Berkeley cancels Ann Coulter event

This ends up like a fight with your little brother. He kicks and screams and hits some more, until finally the older sibling smacks them hard and they get this surprised look on their face. Liberals take note, we are close to smacking you.
This ends up like a fight with your little brother. He kicks and screams and hits some more, until finally the older sibling smacks them hard and they get this surprised look on their face. Liberals take note, we are close to smacking you.
Oh noooo :laugh2:
I'm terrified.

You should be. What part of this leads you to think that this is NOT going to become the new normal?

She was being tongue in check and I suspect she is hoping it WILL be the new normal. Since she supports systems of privilege based upon ethnicity, we already know she despises liberal values, so there is no reason to believe she supports free speech.
I'm terrified.

You should be. What part of this leads you to think that this is NOT going to become the new normal?

She was being tongue in check and I suspect she is hoping it WILL be the new normal. Since she supports systems of privilege based upon ethnicity, we already know she despises liberal values, so there is no reason to believe she supports free speech.
She was being tongue in check
Yes, indeed. Just expressing my amusement at the tough guy talk.
This ends up like a fight with your little brother. He kicks and screams and hits some more, until finally the older sibling smacks them hard and they get this surprised look on their face. Liberals take note, we are close to smacking you.
If you're looking to be the poster child, it may still be available.
You didn't think that our patience with you animals was infinite did you?

Skimmed it.

1. Not funny.

2. So, where were bits of the "comedians" roasting some random person other than the guest of honor?

1. Don't care.

2. That was a 'best of' clip. Watch a full roast. Any Comedy Central full roast. Everyone on the dais gets roasted. I'm not going to teach you how to use the googles. Do you need someone to tuck you into bed at night too?

Got it. YOu can't support your claims, but you stand by them anyways, because, well, just because.

This is completely normal for a liberal. Don't feel bad.

I don't feel bad at all, if anything I feel sorry for you because you can't seem to grasp concepts most children could get instantly.

Look genius, it isn't hard to look these roast videos up. Pretty much everyone on stage gets roasted. I'm not 'claiming' anything, it's a simple fact. Comedy Central has a ton of these things you could watch at any time, but you choose to be pedantic because... I suppose you are impaired in some way. BTW: I'm not a liberal. But you never cared about that, because it doesn't fit your partisan hack make believe narrative. Sad!

I skimmed your video, and saw nothing of what you claim.

I asked you to specific some points in the video where I could see what you claim occurred.

Instead of doing that, you have been dodging and weaving.

Your deflections demonstrate that you cannot support your claims, but still stand by your unsupported (unsupportable?) position.

THe rest of your post is meaningless blather.
You certainly can't be talking about the Rob Lowe roast because everyone in the dais took shots at each other.
"[Bannon is] a Nazi." --Howard Dean, 11/20/16

"Hate speech is not protected by the 1st amendment." --Dean, 4/20/17

Democrats would repeal the First Amendment if they could.
Any college student who shuts down any speech he or she finds offensive should be suspended from school on the spot.
These childish students on these college campuses who shut down speech have become fascists. The very thing they claim to hate. Funny huh?
The UC Berkeley lawyers mistakenly referred to the Berkeley College Republicans' lawyer, Harmeet Dhillon, as a man in the Ann Coulter case!
The Onion: "Berkeley Campus On Lockdown After Loose Pages From ‘Wall Street Journal’ Found On Park Bench"
flag burning is protected speech, but letting Crazy Ann Coulter ramble at a college is dangerous?
Why riot? That isn't right. I cannot stand Ann Coulter, but either boycott the event or tell her you disagree with her and tell her why you disagree with her. If someone I didn't like showed up at an event when I was in college, I simply wouldn't go. Then again I hardly went to college events in the first place.

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