Benghazi Commission: The End Of Hillary Clinton’s Political Career


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
It will be fun watching Trey Gowdy skewer Hillary. The Dims know this is big trouble for Her. That's why they're doing everything they possibly can to sabotage it. Their demand to have veto power over which witnesses are subpoenaed had to be the ultimate absurdity. It was done solely to protect Hillary.

Benghazi Commission: The End Of Hillary Clinton's Political Career

There are very ‘good’ reasons why the House Democrats are making threats of boycotting the recently approved commission on the Benghazi attack. All of them know that President Obama and the Secretary of State at the time, Hillary Clinton, did not properly discharge their duties during the attack.

“Unforeseen consequences” and “unpredictable twists and turns” had nothing to do with her failure to secure the compound or to send adequate security to protect it. Rather, she got every sort of warning from her own ambassador, the State Department, the CIA and the Defense Department. She just failed to act on them.”[1] . Four Americans may have died needlessly including John Christopher Stevens, an American diplomat and lawyer who served as the U.S. Ambassador to Libya from June 2012 to September 12, 2012. His death was not only a humiliating defeat for the USA, it was a violent spectacle which most Americans do not understand how it could have happened.

Happen it did on Hillary Clinton’s watch, a prospective presidential candidate who just could become the Commander-in Chief. Her reaction to cross examination during the first Senate inquiry by Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) is perhaps the best evidence that something very wrong happened during that fateful evening of September 11, 2012. Her behavior does not seem to be demonstrative of a future leader of the US Armed Forces. The following YouTube video captures the heart of her testimony which will surely come back to haunt her for years to come.


Anyone watching this video can easily see the dissembling and evasion by which Secretary Clinton answered the questions put forth to her. Many of her former Senate colleagues were mortified by her conduct in light of the seriousness of the investigation. The Republican side is now fully aware that evidence exists which will incriminate Ms. Clinton in the mishandling of the whole affair. And that the ensuing cover-up is always what does the most political damage.

The Benghazi debacle is much more serious than the media has reported.

Time does have a way of revealing the truth of the matter, and the slow drip of Benghazi revelations will only increase until the midterm elections. Because Ms. Clinton has not come clean since the very beginning, she now sits in a very awkward and vulnerable position.​
Yes, time spent on a matter is truly reveling...and in this instance, it clearly reveals the GOPs pathological obsession with Bengazi and destroying Hillary's rep ...and the callousness of using tragedy to raise political funds and sell t-shirts. Endlessly wasting taxpayer money on anti Clinton witch hunts ...while neglecting to attend to taxpayer needs through several administrations is concerning as well..

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I hope it ends her career. That bitch is dangerous.

[ame=]Crazy Clinton Threatens to Use Nuclear Weapons Against Iran - YouTube[/ame]
Sadly, 90% of this country doesn't give two shits about Benghazi!
You have it right Matthew. After seven hearings that all gave pretty much the same story with minor exceptions why should anyone care? What Americans care about is the economy, jobs, immigration, equal pay for equal work, raising the minimum wage, the reduction in SNAP benefits, the reduction in unemployment benefits, the infrastructure, the cutting back on veterans benefits, the time wasted on 50+ votes to repeal ACA. and a political party that refuses to work to solve America's problems. Do you blame them for ignoring the political circus known as the Committee to look into Benghazi?
It will be fun watching Trey Gowdy skewer Hillary. The Dims know this is big trouble for Her. That's why they're doing everything they possibly can to sabotage it. Their demand to have veto power over which witnesses are subpoenaed had to be the ultimate absurdity. It was done solely to protect Hillary.

Benghazi Commission: The End Of Hillary Clinton's Political Career

There are very ‘good’ reasons why the House Democrats are making threats of boycotting the recently approved commission on the Benghazi attack. All of them know that President Obama and the Secretary of State at the time, Hillary Clinton, did not properly discharge their duties during the attack.

“Unforeseen consequences” and “unpredictable twists and turns” had nothing to do with her failure to secure the compound or to send adequate security to protect it. Rather, she got every sort of warning from her own ambassador, the State Department, the CIA and the Defense Department. She just failed to act on them.”[1] . Four Americans may have died needlessly including John Christopher Stevens, an American diplomat and lawyer who served as the U.S. Ambassador to Libya from June 2012 to September 12, 2012. His death was not only a humiliating defeat for the USA, it was a violent spectacle which most Americans do not understand how it could have happened.

Happen it did on Hillary Clinton’s watch, a prospective presidential candidate who just could become the Commander-in Chief. Her reaction to cross examination during the first Senate inquiry by Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) is perhaps the best evidence that something very wrong happened during that fateful evening of September 11, 2012. Her behavior does not seem to be demonstrative of a future leader of the US Armed Forces. The following YouTube video captures the heart of her testimony which will surely come back to haunt her for years to come.


Anyone watching this video can easily see the dissembling and evasion by which Secretary Clinton answered the questions put forth to her. Many of her former Senate colleagues were mortified by her conduct in light of the seriousness of the investigation. The Republican side is now fully aware that evidence exists which will incriminate Ms. Clinton in the mishandling of the whole affair. And that the ensuing cover-up is always what does the most political damage.

The Benghazi debacle is much more serious than the media has reported.

Time does have a way of revealing the truth of the matter, and the slow drip of Benghazi revelations will only increase until the midterm elections. Because Ms. Clinton has not come clean since the very beginning, she now sits in a very awkward and vulnerable position.​

Actually what this means, and Chris Matthews was right on this, that if Hillary intends to run, she'd better get a "war room" together to respond to this nonsense.
The Republicans joined with the Democrats during Watergate to get to the truth. Why can't the Democrats join with the Republicans this time around on Banghazigate?
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Yes, time spent on a matter is truly reveling...and in this instance, it clearly reveals the GOPs pathological obsession with Bengazi and destroying Hillary's rep ...and the callousness of using tragedy to raise political funds and sell t-shirts. Endlessly wasting taxpayer money on anti Clinton witch hunts ...while neglecting to attend to taxpayer needs through several administrations is concerning as well..
There is no bigger problem than government corruption. Libs treat government like god, we get that. But your god is a false god and must answer to man. If needs aren't being met it damn sure isn't from lack of spending, we are over 17 trillion dollars in debt. An attempt to break through the White House stone walls and rid the place of the rats isn't a drop in the bucket in national spending. I'd love to see a lot of departments disappear if funding is important to you too.
Sadly, 90% of this country doesn't give two shits about Benghazi!
You have it right Matthew. After seven hearings that all gave pretty much the same story with minor exceptions why should anyone care? What Americans care about is the economy, jobs, immigration, equal pay for equal work, raising the minimum wage, the reduction in SNAP benefits, the reduction in unemployment benefits, the infrastructure, the cutting back on veterans benefits, the time wasted on 50+ votes to repeal ACA. and a political party that refuses to work to solve America's problems. Do you blame them for ignoring the political circus known as the Committee to look into Benghazi?
No one is ignoring it. You libs are hysterical over it and the right can't wait to finally get some answers. Sorry.
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Yes, time spent on a matter is truly reveling...and in this instance, it clearly reveals the GOPs pathological obsession with Bengazi and destroying Hillary's rep ...and the callousness of using tragedy to raise political funds and sell t-shirts. Endlessly wasting taxpayer money on anti Clinton witch hunts ...while neglecting to attend to taxpayer needs through several administrations is concerning as well..

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Lol, waste of tax payer money? The way i look at is, obama needs to keep his promise about having the most transparent administration. If he would turn over what is needed to end the investigation it wouldn't cost the tax payers much and it would be over with. Obama's stonewalling is costing us. It took almost two years to get emails.
The Republicans joined with the Democrats during Watergate to get to the truth. Why can't the Democrats join with the Republicans this time around on Banghazigate?

Republicans have good of the Country ranked higher than Party. With Democrats, it's Party first. Democrats will protect Party at all costs. Right and Wrong, Morals and Standards mean nothing to Democrats. Democrats stand behind the notion that the United States of America needs to be fundamentally changed. Democrats have chosen never to stand with Republicans but demand that Republicans stand with them.
Yes, time spent on a matter is truly reveling...and in this instance, it clearly reveals the GOPs pathological obsession with Bengazi and destroying Hillary's rep ...and the callousness of using tragedy to raise political funds and sell t-shirts. Endlessly wasting taxpayer money on anti Clinton witch hunts ...while neglecting to attend to taxpayer needs through several administrations is concerning as well..
There is no bigger problem than government corruption. Libs treat government like god, we get that. But your god is a false god and must answer to man. If needs aren't being met it damn sure isn't from lack of spending, we are over 17 trillion dollars in debt. An attempt to break through the White House stone walls and rid the place of the rats isn't a drop in the bucket in national spending. I'd love to see a lot of departments disappear if funding is important to you too.

they treat it like a corrupt candy store
Yes, time spent on a matter is truly reveling...and in this instance, it clearly reveals the GOPs pathological obsession with Bengazi and destroying Hillary's rep ...and the callousness of using tragedy to raise political funds and sell t-shirts. Endlessly wasting taxpayer money on anti Clinton witch hunts ...while neglecting to attend to taxpayer needs through several administrations is concerning as well..

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Axelrod raised funds after the Newtown Massacre.

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