but you are lacking severely.
Yeah. Sure. Vaccine conspiracy nut lectures me about science.
A fake calls someone a "conspiracy nut" because he/she has nothing to add but crap.
The Left love making up fake crimes to send people to the gulags. Part of their inner Stalin.

Bernie Sanders Promises to 'Criminally Prosecute Fossil Fuel Executives' for 'Destroying the Planet'
You're confused about the number of criminals that capitalism produces?

"To the editor: You write that communism has 'led to the deaths of tens of millions of people through brutal purges, starvation policies and war.' ('It’s 2017. Being a communist shouldn’t be a barrier to public employment,' editorial, May 19)

"In all fairness, cannot it also be said that capitalism has led to the death of millions of people through brutal wars in Vietnam and Cambodia and tens of thousands in totalitarian regimes in Chile and Brazil, as well as the two great world wars?

"Go back two centuries as capitalist expansion led to the deaths of millions of native American Indians and African slaves."

Opinion: Communism kills. So does profit-craving capitalism.

Bernie is absolutely right to prosecute greedy capitalists, starting with Trump.
View attachment 296009
China is the state Capitalism was made for.

Why it’s wrong to blame Beijing for Hong Kong protests
Yeah, someone rooted in logic and science.
I've posted the science on here for years. I even posted one from our own National Health Institutes in this thread. You are being willfully ignorant. Your choice as that is on you not me.
Do yourself a favor. Stop being gullible and use those cells between your ears when making judgments.

'Real' fake research hoodwinks US journals
Your credibility went to absolute shit. The really cool thing about being old and disabled for all these years from chemical exposure of all things is I have had thousands of hours to seek out truth in studies professionals have done, do my own little projects with my own microscope and so forth. You just post and write shit while giving a good line of it but you are lacking severely.
Yeah. Sure. Vaccine conspiracy nut lectures me about science.
A fake calls someone a "conspiracy nut" because he/she has nothing to add but crap.
Just think of that radiation being emitted by your phone right now.
The Left love making up fake crimes to send people to the gulags. Part of their inner Stalin.

Bernie Sanders Promises to 'Criminally Prosecute Fossil Fuel Executives' for 'Destroying the Planet'
You're confused about the number of criminals that capitalism produces?

"To the editor: You write that communism has 'led to the deaths of tens of millions of people through brutal purges, starvation policies and war.' ('It’s 2017. Being a communist shouldn’t be a barrier to public employment,' editorial, May 19)

"In all fairness, cannot it also be said that capitalism has led to the death of millions of people through brutal wars in Vietnam and Cambodia and tens of thousands in totalitarian regimes in Chile and Brazil, as well as the two great world wars?

"Go back two centuries as capitalist expansion led to the deaths of millions of native American Indians and African slaves."

Opinion: Communism kills. So does profit-craving capitalism.

Bernie is absolutely right to prosecute greedy capitalists, starting with Trump.
View attachment 296009
China is the state Capitalism was made for.

Why it’s wrong to blame Beijing for Hong Kong protests
It must be true! The Chinese government website says it is!!!
America is a nation of chemicals ...the truth. Not all are beneficial and when they make people sick lawsuits should be used. Pro lifer here. Pro all life.
It's true some chemicals are dangerous, but that doesn't mean we should listen to a hoard of greasy ambulance chasing lawyers looking for a big payout.
These are the same morons who won’t buy an apple because it has a small blemish on the skin.

Why would anyone buy a cellphone with a blemish on the skin unless it was marked down?:abgg2q.jpg:

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